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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name ___Christina White_____________ Activity Title ___Community Helpers______

Number of children participating at one time ___4-6___ Ages ___3-5___

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.

Ohio Early Domain: Physical Well-Being and Motor Development

Learning &
Strand: Physical Well-Being
Standards: Topic: Safety Practices

List at least 1 Standard Statement: Identify ways adults help to keep us safe.
standard that is
addressed by
this activity.
Write out each
and exactly, as
published in

Lesson Sum- Children will be learning about community helpers. They will find QR codes around the room
that will link them to a short video about various community helpers, dress up and pretend to
be a community helper, match items to the correct community helper, decorate large boxes
to represent different vehicles used by community helpers, drive construction vehicles
through sand, we will read various books about community helpers and watch a few short
videos together where we pretend we are on an in class field trip. Children will also pretend
to be bakers and make muffins.

Estimated Du- We will explore this topic for a week. Breaking it up into two 10-15 minute sessions each day.
Each day we will do a different project or watch a short video.
Preparation of What preparation is needed?
materials and Empty dramatic play area.
environment Gather large boxes
Make community helper matching game
Place sand and construction vehicles in sensory table
Post pictures of different community helpers around room with QR codes on them.
Send out muffin recipe to student’s caregivers and ask them to donate items.
Empty book shelf

What materials will be used?

Paint, large boxes, ipads, smartboard, books, sensory table, blocks

How will the learning environment be set up?

Day 1: Book shelf and dramatic play area emptied out
Community helper photos posted around the room.
Day 2: Large boxes set on tables with paint, markers, paper, scissors, paper plates, and glue.
Sensory table filled with sand and construction vehicles.
Day 3: Matching game on tables for children to play
Large and small blocks in block space with large construction vehicles
Day 4: Muffin ingredients on table with mixing bowls, utensils and chef hats
Community helper hats at circle area
Day 5: Construction paper on table with scissors, markers, and glue
Chairs lined up in a two rows in the middle of the room
Instructional Procedures:

Day 1: Book shelf and dramatic play area emptied out

20-30 minutes: At morning group time the teacher will tell the children that we are going to learn about community helpers
this week. Ask the children if they know what a community helper is? Turn on the smart board and pull up a poster of com-
munity helpers. Have children take turns coming up to the smart board and naming a community helper and what their job
is. Then the teacher will ask children to look around and ask what looks different. After the children realize that the dramatic
play area and book shelf are empty ask, “what community helpers could help us fix these areas?” (Seamstress and Librarian)
Tell the children we are going to pretend to be librarians and go to the schools library closet and “check out” books about
community helpers. We are also going to pretend we are seamstresses go to the schools dramatic play storage area and
get clothes so we can dress up as different community helpers.
Community helper photos posted around the room.
15-20 minutes: Teacher will post photos of community helpers around the room, the photos will have a QR code on them.
The children will use the iPads and open the QR code reader app. After opening the app the children can go around the
room scanning the codes which will link them to a short video about that community helpers special job.

Day 2: Large boxes set on tables with paint, markers, paper, scissors, paper plates, and glue.
15-20 minutes: Teachers will place large boxes on tables with paint, markers, scissor, paper plates and glue. The teacher will
ask the children to gather around the table and name some special vehicles that our community helpers use. After the chil-
dren name the vehicles tell children they will now get a chance to decorate the boxes to look like a community helpers ve-
hicles. They can make a police car, firetruck, ambulance, bus, etc. After the children are done decorating them and the
paint has dried they can pretend to drive them around the room and community helpers.
Sensory table filled with sand and construction vehicles.
15-20 minutes: The sensory table will be filled with sand and have small construction vehicles in it. The children can drive the
vehicles in the sand to make tracks with the large tires and smooth it with a road roller. They can dig with the excavator and

Day 3: Matching game on tables for children to play

10-15 minutes: By day 3, the children should be familiar with the different community helpers and any special tools they may
use during their job. On the table have different photos of community helpers. The teacher will have a stack of cards with
pictures of different tools that community helpers use. (Oven, Firetruck, hose, flashlight, stethoscope, etc.) The teacher will
give each child a card and they will take turns placing their card with the correct community helper.
Large and small blocks in block space with large construction vehicles
15-20 minutes: The teacher will set out large and small blocks in the block space with large construction vehicles. The chil-
dren will use the vehicles to transport the blocks to a separate building site and then build a tower. The children will take
turns driving the vehicles and building the tower.

Day 4: Muffin ingredients on table with mixing bowls, utensils and chef hats
15-20 minutes: The teacher will read out the recipe to the children at the table. Each child will wear a chef hat and have a
recipe card to read with pictures. The children will take turns measuring the ingredients and mixing them to make the muffin
mix and pouring the mix into the muffin pans. When the muffin pans are ready the teacher and children will walk down to
kitchen and put the muffins in the oven to cook.
Community helper hats at circle area
15-20 minutes: At circle area the teacher will hand out hats to children to wear. The teacher will then tell the children we are
going to act out the jobs of the community helpers without using words. We can only use our body language to “speak” the
parts. The teacher will start it off by picking a community helper and acting out the part. Once the children guess the cor-
rect community helper, the child wearing that hat gets to act out the next community helper. If more than one child is wear-
ing the same kind of help they will work as a team and act together.

Day 5: Construction paper on table with scissors, markers, and glue

10-15 minutes: The teacher will tell the children we are going to design our own community helper vehicle. The children can
make it look like whatever they want and use the materials provided to make their vehicle.
Chairs lined up in a two rows in the middle of the room
10-15 minutes: Chairs will be lined up in two rows to resemble a bus. There will be an extra seat on the left hand side for the
driver. The children will take turns driving the bus and picking up passengers. The passenger being picked up will get to de-
cide where the bus is going next.
This website is dedicated to teaching children about safety. This link has several different activities, videos,
and songs the children can do either at school or at home with a caregiver to sharpen their safety skills.

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students:
Have early reader books on the shelf for those children who may be reading already. With matching game have children
match words to the community helper instead of pictures.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:
With the matching game limit it to only two different community helpers. When acting out the part of a community
helper pair the student with one of the more advanced students.

Vocabulary: Community helper, safety, excavator, chef, seamtress, librarian, veterinarian

For teachers Smartboard- to watch short videos on community helpers and look at different im-
ages of helpers. Access Security Baron website to find different activities to do to-
gether throughout the day.

For students iPads to go the QR reader hunt and smartboard with teacher to look at different pho-
tos and videos about community helpers.

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