US7379286B2 Quantum Vacuum Energy Extraction

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«2 United States Patent Haisch et al. "3 (10) Patent No. (4s) Date of Patent US 7,379,286 B2 May 27, 2008 (54) QUANTUM VACUUM ENERGY EXTRACTION (75) Inventors: Bernard Haisch, Redwood City, CA (US); Garret Moddel, Boulder, CO ws) (73) Assignee: Jevion Corporation, Menlo Patk, ws) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC. 1544) by 430 days (21) Appl. Now 11236,142 (22) Filed: Sep. 26, 2005 6s) Prior Publication Data US 200710241470 Al Oct. 18, 2007 (1) Incl. HON 1100 (200601) Hos 100 (2007.01) (2) USC. ‘361/233; 361/226; 3631178; 3271603, 318/16; 318/585; 318/558, 307/15] (58) Field of Classification Search None See application file for complete sear history. 66) References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS. S188 A 5S!1991. Shoulders SS00001 A * 12/1906 Mand, Jee a 38 677.028 BI 112002 Piao eum 6593565 BL 72003 Pita {6665.167 B2* 122003 Piao 360203 (OTHER PUBLICATIONS Boyer, TH. 1975, Random Electrynamics: The Theory of (Classical Elestrdynamies ith Classial Zero-Poit Radiation Feld, Phys. Rew. D. IL, 790, Cole, D.C. and Puhofl, HB. 1993, Extracting energy ant hea fiom the vac, Phys. Rev E48, 2, 1562 Cole D. €. and Zou, Yi 2003, Quantum Mechanical Ground State of Hyrogen Obsained from Classic! Eletfymamies, Physick Tater As vol. 317, No. 2, pp. 1420 (Ost. 13,2003), sath 3071s (Continved) Primary Evaminer—Nikita Wells (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Pritzkau Patent Group, LLC 6 ABSTRACT A system is disclosed for converting energy from the elee- ‘womagnetic quantum vacuum available at any poiat in the universe to usable energy in the form of heat, electricity, vechanical energy or other forms of power. By suppressing clecimmagntie quantum vacuum energy at appropriate frequencies a change may be effected in the elecron enemy levels which will result inthe emission or release of energy. ‘Mode suppression of electromagnetic quantum vacuum radiation is known to take place in Casimir cavities, (Casimir eavity refers to any region in which electromagnetic :movles are suppressed or restricted. When atoms enter into stale miero Casimir cavities 2 decrease in the orbital ‘energies of electrons in stoms will this occur, Such enemy will be captured in the claimed devices. Upon emergence orm such micro Casimir cavities the atoms will be re- ‘energized by the ambient electromagnetic quantum vacuum. In this way energy is extracted locally and replenished globally from and by the electromagnetic quantum vacuum. This process may be repeated an unlimited number of times. This process is also consistent with the conservation of «energy in that all usable energy does come a the expense of the energy content ofthe electromanetic quantum vacuum. Similar elects may be produced by acting upon molecular bonds. Devices are described in which gas is recycled through a multiplicity of Casimir cavities. The disclosed devices are scalable in size and eneray output for applica- ‘ions ranging from replacements for smal batteries to poser plant sized generators of electricity 20 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets US 7,379,286 B2 Page 2 (OTHER PUBLICATIONS Cole, D.C. and Zou, Vi 2004, Analysis of Osital Decay Tine for the Classical Hyeogen Atom Interacting with Cicilary Polarized lectromagnetie Radiation, Phys Rev. F.69 (1), 016601, pp 12 008) Forward, R. 1984, Extracting electrical energy fom the vacuum by cohesion of charge flaed conductors, Phys Rev. 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Subraa ot al, "Modeling gs ow through microchannel and snopores” Journal of Applied Physics, vol 93, No. 8 Ape 1S 2003, pp A870-4879. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent May 27, 2008 Sheet 1 of 7 US 7,379,286 B2 FIG. 2 U.S. Patent May 27, 2008 Sheet 3 of 7 US 7,379,286 B2 43 FIG. 4A ‘s 45 47 46 49 48 i wi "eae ps FIG. 4B t i * “4 4 BB TT a2 8 ™ a fa Ness al ii in 46 FIG. 4C ae A 43 47 FIG. 4D [42 U.S. Patent May 27, 2008 Sheet 4 of 7 US 7,379,286 B2 FIG, SA FIG. 5B FIG. SC U.S. Patent May 27, 2008 Sheet 5 of 7 US 7,379,286 B2 64 62 FIG. 6A FIG. 6B U.S. Patent May 27, 2008 Sheet 6 of 7 US 7,379,286 B2 FIG. 7A 74 75 73 FIG. 7B U.S. Patent May 27, 2008 Sheet 7 of 7 US 7,379,286 B2 82 83 87 86 84 87 88 FIG. 8 US 7,379,286 B2 1 QUANTUM VACUUM ENERGY EXTRACTION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ‘Max Plack proposed the concept of zero-point energy in 1912. The idea was then studied by Alben Einstein and Oxo Stem in 1913, In 1916 Walther Nerast proposed that the Universe was filled with zero-point energy. The modem field ‘of stochastic electrodynamics is based upon these idea. Atithat same time the structure and stability of the stom were puzales, The Rutherford model of the atom was based ‘on analogy to the motions of planets (electrons) around the Sun (the nucleus). However this was not feasible. The ‘orbiting electron(s) would emit Larmor radiation, quickly Josing energy and thus spiraing into the nucleus om ti scales less than one-rillionth of a second, thereby rendering ‘able matter impossible, Itis aow known within the context ‘of stochastic electrodynamics (SED) theory that a possible ‘olution involves the absorption of zero-point energy. Ik Was shown in 1975 by Boyer that the simplest possible atom and ‘atomic state, the hydrogen atom ints ground state, would be jn a state of cquilibrium between Lannor ridiation and absorption of zero-point energy atthe correct radius for a ‘classical Rutherford hydrogen atom. Since this solution was not known in 1913, Niels Rohe followed a different path by simply postulating that only discrete energy levels were available fo the eleeton ia a im, This line of reasoning let t0 the development of ‘quantum theory in the 1920s, The concept of classical ‘oro-point energy was forgotten fora decade. However the fame concept found itself reborn in a quantum context ia 1927 with the formulation of the Heisenberg uncertainty Principle. According to the principle, the minimum eneryy fof a harmonic oscillator has the value Bf/2, where his, Planek’s constant and fis the frequency. tis thus impossible to remove this last amount of random energy from an oseilatng system, ‘Since the electromagnetic field also must he quantized in ‘quantum theory, a parallel is drawn between the properties ‘ofa quantum oscillator and the waves ofthe electromagnetic field. I is