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Civil Engineering
(Geotechnical Engineering)
01CE6206 Finite Element Analysis for Geomechanics
Max. Marks : 60 Duration: 3 Hours


1) Displacement field for a body is given by u = ( x 2 + y )i + (3 + z ) y + ( x 2 + 2 y ) k .

(a) If the material parameters for the 3D body are μ = 0.3, E = 2 x 109 N/mm2, determine
the constitutive matrix. (2)
(b) At a point represented by the coordinates (2, 3, 1), compute the strain and stress
components that develop on the body. (3)
(c) Represent the stress and strain values in matrix form. (4)

2) Prepare a brief note on various coordinate systems used in FEM and explain their use /
significance in the formulation of shape functions. (9)

3) Compute the displacement at a point P(2,3) for the constant strain triangle shown in figure.
The displacements at the nodes 1, 2 and 3 are (0.123456, 0.789012), (0.345678,
0.901234), (0.567890, 0.123456) respectively. All values are in metres. (9)


4) (a) Explain the concept of deriving 2D Lagrangian interpolation functions obtained from
corresponding 1D Lagrangian interpolation functions. (2)
(b) Derive the shape functions of a 4 noded 2D rectangular element using Lagrangian
formulation. (Plotting the variations is not needed). (7)

5) (a) Derive the element stiffness matrix for a bar element with a single degree of freedom at
each node using variational formulation. Assume that the bar lies parallel to X axis
and its cross sectional area varies linearly from A1 to A2 from one end to the other. (7)
(b) Compute the element stiffness matrix for a bar element with cross sectional area
varying linearly from 10 mm2 to 20 mm2 from one end to the other. Assume that the
bar is parallel to X axis. Length of the element is 300 mm and modulus of elasticity of
the material is 2 x 105 N/mm2. (2)

6) A 2D 3 noded triangular element is to be used for the plane strain analysis of a continuum
lying on the XY plane. It is loaded with its own weight and a traction force acting parallel
to X axis acting on side 1 (side opposite to node 1). Determine the nodal load vector
consisting of these two loads using variational formulation. (9)

7) The element stiffness matrix of a 2D 4 noded isoparametric quadrilateral element by

1 1

∫ [ B] [C][B] J drds .
isoparametric formulation is obtained as [k] = h ∫
−1 −1
(a) Name one numerical procedure by which this double integral is performed in finite
element computations. (2)
(b) Explain in detail the procedure for double integration using this technique. (10)

8) For the spring system shown in figure below, determine the displacements at nodes 1, 2 &
4. Also determine the reactions at nodes 3 and 5.

9) (a) Name three special elements employed for the advanced modelling of geotechnical
structures. What is their main common feature? (5)
(b) Write down the constitutive equation used for plane strain analysis while using a 3
noded beam element of zero width. Explain the various terms used in detail. (7)

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