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--1st stakeholder--
(Buyer Dashboard UX/UI focused)



Verified Buyer/Guests
9 Benefits of Service



SAFETY FOR THE BUYER--Money back guarantee*. Marketplace guarantees that product
arrives safely from Vendor to Buyer. Trust is an important issue when dealing directly with a
foreign suppliers. Vendor ships product directly to verified buyer.. Vendor provides shipping
label, tracking number and is responsible for delivery. Marketplace returns funds if package is
not delivered as per Buyer Service Agreement. *Guarantee that delivery arrives safely.

INFORMATION Guests view (5) common criteria on vendor’s page, VHP (Vendor Home Page).
for judging whether vendors are right for their needs:

A. WRITTEN PEER REVIEW from a verified Buyer who has ordered from that specific
vendor (automatic surveys will go out to each Buyer 24-hours after the completion of the
transaction once the Buyer has received their product);
B. “QUALITY OF PRODUCT” ratings on a scale of one to five. This is a peer generated
numerical ratings that judges the quality of each vendor’s product on a scale of (1-5);
C. TIMELINESS RATING This rating is based on a Yes/No question, “Did the package
arrive on time?” (Yes or No--result will be displayed as a percentage of yes votes as
compared to the total number of results. Total number of results will not be seen);
D. MINIMUM ORDER REQUIRED to buy from that vendor? (1-1,000+Kg.); and
E. GOLD STAR RATING--How many Kg. has the Vendor successfully provided to our
Trusted Community. This rating is based on number of Kg. delivered.

VERIFIED BUYER REVIEWS Anyone who paid for the Buyer Service has the ability to leave (3)
three types of peer reviews after making a purchase of product and receiving delivery:

A. Written Review (text);

B. Timely Service Rating (did the product arrive on time?--Yes or No--shows percentage
of yes votes as a percentage of total votes); and
C. Quality Product Rating Scale. The scale is from 1-5 with 5 being best:

(5) Great Product Totally Satisfied! I will order this again;

(4) Very Good Product I am satisfied;
(3) I am happy.
(2) The product works, but not happy, and
(1) Very Unhappy!).

SEARCH SITE quickly find providers of product, a specific product or a specific provider (filtered
search for products and vendors).

BUY QUICKLY--Verified Buyers (VBs) purchase instantly at list price.

ECONOMICAL Minimum Cost of Buy Service is $20 for Lifetime Service or annually depending
on demand in the future. Start with limited offer at $20 for lifetime to first 100 people who use
Buy Service.

GUESTS can browse all Vendor HomePages (VHPs). All info including min. Kg. needed to
purchase in-order to create an order. They are able to place an order, but will be prompted to
becoming a verified Buyer of the Buyer Service before we can help them.

MINIMUM # OF Kg. a vendor will sell listed in our main listings visible to all. This number
is over layed on the vendor’s image or below it in the main list. The minimum purchase order
required to work with that vendor (1 Kg.- 1,000+Kg. slide) is essential information and therefore
will be easy to see. The vendor list is searchable to all Guests. They can scroll through the
entire list of vendors, but Guests can’t access the “MAKE AN OFFER--SET YOUR OWN PRICE
BIDDING FUNCTION.”. Guests ONLY see how much is the minimum order to work with that
vendor and their set purchase price. They should be able to see make a bid now, but they try to
use it they are prompted to login/sign up and pay for the Buyer Service.

SEE PRICE PER Kilo (Kg.) for both VBs and Guests--this feature is in both viewing modes.
This is an essential feature of the Marketplace. Verified Buyers and Guests see automatic
buying options (1 Kg. thru 100 Kg.) The prices are listed for each purchase.

USE ELECTRONIC BIDDING SYSTEM to make an immediate purchase for listed price or bid
for a better price per kilo up to 100 Kilos or up to $5,000. or submit a below list price offer to be
considered by the vendor.

