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NAMA : Faris Eko Yulianto

NPM : 15.0101.0224

KELAS : Manajemen


Logan’s Farm Supply

1. How did your department manager help you become

familiar with company policies?
 My department manager provides training to get to
know the company’s policies with giving employee
handbook to inform me for the company’s policies and

2. What was the most helpful thing your manager or the
human resources department did to help you get
 My manager do interduce entrie department at the
company with giving employee card and give SOP work.

3. How else could your department help you become

familiar with our company?
 Provide an introducation in every part of department and
introduce staff in other departments with that help familiar
in company.

Board Member

1. How long have you been a member of the board of

directors and what is your role?
 I have been a member of the board of directors for ten years
and I’m a company’s CFO. My job here, is to form the
company financial strategy and discuss corporate finance with
the CEO.
2. What do you think is the most effective aspect of board
Focus to an agenda, focus in the matrial being discussed and
accomplish the results.
3. What do you feel could be improved about how we conduct
Very important to give opinion in the metting.

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