concluded that the minimum energy” of any possible mode of the electromagnetic field, consisting of Trequeney, propagation direction and polarization state, is 12, Mulplying this energy by all possible modes of the fiekd gives rise to the eleciromagnetic quantum vacuum, Which has identical propenies—energy density and ses teum-to the classical zero-point energy studied by Planck, Einstein, Stem and Nemst a decade previously The Tine of inquiry involving classical physes plus the addition ofa classical zero-point field was reopencd in the 1960s by Trevor Marshall and Timothy Boyer and has been named stochastic electrodynamics (SED). SED asks the ‘question: “Which quantum properties, processes or laws can be explained in terms of classical physics with the only dition being a zero-point electromagnetic field” Twa of the early succestes were a classical derivation ofthe black- body spectrum (i.e. one not involving quantum physics) and the discovery that a classically oxbitingelectoa in hydro- en atom emitting Larmor radiation but absorbing 2er0- point radiation would have an equilibrium orbit at the ‘classical Bohr radius, An intial approach to this problem by. ‘Timothy Boyer (1975) was perfected by H. F. Putholl (1987). Their analyses treated the orbiting electron as harmonic oscillator, “This result underwent » major new development with the recent work of Daniel Cole and Y. Zou which sinnuated the 0 o 2 orbit of a classical electron in a true Coulomb field of @ hydrogen nucleus and found that suc a realistic electron ‘Would find tselin a rang of distances Irom the nucleus, ia fagroement with quantum mechanics, owing to the random ‘ature ofthe emission and absorption processes, The mean position is atthe correct Rohr ridivs, hut the actual distr- bution of positions very precisely duplicates the electron probability distribution of the eomesponing Schridinger ‘equation in which the electron is regarded as being repre- sented by a wave function. (In the SED representation the clecion is “smeared out” not because its 4 wave function, but because as a point-like particle itis subject to the continuous perturbations of the electromagnetic quantam vacuim factuations,) “A clear consequence of this theory is that a reduction of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum at te frequency €or responding t the obit ofthe electron will result in decay ofthe orbit since there will thereby be an imbalance in the [Larmor radiation vs. absorption "The electromagnetic quantum vacuum enengy spectrum is proportional to the cube of the frequency. tthe vacitim energy is suppressed atthe frequency of the “normal” orbit fof the electron, this will cause the electron to spiral inward 1 a higher frequeney orbit. In this fashion it will then encounter # new equilibrium situation withthe eletromage ‘etic quantum vacuum energy spectrum owing to that spec- trum’ increase with the cube ofthe frequency: tthe SED interpretation is correct lor the hydrogen atom asthe analyses of Bayer, Puhoff, Cole and Zov indicate, it ‘must apply as well oll other atoms and their muli-electeon configurations. In that ease, a transition of an electron from fan excited state to a lower energy sate involves a rapid ‘decay from one stable orbit to another, ot an instantaneous ‘quantum jump, The details of the bases for stability of electron orbits has yet to be determined by SED theory, but the logical extrapolation from the single-electron hydrogen case is clear: electron orbits inal atomis must be determined by an emission vs, absorption balance and thus ae subject to modification involving made suppression ofthe electro- magnetic 7ero-point field st appropriate frequencies tis claimed that modification of electron orbits i in essence the same process a8 natural transition between fenergy levels of electrons in atoms aad therefore that the energy released in such a process can be captured in the same Way as ordinary transition enemy By moving an atom into and out ofa microstructure that suppresses appropriate modes ofthe electromagnetic quan- ‘um vacuum, an extraction of energy from the eletromag- netic quantum vacuum may be ecomplished. This ean be done with micro Casimir cavities. The electromagnetic quantum vacuum asa ral source of | energy is indicated by the Lamb shift between sand p levels in hydrogen, van der Wools forces, the Abarunov-Bohm effect, and noise in electronic circuits However the most important effect of the electromagnetic {quantum vacnum is the existence of the Casimir Forse, a Tree between parallel conducting plates which may be interpreted as radiation pressure effect of electromagnetic ‘quantum vacuum enemy. Bletromagnetie waves in a cavity ‘whose walls are condoeting are constrained to certain wave- Jengts for reasons having to do with transverse component bouindary conditions on the wall surfaces. As a result, in a Casimir cavity between parallel plates there will be, in effect, an exclusion of radiation modes whose wavelengths ‘are longer than the separation of the plates. An overpressire fof electromagnetic quantum vacuum radiation on the ose then pushes the plates together. An extensive literature exists US 7,379,286 B2 3 ‘on the Casimir fore and the reality of the force has moved, from laboratory experimentation to miero-clecte-mechani ‘al structures (MEMS) technology both as a problem (S0- called “stiction”) and as @ possible contro! mechanism, “The exehision of modes doos not begin all at once atthe ‘wavelength equivalent to the plate separation, d. Mode ‘Suppression willbe strongest for wavelengths of dor greater, but will begin to occur as well for wavelengths falling in between the “stairway” din, with the effect diminishing 38 0 increases. We propose to use the partial suppression of modes for wavelengths shorter chan d occurring in this Tashion in order o be able to employ Casimir cavities ofthe ‘maximum possible physieal size ‘Researchers have shown that thermodynamic las are ot violated when energy is “extracted” from zero-point energy, as energy is still conserved and the second law is n0t Violated. Cole and Puthoff have carried out and published thermodynamic analyses showing tht there is no violation. Indeed, 8 thought experiment by Eorward (1984) showed & simple, but not practical, energy extraction experiment nthe stochastic eleetrodynamies (SED) interpretation of the hydrogen atom, the ground state i interpreted as effee- tively equivalent to a classically