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Back Panel Heading Company Name

Street Address
This is a good place to briefly, but Address 2
effectively, summarize your products or Your Business Tag Line Here.
City, ST ZIP Code
services. Sales copy is typically not
included here. Phone: 325.555.0125
Fax: 325.555.0145
E-mail address INFORMATION

PHONE: 325.555.0125
Rawat inap kelas II digunakan untuk
On the other hand, you might want to
pasien yang memiliki kartu jaminan kesehatan organize your information as a continual
maupun pasien umum yang memilih ruang stream of information broken up into
rawat inap kelas II. Baik bagi pasien obgyn smaller, “easy to chew” chunks. These
smaller chunks can be separated by a
maupun pasien umum. Ruang rawat inap kelas II
descriptive subheading, like the one
berisi 1 pasien. that begins this paragraph. If this is the
approach you prefer, you can make use
Fasilitas yang ada di ruang rawat inap
of linked text boxes, which allow text to
kelas III yaitu: flow from one column to the next.

1. Tempat tidur (3 bh) A text box offers a flexible way of

RUANG RAWAT INAP KELAS III 2. Meja lemari (3 bh)
displaying text and graphics; it’s
basically a container that you can resize
3. Kipas angin (1 bh) and reposition. By linking a text box on
Rawat inap kelas III digunakan untuk 4. Kamar mandi dalam (1 bh) one page with a text box on another,
5. Biaya perawatan Rp. /hari your article automatically flows from
pasien yang memiliki kartu jaminan kesehatan
one page to another.
maupun pasien umum yang memilih ruang rawat
inap kelas III. Baik bagi pasien obgyn maupun
pasien umum. Ruang rawat inap kelas III berisi 3 This area can be used to give the reader
clear instructions for the next steps that you
pasien. hope they will take. It may be a number you
want them to call, a Web site you want them
Fasilitas yang ada di ruang rawat inap
to visit, or information you want them to fill
kelas III yaitu: out. Whatever the case, this information
should be clear, brief and engaging enough
1. Tempat tidur (3 bh) to motivate the reader to make that small
2. Meja lemari (3 bh)
decision to move forward.

3. Kipas angin (1 bh)

4. Kamar mandi dalam (1 bh)
5. Biaya perawatan Rp. /hari

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