TWO BUTTON BIDDING (1. # of Kg. desired in purchased up to 100 and 2. price willing to pay
per Kg. $27-270--sliding scale, calculator should show total price buyer willing to pay). or submit
a below list price offer to be considered by the vendor.

a. Guests are NOT Buyers Our Buyer Service must be paid for to be a Verified
Buyer--by paying the lifetime or annual Buyer Service fee. Our first 100 users will
be offered a lifetime membership for only $20. After paying the Buyer Service fee
speaking with a live person is next. The pay function needs to be on the
Marketplace Dashboard/Shopping Cart.

BUYER FACING DASHBOARDS-- safety, quality and convenience.

Two levels of Visitors: “Guests” and “Verified Buyers”

A. GUEST DASHBOARD IS OUR HOMEPAGE (UI is easy and intuitive)

HOMEPAGE is the site itself before anyone logs in. Front page is a nice image from the
farm/coffee leaf and one easy to see CTA button (Skype blue) under our catchy phrase,
“Cut the small talk, (LARGE, underneath is call-to-action)--BUY NOW!. “We got what
you want…” (under the Skype Blue call to action button). The company colors are
Black, White and Skype Blue….for images as much green and plant life as possible.

Company logo is in the upper left hand corner same as Lyft and Netflix. Log In/Sign In
in upper right corner. Everyone who visits the marketplace can have the UX of viewing
the VHPs simply by scrolling down. The website is only one page long...a very long
page. Before the marketplace is the company story, about the farmer and the farm
etc...this section is to build credibility with our audience. The ones that know us can cut
through the B.S. and go right to the Call-to-Action button, BUY NOW!

Without the Buyer Service the ability of guests to see prices is not diminished,
however to buy and or bid below listed prices; NO!. Not until the Buyer Service is paid
for, “Auto-Bid” feature/buy at listed prices are disabled. All options are visible to Guests
on the page and if someone tries to buy prior to log in/sign up the site should prompt
them to sign up and or become a Verified Buyer (with a login/sign up or join us ‘popup’).
As a professional Buyer Service we want to encourage our Guests to become VBs
ASAP. That is why we are offering the first 100 Guests to sign-up for a lifetime Buyer
Service Agreement for the price of an annual or monthly in the future.

VBs have the option to add to their cart between 1-100 Kg. and pay list price or to make an offer
for a lower price...up to $5,000 USD.

B. VBD OVERVIEW: Think Superior UX

VERIFIED BUYER’S DASHBOARD (VBD) is our consumer facing interface (THE

HOMEPAGE), which allows VBs access to the interface with the whole site making
purchases instantly or through the bidding process. VBs have the ability to shop using
the Marketplace and view all VHPs (Vendor HomePages), when Buyer enters the
Marketplace they see their profile and are prompted to update it each time they sign in.


Buyer’s info and purchase history will also appear on the VB profile page (sample
shown above). The Verified Buyer can change their profile preferences at will, such as,
languages, contact info and other personal preferences once they are issued a
username (USERNAME). Their assigned username (numbers and letters) is the ID that
is visible to our Vendors. People on this site only appear as usernames. Only people
with access to a BDB (Business Dashboard) can unmask the numbers of the shoppers
to contact them for sales assistance or for shipping purposes. After first signing in with a
temporary password, given to VB by Marketplace representative using BDB or Super
Dashboard, VBs will be encouraged to change their passwords immediately.


1. Visitors are HUMANS who come to our marketplace homepage and view the gallery of
vendors. There will be a “Welcome” sign about the listings letting guests know they are
free to browse, but must purchase the Buyer Service prior to making a purchase.

One Call To Action button, “Buy Now,” immediately lowers guest to

section listing all vendors in an order that is not influenced by advertising
dollars, but instead by buyer popularity and shipping history.

The image of each vendor should be this size. There should be four across on each row on
the desktop version.Where there is a sentence at the bottom of the box it should say, “The min.
# of Kg. required” to buy from that vendor. The city location in the upper left corner of the square
(Merida) is where the Vendor’s 8-digit ID/Username can be seen by all. It will be posted in this
format, “162-85-115.” Where the $ price is will be our GOLD STAR rating. Where the “FOTOS”
box is will be where our GREEN LEAF ratings will go.