orbiting electron whose velocity is e/137. The orbit stable at the Hoh radius owing to abalance between classical electromagnetic emission and absomption fiom the electromagnetic zero-point field. This views fist obisined by Boyer (1975) and subsequently refined by PutholT (1987) has been further strengthened by the detailed simulations of Coleand Zou (2003, 2008) which ‘demonstrate that the stochastic motions of the electron in| this interpretation reproduce the probability density distr- bution of the Schrodinger wave funetion. Note that one apparent difference hetween this interpretation and that of ‘quantum mechanics is that in quantum mechanics the Is Slate of the electron is regarded as having zero angular ‘momentum, whereas in the SED interpretation th electeoa has an instantaneous angular moment of mer!I37-hi2x. However SED simulations by Nickiseh have shown that the time-averaged angular momentam is zero just as in the ‘quantum case owing to the zero-point perturbations on the fofbital plane, Thus averaged over etiowgh “orbits” this “classical electron” will fil aspherical symmetie volume around the nucleus having the same radial probability den- sity asthe SehrGdinger wave fanetion and zero net angular momentum, completely consistent with quantum behavior “The Bahr rads of the atom in the SED view is 0.529 A, (Angstroms). This implies tht the wavelength of zero-point radiation responsible for sustaining the orbit is 2#x*0.529%137-455 A (0.0455 microns). Its climed that ‘suppression of zero-point radiation at this wavelength and shorter in a Casimir cavity will result in the decay of the ‘electron to lower energy slate determined by s new balance between classical emission of an accelerated charge and zero-point radiation at h<485 A, where b depends on the ‘Casimir plate separation, d. Note thatthe tail end of the ‘quantum probability density of the electron (as well a the SED simulation of Cole and Zou) extends beyond five Boh radi, so that some change in the eneray balance could be accomplished even at considerably longer wavelengths of perhaps 0.1 microns0.2 microns Since the frequency of ths orbit is 6610", no matter how quickly the atom is injected into a Casimir cavity the process will he a slow one as experienced by the orbiting ‘electron. We therefore assume that the decay to a new ‘ub-Poe ground state will involve gradual release oF energy inthe form of heat, ather than a sudden optical radiation Signature o 4 Since the binding enemy of the electron is 13.6 eV, we assume thatthe amouat of cnengy released in this process ‘would be on the order of 110 10 eV’ for injetion of the hydrogen atom into a Casimir cavity of d=250 A or there- abouts (and perhaps even a larger cavity as noted above). Upon exiting the cavity the electron would absorb energy from the zero-point field and be re-xeited to is normal state. The energy (heat) extracted in the process comes al the expense of the zero-point field, which ia the SED intrpre- tation flows atthe specd of light throughout the Univers, ‘We are in effet extracting energy locally and replenishing it slobully. Imagine extracting thimbles-fll of water from the beean, Yes, the ocean is being depleted thereby, but no practical consequences ensue. Since naturally occurring Iydrogen at standard tempera ture and pressure (STP) is a two-atom molecule, a disso- ciation process would need to precede an injection of Ihydrogen atoms into a Casimir cavity. We avoid this com- plication and take advantage of muti-lestron modification by working with monatomie (noble) gases which also have the advantage of being safe and inexpensive. ‘We work with naturally occurring monatomic gases for thre reason (No dissociation process is required (2) Heavier element atoms are approximately two to four times lager than hydrogen and thus can utilize and be affected by a larger Casimir cavity which is easier to Fabrica (@) Heavier elements have numerous outer shel electrons, several of which may be simultaneously afeeted by the reduction of zero-point radiation in a Casimie cavity. The following five noble gases are potentially suitable: He (2-2, 12.4) Ne (Z-10, 13.4), Ar (Z-18, 1.6) Kr(Z-36, 1.8 A) Xe (Z-S4, 205 A), All ofthese elements contain ns electrons. He bas to 1s clectons, Nef two each of Is and 2s electrons. Arhas two ‘each of Is, 2s, and 3s electrons. Kr has two of each of Is, 2s, 3s, and 4s electrons. Xe has two ofeach of Is, 2s, 35, 4s and ‘Ss electrons ‘Assuming an outermost electron which is completly shielded by the olber electrons (a erude assumption, its ‘orbital velocity would seae as "2 (Ihe familiar Keplerian period squared propartonal 1 semi-major axis cubed ro tionship) and thus proportional toe) will seale as °°. IF that isthe ease, then the lager radi translate as r°? into lnger Casimir cavities having an effect on the energetics of the outer electon shells. We would therefore expect that a Casimir cavity having d-0.1 microns (or perhaps even as Jarge as one micron Would have an effect on reducing the energy levels of the outernost pair ofs electrons... and possibly also p electrons and intermediate shells elects as well, tis reasonable to expect that 0.1 microns Casimir cavity would result in a release of Ito 10 eV for ach injection of He, Ne, Ar, Kr of Xe atom into such 9 cavity. According toa Jordan Maclay, who has done theoretical Casimir eavty calculations, a long cylindrical eavity results inn inward force on the cavity. In the “exclusion of modes” interpretation of the Casimir force, this implies that a cylindrical cavity of diameter 0.1 micron would yield the desired decay of outer shell electrons and subsequent release of energy. It is now recognized that an electromagnetic quantum vacuum field is formally necessary for atomie stability US 7,379,286 B2 5 ‘conventional quantum theory (Milonni 1994). Inthe field of physies known as stochastic electrodynamics, this concept has been shown by theory and simulations to underlie the round state of the cleciron in the hydrogen atom. The ‘classical Bohr orbit is determined by a balance of Larmor ‘emission and sbsorption of energy from the zero-point ‘Tuctustions ofthe electromagnetic quantum vacuum in SED theory. It follows that upon suppression of appropriste -et0-point fluctuations the balance willbe upsot casing the ‘electron to decay to a lower energy level not ordinarily ound in nature with a release of energy during this tans tion, A Casimir cavity