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Copying a Siebel

Sample DB to a
Server DB
Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

Table of contents

1. Document History ........................................................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Version log............................................................................................................................................................. 2

1.2 Tested against releases.......................................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Required knowledge level ...................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................... 3

3. Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................. 4

4. Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB ................................................................................................................. 5

4.1 Exporting the Siebel Sample database .................................................................................................................. 5

4.2 Importing the Siebel Sample database .................................................................................................................. 8

4.3 Post import tasks ................................................................................................................................................... 9

5. Further Considerations.................................................................................................................................................. 10

6. Useful Links ................................................................................................................................................................. 11

7. References ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Copyright © Capgemini december 2004 blz. 1

Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

1. Document History

1.1 Version log

v Date Author Change description

1.0 2004-11-22 Ji Yong Dijkhuis Initial version


1.2 Tested against releases

• Siebel 7.5.3 on Oracle 9 and Windows 2000 Server

1.3 Required knowledge level

• Siebel Core Consultant

• Basic MS Windows

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Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

2. Introduction
A lot of Siebel proposals are backed up by a sample application. Most of the time it is developed on a local or
sample database on a laptop. Sometimes the question is raised if it is possible to put this sample application on a
server, so we can host it for a client, or for other reasons. Migrating all the data and configuration by hand can be a
tedious task.

There is no official Siebel supported way, but it is possible. It is recommended to only do this for so called
sandbox environments and should never replace a dev2prod! Never touch DEV, TEST or PROD environments
with the tools mentioned in this document.

We also have to warn that we haven’t tested the full functionality of a Siebel server after copying a Sample
database to it. So far we have tested if it was possible to connect to the server with the web client and change data.
A fuller overview of functionalities that do or don’t work might come in later revisions of this document.

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Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

3. Requirements
This document will only show you how to copy the sample database to a server database. This document will not
show you how to install a Siebel Server or Client.

The following things are required:

• A fully installed Siebel Server environment (Database and Application)

• Full Siebel client installation with sample database on Siebel server

The actual sample database that needs to be copied can be copied over to the server in the appropriate client

This document only describes the process for Windows.

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Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

4. Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

As a first step we assume that the actual Sample database has been copied to the appropriate Client directory. First
we describe how to export all the tables from the Sample database. After that we will show how to import all these
tables into the Server database.

4.1 Exporting the Siebel Sample database

To export data from a database, Siebel has a utility called DataExp. This utility can export the data to a file
through an ODBC connection. Do note that Siebel does not support this utility for the procedure you are about to
commence. As was said before, only do this for sandbox environments!

If you have installed a client and sample database on the server, it will have created the ODBC connection to the
sample client database.
You can check the name of the ODBC in the DataSources (ODBC) program.

Figure 4-1. Start Data Sources

Click Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC).

Now you can note the name of the ODBC to the client sample database.

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Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

Figure 4-2. Check ODBC of client sample database

If you don’t see something like “SEAW Samp Db C:/sea752/client” you probably aren’t the user under which the
client sample database has been installed. Please login with the user that has the client sample database installed.

Now we have enough information to extract the sample data.

DataExp can be found in the “bin” directory of the Siebel Server.

In this case, that would be: C:\CRMSample\siebsrvr\BIN

Open the command prompt and change the directory to the one on your server.
You can bypass this step, but than you have to add the path in front of “dataexp”.
If you execute “dataexp” without parameters, you will get the help file.

To export the sample data we used the following command:

dataexp /U SADMIN /P SADMIN /C "SEAW Samp Db C:/sea752/client" /D SIEBEL /F

C:\export.dmp /K Y

The /U parameter is for the username. It is recommended to use SADMIN for this task,
The /P parameter is the password for the user specified with /U.

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Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

The /C parameter should contain the name of the ODBC to the client sample database. We used quotes as there
were spaces in the name.
The /D parameter is the name of the Siebel table owner.
The /F parameter specifies the name and path of the export file. This file will be later used with DataImp.
The /K parameter allows use of wildcards for selecting the tables.