2. Guest should be able to browse the marketplace, but not able to make a purchase.
3. Once purchasing the Buyer Service the VB is ready to purchase product.
4. Guests after visiting three VHPs will be invited to become VBs. Highlight the ability of
VBs to bid at below listed prices and to purchase any time with no delays.
5. It is $20 (monthly/annual/lifetime Buyer Service fee) to upgrade from Guest to VB. Buyer
Service for life; a limited time offer only $20 (100 people only) (all done on the BDB).
6. Improve experience by being a VB; activate the “auto-bidding/buy at list price” button.
7. Guest can’t load shopping cart...they can only browse. If they go to load, they are
redirected to purchase Buyer Service.
8. To make a purchase confirm status by logging in as a VB.
9. ONE and only function Guests can’t do is to Shop at Marketplace.
10. There are three ways to buy 1) Load Shopping Cart and check out or 2) name your own
price bidding with our “auto-bid” system, and 3) buying over 100+ Kg. with the
assistance of a buyer agent.
11. Terms and Conditions must be read and accepted prior to paying for Buyer Service.
12. Buyer’s Service fee and password allow login for making product purchases.
13. Buyers will be sent an automatically generated Buyer’s survey via email or WhatsApp
within 24-hours of their product’s arrival. All buyers can rate the products and services.

The Qualifying Questions’ answers are given to our sales team to follow up and assist the
Guest transitioning to a VB. This should be an electronic survey sent to each person who
purchases the Buyer Service. We are building their buyer profile to best service them with their
current purchase and in the future. All Marketplace staff who have access to the BDB should
have these leads on their CRM. For a VB to complete the process (s)he will have a call with a
human being from our staff.



1. Do you speak English? (Yes or No)

2. What languages do you speak? (text)
3. Date of Birth-- over 18 years old, get numbers they’ll remember for their “username.”
4. Verify by Text SMS (Phone #).
5. Verify by auto-email? (Yes or No) VB are verified by email and SMS; both;
6. Do you have a WhatsApp account? (Yes or No)
7. How do you want to be contacted regarding ordering this product or any product in the
future (text) or by phone? (Yes or No).
8. If yes, “Is your cell phone number the same at your SMS Text #?” (Yes or No)
9. Do you want to speak with a sales person ASAP? (Yes or No) If yes, autotext,
Whatsapp, email and call with pre-recorded message all people with access to a BDB.
10. (If NO is answered) If no, they may continue to browse as they started and they can
request a specific time to connect with our staff. When is the best time for us to reach
you? (email/text to
11. Verified Buyers are approved in personal call over WhatsApp or Cell phone with BDB
authorized personnel;
12. VBs are approved and given their Usernames and temporary passwords from BDB; and
13. VBs will be sent an automatic welcome aboard message via email, SMS or WhatsApp
(depending on their preference) thanking them for becoming part of the marketplace.

3 Questions for Product Purchases

Guests should be allowed to touch and view these buying tools, but they will be inactive until
guest is logged in. The only way to login is to purchase the Buyer Service.

1. How many Kilos do you want? (1, 3,4, 5….100, 100+)

2. PURCHASE NOW OR MAKE BID? (Buy listed price, fill cart, go to check out). If “bid,”
Buyer will use auto-bidding tool to generate an offer that will be presented to the vendor.
3. Do you want more than 100+ Kg.?--(this option is selected) Contact form immediately
pops up that sends alert to sales staff. VB must speak to a “Buyer Service
Representative” for an order that large. Look to move forward with outside ESCROW
COMPANY to handle financial transaction. Need to make deposit for purchase.


Looks like Marketplace Homepage, but says “Hello 1122CRA”



14. VBs login and are welcomed by their 7-digit code. E.g. “Hello 1122CRA”
15. Sign In should recognize the various Usernames (6 digits/3 letters then 3 numbers--
BDB; 7-digits 4 numbers then 3 letters--VB; and 8-digit 8 numbers--Ven.#).
16. The Homepage looks same as for Guests, “Hello 1122CRA” replaces LOGIN.
17. Call to action button remains the same, “Buy Now”
18. Each option leads directly to the Coffee Marketplace.
19. Searching VHPs is a different UX as VB b/c access to purchase power.
20. VBs are pre-approved to purchase 100 Kg. or up to $5,000 with shopping cart.
21. VBs are able to create a direct offer to a Vendor with the auto-bid processes that is on
each VHP. They can make an offer on up to up to 100 Kg. or pay the listed price.
22. VBs can have a favorite list.
23. VBs can abandon a shopcart and it will remember the contents when VB returns.