ofthe proper dimensions ean accom- plish this suppression of zero-point luctations. A Casini ‘cavity refers to any region in Which electromagnetic modes fare suppressed or restricted. Upon entering such a property ‘designed Casimir cavity te electon energy level wil shift, and energy will be released. Upon exiting the Casimir cavity the electron will retuen to its customary state by’ absorbing ‘energy from the ambient zero-point fluctuations. This per- mits an energy extraction eyele to be achieved athe expense ‘ofthe Zen>-point fhctuations, Although it has not yet bees, proven theoretically a similar balance of Larmor emission tnd absorption of energy from the zero-point fctoations must underlie the electron states of all atoms, not just hydrogen, permiting any atom to be uscd as a eatalyst for ‘extraction of zero-point energy (the energy associated with the zero-point Muctuations), An analogous process is also believed to underlie molecular bonds, yielding a similae ‘energy extraction eyele. ‘The following i a list of patents that deal with related phenomens: USS. Pat. Na. $.018,180, Energy conversion using high ‘charge density, Kenneth R. Shoulders. This concems the production of charge chisters in spark discharges. It is ‘conjectured that the electrostatic repulsion of charges is ‘overeome in charge clusters by a Casimirlike foes. This ‘invention does not deal with energy release from atoms in ‘Casimir cavities and is therefore not relevant to the present invention. USS. Pat, No. 5,590,031, System for converting electro- magnetic radiation energy to electrial energy, Franklin B. Mead and Jack Nachamkin, This invention does aot deal with energy release from atoms in Casimir cavities andl is therefore not relevant to the present invention. USS. Pat. No. 6,477,028, Method and apparatus for energy ‘extraction, Fabrizio Pinto. Proposes to vary one or more of a variety of physical factors that affect the Casimir force, oF by altering any of a variety of environmental factors that allect such physical factors and thereby render a Cas fre system as non-conservative. This invention does not ‘deal with energy release from atoms in Casimir cavities and is therefore not relevant to the preset invention US. Pat. No. 6,593,566, Method and apparatus forenergy cexiniction, Fabricio Pinto. A method and apparitus for socelerting and a decelerating particles based! on particle furfice interactions, This invention does not deal. with ‘energy release fom atoms in Casimir eavities and i there Tore not relevant to the present invention, US. Pat, No, 6665,167, Method for energy extraction 1, Fabrizio Pinto. Similar to US. Pat. No. 6,477,028. This Jnvention does not deal with energy release from atoms in (Casimir cavities and is therefore nt relevant to the present invention. 0 o 6 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A system is disclosed for converting part ofthe energy of the electromagnetic quantum vactuim available at any point in the universe to usable energy in the form of het, electricity; mechanical energy or other forms of power. This js accomplished using an elfect on the electon configura- tions of stoms predicted by the theory of stochastic clectro- dynamics (SED). Within the context of SED theory itis predicted thatthe electra energy’ levels in atoms are deter ‘mined by a balance of Lamor radiation vs, absorption of radiative energy Irom the eleviromagnetic quantum Vacutin By suppressing electromagnetic quantum vacuum energy at appropriate frequencies a change may be effected in the electron energy levels which will result in the emission oF release of energy. This change in enemies is analogous (0 3 standard emission of a photon as an electron. makes {ransition from an excited to lower energy state, but on & Jonger time scale and with the change being a continuous ‘one rather than a “jump” from one enengy level to another Mode suppression of elociomagnetie quantum vacitim radiation is known to take place in Casimir cavities. Casimir cavity refersto any region in which electromagnetic modes are suppressed or restricted. When atoms enter into suitable miero Casimir cavities 2 decrease in the orbital ‘energies of electons in toms will ths occur, with the effect being most pronounced for outer shell electrons. Such energy will be captured in dhe claimed devices. Upon femergence fon sich micro Casimir cavities the atoms will be reenergized by the ambient electromagnetic quantam vacuum, In this way energy is extracted locally and replen- ished globally from and by the electromagnetic quantam ‘vacuum, This process may be repeated an unlimited number of times. This process is also consistent with the conserva- tion of energy in that all usable energy does come at the expense of the energy eontent ofthe electromagnetic quan- tum vacuum, Two example variations of @ system are isclosed that permit multiple extractions of electromagnetic ‘quantum vacutim energy during passege of a gas through @ series of micro Casimir cavities and that operate in a self-sustaining, reeyeling fashion, Similar effects may be produced by acting upon molecular bonds. The disclosed devices are sealable in size and eneray output for applica ‘ions ranging from replacements foe sta attri to poster plant sized generators of electricity. Since the elecromag- etic quantum vacuum is thought to permeate the entire Universe, devices drawing power from the electromagnetic quantum vacuum inthe fashion elaimed will be effectively Snexhaustible sources of power. [BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The present invention may be understood by reference to the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the drawings briefly described below. FIG. 1 isa diagrammatic Mlustration of a set of channels each containing 4 multiplicity of Casimir cavities in accor ‘dance with the present invention FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic illustration of a system for converting quantum vacuum energy into locally usable power in accordance with the present invention. FIG. 3 isa diagrammatic ilusration ofa block of tunnels cach containing a multiplicity of Casimir cavities i accor {dance with the present invention FIGS. 44.4D are diagrammatic ilustrations of Casimir channels in bonded wafers in accondance with the present invention US 7,379,286 B2 1 FIGS. $A.SC are diagrammatic illustrations of a device {or oscillating fs though Casimir channels in accordance with