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“Grammar is the business of taking a language to pieces, to see how it works.”(David Crystal).
For linguists, grammar is simply the collection of principles defining how to put together a sentence.
So basically grammar is the system of a language. People sometimes describe grammar as the
"rules" of a language; but in fact no language has rules. If we use the word "rules", we suggest that
somebody created the rules first and then spoke the language, like a new game. But languages did
not start like that. Languages started by people making sounds which evolved into words, phrases
and sentences. No commonly-spoken language is fixed. All languages change over time. What we
call "grammar" is simply a reflection of a language at a particular time. In order to enhance grammar
teaching skills I observed a grammar teaching lesson of Madam Ruth from SJK(T) Kajang during my
School Based Experience (SBE).

As the set induction the teacher started the lesson by drew a rough map of the neighbourhood,
just a few streets and the school will do and asked “Where is the school?” A student came to the
board and pointed it out. Then the teacher introduced the topic by telling the students that they are
going to learn on key words to show any direction of a place. Before the lesson, teacher wrote the
lesson objectives on the white board and explain what they have to achive on that day. By using
inductive approach teacher initiated her topic. According to Rodgers (2001) rules that learners
discover for themselves are more likely to fit their existing mentalstructures than rules they have
been presented with. This in turn will make the rules more meaningful and memorable. This leads to
stronger grammar understanding among the students

Next, the teacher displayed those direction words in Power Point and explained the meaning
and the usage of the words. Then the teacher ask the students to read aloud the words. In this
phase the teacher used the aid of ICT to deliver her content effectively with colourful words and
pictures. For the practice. teacher asked a student to do some choral repitition. Teacher picked up a
student randomly and asked the student to say the direction phrases like “Turn right” or “Turn left”
quickly. The whole class joined in making sure they are listening to the words and act according to it.
Anyone who did not follow the correct direction will be eliminated and take turn to say the phrases.
At this level teacher has used game based learning method to enhance more the students
understandings. Definitions of game-based learning mostly emphasize that it is a type of game play
with defined learning outcomes (Shaffer, Halverson, Squire, & Gee, 2005). According to
Piaget,games contributing to children’s cognitive development is by activating their schemas in
ways that allow children to transcend their immediate reality. In this activity, I could see that students
are more actively involved in the learning process, rather than being passive.
Next, the students divided themselves into groups. Teacher displayed a map on the screen
and gave each students a piece of paper. On that paper, teacher has written a destination name on
that paper and students have to discuss and write the direction on how they are going to reach the
place. Since this was a group work, students able to cooperate collaborate among them. Finally,
teacher ended the lesson by asked the students to sing a rap song on direction phrases.

As I observed, I wish that the teacher could use involve the students more in ICT. She also can
use teaching materials such as flash cards or spinning wheel to support her grammar teaching.
Teaching materials will help the students to understand the grammar rule easier and interesting.

. As a conclusion, from the observation I have learnt that teaching grammar by using new
techniques and ideas can make easier to deliver the lesson as well as make it more interesting for
the students to learn grammer. As a future teacher I have to prepare myself in every aspect
especially grammar teaching methodology in order to teach the students effectively.

Crystal, D. (2004). Rediscover Grammar (3rd edition). London: Longman

OlenkaBilash ( 2009). Teaching Grammar. . Retrieved from

Shaffer, D. W., Halverson, R., Squire, K. R., & Gee, J. P. (2005). Video games and
the future of learning (WCER Working Paper No. 2005-4).Madison: University of
Wisconsin–Madison, Wisconsin Center for EducationResearch (NJ1)

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