Verified Buyers’ Dashboard (UI) Process Review

1. How many Kilos do you want? (On each VHP--1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 100, 100+ number
2. Farmers input prices 1 Kg., 3 Kg. 5 Kg. and 10 Kg., listed price is calculated as follows:
a. Price for 1 Kilo (price set by vendor--2Kg. Is double)
b. Price for 3 Kilos (price SBV --set by vendor-- 4 kilos is 3 kilo price plus one kile
c. Price for 5 Kilos (SBV--6 kilos is price for 5 + 20% cost of 5, etc...thru 10)
d. Price for 10 Kg. (SBV--divide by ten all the way to 100 Kg.)
3. Buy now option paying the listed price (Add to Cart) and;
4. Go to shopping cart and checkout.
5. Use the Auto-Bid Process after login.
6. Bid on price per Kg. (Number Slide $27-197)
7. Select number of Kg. included in your order.
8. Do you want more than 100 Kilos (100+)-contacted by Sales Agent ASAP.
9. 100Kg. Or less go to shopping cart to check out.
10. “Bid” goes directly to the Vendor’s verified email, Whatsapp and automatic cell phone
call at the requested hour. Vendor has 24-hours to accept offer. If no answer after six
hours the sales professional will reach out to Vendor.
11. VBs make their offers and the Marketplace sales staff work to facilitate the transaction.
VBs are allowed to offer Vendors a bid on up to 100 Kg (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…...100, 100+
options on a slide).

_____________________VENDORS DASHBOARDS_____________________

--2nd Stakeholder--

(Vendor UX/UI)



13 Benefits of Vending in Farm Direct Marketplace



The Benefits to Vendors on the Marketplace

1. Potential increased revenue.

2. Potential increased profit.
3. Access to thousands of more customers.
4. Global marketing and advertising to promote product and the farm.
5. Personal marketing website with Vendor’s customized products and prices.
6. Vendor HomePage helps Vendor to brand company and product line.
7. No contract or commitment; vendors can leave Marketplace any time.
8. VB creates bid at $ per Kg. VBs choose the number of Kilos they wish, VB’s credit card
is entered to verify available funds, VB commits to buying product with additional
confirmation window, after available funds hold is run on VB’s card for purchase price.
9. The vendor has 24-hours to accept or decline buyer’s bid. If the vendor says YES, the
payment will go through. Then shipping begins ASAP VHP issues Tracking info..
10. If a vendor doesn’t accept the buyers offer someone from our company will call and see
if we can bring the two parties together at an acceptable price for both parties because
we only get paid when Vendor’s products sell successfully. The Vendor has a qualified
agent working with their product.
11. Vendors spend less time selling on FB, so they save hundreds of hours per year.
12. Site brings sales to them and their VHP answers questions for the buyer, so they don’t
need to say the same things over and over as they do on Facebook.
13. Their new customer base will feel more confident because they can pay with a credit
card and be offered a full money back guarantee on the delivery being successful.

Vendor Facing Pages


1. The VHP is initially set up and edited by a BDB user who then trains vendor.
2. Implementation starts as soon as they agree to Terms and Conditions.
3. Vendor is interviewed by salesperson as they fill out welcome form.
4. VHP is published and the Vendor is given a temporary password.
5. Vendors should be prompted to change their password ASAP.
6. Vendors should add products to their VHP ASAP.
7. BDB implementation assistance should help with the first 3 to 6 listings.
8. One product will be added by the BDB user as an example to the vendor.
9. Vendor has the ability to update inventory (submit a new product).
10. Set and or Change the price of a 1, 3, 5 or 10 Kg. of each product (strain: PRODUCT
NAME; Kg. # slide from 1-1000+; and $ # slide.= $27-270 per Kg.).
11. How many tons can Vendor produce per month (-1, 1-100+) intake ? NOT on VHP
12. What is their minimum order (Vendors can change this number from 1-1000+). On VHP
13. The Vendor can change their temporary password on the Vendor Dashboard or request
a new temporary one if they ever forget or lose theirs. Issued by SDB.
14. Process for Vendors to accept Terms and Conditions is when they request their “Vendor
Facing Welcome Page.” To submit must check accept terms in box, ”read and agree.”
15. Vendors have to pay an annual fee from $0 to $999. This is not seen by them as it is
only on the Marketplace staff’s Dashboards and not on any other pages. This will be
mentioned in the Terms and Condition for the use of our Marketplace.
16. Vendors are welcome to make suggestions as to changes to their pictures and story
page at any time, but all changes must go through customer service at their discretion.

