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4/5/2018 Folic Acid Deficiency Clinical Presentation: History, Physical, Causes

Folic Acid Deficiency Clinical Presentation

Updated: Jul 19, 2017
Author: Katherine Coffey-Vega, MD; Chief Editor: Emmanuel C Besa, MD more...


Patients with folate deficiency may have darkening of the skin and mucous membranes, particularly at
the dorsal surfaces of the fingers, toes, and creases of palms and soles. Distribution typically is
patchy. Fortunately, the hyperpigmentation gradually should resolve after weeks or months of folate
treatment. A modest temperature elevation (< 102°F) is common in patients who are folate deficient,
despite the absence of any infection. Although the underlying mechanism is obscure, the temperature
typically falls within 24-48 hours of vitamin treatment and returns to normal within a few days. 1/1

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