S2-Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundation (517) .Text - Marked

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Civil Engineering
(Geotechnical Engineering)
01CE6204 Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundation
Max. Marks : 60 Duration: 3 Hours
Instructions: IS Codes are permitted
Answer any two full questions from each part.

PART A (9 x 2=18 marks)

1 a) Define the following terms:
i) Logarithmic decrement
ii) Transmissibility
iii) Coefficient of elastic uniform compression
Geometrical damping [4]
b) In a block test, a resonant frequency of 18cps was observed in vertical vibrations. Determine
the coefficient of elastic uniform compression.
A machine weighing 90kN is to be supported on a block of size 3mx4mx2m high. Determine
its natural frequency in vertical vibration.
2 a) Explain any one method for the determination of coefficient of elastic uniform compression of
b) A machine foundation is subjected to a forced vibration the vibrating force can be expressed as
Q = Qo sin ωt where Qo = 66kN and ω= 52rad/s. the weight of the machine with foundation is
equal to 289kN and spring constant is 89 x 10 4kN/m. Assuming that the foundation behaves
like a mass spring system, determine the natural frequency and the maximum vertical
amplitude of motion. [4]

3 a) Explain the waves generated by a surface footing. [5]

b) A foundation weighs 750kN. The foundation and the soil can be approximated to a mass spring
dashpot system. Given k = 2 x 105kN/m, c = 23.4 x 102 kNs/m, determine:
i) the critical damping coefficient
ii) damping ratio
iii) logarithmic decrement
iv)Damped natural frequency [4]

PART B (9 x 2=18 marks)

4 a) Explain the general criteria for the design of machine foundations as per IS. [4]
b) A concrete block 4mx3mx1.5m is used as a foundation for a reciprocating engine operating at
500rpm and mounted symmetrically wrt the foundation. The weight of engine is 10kN. The
operation of machine exerts unbalanced vertical force of 1.8sinωt (kN). The values of dynamic
elastic constant for the design of foundation is C u = 4.5 x 104kN/m3 , gsoil= 17kN/m3 and gconcrete=
24kN/m3. Determine the natural frequency and amplitude of the block foundation.
5 a) Describe the different types of machine foundations. [4]
b) A single cylinder engine with the following particulars is to be placed on a concrete foundation.
Find the maximum unbalanced force generated by the engine
Crank radius = 80mm, Length of connecting rod = 280mm, Operating frequency = 1800rpm,
Weight of reciprocating parts = 49N.

6 a) Describe the effect of footing shape on vibratory response. [4]
b) Obtain the velocity of tup of a forge hammer before impact and that of the anvil after impact,
given the following data
Weight of tup and die = 15.5kN, Stroke of the tup = 900mm, Weight of anvil and frame =
342kN, Efficiency of drop = 0.90, Coefficient of restitution = 0.5, Steam pressure = 700kN/m2,
Area of piston = 0.129m2. Determine the amplitude of vibration of the foundation and anvil, if
the limiting natural frequency of the anvil is 253rad/s and the two natural frequency of the
combined system are 272rad/s and 54rad/s.
PART C (12 x 2=24 marks)

7 a) Describe active and passive isolation. [6]

b) Explain the design procedure for a pile supported machine foundation. [6]
8 a) Give the salient features of passive screening by the use of pile barriers. [6]
b) Estimate the stiffness and damping in vertical vibrations of a 20 pile group( 5x 4) in sand. The
concrete piles are 45 cm in diameter and 20 m long. The centre to centre distance between the
piles =1.5m. Pile cap 8mx 6mx3m thick is embedded 2m into the soil. Use ∑ αa = 9.47. The
following soil and pile properties may be assumed.
Soil properties: Gs = 4000t/m2 throughout, Ƴsat = 1.59g/cm3
Pile: Ƴp= 2.4 g/cm3 , Ep = 2.5 x 106 t/m2 [6]
9 a) A compressor having an operating speed of 1300rpm was installed at a distance of 60m from
a precision machine in an industrial unit. Design a suitable open trench barrier to provide
effective vibration. The velocity of shear waves was found as 160m/s.
b) Explain the construction aspects of block foundations.


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