This section describes how the Vendors will interface with the Marketplace. This business plan
requires a lot of human contact with the Vendors to build strong relationships with them. Dealing
with the farmers means staying in touch often. The Marketplace can serve as an effective Buyer
Service helping vendors make more sales (creating a win-win) by getting more of their product to
market. The Marketplace also benefits buyers who have access in one local to already available
infor on the openmarket. By creating a buyer service it allows buyers to find the best.

How-To Welcome Aboard a New Vendor

UI/UX “how-to” Get them to use our site?

“Vendor Facing Welcome Page” 1st UX (electronic touch) for Vendor--Must Be Exceptional
because it will cause them to list their product on our site. They have already agreed to our
Terms and Conditions, now we have to smoothly onboard them making them feel good about
their decision to join our Marketplace. They must see benefit here and now! Welcome page can
be filled out by Marketplace Rep. and Vendor at the same time…on a Google Docs like
document? Hit send when complete. Inform people filling out survey that they don’t have to
answer every question.

VENDOR FACING WELCOME PAGE (English and Vendor language) Welcome letter should
open in Vendor’s home language and English. We briefly explain to them the value of our
service. How we have waived the fee to list their products on our page while we are in the Beta-
Test phase of development. That if we help them to make a sale they pay $10 USD on the first
Kg. and $5 on every Kg. after that. They must keep this in mind when pricing their product.They
also pay the credit card processing fee, which is approximately 4%. The price setting calculator
(will use exact number) should help them to see these charges when they set their prices.

The welcome note is followed by an intake questionnaire. None of these questions are
mandatory to answer. However, the whatsapp number and email need to be verified for the
sending of the WELCOME PAGE. Almost all of our vendors have a mobile phone. This way, we
have a way to contact them to complete incomplete applications.


Want to become a Vendor on Farm Direct? Enter your WhatsApp#/email here and we’ll
welcome you onto this profitable salesplatform.

A. What is your whatsapp#/email?


Any authorized BDB user can invite and add Vendors. First a Vendor must fill out the “Vendor
Facing Welcome Page,” which is a questionnaire intake page. This is a Vendor’s 1st UX with
the Marketplace. It must Be Positive! You never get a second chance to make a great first

The following questions are to electronically interview new Vendors and get information to fill in
their “Company’s Vendor HomePage (VHP).” They should fill this out with a customer service
person to give it a more personal touch and not to feel invasive. It would be best if there was a
share screen option, so our sales people could fill this out with them or for them. We want to
make this incredibly easy for the farmers to sign up.


1. Contact Person’s name (text)

2. Operation Hours?
3. WhatsApp Hours to contact regarding sale?
4. What is your email/whatsapp? (text)
5. Facebook page to reach out on? (add link)
6. Is someone in the company good at using computers?
7. Who is that person?
8. Can they submit 12 photos for website design? (upload file)
9. Vendor may submit link to one YouTube video no more than 2 minutes in length. (this
will be embedded on VHP once approved by Marketplace SDB or BDB).
10. What is the minimum number of Kilos they will sell per transaction? (1-999, 1000+)
11. Do you offer a sample package? (1, 3, 5, or 10 Kg.)
12. How many Tons can the farm or factory produce per month? (1-99, 100+)


13. Name of their Company? (text)

14. Why that name?
15. Who started the business? (text)
16. How did they get started in this business? (text)
17. Tell us about your brand?
18. Tell us about your farm?


