AirnavX IT Prerequisites For Intranet v4

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Update V4 – Jan 18

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Advanced Data Navigation How to prepare your airnavX intranet
& Services
deployment? V4 – Jan 18
What has changed since v3 release? (OCT 17) INTRANET

Specific setup has been replaced by

advanced setup

The required RAM for test machine

configuration has been increased to 64 GB

2 2 February, 2018

1.How does airnavX work?

2.Which setup to choose?

3.Setup characteristics

4.Do I need an additional setup for validation?

5.What about hosting my setup?

6.Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

3 2 February, 2018

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1.How does airnavX work?

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Plan you IT Set-up INTRANET
How does airnavX work?

(Beat, Elastic
SEARCH (Elastic Search) + monitoring, Kibana)

STORAGE service
Your technical data (Software used)

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2.Which setup to choose ?

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Which setup to choose? 3 questions to answer

Q1. How many publications do I manage on my server?

• Equivalent to an AirN@v Maintenance V3 publication
example: AirN@v Maintenance A320 AFR (AMM/IPC/TSM…)  1 publication

Q2. How many concurrent requests per second

will I have on my setup?
• See next slides

7 2 February, 2018
Q2: How to define your concurrent requests ? INTRANET

1.Total nb users 2.Nb concurrent users 3.Nb concurrent requests

accessing your airnavX connected to airnavX done on airnavX intranet
intranet intranet at the same setup per second
time Request
Request examples:
- Open airnavX
- Launch search
- Browse doc
- Print…
200 users 20%* 40 users 20%* clicking at 8 concurrent requests
declared connected at the same time the same time per second
* Ratio can be adapted to your way of working

Your XXX users 20%* YY users 20%* clicking at ZZ concurrent requests

context declared connected at the same time the same time per second
Tip: AirN@v v3 can provide you information on
maximum number of concurrent users

Go to the “AirN@v V3” Administration console  Session statistics

Maximum number of
concurrent users
during this period (50 here)
Will help to compute
max nb request/sec

9 2 February, 2018
Which setup to choose? 3 questions to answer

Q1. How many publications do I manage on my server?

• Equivalent to an AirN@v Maintenance V3 publication
example: AirN@v Maintenance A320 AFR 1 publication

Q2. How many concurrent requests per second

will I have on my setup?
• See slide 8 & 9

Q3. Do I need ”high availability” ?

• See slide next slide

10 2 February, 2018
Q3: Do I need high availability? INTRANET

No service disruption
airnavX when problem occurs
high  Data redundancy
availability + instant fail-over

 It requires load-balancers
on your setup
Step 1: Which setup to choose?


Advanced setup

Now you should know which setup you need


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3.Setup characteristics ?

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“Standard” setup INTRANET
(2 servers) Librarian

(Beat, Elastic mon,
(Elastic Search) +
Disk Space: 1 TB NAVIGATION Disk Space: 1 TB OS Server
RAM: 64 GB RAM: 64 GB
CPU: 16 Cores CPU: 16 Cores

No high availability
External  No load balancer
Disk Space 1TB required
“Standard with high availability” INTRANET
setup (4 servers) Librarian

(Kibana, Beat…) admin
(Elastic Search) + Attachment,…
Disk Space: 1 TB NAVIGATION Disk Space: 1 TB OS Server
(Neo4J) RAM: 64 GB
RAM: 64 GB
CPU: 16 Cores CPU: 16 Cores
x2 x2

Provide high
availability thanks
to your 5
External load balancers*
Storage * Not delivered by Airbus
Disk Space 1TB
Advanced setup INTRANET
(9 servers)
User OS Server
Front and Back
Provide high availability
thanks to your 5 Load Balancer 1 Load Balancer 2
load balancers*
X2 FrontService
Disk Space : 20 GB
RAM: 64 GB
CPU: 16 core
Monitoring Load Balancer 3
IT admin (Kibana /
Elastic Monit
/ Beat) ElasticSearch
Load Balancer 5

Disk Space : 2 TB
Admin X3 RAM: 64 GB Space
Service CPU: 16 core
Librarian 3TB
Load Balancer 4
Disk Space: 1TB
Publication Service
RAM: 64 GB
JobCard Service
CPU: 16 Core
Disk Space : 20 GB
RAM: 64 GB
* Not delivered by Airbus
X2 CPU: 16 core
In a nutshell: AirN@v v3 vs. airnavX

Criteria AirN@v v3 airnavX

How to size setup ? Concurrent users Concurrent requests/sec

Standard configuration 1 server for standard 2 servers for standard

“High availability” 2 servers if 4 servers if

configuration “High availability” needed “High availability” needed

More features

Scalable up to 1000 concurrent users

• i.e up to 200 concurrent requests/sec
17 2 February, 2018

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4.Do I need an additional
setup for validation?

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Do I need an additional setup for validation?