the present invention. FIGS. 6A and 6B are diagrammatic illustrations of a device switching the reflecting charocterstcs of walls of ‘Casimir cavities in accordance withthe present invention, FIGS, 7A and 7B are diggrammatic illustrations of a device Casimir cavity wall spacing in accordance with the present invention, FIG. 8 isa diagrammatic ilustation of a device ineor- rating asymmetric Casimir cavity entry and exits in accor ‘dance withthe present inventior DETAILED DESCRIPTION The first embodiments of this concept utilize Casimie ‘cavities consisting of volumes through which, of in and out ‘of which, gases flow, and which on the size scales of atoms appear as regions bounded by parallel plates of conducting material in which the plate scales are much larger than the plate separations: or by eylinders of conducting material in ‘which the lengths of the eylinders are much larger than the diameters, Its elaimed that other Forms of Casimir eavity ‘copable of producing a similar effect, and the tem ‘Casimir cavity will be used to designate any volume capable ‘of mode suppression ofthe zero-point field, The nccessary ‘condition is tha the mode suppression ability ofthe Cas ‘cavity be matched to the electron energy fevels in such a way ast result in a significant difference of de electron energy levels inside vs. outside the cavity. These embodiments demonstrate the following concepts A method, comprising: (a) use of a deviee including a seties of Casimir cavities and causing a specific gas to Now through the eavities, said Casimir eavities being configured and ssid specific gas being selcted such that as the pas flows through the cavities enemy is released from the gas; and (b) means for collecting at Teast some of suid release gas ‘A method, comprising: (a) providing a device including Teast one Casimir eavity and causing a specific gas to enter and then exit the cavity, said Casimir cavity being configured and ssid specific gas being selected such that when the gas is caused to enter the cavity, energy is release from the gas; and (b) means fo collesting at least some of stid released energy. ‘A means for electing changes in the electron configura tions. A system for convening pat of the energy of the clectromagnetic quantum vacuum available at any point in the Universe 10 usable energy inthe form of Jat, electricity, mechanical energy or other forms of power ‘A means for electing changes in the electron configura tious in the process of which energy is released. A means for allowing the electron configurations be re-energized by exposure to the ambient electromag- netic quantum vactum radiation, ‘The use of microstructures consisting of many pairs of alterating Casimir eavities and regions in which the Clectromagnetic quantum vacuum radiation rely propagates, “The wse of conducting strips on facing pars of plates so ‘hat atoms go through altemating regions in which they fare exposed to the full electromagnetic quantum vacuum spectrum, and regions in which part of the spectrin is blacked, The result is that they dump (or radiate) the energy difference into the local medi 0 o 8 The use of spacers to separate the layer pis “The use of multiple conducting sts o amplify the etext those) The sacking of sich plates wit strips on both sides so ‘hat the top of oe pir becomes the boom ofthe next, each with identical conducting tips. whieh form Cesimir cavities with thee parr sips in each pa. ‘The use of sanlviched layers of alternating conducting ‘and non-condoetng plates having meron sized thik: nesses in Which mickon or submicron diameter Boles se introduced by etching or some other metho The stacking, co-eistaton an alignment of such sand ‘iced Laer o produce mary paral] Casini tunnels Inwingaltemating Casimie and: nonconducting sx The use of multiple segments to amplify the effect Agel “The use of monatomie gases as the medium in such a ‘The usc of molecular gases in such sytem for the purpose of modi¥ing molec bonds with the ene dant release of enor. Aelosed recycling system in which those processes take place Tebecaable and workable configuration and dimensions bat with the claims not limited to these specific embodiments ‘A means whereby the Dow of gas is iiited and maine tained in a closed systom A means whereby the energy released from the electon ‘bila changes is converted into usable energy in the fom of heat, lets, mechanical enemy or other forms of power. Casimit Channels ‘The embodiment shown in FIG. 1 involves two square parallel plates 12 and 14, 10x10 em in size for illustration ‘On each one lay down $000 conducting strips 16 that are 10 _merons in width andthe fall 10 em in length, separated by 10 microns non-conducting strips. Perpendicular to the strips deposit a spacer materia 18 at 0.1 to 1 em intervals witha height of 0.1 micrans. Put the plates face to face and Align the strips so as to form S000 Casimir strips. If we assume a gas low rate of 10 emis parallel to the spacers and perpendicular tothe strips, this Wold result ia 13x10" transitions ‘An energy release of Ito 10 eV per transition corresponds {0 21 to 210 watts of energy release forthe entre Casimir cavity. A stacked set of 10 oF more such layers could be fabricated yielding 210 to 2100 watts for a 10x10x10 em block This may be dreetly converted into electricity using a thermopholovoliaie process, oF indirectly by using @ heat exchanger. AS in the previous embodiment, one means of ‘capturing the emitted radiation isto suround the apparais with a waterbath ‘The dimensions above are solely examples. The device may be scaled 10 both smaller and significully larger simensions. ‘The essential components of an energy generating device of this set shown in FIG. 2 are: (1) An aray of parallel Casimir channels with conducting Strips 10 2) 8 pump 22 providing continuous recycling of gas Tough the tunnels (@) A means 24 for capturing the emitted energy US 7,379,286 B2 9 (4) Athermal photovoltaic, heat exchanger or other device 26 capable of converting output heat into electricity oF ‘other usable forms of power A desirable property of the system is ts ability to radiate the accumulated energy locally and absorb it globally. Thus surprisingly the means 24 for capturing the emitted enerzy ‘ca capture the emitted energy without hindering the capture ‘of the quantum vacuum energy by the gas. This is dve to the fict thatthe vacuum field permeates all space and cannot be blocked. (Note that dhe reason