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Name: ……………………
Class: ……………………

Q1. Given the two points a, f a, b, f b , the linear Lagrange polynomial f1 x  that passes
through these two points is given by
xb xa f b   f a 
f1 x   f a   f b  f1 x   f a   b  a 
(A) a b a b (C) ba
xb xa
f1 x   f a   f b  f1 x   f a   f b 
x x
(B) ba ba (D) a b ba
Q2. The following data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time.
Time (s) 0 15 18 22 24
Velocity (m/s) 22 24 37 25 123
If you were going to use quadratic interpolation to find the value
of the velocity at t  14.9 seconds, what three data points of time would you choose for

(A) 0, 15, 18 (C) 0, 15, 22

(B) 15, 18, 22 (D) 0, 18, 24

Q3. A new fuel for recreational boats being developed at the local university was tested at an
area pond by a team of engineers. Their interest is to document the environmental impact of
the fuel – how quickly does the slick spread? Table 1 shows the video camera record of the
radius of the wave generated by a drop of the fuel that fell into the pond. Using the data,
(a) Compute the rate at which the radius of the drop was changing at t  2 seconds.

(b) Estimate the rate at which the area of the contaminant was spreading across the pond at
t  2 seconds.

Table 1 Radius as a function of time.

Time, t s  0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Radius, R m 0 0.236 0.667 1.225 1.886 2.635 3.464 4.365 5.333

Use second order Lagrangian polynomial interpolation to solve the problem.

d x
Q4. A student finds the numerical value of (e )  20.220 at x  3 using a step size of 0.2.
Which of the following methods did the student use to conduct the differentiation?

(A) Backward-divided (C) Central-divided

difference difference
(B) Calculus, that is, exact (D) Forward-divided

Q5. The heat transfer rate q over a surface is given by q   kA
Stu. Name: ……………………
Class: ……………………

 J 
k = thermal conductivity  
smK 
A = surface area m 2 
T = temperature K 
y = distance normal to the surface m 
k  0.025
A  3m 2

the temperature T over the surface varies as

T  1493 y 3  2200 y 2  1076 y  500

The heat transfer rate q at the surface most nearly is

(C) 80.7 W
(A) -1076 W (D) 500 W
(B) 37.5 W

Q6. The approximate value of  (e 2 x  4 x 2  8) dx by combination of Simpson’s 1/3 rule (n=6
segments) and Simpson’s 3/8 rule (n=3 segments) most nearly is

(A) 60.0677 (C) 61.0677

(B) 59.0677 (D) 59.7607

Q7. In an attempt to understand the mechanism of the depolarization process in a fuel cell, an
electro-kinetic model for mixed oxygen-methanol current on platinum was developed in the
laboratory at FAMU. A very simplified model of the reaction developed suggests a functional
relation in an integral form. To find the time required for 50% of the oxygen to be consumed,
the time, T s  is given by
 6.73x  4.3025  10 7 
0.6110 6
T    dx
1.2210 6  2.316  10 11 x
 
Use three-point Gauss quadrature rule to find the time required for 50 % of the oxygen to be
consumed. Also, find the absolute relative true error.
c1  0.55556 c2  0.88889 c3  0.55556
x1  0.77460 x2  0.0000 x3  0.77460

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