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• Triage (Trier = to sort out or choose): A process which places the
right patient in the right place at the right time to receive the right
level of care
• Triage: essential, effective system to reduce waiting time, and
patient receive the appropriate treatment (Nuttal; Bailey, Hallam
& Hurst as cited in McNally, 1996).
• Developed in the battlefields
• Concept used for disasters
• Implemented in EDs from 1950s for 2 reasons
Categories of triage
Daily triage
- To identify the sickest patients: assess and provide treatment to
them first, before providing treatment to others who are less ill.
- The highest intensity of care is provided to the most seriously ill
patients, even if those patients have a low probability of survival.

Incidental triage
- ED: a large number of patients but is still able to provide care
to all victims utilizing existing agency resources.
- Additional resources are used but disaster plans do not have
to be activated.
- The highest intensity of care is still provided to the most
critically ill patients.
Categories of triage (cont’)
• Disaster triage
– A paradigm shift from “rapid, high tech care to
the most unstable or acutely ill”
– To “doing the greatest good for the greatest
– To identify injured or ill patients who have a
good chance of survival with immediate care
that does not require extraordinary resources.
Categories of triage (cont’)
• Tactical-military triage
– Similar to disaster triage, only miliatary
mission objectives

• Special conditions triage

– Ex. epidemic: triage to prevent secondary
• Susceptible, exposed, infectious, removed,
Triage system
• Phone triage : Criteria Based
• Scene triage : START&SAVE vs.
• ED triage : ESI, ATS, MTS, CTAS
Department “TRIAGE”
In Hospital: Daily Triage
• Three-tier system
– Emergent Urgent Nonurgent
Class 1 Class 2 Class3
• Four-tier system
– Emergent Emergent Urgent Nonurgent
Class 1A Class 1 Class 2 Class3
• Five-tier system
– Emergent Emergent Urgent Nonurgent Nonurgent
Class 1A Class1 Class 2 ED care Ambulatory Care
Class3 Class 4
- ATS - CTAS - ESI - Manchester - etc
Prehospital and Disaster: Triage
• Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment
(START) system: for triaging adults

• JumpSTART system: for triage pediatric

• Start/Save: when the triage process must

be over an extended period of time
START system
• Can walk Delayed (GREEN)
• RPM (30-60 sec)
– R > 30
– P > 2 seconds Critical (RED)
– M = doesn’t obey command
– R < 30
– P < 2 seconds Urgent (YELLOW)
– M = obeys command
– R = not breathing Expectant: dead
or dying (BLACK)
Start Triage Minimal

No Is patient breathing? Yes

> 30 BPM < 30 BPM

Open Patient’s Yes Immediate
airway Care No Is radial pulse
Control Yes
Dying bleeding
No Assess mental status
Can patient follow
Delayed care
Nursing practice during a disaster

Assess situation
Assess victims
Safe life
Call for help Safe limp
First aid
Safe function
Assess situation:
• Scene safety: self, patient, other
• Aware of risk, hazards, environment
(second bomb)
• Recognize nature of problem: medical or
trauma, number of patients, do you need
more help?
• Always use basic safety instruction (BSI):
gown, gloves, glass, mask
Assess victims:
• Initial assessment: general impression:
cause, severity, mental status, airway,
breathing, circulation, set priority (Triage)
• History and physical examination
• Detail physical examination
• Ongoing continue assessment
• Communication and documentation
Nursing assessment
• A: Assess Airway
• B: Breathing
• C: Circulation, V/S, shock
• Burn assessment
• Pain assessment
• Trauma assessment head to toe
• Mental status assessment
• Know indications for intubation
• IV administration (Fluid therapy)
• Emergency medication
Nursing therapeutics
• Concepts of basis first aid
• Triage and transport & transfer
• Pain management
• Management of hypovolumia and fluid replacement
• Suturing
• Blast injuries/ tissue loss
• Eye lavage
• Decontamination of chemical exposure
• Fractures/immobilization of fracture
• Management of hemorrhage
• Stabilization of crush injuries
• Movement of patients with spinal cord injury
Competencies for RN related
to mass causality incidents

