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Focus Questions:

1) What do students know and what are they learning?

2) How do we know students are learning? – Analyze student data.
3) What if students aren’t learning or didn’t learn yet?
4) What if students already know the material?

7th Grade PLC Norms:

1) Have an agenda every meeting and stick to the agenda.
2) Come to PLC on time at 1:15.
3) Be present in the meeting. (Do not work on other work.)
4) Make sure everyone is on the same page and understands the topic
being discussed. Only have one conversation at a time.
5) Have a constructive mentality. We are all here to help each other.
6) Have standards and learning targets readily available to refer to and
incorporate in lessons and so on.

1. Fill out the SLO google docs.

2. Data sheet copied into PLC folder.
3. Evolution Unit--make it more innovative
4. Timeline for EH--Review/Test the second week we get back from break and CMAS is
after that

Agenda for next time (?)

1. Brainstorm more about how to structure Evolution
2. Discuss Evolution Unit and what we’ve done in the past
3. Edit Evolution Learning Targets
4. Look over the Evolution Test and attach LTs

To Do’s/Questions:

● Additive CER rubric (not urgent)

● Edit PoM test for next year

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