MICROMASTER 4 (MM430 - MM440) - Working With Different Data Sets (DDS - CDS) - ID - 7379354 - Industry Support Siemens

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4/17/2018 MICROMASTER 4 (MM430/MM440): Working with different data sets (DDS/CDS) - ID: 7379354 - Industry Support Siemens
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MICROMASTER 4 (MM430/MM440): Working with different data sets (DDS/CDS)

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The MICROMASTER 430/440 drive series offers the possibility to be able to parameterize a wide range of applications. This is achieved using three different Drive Data Sets (DDS) and independently of this, three
different Command Data Sets (CDS).

How do I use different data sets?

Many of the parameters in the MM440/MM430 are indexed. That is the parameter value stored under an index such as
in000, in001 and in002. In many cases (but not all), these indexes are used to store alternative parameter values.

These alternative values can then be selected by changing the active parameter set using, for example, a digital input.
There are two types of parameter set: Drive Data Set (DDS) and Command Data Set (CDS). Parameters that can be
exchanged are either in the CDS set or the DDS set.

Most parameters have three indexes (and therefore three alternative values): in000, in001 and in002, and these can be
selected as active - hence enabling different values. By default, in000 is active.

To be able to switch between sets it is advisable to programme the first set of parameters (e.g. in index in000), and then
copy over to a second or third index all parameters. The second or third index can then be changed to suit the

To copy complete parameter sets (CDS or DDS) parameters P0809 (CDS) or P0819 (DDS) are used. Full instructions are
in the manual, but briefly:

- in P0809 [P0819] in000 load the index number of the CDS [DDS] you wish to copy from (usually 0)
- in P0809 [P0819] in001 load the index number of the CDS [DDS] you wish to copy to (usually 1 or 2)
- set in P0809 [P0819] in002 to 1 to start the copy.

Example 1:
Change the parameters you want to be different; for example P0701 in000 = 1 (run right), P0701 in001 = 2 (run left),
P0701 in002 = 25 (DC brake enable).

In order to select these different parameter sets (indexes) parameters P0810 (bit 0), P0811 (bit 1) [P0820, P0821] are
used. These parameters have many possible values. It is possible to set them to 1 or 0 directly which will then select
indexes as follows

P0811 [P0821] value P0810 [P0820] value

0 0 selects the CDS [DDS] in index 0

0 1 selects the CDS [DDS] in index 1

1 0 selects the CDS [DDS] in index 2

1 1 also selects the CDS [DDS] in index 2

It is also possible to force these parameters by BiCo selection. For example, set P0702 and P0703 to 99, which enables
BiCo on digital inputs 2 and 3.

The values 722.1 and 722.2 appear now as possible settings in P0810, P0811 [P0820, P0821]. If these values are
selected, digital inputs 2 and 3 permit selection of the different parameter sets according to the truth table above.

Note that it is possible to exchange complete parameter sets CDS and DDS at the same time by setting P0810/P0811 to
the same source as P0820/P0821.

Example 2:
A motor needs to run to three different fixed frequencies using different ramp rates, controlled by digital inputs:

For example:

DIN1 selects 20 Hz, 10s ramp rate

DIN2 selects 30 Hz, 5s ramp rate
DIN3 selects 40 Hz, 1s ramp rate


Use DIN1 as normal with normal ramp rates in parameter set 0.

Use DIN2 to select DDS parameter set 1, with set 1 containing new settings for fixed frequency and ramp rate.
Use DIN3 to select DDS parameter set 2, with set 2 containing new settings for fixed frequency and ramp rate.

So DIN2 and DIN3 will programmed with BiCo settings.


1. Carry out quick commissioning, setting

P0700[0] = 2 (default command from terminals),
P1000[0] = 3 (fixed frequencies),
P1120[0] and P1121[0] = 10 s.

Set P0003 to level 3 and set P1001[0] = 20 Hz, P0701[0] = 16 (select fixed frequency + RUN). This sets DIN1 to select
the necessary settings. All settings are in index00 for the default parameter set 0.

2. Now prepare DIN2 and DIN3 for BiCo operation: P0702[0] and P0703[0] = 99.

3. Now copy the Drive Data Set from 0 to 1: P0819[0] = 0, P0819[1] = 1, P0819[2] = 1
and then from set 0 to set 2: P0819[0] = 0, P0819[1] = 2, P0819[2] = 1.

4. Now set the Digital inputs 2 and 3 to select parameter sets 1 and 2:
P0820 = 722.1 - DIN2 selects parameter set 1
P0821 = 722.2 - DIN 3 selects parameter set 2

5. Now set the required ramp rates in P1120[1] = 5 s, P1120[2] = 1 s, P1121[1] = 5 s, P1121[2] = 1 s.

6. Now set the required fixed frequencies in P1001[1] = 30 Hz, P1001[2] = 40 Hz.

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Changing whilst running:
Terms 4 (MM430/MM440):
of use (http://www.siemens.com/terms_of_use) DigitalWorking with different data sets
ID (http://www.siemens.com/digital_id_en)
CDS parameter sets can be changed while the drive is running, and will be effective immediately. (DDS/CDS) - ID: 7379354 - Industry Support Siemens
DDS parameter sets can generally only be changed when the drive is ready (i.e. stopped), but some can also be changed
during running (examples are P1470, P1472). In the example above, it will be found that the ramp rates are changed
during running, but the fixed frequency values are not.

Examples on how to use drive and command data sets are shown in the attached application.

PDF_Drive_command_data_sets_en_V2_1.pdf (1,7 MB) (/cs/attachments/7379354/PDF_Drive_command_data_sets_en_V2_1.pdf)

drive_data_sets_en.zip (1,7 KB) (/cs/attachments/7379354/drive_data_sets_en.zip)

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Entry belongs to product tree folder(s):

 Drive Technology  Converters  Low-voltage Converters  MICROMASTER Frequency Inverters  MICROMASTER 4  MICROMASTER 430 (products?pnid=13240)
 Drive Technology  Converters  Low-voltage Converters  MICROMASTER Frequency Inverters  MICROMASTER 4  MICROMASTER 440 (products?pnid=13241)

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