• Critical thinking
• Assessment
• Technical skills
• Communication
• Ethics
• Human diversity

Stanley, 2005
Critical thinking

• Use an ethical and nationally approved

framework to support decision making and
prioritizing needed in disaster situations

• Use clinical judgment and decision making

skills in assessing the potential for appropriate,
timely individual care during an MCI

Stanley, 2005
• General
– Assess the safety issues for self, the response
team, and victims in any given response situation,
in collaboration with the incident response team
– Identify possible indicators of a mass exposure
– Describe the essential element included in an
MCI scene assessment
• Specific
– Focus health history
– Assess the immediate psychological response
– Perform health assessment: airway,
cardiovascular, integumentary (wound, burn,
rash), pain, injury from head to toe, GI,
neurologic, musculoskeletal, mental status
spiritual emotional
Stanley, 2005
Technical skills
• Demonstrate safe administration of medications
• Demonstrate safe administration of immunizations
• Assess the need for and initiate the appropriate
isolation and decontaminated procedures
• Demonstrate knowledge and skill related to
personal protection and safety
• Demonstrate the ability to maintain patient safety
during transport through splinting, immobilizing,
Stanley, 2005
• Describe the local chain of command and
management system
• Identify one’s own role
• Demonstrate appropriate emergency
documentation of assessments, intervention,
nursing action, and outcomes
• Identify appropriate resources for referring
• Describe appropriate coping strategies to
manage self and others

Stanley, 2005
• Identify and discuss ethical issue
related to MCI event
• Describe the ethical, legal,
psychological , and cultural
considerations when dealing with the
dying and etc.

Stanley, 2005
Human diversity
• Discuss the cultural, spiritual, and
social issues that may affect on
individual’s response to an MCI
• Discuss the diversity of emotional,
psychological and socio-cultural

Stanley, 2005

33 Triage - SOAP

• To list the steps of the SOAP process

• To describe how to carry out each step of
the SOAP process

34 Triage - SOAP
Assessment Guide

• History from patient/relative/others

• The 5 senses including Common

35 Triage - SOAP
Use the Five Senses

• general appearance • alcohol
(head to toe) • ketone bodies
• obvious signs of • malaena stools
• body language

36 Triage - SOAP
Use the Five Senses

• listen attentively
• ? shortness of breath
• ability to talk in complete

• skin temperature
• palpate for quality of pulse,
tenderness, swelling

37 Triage - SOAP
Assessment & Priority
Purpose of Triage
• not to diagnosis
• but to assess and plan intervention

SOAP System
• organized & systematic approach
• formulated by Larry Weed
• problem - orientated medical record system

38 Triage - SOAP
S - Subjective
Collect data from what patient tells you
O - Objective
What are you actually seeing?
A - Assessment
Assess the situation
P - Plan
Establish a plan for the patient

40 Triage - SOAP
Triage Process
Collect subjective data
• Ask open ended questions e.g.
“What is the reason you want to see a doctor?”
• Gather other relevant information
• Obtain brief one-line statements
• AMPLE if not

41 Triage - SOAP
Trauma Cases
Mechanism of injury must be noted
1. Ask how the patient was injured
2. Other Questions
n When did the accident occur?
n How fast was the car travelling?
n Where were you sitting?
n Were you wearing a seat belt?
n Did you hit the dashboard and were you thrown
against another car?
n Did you lose consciousness?

43 Triage - SOAP
Collect objective data :
• Mode of arrival to ED
• Level of consciousness; GCS (Trauma Case)
• Patient’s general appearance using your senses

Vital signs
• temperature,pulse, respiration, BP, SpO2 & pain

44 Triage - SOAP
A - Assessment

Assess and evaluate patient based on

subjective and objective data findings

45 Triage - SOAP
A - Assessment
• Carry out further tests if required
– Peripheral blood glucose
– Urine Combur 9
– Urine HCG
– X-ray

• Institute first aid management

– Immobilize fracture
– Put on cervical collar
– First aid dressing
46 Triage - SOAP
• Establish your priority & direct to appropriate

Triage - SOAP 47

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