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Eco Builders Pvt. Ltd.

Work Plan VS Cash Flow Chart

Project : Gorkha Garden Resort, Main Building

Location : Gorkha Bazaar , Gorkha

Date Cash flow in

SN Items Remarks
Started Completion Thousand
1 Commencement of work 2074/09/01 11300 advance

2 Basement/ GF slab RCC 2074/09/01 2074/11/10 15500

3 First floor slab RCC 2074/11/15 2074/12/20 13000

4 Second floor slab RCC, GF brick work 2074/12/25 2075/02/01 13000

5 Third floor slab RCC, FF brick work, GF

plaster 2074/02/05 2075/03/15 13000

6 Fourth floor slab RCC, SF brick work, FF

plaster 2075/03/25 2075/05/01 12000

7 Roof floor slab, third floor brick work 2075/05/05 2075/06/15 15000

8 All brick work , plaster 2075/07/25 2075/09/25 12000

9 Painting, door window fitting 2075/10/01 2075/11/30 8500

Total 113300
Eco Builders Pvt. Ltd.
Work Plan VS Cash Flow Chart

Project : Gorkha Garden Resort, Cottage Block

Location : Gorkha Bazaar , Gorkha

Date Cash flow in

SN Items Remarks
Started Completion Thousand

1 Commencement of work 2074/09/01 3000 advance

2 Tie beam level RCC all block 2074/09/01 2074/12/10 5000

3 First floor slab RCC all block 2074/12/15 2075/02/20 5000

4 Roof slab RCC all block 2075/02/15 2075/05/15 5000

5 Brick work GF all block 2075/05/20 2075/06/15 3000

Brick work FF all block, Plaster all block 2075/06/20 2075/09/01 3000

7 Plaster all block 2075/09/05 2075/11/15 2500

8 Painting, door window fitting all block 2075/11/20 2075/12/25 2500

Total 29000

Magh Phalgun Chaitra Baishakh Jestha Ashadh Srawan Bhadra Ashwin Kartik Mansir Paush Magh Phagun Chaitra
SN Items Date started Date completion
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 Site clearance/layout 09/25/74 10/05/74

2 Earth work in excavation 10/06/74 10/15/74

3 Soling/PCC/Formwork 10/10/74 10/20/74

4 Footing and column bar laying 10/14/74 10/25/74

5 Footing concreting 10/16/74 10/30/74

6 Column upto plinth concreting 10/20/74 11/05/74

7 Brick/stone work upto plinth 10/21/74 11/06/74

8 Tie beam rebar and form work 10/25/74 11/07/74

9 Tie beam concreting 11/05/74 11/07/74

10 Column upto GL concreting 11/06/74 11/10/74

11 Formwork and rebar basement cover slab 11/08/74 11/21/74

12 Basement cover slab concreting 11/20/74 11/25/74

13 Column upto FF 11/23/74 11/30/74

14 Formwork and rebar GF cover slab 11/26/74 12/10/74

15 Basement brick work 12/06/74 12/21/74

16 GF cover slab concrreting 12/10/74 12/15/74

17 Column upto SF 12/12/74 12/21/74

18 Brick work GF 01/02/75 01/15/75

19 Formwork and rebar FF cover slab 01/15/75 01/30/75

20 FF cover slab concreting 02/01/75 02/05/75

21 Column upto TF 02/03/75 02/10/75

22 Brick work FF 02/26/75 03/10/75


Magh Phalgun Chaitra Baishakh Jestha Ashadh Srawan Bhadra Ashwin Kartik Mansir Paush Magh Phagun Chaitra
SN Items Date started Date completion
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

23 Plaster inside Basement 12/25/74 01/10/75

24 Formwork and rebar SF cover slab 02/08/75 02/24/75

25 SF cover slab concreting 2075/02/29 3/3/75

26 Columbn upto 4th floor 03/01/75 03/10/75

27 Brick work SF 03/22/75 04/10/75

28 Plaster inside GF 01/20/75 02/07/75

29 Formwork and rebar TF cover slab 03/09/75 03/30/75

30 TF cover slab concreting 04/01/75 04/05/75

31 Column upto 5th floor 04/05/75 04/14/75

32 Brick work 3rd floor 04/25/75 05/15/75

33 Plaster inside FF 03/10/75 03/30/75

34 Formwork and rebar 5th floor slab 04/15/75 04/30/75

35 Brick work 4th floor 07/15/75 08/10/75

36 5th floor concreting 05/01/75 05/04/75

37 Plaster inside 3rd and 4th floor floor 07/15/75 10/15/75

38 Plaster outside 08/15/75 10/15/75

39 Painting inside 09/01/75 12/25/75

40 Painting outside 10/01/75 12/15/75

41 Door window fitting 10/05/75 12/15/75

42 Handover 12/25/75 12/30/75


Magh Phalgun Chaitra

SN Items Date started Date completion
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1
1 Site clearance/layout

2 Earth work in excavation

3 Soling/PCC/Formwork

4 Footing and column bar laying

5 Footing concreting

6 Column upto plinth concreting

7 Brick/stone work upto plinth

8 Tie beam rebar and form work

9 Tie beam concreting

10 Column upto GL concreting 12/15/75 12/30/74

11 Formwork and rebar basement cover slab 01/02/75 01/12/75

12 Basement cover slab concreting 01/13/75 01/17/75

13 Column upto FF 01/18/75 01/25/75

14 Formwork and rebar GF cover slab 01/22/75 02/06/75

15 Basement brick work 02/02/75 02/20/75

16 GF cover slab concrreting 02/07/75 02/10/75

17 Column upto SF 02/11/75 02/18/75

18 Brick work GF 02/25/75 03/15/75

19 Formwork and rebar FF cover slab 02/15/75 02/30/75

20 FF cover slab concreting 03/01/75 03/05/75

21 Column upto TF 03/06/75 03/13/75

22 Brick work FF 03/06/75 03/26/75

23 Plaster inside Basement 02/25/75 03/10/75

24 Formwork and rebar SF cover slab 03/10/75 03/30/75

25 SF cover slab concreting 03/31/75 04/03/75

26 Columbn upto 4th floor 04/04/75 04/14/75

27 Brick work SF 04/22/75 05/10/75

28 Plaster inside GF 03/20/75 04/07/75

29 Formwork and rebar TF cover slab 04/10/75 04/30/75

30 TF cover slab concreting 05/01/75 05/05/75

31 Column upto 5th floor 05/05/75 05/14/75

32 Brick work 3rd floor 05/25/75 06/15/75

33 Plaster inside FF 03/30/75 04/20/75

34 Formwork and rebar 4th floor cover slab 05/15/75 05/30/75

35 Brick work 4th floor 06/20/75 07/30/75

36 5th floor concreting 06/01/75 06/04/75

37 Plaster inside 3rd and 4th floor 07/15/75 10/15/75

38 Plaster outside 08/15/75 10/15/75

39 Side development work 07/20/75 09/20/75

40 Door window fitting 10/05/75 12/15/75

41 Sanitary fittings 10/01/75 12/15/75

42 Electrical fittings 10/01/75 12/15/75

43 Painting inside 09/01/75 12/25/75

44 Painting outside 10/01/75 12/15/75

45 Handover 12/25/75 12/30/75


Chaitra Baishakh Jestha Ashadh Srawan Bhadra Ashwin Kartik Mansir Paush Magh
2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
Magh Phagun Chaitra
4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

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