I need to validate data (attachments, etc.)

• No additional setup required

• You can access the data as “Admin User“ before
publishing to all Users

I need to validate software patches

• Yes a “test” machine can be used See next slide for

• Not for production use “Test” configuration
Do I need an additional setup for validation?

Test machine

Test User SEARCH
(Beat, Kibana, Elastic
mon) admin
(Elastic Search) + ADMIN
DATA Attachment,…
Disk Space: 100 GB NAVIGATION
RAM: 64 GB
Disk Space: 20 GB
CPU: 8 Cores
RAM: 64 GB
CPU: 8 Cores

Not for production used
Disk Space 200 GB Only to test patches before “Go Live”

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5. What about hosting my setup?

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What about hosting my setup

airnavX can be hosted

• On your premises
• On your existing “up and running” cloud platform*
Can Airbus host your intranet setup?
• No not yet. But, as a target, we plan to later host a full-online
solution which will integrate your attachments
• It will come live after airnavX deployment and AirN@v V3 shutdown

*  If you already use a cloud platform, you can install your airnavX intranet on it
• It will be a normal intranet installation following the same pre-requisites
• Airbus has validated it for “Amazon Web services”
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Architecture (1/3)
Q1. Is the load balancing implemented on the airnavX software or is a hardware load balancer required?
 Both of them can be used.
For High Availability (HA) setups, the Front Service, Back Service, Neo4J, Publication Service, and Intranet Admin service need to have a
load balancer in front of them to dispatch requests on all the instances of those services.
The load balancer is not delivered by Airbus, only simple rules and flow descriptions.

Q2. Do all airnavX servers need to have 16 Cores and 64 GB RAM? What are the recommendations
for each server type (e.g. filer, etc.)?
 At Airbus, all servers use an equal hardware base.
For Standard and Standard with High Availability setups (as the workload differs among the services and servers have multiple services
installed on the same machine), Airbus recommends 64 GB RAM.

Q3. Does the monitoring server really need to be clustered? What is the advantage?
 Airbus recommends using a monitoring cluster for availability reasons, only.
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Architecture (2/3)
Q4. Is the “External Storage” a generic Storage Area Network (SAN) of Customer choice or a specific airnavX service?
 It is a generic file storage.
In order to allow fast response time and better performance, new technologies such as ElasticSearch and Neo4j are used. In this case, the
data will be split into numerous fragments to be indexed on all servers and on the external storage. It will also contain the raw data (zip file)
shared between all servers.
The Airbus recommendation is that the storage shall support the NFS protocol. Other file systems (e.g.: CIFS) are also supported.

Q5. Why is there a connection path between the “Elastic Search” / “Neo4J” and the “External Storage”?
 The external storage can be used as a back-up solution for « Elastic Search» & « Neo4J ».

Q6. Is the “Neo4J” database hosted on the “External Storage” or on the “Neo4J “server locally?
 The airnavX database is the set composed of “Neo4J” and the “Elastic Search” database.
The “Elastic Search” must be hosted locally. The “Neo4J” database can be hosted on internal or external storage (with SAN).
The Airbus recommendation is to use internal storage for both of them as external storage could lead to poor performance or errors.

Q7. We have no “classic” database in this architecture (Oracle, mySQL, etc.), do we?
 No. airnavX uses the “Neo4J” and “Elastic Search” only.
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Architecture (3/3)
Q8. Where does the number of recommended servers come from ? Standard: 2; Standard HA: 4
 The standard and standard HA setups correspond to our test environment within Airbus.
Airbus infrastructure requirements (per setup) are based on performances tests.

Q9. Should the “Elastic Search” and “Neo4J” servers have internal storage rather than using a high performance Filer?
 The Filer is connected via a network so latency will be high.

Q10. Does the same setup apply if we used VM servers instead of physical servers?
 The servers we talk about can be physical or Virtual machines. We strongly recommend using VMs as they are easier to setup
and more flexible.

Q11. Is the core estimate based on physical cores or virtual ones (vCPUs) with hyperthreading? Normally 1 core =
2vCPU in capacity calculation?
 16 vCPU Hyperthreading is enough if a VM setup is preferred.
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Setup (1/2)
Q1. Can all services (Front Service, Back Service, Elastic Search, Neo4J, Publication Service, JobCard Service) run on a
single server? If yes, would it be a beneficial option if we run all services on a single server and clone this server
installation to multiple servers and put a load balancer in front?
 The approach to have everything installed on a single server won't be a good idea.
Theoretically all services can be hosted on the same server but that would be impractical because the load cannot be shared among
different machines and services.

Q2. Do the following services run on the same server?

