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Common Moods

Here are some examples of common moods:

1. Aggravated 43. Hopeful
2. Amused 44. Impressed
3. Angry 45. Indifferent
4. Annoyed 46. Infuriated
5. Anxious 47. Irate
6. Apathetic 48. Irritated
7. Bewildered 49. Jealous
8. Blissful 50. Joyful
9. Bouncy 51. Jubilant
10. Calm 52. Lazy
11. Cheerful 53. Lethargic
12. Complacent 54. Listless
13. Confused 55. Lonely
14. Content 56. Loved
15. Cranky 57. Mad
16. Crappy 58. Melancholy
17. Crazy 59. Mellow
18. Curious 60. Mischievous
19. Cynical 61. Moody
20. Depressed 62. Mournful
21. Devious 63. Numb
22. Disappointed 64. Optimistic
23. Discontent 65. Peaceful
24. Ditzy 66. Pessimistic
25. Dreamy 67. Pleased
26. Ecstatic 68. Rejected
27. Energetic 69. Rejuvenated
28. Enraged 70. Relaxed
29. Enthralled 71. Relieved
30. Envious 72. Restless
31. Excited 73. Sad
32. Flirty 74. Satisfied
33. Frustrated 75. Shocked
34. Giddy 76. Silly
35. Giggly 77. Smart
36. Gloomy 78. Stressed
37. Good 79. Surprised
38. Grateful 80. Sympathetic
39. Grumpy 81. Thankful
40. Guilty 82. Uncomfortable
41. Happy 83. Weird
42. High 84. Hopeful

Moods and Descriptions

Here are other moods with a short description:
 Afraid: Feeling regret, apprehension or fear
 Ashamed: Having guilt or feeling disgraced or distressed
 Cautious: This means slow to act, wary, or careful
 Clueless: Not understanding or knowing
 Confused: Not being able to think rationally or clearly
 Determined: Persistent, stubborn, or resolved
 Devastated: A feeling of shock where you are overcome and distressed
 Disgruntled: Feeling dissatisfied, sulky, discontented or unhappy
 Empowered: Feeling you have the power or ability to act
 Hyper: nervous, extremely excitable or jumpy
 Jealous: This is a feeling of resentment towards another for what you consider to underserved
wealth, favor, or success
 Moody: This refers to any feelings that are depressed, despondent or sullen
 Numb: This is a lack of feeling or emotions where you are indifferent
 Paranoid: Feeling strong distrust or fear of others
 Sedated: This is feeling calm and serene, where nothing disturbs you.
 Traumatized: This is a strong reaction to something that happened, either emotional or physical.
The feeling continues long after the initial shock.
 Vibrant: Having a lot of enthusiasm, being lively or vigorous

Moods in Literature
In literature, the mood is expressed with descriptive words. Here are some common moods in
 Cheerful: This light-hearted happy mood is shown with descriptions of laughter, upbeat music,
delicious smells, and bright colors.
 Humorous: This mood is silly and sometimes ridiculous. Characters will do and say odd or funny
things. This mood is sometimes used to alleviate a somber or dangerous situation.
 Idyllic: This is a calm and peaceful feeling, and can sometimes be shown by describing a natural
setting, like in the country. Here is an example from Charles Dickens' "Pickwick Papers":

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