19. How many years does your farm/factory have in business?

20. How many employees does your farm have?
21. What is the farming philosophy?
22. History of farmer’s connection to the land? (text)
23. Tell us about the head farmer/owner? (text)
24. How old were they when they started farming? (text)
25. How big is their family/farm? (text)


26. How many Hectares is your farm?

27. Do you have any special equipment for processing and packaging?
28. Do you follow organic farming practices? (Yes or No)
29. Can your product be labeled Organic (Yes or No)
30. Do you use pesticide? (Yes or No)
31. What do you use for pest control?

Branding the multivendor marketplace starts with the Vendor, they need to feel as if they are
part of the Marketplace’s future. That their page is special that has an opportunity to bring them
increased revenue. We want to personally welcome each Vendor and train them for success.
Let the Vendor know that with our marketplace they have potential to double, triple or even
quadruple their sales volume, if they use it fully to their advantage. They can use our site as
their personal website to help them with marketing making their new buyers feel more
comfortable ordering across the planet. We provide safety to the buyer, so they are more likely
to order from “farm direct” on the first day, if they feel secure financially. We are here to act as
the Vendor’s helper and get them more sales because we only get paid when they make a sale.

1. Vendors’ Dashboards (VDB) is similar, but different compared to VHP. The VHP is
Consumer Facing. It is made for the Buyer to feel comfortable buying from a stranger,
the farmer. It is personal and highlights the farm’s best products to make the buyer feel
as if they know their farmer personally.

The VDB is designed to make each Vendor feel like a shop owner. Their page is their
personal shop where they want to put forth the best image to the world. Based on their
answers in the intake interview and questionnaire the Buyer Service has created a
framework for their (up to) 30 products.

The right side of the page should be a menu for the vendor to make changes to their product.
Many of our farmers are in rural areas and only have access to the Internet via cell, so this must
work easily on the Android and iPhone platforms.

At the top of each VHP there will be a brief description about each farmer and farm. Their
methods of growing will be highlighted and some personal photos will also be included. Then
will be the product list. Vendors will be able to list 30 (10 rows of 3 across) products for sale.
The part the vendor can control is the list of 30 products.

To add and remove products from their Vendor HomePage will be easy. Vendors will upload
photo(s), product name, min. # of Kg. needed to buy this product, prices for 1, 3, 5 and 10 Kg.
and a brief description. Their CS (customer service) rep. will upload the new product to the first
available space on their homepage.

Once the product is uploaded a vendor can 1) move it to any location on their page; 2) remove it
from their page; 3) they can change the prices of the product; and 4) create a new product.

There is an upload button to upload new photos for a new product listings or to replace a
deleted photos in the product section. This upload goes directly to the Super Dashboard and
Salespeople/Customer Service Agents (people with access to a BDB) to approve and upload
images. Each VHPs will have up to 30 possible listings and each of those listing will be
numbered one thru thirty (1-30 displayed in 10 rows/3 products in each row).

Vendors will see a statistical analysis page. They should be able to see how many visitors
they’ve had.visit their VHP. How many clicks each product has received. They should be able to
see the Buyer Username of Buyers who placed an order with them in the past. They will be
notified of bids and the bidder’s Username. Analysis page should show all previous orders and
financial results of each transaction. Amounts received for product, paid for shipping, processing
fee, marketplace fee, so they have an accurate accounting. All of this information will help them
to best manage their VHP and profit from our Farm Direct Marketplace.
___________________BUSINESS DASHBOARDS__________________

--3rd Stakeholder--

(Business UX/UI)


The Business Dashboards
Business Dashboards (BDB) two access points for Admin/Super Admin.

Internal Facing Business Dashboards

Super Admin. Dashboard Overview

“Super Dashboard” (SDB) This panel is accessed by only one person and has a unique
password (Password access/Email address/UserName). This is the main Business Dashboard
needed to give access to the Sales and Service team. The SDB can create online employees by
giving access to a newly created BDB. This page should see a record of all activity on the site
including all BDB activity.