that Casimir cavities have rediueed vacuum energy modes is not that they block it, but rather that because of destrctive interference they de. not allow some of the electromagnetic modes to exist in thir interior) A second reason that the means 24 does not block the capture of the quantum vacuum energy” is that the absorbed energy is dominantly shorter wavelength electro ‘magnetic modes that are not absorbed by the means 24, whereas the radiated energy ean be longer wavelengths for Which Use means 24 has a muh langr absorption eoelciea. Such isthe ease, for example, when the means 24 comprises ‘a water bath, The first two components will be enclosed in sealed structure, Th third and fourth componeats may be interior for exlerior to this structre Avariaton on the above device consist of stacking plates such that the top of one pair becomes the bottom inthe next pair, ete, ‘Casini Tunnels ‘One embodiment of the concept shown in FIG. 3 is multiple, parallel, 0.1 micron diameter Casimir tunnels. IP ‘ve let the length of the eyliner be 100 times the width, this, results in 2-10 microns forthe length of the Casimir tna! ‘We propose a segmented tunnel consisting of altemating ‘conducting and non-conducting materials, each 10 microns Jn Fength. In Tength of I em, there could be 500 such pairs jn segments, resulting in 500 enempy releases events (each yielding 110 10 eV) foreach transit ofan atom through the ‘entire | em-long seamented Casimir tunnel Considers one eubie em *Casimae Block” that is bul ‘of 10 micron thick altemating layers as shown in FIG. 3, Assume that tunnels 32 of 0.1 micron diameter could be silled through the eube perpendicular tothe layers 34 (this js not physically possible, of course; tunnel manufacture nist bo done liffretly) Ten percent of the eross section ‘comprises entrance to some 1.3 billion anes. The amount ‘of energy released would be proportional to the Now rate of the gas through these tunnels "A flow nite of 10 ci =" through a total cross sectional ‘area of O.1 em yields 1 em’ of gas per second Mowing through the tunnels, whieh at STP would be 2.710" atoms. A very’ simple seaied, closed-loop pumping system could maintain such a continuous gas flow. Since each atom imeracty S00 times doring its passage, there would be 13x10" transitions per sosond in the entre cube of one ‘cubic centimeter. An energy release of 1 to 10 eV per transition corresponds to 2150 0 21500 watts of energy release forthe entire Casimir cube of segmented tunnels Obviously itis not possible © drill 1.3 billion tunnels having diameters of O.1 microns. However itis feasible to use microchip technology to etch hols into the individual layers first and then astemble the stack. Extremely fine ‘coregstration and alignment of stacks will need to be sccomplished ‘This may be directly converted into electricity using a thermopholovolaic process, or indirectly by using a heat ‘exchanger, P40 0 o 10 ‘One means to capture the emitted enemy is to surround the apparatus with a water bath, Water absorbs infrared radiation very elfotvely. For the wavelength range of 2 ‘microns to 200 microns, the absomtion coeficient of water is greater than 10 em", Therefore layer of water thats T ‘am thick and surrounds the apparatus wil he slfcient to absorb nearly all the emitted infrared radiation. The water ‘ill be heated, and that heat converted inte the desired form of energy. The dimensions above are solely examples. The device ‘may be scaled 10 both smaller and significantly larger the supports 62, the polymer film 64, and gaps in the film that are filled with the working gas 69. (For clarity, the pillars are not shown.) The gap size is sufliciently narow 10 produce a significant Casimir effect, eg, 200 nm, The Tength or widih need to be suficently small to maintain the narrow gap, eg., 1 micron. The stciching takes place by attaching ane support toa stationary object and attaching the cther support to vibrator, such as a piezoelectric crystal, Which isl may be attached on its opposing side to another Stationary support. As in the embodiment of FIGS. 44-8D. the apparatus is surrounded by a means for absorbing the released energy such as a water hath 24 Tis 10 be understood thatthe shape, dimensions, modus ton techniques and materials can be varied greatly and sill be part ofthis invention. The following is a list of some sch variations, but itis far from exhaustive i, Instead of stretching the polymer, it can be modulated ‘with an acoustic signal through the air, or through a liquid that surrounds it fi Instead of stvehing the polymer, it ean be modulated ‘with an ambient thermal vibeations, As the working gas and the siracture heats up, the vibrations increase fii, The polymer embedded with rigid pillars may be formed into small spheres thot are Mled with the ‘working gas. These spneres can fill or partially fil volume in which the pressure is modulate, either by enclosing the volume and modulating the pressure in the entire volume, by passing an acoustic signal through the volume, or by thermal vibrations. This ‘modulation causes the passband ofthe photonic crystal that surunds the working gas to vary. Although the shape of the device is substantially different from that Of FIGS. 6-68, the function is the same. iv The working Muid may be a wide variety of gases, i saddtion fo the noble eases described earlier, 0 that al ‘mentions of gas toms may be extended to molecules of various types v. The working fluid may bea liquid, so that all mentions of gases and gas atoms may be extended to liquids of various types. For operation of up to approximately «s 100° Cone possible liquids ethylene glyco. For high temperature operation, the liquid ean be sodi o 16 The water bath may be replaced with any other ‘material oF device that absorbs. substantially the released eneney wavelengths. Such materials include lass, onganie polymers, thermophotovoltsie devices, among many’ possibilities known to those skilled in the vii, Rather than surrounding the entire apparatus, the absorbing material may be placed inthe apparatus, for ‘example in the polymer film through whieh the gas flows. Such placement ean allow the absorber to reside ‘within roughly an emission wavelength ofthe gs that is releasing the enerey. Modulating Casimir Cavity Wall Spacing Rather than moving the working gas by flowing t (FIGS. 4A-4D), vibrating it ino and out ofa Casimir eavity (IGS. SA-SC), oF switching the characteristics