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TEFA general observation findings from the opening of voter

registration process
Kabul: Transparent Election Foundation of Afghanistan (TEFA) welcomes the opening of voter
registration process and recognize it as important step toward parliamentary and district council
election. Realizing the critical currant situation in Afghanistan, TEFA believe that opening of the
voter registration process is key success for election management bodies and Afghan people.

Fortunately, TEFA has deployed 102 volunteer observers in 34 provinces in order to observe
from the opening of voter registration in all over the country. In addition of the observation,
TEFA’s volunteer observers got registered to encourage the people and support the process.
TEFA leadership members appreciate its volunteer’s observer’s commitment, which helped
TEFA to conduct an independent and professional observation from the opening of voter
registration process in 34 provinces.

TEFA’s findings shows that the voter registration process normally opened in all capital of the
provinces, which lead us to the election if following major challenges resolve by election
management bodies:

 Majority of voter registration centers officially opened by the independent Election

commission in 34 provinces
 IEC staff were present in most of the polling centers and stations
 Voter registration sensitive and none sensitive materials were exist in most of the polling
 Number of polling centers did not open due to insecurity, lack of coordination with the
local officials and did not allowed by the officials
 Voter registration process opened with delays in most of the polling centers
 Number of polling centers staff were not trained well and were not prepared for the
 People participation were very poor in provinces and even in Kabul
 Low level of people awareness about the opening of voter registration process
 Less number of political agents and observers in polling stations

Transparent Election Foundation of Afghanistan (TEFA) congratulate the election management

bodies on the soft opening of voter registration process and ask the commissions to take the
above challenges in to serious consideration in order to solve them accordingly and timely.

Besides, TEFA once again, kindly request from the people to understand the importance of their
votes, believe on the election management bodies and get registered in order to become eligible

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