SDB assigns and creates access for Sales and Service personnel by giving them a Username
and Temporary Password. Passwords can be replaced if lost. SDB can approve, add or remove
product pictures, verify VBs, Vendors can be verified and issued temporary passwords, offer
discount coupons to Vendors wanting to join the Marketplace, have access to all information
regarding Staff, Guests, VBs and Vendors, access to view analytics, KPIs and all revenue
pages and financial metrics of eCommerce. There needs to be some sort of CRM or way for
Admin. (both SDB and BDBs) to keep notes on each Vendor and VB. Notes of their sale
history/notes of emails and conversations. This “notes page/CRM tool” should only be visible on
the BDBs;

Super Dashboard - leadership, security and specific authorities

1. Super Dashboard has the ability to control everything that can be controlled.


2. Able to add/delete, activate/deactivate the accounts of Sales and Buyer Reps.--Yes.

3. SDB will generate temporary passwords Vendor and Buyer facing teams.
4. The Salesperson who signed up a Vendor has (auto-ability) permission to edit that
Vendor HomePage (VHP), as long as salesperson’s account is active.
5. SDB has ability to authorize/delete the accounts of VBs--Yes.
6. All BDB authorized users have permission to authorize accounts of VBs.
7. Ability to add/delete, activate/deactivate the accounts of Vendors--Yes.
8. Adding “New Vendors” at $0 fee is available for all authorized BDB users (Sliding drop
down menu $0-999).
9. There is a potential fee of $999 to join our service as a Vendor. This fee must be marked
paid to approve a new Vendor by the Super Dashboard or other representative’s with
access to a Business Dashboard. Drop down menu ($0-999 USD to pay for annual
fee/lifetime fee) any price can be selected by BDB user. This fee is automatically added
to a shopping cart when above $0. This fee is only seen in the Terms and Conditions
and on the BDBs, it is NOT visible on any external facing interface. This fee will mostly
be waived as we get started with the Beta-Test phase of development of the this
marketplace. Vendors must first accept Marketplace’s Terms and Conditions prior
receiving Vendor Facing Welcome Letter.
10. Authorized BDB users (Salesperson and assigned Customer Service Representatives)
are able to build the Vendor’s HomePage by uploading Vendor’s photos, story etc…
from the Vendor Facing Welcome Page. (There should be some template that is auto-
uploading from the Vendor Facing Welcome Page) VHP is then edited in a BDB by an
authorized user. The language of the upload will needed to be heavily edited, but this
basic template upload could save the sales and customer service people a lot of time.
11. SDB will assign Buyer Representatives access to VHPs to edit and upload.
Business Dashboard for Sales and Buyer Representatives

Dashboard for Sales and Service “BDB” allows representatives to approve Vendor’s
uploaded product pictures for their VHPs, create Vendor’s VHPs, approve and sign up
Vendors and VBs, and set prices for Marketplace Vendors. These representatives can
issue temporary passwords to VBs and Vendors. They have access to KPIs, analytics
and revenue of their Vendors. Access to the BDB CRM;

Vendors will be given access with an 8-digit number for their (Unique Username) and
this will be visible under their Brand Name--this is their Username in our marketplace.
All transactions between Buyers and Vendors are done with numbers and not names.
Vendor # 16285100 (8-digit code to create Unique Username from first five numbers of
Vendor’s WhatsApp number entered into “Vendor’s Welcome Page” + 5 sequential
numbers starting at 100, 105, 110, 115, etc..) and Customer # WCS0328 (Buyer’s 2
letter initials, First and Last Names, the 3rd letter assigned by Marketplace staff, and the
month and date of their birth--thru September with the 0).