- Front Service + Back Service
- Elastic Search + Neo4J
- Publication Service + JobCard Service
 The services are independent and can be hosted on different servers.
Nevertheless, the Airbus recommendation is to deploy airnavX on at least 2 servers as shown on the « Standard » setup diagram.
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Setup (2/2) – Setup examples

Q3. Which setup is planed for the production Environment, hosted by Airbus (i.e. on access via AirbusWorld)?
 Airbus will use 32 servers in total each equipped with 64GB and 16 cores, located in 2 data centres.
– 4 virtual servers for Front Service
– 4 virtual servers for Back Service / JobCard Service
– 6 virtual servers for Neo4J
– 8 virtual servers for Elastic Search
– 8 virtual servers for Publication Service
– 2 virtual servers for Monitoring / Admin service
Note: Neo4J works in single mode on one server or in High Availability mode on at least 3 servers.
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Installation (1/3)
Q1. Is it possible for a single user (with administrator rights) to install all airnavX services on different servers or is an IT
administrator needed?
 The very first installation of the service on servers or the configuration of pre-requisites (infrastructure) need administrator rights.
For a standard upgrade, no IT administrator is needed.

Q2. Does each service/server need to be manually configured in order to reflect the number of servers and services?
 Whenever a server is added, the configuration of the load balancers needs to be updated.
In addition, when adding a “Neo4J” or “Elastic Search” server, the server configuration needs to be adjusted.

Q3. Is it possible to install the airnavX software via a script?

 Yes, it is possible. Airbus will provide an installation procedure with all steps that can be automated in a script.

Q4. If we scale the system (e.g. add an additional Elastic Search + Neo4J server) do we need to change the configuration
of the other services/servers or is this done using the load balancers?
 Whenever a server is added, the configuration of the load balancers needs to be updated.
In addition, when adding a “Neo4J” or “Elastic Search” server, the configuration of the servers needs to be adjusted.
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Installation (2/3)
Q5. If the configuration needs to be changed, can this be done via a script?
 Yes, it is possible. Airbus will provide an installation procedure with all steps that can be automated in a script.

Q6. Does any data need to be backed up on the following servers or is all individual data saved on “External Storage”?
- Front Service + Back Service
- Elastic Search + Neo4J
- Publication Service + JobCard Service
 Airbus recommends backing up Elastic Search and Neo4J on External Storage but also backing up the raw data on External Storage.

Q7. Which version of LINUX is recommended (RHEL 6/7) ?

 Airbus recommends using Linux RHEL 6 or 7.
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Installation (3/3)
Q8. Is there any need / advantage / recommendation regarding the use of Citrix-based client access instead of direct use
of the Client's browsers (Browser/Plugin Configuration, Traffic between Clients and Front-end Service, etc.)?
 airnavX can be used with Citrix.
But when Citrix is used, the browser History and Bookmarks will not be kept correctly. Therefore, Airbus does not recommend using Citrix.

Q9. If administrator rights are required for installation, please state the required settings/tasks which need to be
implemented as administrative user.
 Linux parameters such as « ulimit ». The entire list of required settings/tasks will be given in the software installation procedure provided
with the airnavX software.
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Q1. Which protocols are used for communication between the services?
 HTTP, except TCP for monitoring (logs only). HTTP(s) could be implemented if required.

Q2. How can the load balancers determine the availability of the different services?
 By checking the availability of a static image link.
URL example: http://server:7474/browser/images/dismiss.png
Note: airnavX does not provide any load balancers.

Q3. What interfaces does the monitoring service provide to other 3rd party monitoring tools?
 None

Q4. How much network traffic is expected between Clients - Front Services - Backend Services - Storage (typical usage,
per user, amount of traffic per interface/connection)?
 The traffic between the user's browser and the frontend-service will only be a few kilobytes for search queries and up to 1 MB when
documents are transferred. Not much bandwidth is needed per user.
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End-User access (1/2)

Q1. Which browsers are supported in particular (there are many HTML5 browsers available)?
airnavX is following the AirbusWorld pre-requisites
No additional external browser plug-in are required to use airnavX.

The current compatibility has been tested and validated for the following browsers:
• Microsoft Edge latest version
• Google Chrome v57
• Apple Safari latest version
• Internet Explorer – 11 minimum (except IE 11 in “Enterprise Mode”)

Q2. What is the Airbus reference browser?

 Airbus recommends to use Chrome for an optimal Customer experience.
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End-User access (2/2)

Q3. AirbusWorld does not seem to work on an iPhone (application icons cannot be clicked on). Will this be fixed?
 Yes, since 15-SEP-2017, AirbusWorld is now web–responsive, i.e. works with any device browser.
Please note that some AirbusWorld Apps will become web-responsive later

Q4. Is airnavX designed to work on phone and tablet devices?

 airnavX has been designed to work on PC and tablet devices only.
It can work on smartphone but its design has not been optimized for this device.

Q5. Is it possible to control user access?

 For the time being, there is no user management in airnavX, but we are working on a solution. We will keep you updated.
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