Election 2019 Lok Sabha

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Rajya Sabha

The Rajya Sabha was formally formed on August 3, 1952.

According to Article 80 of the Constitution, the Rajya Sabha is formed by 250 members. 12 members are
nominated by the President. The nominated member consumes it, and the remaining 238 elections are
done by the assemblies of the state and union territories.

There is no dissolution of Rajya Sabha, but its members are elected for 6 years. One-third of which is
retired after every 2 years.

If a member of the Rajya Sabha is absent more than 60 days from the House without the permission of
the House, then his place in the House can be terminated.
The election of members of the Rajya Sabha is indirectly
Eligibility for being a member of Rajya Sabha: - He is a citizen of India.

The age limit is 30 years or more.

Have all the qualifications set by Parliamentary law. The session of the Rajya Sabha is called by the
President at least twice a year. The Constitution provides that there is no interval of more than 6 months
between the two sessions of the Rajya Sabha.

The Rajya Sabha has the right to declare any topic of state list as national importance under Article 249
of the Constitution.

Only the Rajya Sabha has the right to create all-India services under Article 312 of the Constitution.

Lok Sabha

According to Article 81, Lok Sabha is formed for 5 years. The maximum number of its members can be

Members of the Lok Sabha are elected on the basis of adult voting (18 years) by secret ballot.

The following are the essential qualifications for the membership of the Lok Sabha: - Be a citizen of
India, His age is 25 years or more Under the Government of India or any State Government, he is not in
the position of any benefit, He should not be mad and bankrupt.

On the basis of the consultation of the Prime Minister, the Lok Sabha can be dissolved by the President
before time.
When the Emergency Announcement is implemented, the law can increase the tenure of parliament in
the Lok Sabha, which will not be more than one year at a time.
There should be no gap of more than 6 months in the two meetings of the Lok Sabha.

There is a provision for a joint session of Parliament in Article 108 of the Constitution. The President of
the Lok Sabha presides over the joint session.

The decision of the Lok Sabha in relation to the money bill is final. There is no arrangement for the joint
session in this regard.

According to Article 93 of the Constitution, the Lok Sabha itself will elect a president and a vice-
president from among its members.

The first Lok Sabha Speaker was G.V.Mavlankar.

The President's decision with the advice of the Election Commission is to finalize the question related to
the merit or ineligibility of a Member of Parliament.

If a member remains absent from all the meetings of the House for more than 60 days without the
permission of the House. Then the House can end its membership.

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