1. Each category of user will have a different style of Username: 1) BDB Usernames will 6-
digits long and look like “CRX965” (Three letters followed by three numbers) created on
the SDB, 2) VB’s Usernames will be 7-digits long and look like “0621BRD” (Four
numbers followed by three letters) created by someone with access to a BDB; and 3)
Vendors’ Usernames will look like this “62821111.” This number will be created by
someone with access to a BDB (Vendor’s first 5 digits of their What’sApp number as
given on their “Vendor Facing Welcome Page,” and adding three consecutive numbers
spaced 5 digits part at the end).
2. SDB will create Sales and Buyer Service Representatives’ Usernames.
3. SDB will create temporary passwords for all authorized BDB users.
4. Method for creating Buyer Representative’s Usernames is done on this SDB. The
Username will be a six-digit code (6-digit “Representative Number” must be 3 letters
followed by 3 numbers, for example HMA123 is a valid “Representative Number” used to
Login to the BDB for sales and buyer representatives).
5. Ability to create VB’s Username (7-digit code created with Combination of 4 Numbers
6. Vendor’s Permanent Numbers (VPN) are 8-digit numeric Usernames for Vendors. These
are human generated numbers (an 8-digit code as Unique Username is the first five
numbers of Vendor’s WhatsApp number as entered into the “Vendor Facing Welcome
Page” + sequentially 5 spaced numbers starting at 100, 105, 110, 115, etc..) This VPN is
on the Vendor’s thumbnail, the VHP, and anything that is used for taking orders and
payout vendors. This is important information that needs to be kept in a secure protocol.
7. The authorized BDB user will then give the Vendor a temporary password.
8. Initial populating of the Vendor Facing HomePage and Vendor’s Dashboard will be done
by taking answers from the Vendor’s completed “Vendor Facing Welcome Page.” This
will be simultaneously self-populated into the VHP template as well as the company’s
internal CRM. The VHP will be edited from any BDB before being published..
9. SDB has total access to entire site. Ability to access and edit all VHPs. Ability to build
and editing from SDB dashboard (access from SDB by entering Vendor’s 8 digit number
and universal SDB key-code, which allows access/ability to edit the page).


1. Ability to see KPIs on all BDBs--Yes

2. Ability to see Analytics on all BDBs--Yes


1. Ability to see Financial Statements on Revenue and Processed credit cards, payments
made to vendors and received from Buyers. Fees collected for Buyer’s Service. SDB
should have the ability to split payments to vendors, so they can receive partial
payments and complete the transaction when proof of arrival is confirmed.
2. All financial info should be accessible ONLY on the SDB.
3. Data such as how many total sales, to who, which salesperson, what service
representative spoke to who that day, historically, all data should be kept in codes from
Vendor’s VPN, VBs’ Unique Usernames and authorized BDB users.
4. Key should be kept offline to insure Buyer and vendor privacy and to protect proprietary


1. Sign-in IDs of all BDB users will be recorded with time and action stamps, so
Marketplace will be able to track which representative made what changes, earned what
commissions, and other electronically recorded data and will use this info to generate
financial and KPI reports.

A. Business Dashboard--sales, security and service

1. Ability to invite new Vendors and VBs.

2. Ability to approve new VBs.
3. Ability to create VB’s Unique Username (7-digit code created with Combination of 4
4. Ability to send out a link to a blank Vendor Facing “Welcome Page.” Inviting Vendors.
5. Vendor submits business’ content to Marketplace through the “Vendor Facing Welcome
6. Authorized BDB users are alerted to completion of Vendor’s “Welcome Page” and
launch the creation of a VHP from their BDB access point.
7. Vendor’s HomePage template is automatically generated.
8. Initial populating of the Vendor Facing HomePage and Vendor’s Dashboard will be done
by taking answers from the Vendor’s completed “Vendor Facing Welcome Page.” (some
information from this form is for the CRM and some if for the VPH).
9. Authorized BDB users will be able to control everything on a Vendor’s VHP.
10. Authorized BDB users will edit and publish their client’s VHPs from their BDB.
11. Once published, Vendors will be assigned to a Buyer Representative. Give Vendor
temporary password.
12. Once VHP is launched Sales and or Buyer Service Representatives will reach out and
work with Vendor to add up to 30 products. The more products added the more the
Team can earn. So, get those Vendors to add products as quickly as possible!
13. VHP will launch with one strain and pricing added by our staff in the editing process,
vendors will have the ability to learn process quickly with online training from our trained
14. Vendors will know how to edit all prices, upload photos and add up to 29 more products.
15. Functionality of an email marketing panel, ability to offer discounts to new members and
send out newsletters to both Vendors and VBs will be included in the BDB.

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