of walls of the fevity to change the passbands (FIGS, 64 and 6B), the spacing between the cavity walls can be modulated. This produces the same result of tapping zero point enery that the flowing gas device of the previous embodiments pro- duce. One Way to accomplish tis isto put the working gas nto” gaps formed in micro-lectro-mechanical systems (MENS). ‘MEMS technology makes use of semiconductor lithog- ‘phy techniques to build miniature mechanical devices. The Casimir effect has already been found to be in evidence in MEMS devices. In 2001, Chan and co-workers at Bell Labs Lucent Technologies fist demonstrated the effect of the Casimir force in a MEMS device. gold coated sphere was ‘brought close to a MEMS seesaw paddle, consisting of a polysilicon plate suspended above a substrate on thin torsion rexls, The Bell Labs researchers demonstrated the ellect of the Casimir force in rocking the plate In the current invention we make ase of MEMS technol ‘gy to modulate the spacing between Casimir cavity walls (Note that we are not making se of the Casimir force to change this spacing, as was done in the Bell Labs demon- stration.) The hasic MEMS device used to accomplish this is shown i FIGS. 7A and 7B. A sie view i shown in FIG. 7A. Two conducting electrodes 76 are shown om the subsite. A pivoting polysilicon plate 74 i shown suspended above the Substrate 72. A conducting layer 77 is formed on the underside ofthis plate. A top view is shown in FIG, 7B. The pivoting plate 74 forms the central retangular region, which Js surounded by a gap 73. The pivoting arm 75 connects this plate to the surrounding region atthe top and hottom of the rectangle. A in the earlier embodiments, the apparatus is surrounded by a means 24 for absorbing the released ener. such as water bath ‘Te device functions a follows. The working gas fill the region between the pivoting plate 74 and the substrate 72... voltage is applied fist between the pivoting plate and the Jefi-hand electrode. This causes the distance beween the left side of the plate and the substrate to diminish, thereby changing the dimensions of the Casimir eavity fomed by these two surfaces. Then the voltage is instead applied between the pivoting plate a the righthand electrode This ceases the plate to pivot, such thatthe distance between the right side of the plate and the substrate diminishes, thereby changing the dimensions of the Casimir eavity fomed by these to surfaces, The voltage is switched alternately between these two electrodes, causing the plate to oscillate back and forth. The oscillating action is greatly enhanced by the torsion a the pivots, so that wer litle energy is required to maintain the ciation US 7,379,286 B2 17 The techniques to fabricate such a MEMS deviee is well kknowa to those skilled in the at. isto be understood thatthe shape, dimensions, modu. Jation techniques and materials can be varied greatly and still be part of tis invention. The following is a list of some sch variations, but itis far Srom exhaustive i- Instead of using 2 MEMS device, the Casimir cavity ean he formed between a substrate nnd a suspended con ddoctng sheet, A similar technology has been used 0 form electrostatic acoustic speakers, albeit with lager spacings fi, Gaps can be fonmed ina polymer, with both sides ofthe ‘gap coated with a condictor and the gap filled with ‘Working gas. The polymer can then be stretched, as in the embodiment of FIGS. 6A and 6B, such that the spacing of the Casimir cavity formed by the two ccondcfors is modulated, A figure ofthis would appear ‘much like that depicted in FIG. 68 Instead of stretching the polymer, it ean be modulated ‘with an acoustic signal through the ai, or through a Tiguid that surrounds ‘x Instead of stretching the polymer, it can be modulated ‘with an ambient thermal vibrations, As the working gas and the structure heat wp the vibrations will increase. 1x. The polymer coated on its interior surface with 3 ccandoetor may be formed into small spheres that ae filled with the working gas. These spheres can fill volume in which the pressure is modulated, either by cenclosing the volume and modulating the pressure in the entire volume, by passing an acoustic signal through the volume, or by thermal vibrations. This ‘modulation causes the spacing of the Casimir cavity in which the Working gas is contained wo vary. Although the shape of the device is substantially different from that of FIGS, 7A and 7B, the function is the same. xi, The working fluid may be a wide variety of gases, in ‘adtition tothe noble gases described earlier, so that all ‘mations of gas aloms may be extended to molecules of various types. i. The working uid may be a Tiquid,so that all mentions ‘of gases and gas atoms may be extended to liquids of various types. For operation of up to approximately 100? C.,one possible liquid is ethylene glycol. For high temperature operation, the liquid ean be sodium, “The water hath may be replaced with any other ‘material oF device that absorbs substantially the released energy wavelengths. Such materials include loss, organic polymers, thermophatovoltaic devices, Among many possibilities Known to those skilled in the xiv. Rather than surrounding the entire apparatus, the absorbing material may be placed inthe apparams, for ‘example coating the substrate and cap of the region containing the gas, Such placement can allow the absorber to reside within mughly an emission wave- length of the pas that is releasing the energy. ‘We note that the MEMS device of FIGS. 7A and 7B ca also be used to move the working gas back and forth between the left-hand and right-hand regions. This function 's consistent with the embodiment of FIGS. SA-SC in whic the working gas is vibrated into and out of @ Casimir avy, Assymettic Casimir Cavity Entry and Exits Including Absorbing Means Asa prelude to this embodiment, we review the processes ‘involved in the present invention. A general concept of this tre invention is that a pas that isin equilibrium with the 0 o 18 ent electromagnetic modes, which include the vacun fick (also kown as the zeo point field) i caused to enter 4 Casimie cavity For the purposes ofthis entre invention Casimir cavity is defined as any region in which the elee- ‘womagnetic modes are restricted, Upon approaching this region, the electromagnetic modes thatthe space supports are restricted and the energy ofthe electron orbitals of the ‘28 alos is reduced. As a consequence of