If you have correctly filled everything, you will be presented with a prompt that asks you the name of the table to
be exported.

Figure 4-3. Export client sample database

Here we fill in the wildcard “%” and this will export all tables. Remember we enabled wildcards with the /K

After a while all data will be exported to the file specified with the /F parameter.

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Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

4.2 Importing the Siebel Sample database

To import data to a database, Siebel has a utility called DataImp. This utility can import the data from a file to the
database through an ODBC connection. Do note that Siebel does not support this utility for the procedure you are
about to commence. As was said before, only do this for sandbox environments!

If you have installed the Siebel application server on the server, it will have created the ODBC connection to the
server database.

You can check the name of the ODBC in the DataSources (ODBC) program. (See 4.1)

Click on the “System DSN” tab to see the name of the ODBC to the server database.

Figure 4-4. Check ODBC of server database

In this case it is “Siebsrvr_CRMESSAMP”. Now we have enough information to import the sample data.

DataImp.exe can be found in the “bin” directory of the “siebsrvr” directory.

In this case, that would be: C:\CRMSample\siebsrvr\BIN

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Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

Open the command prompt and change the directory to the one on your server.
You can bypass this step, but than you have to add the path in front of “dataexp”.
If you execute “dataimp” without parameters, you will get the help file.

To import the sample data we used the following command:

dataimp /U SADMIN /P SADMIN /C SiebSrvr_CRMESSAMP /D SIEBEL /F C:\export.dmp

/H Log

The /U parameter is for the username. It is recommended to use SADMIN for this task,
The /P parameter is the password for the user specified with /U.
The /C parameter should contain the name of the ODBC to the server database. If there are spaces in the name, use
The /D parameter is the name of the Siebel table owner.
The /F parameter specifies the name and path of the import file. This should be the same name as used with
The /H parameter controls the way to handle errors. Default it will “Abort”. We used “Log”, but we ended up with
a log file of almost 500MB! Perhaps it is better to use “Count”.
For performance reasons you might want to experiment with the /X and /N parameters.

In our case the import took considerable longer than the export.

4.3 Post import tasks

You might want to copy the filesystem of the sample database to the filesystem of the server database. We haven’t
tested it, so we can’t tell if it works.

The users are not automatically created. Talk to your DBA or refer to the documentation of your database.
SADMIN should be available, so there is no immediate need for creating users.

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Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

5. Further Considerations

Some data in the sample database is duplicate with a vanilla server install. For instance, a vanilla install already
has some responsibilities defined. If the process wants to import this duplicate data, an error is observed caused by
a unique index violation.

This is correct behaviour, as we only want the extra information stored in the database.

However, there seems to be an exception to this. All tools related data is being imported. Although we are pretty
sure that this is duplicate data, somehow there are no unique index violations. This might be caused by the
difference in ROW_ID or Name for the Repository itself. This means that it is not recommended to use this
environment to develop a new SRF. Further investigation is needed for a full resolution.

If you still need this environment also as a playground to test new things in Tools, there are four ways to consider.

First you can have DataImp empty all tables before importing the data with the /T parameter. But we can’t tell you
if this would delete too much.

Second way is exporting the repository before you import the data. After the import, rename the repository and
import the repository from before the import. But we don’t know if the newly imported tools data is affected by the
rename of the repository and will no longer be causing any problems.

Third way would be to explore the use of an input file. Suspicion is that you can control what tables are affected by
putting them in a text file. As DataImp and DataExp are not supported by Siebel, there is little information
available on this.
You can look at the file “seed.inp” in dbsrvr/enu for an example.

The fourth way would be to check if you can do an exprep on a sample or local database and import the resulting
file into the server.

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Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

6. Useful Links Siebel Supportweb


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Copying a Siebel Sample DB to a Server DB

7. References


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