this rection the excess energy is emitted and absorbed by the appara providing heat energy. By the time the atoms are in the Casimir cavity, nearly all he excess energy has been 12 ated (unless the gas flow is extremely fast). The gas atoms pass throwgh the Casimir eavity, and upon emerging from this gion to a region that suppons a broader range of electromagnetic modes, the energy ofthe electron orbitals of the ga atoms is again allowed to rise to its previous Value The compensation for the energy deficit is provided from the ambient electromagnetic modes ‘One of the tenels of the current invention is that excess energy released when the gas approaches the Casimie cavity js delivered locally and thatthe energy deficit that must be ‘compensated for when it emerges from the cavity i supplicd fom global sources, In this way the ambien! electramag- ete field is tapped to provide usable energy. There may be cconkliions in which itis possible that the excess energy release and the deficit enerpy supply are both local, in whieh fase no net energy is provided. Similarly, there may be conditions in which itis possible that the excess eneray release and the deficit energy supply are both global, in hich case again no net energy is provided. To avoid these possibilities, we provide an asymmicry inthe apparatus to ensure that the excess energy is released locally and thatthe fenergy deficit is supplied glohally. The concept of embodiment is shove ia FIG. 8, This figure depicts a channel 88, similar o that shown in some of the earlier embodiments, Gas is constected between (wo substrates 82 and 83 and flows throwgh the channel in the ireetion ofthe arrows. As in the previous eases, gas flows from a region in which the substrate is not coated 87 with 2 ccnducting layer toa region ia which tis 86, The difference here is that an intermediate region 84 is provided in which the substrates are coated with an absorbing layee. This ahsorbing region absorbs the excess energy that is radiated rom the atoms as they approach the Casimir eavity (eon- ducting) region. The absorbing region is aot substantially ‘ending, and therefore doos not substantially restrict the electromagnetic mades that are supported in the repion. ‘Upon exiting the Casimir cavity (conducting) region, the toms pass immediately into another region with no absor ‘ng tegion 87. Thus upon approseiing the Casimit cavity the toms are forced to deliver their excess energy locally ‘because it is absorbed by the absorbing region 87. Upon ‘emerging from the Casimir cavity the gas atoms are freed to supply their enorgy deficit non-locally, i.e, globally, beanse there is no local source for this energy "As an option, further aspect of this invention iso situate the absorbing region within roughly one emission wave- Jengthof the gas atoms atthe time that they are emitting. No sch layer is provided within sueh a distance when the pas atomis emerge from the Casmir cavity and are supplied with ‘energy. The substrate is chosen such that it does not absorb the emission wavelengths “The absorbing layers may comprise glass (amorphous silicon dioxide, usally with impurities), and the substrate ‘may comprise sapphire. The glass hs a much broader sorption band inthe far infrared than does the sapphire. A wide range of other materials may be provided to form the US 7,379,286 B2 19 absorbing layers and nom-absorbing or less absorbing subs trite. Such materials are kown to those skilled in hear, ‘nd are available in ables and handbooks, The sequence of repions depicted in FIG. 8 may be repeated to form the sort of multiply striped stmctore $ ‘described in the embodimeat of FIGS. 4A-4D. ‘The dimensions of the channel and the apparatus are approximately the same as those of embodiment of FIGS. AAD. Similarly the attachments (© provide for gas ow, the spacers, and other aspects ofthe apparatus are similar 0 those described in embodiment of FIGS. 44-4D. The con- ‘ducting layer length is chosen so thatthe emerging atoms do not have substantial aoeess to radiation emitted from the absorbing regions. Note tat, unlike embodiment of FIG. 2 itisnot necessary to suround the apparatus witha means for 15 absorbing the released energy 24, such as a water bath, “The device fabrication is not deseribed explicitly as it is well known to those skilled inthe art Its to be understood thatthe dimensions and materials ‘can be varied areatly and still be part of this invention. The following i a ist of some such variations, but iis far rom exhaustive i, The substrates may be other insulating or partially conducting materials, such as silicon, glass, ceramic, plastic, te s 4i, The conducting stipes ean be formed of other condue~ tors, such as copper, luminum, gol, sliver, silicide, ‘transparent eondictors suet as indium tn oxide, ete. iil The stripes may be recessed in the substrate oF they protrude from the surface iv. The individual deviews may be sandwiched together to form thick sructures. For example, in place of the 250, ‘micron thick sobstates, micro-shost having a thickness ‘of 50 microns or far Tess may bo used so that dense Structures ae formed, v. The working fhidl may be a wide variety of gases, in addition fo the noble gases described earlier, s that all ‘mentions of gas atoms may be extended to molecules of various types vi The working iid may bea Tiguid, so that all mentions ‘of gases and gas atoms may be extended to liquids of various types. For operation within appeoxiasately of 100?°C., one possible liquid is ethylene glycol. For high {temperature operation, the liquid ean be sodium vi. Micro-motors formed using micro-lectro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology ean be used to pump the ss through the channels. “The Casimir cavities may be composed of carbon ‘nanotubes. ix. The pattem may be formed using solfassembled layers. The device may incorporate naturally formed structure For example, diatom shells consisting of silicon dioxide patlemed With features, including holes, dhat are tens of nanometers in sie. To the extent necestary, these can be ‘coated as needed with conductors to form Casimir cavities, 0 REFERENCES. Boyer 1-H. 1975, Random Blectrxéynamies:'The'Thoory of Classical Eleirodynamies with Classical Zero-Point Radiation Field, Phys. Rev. D. 11, 790 Cole, D. C. and Putholf,H. F. 1993, Extracting energy and, beat from the vacuum, Phys. Rev. E, 48, 2, 1562. 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