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AP HuGs Ch 12 p.

AP Human Geography Name:_________________________
Chapter 12: Services & Settlements

Key Issue #1: Where are services distributed?

1. Service:

2. What percentage of the GDP do service generate in MDCs? LDCs?

3. Why are services clustered in MDCs?

4. Settlement:

5. What locational factor is critical for service?

6. 3 types of services & their purpose:


7. Why do you think that in the U.S. there has been growth in the tertiary sector of jobs and a decline in
primary and secondary?

Key Issue #2: Where are services distributed?

Central Place Theory
1. What are the 2 components of central place theory? (bolded words – define them!)

2. How is a market area determined?

3. Where are people on the circumference of the market-area going to go for their services?

4. “Daily urban systems”:

5. Describe Figure 12-6:

6. Range:

7. Threshold:

8. What are a few examples of goods/services that attract different types of people?
AP HuGs Ch 12 p.2
Hierarchy of Consumer Service
9. How does Figure 12-7 of North Dakota fit Central Place Theory?

10. Why are only consumer services with small threshold, short range, and small market area found in small

11. Rank-size rule:

12. Primate city:

13. How does rank-size rule v. having a primate city impact people in the country?

Market Area Analysis

14. Gravity Model:

Consumer behavior reflects these 2 patterns:


15. (Doing Geography)àBriefly describe how geographers determine best locations for new grocery stores:

¨ Food Desert:

Periodic Markets
16. How do geographers use central place theory? (hint: 2 scenarios)

17. Describe the benefits of a periodic market for both a developing and a developed country:

18. Compare 2 of the examples of specific geographic regions and the frequency of their periodic markets.

Key Issue #3: Where Are Business Services Distributed?

Hierarchy of Business Services
1. ** Predict why some business services may cluster in a handful of urban settlements or why some
settlements specialize in certain services. **
AP HuGs Ch 12 p.3
2. Briefly describe each type of business service concentrated in global cities:

3. Describe for Durham/Raleigh or a major U.S. city of your choice, what it possesses for each of the factors
used to identify and rank global cities:
¨ Economic factors:

¨ Political factors:

¨ Cultural factors:

¨ Infrastructure factors:

¨ Communications:

¨ Transportation:

4. What might vary between an alpha city like Chicago, a beta city like Philadelphia or Dallas, and a gamma
city like St. Louis or Tampa?

5. What kind of leisure services may be available in a global city? Why?

6. What else sets global cities apart and makes them unique?

Business Services in Developing Countries

7. What 2 important functions do offshore centers offer the global circulation of capital?
¨ ¨

8. Provide one specific geographic example for each of the types of locations:
¨ Dependency on U.K.:
¨ Dependency on another country:
¨ Independent island country:
¨ Independent other country:

9. Back-office function/business-process outsourcing (BPO):

10. Why did back-office staff move physically away from the company in the first place? How has it continued
to advance?
AP HuGs Ch 12 p.4
11. How have developing countries attracted back-office jobs?
¨ ¨

12. How does the international time difference impact workers in some back-office jobs in developing

Economic Specialization of Settlements

13. Basic business:

14. Nonbasic business:

15. Economic base:

16. ** How does basic business, nonbasic business and the economic base relate to each other? **

¨ Provide one specific geographic example (from the book OR preferably your brain):

17. Do you agree with the factors in the “coolness” index by POV Magazine? Why or why not? What would
you include?

Key Issue #4: Why Do Services Cluster in Settlements?

Services in Rural Settlements
1. Clustered Rural Settlements: 2. Dispersed Rural Settlements:

3. Describe the 2 different arrangements of clustered rural settlements:


4. Where in the U.S. were clustered rural settlements common?

5. Where in the U.S. were dispersed rural settlements common? Why?

6. Enclosure Movement:

** Compare & contrast clustered rural settlements and dispersed rural settlements **
AP HuGs Ch 12 p.5
Services in Early Urban Settlements
8. What are the 4 hearths of settlements?

¨ What is the oldest settlement?

9. What was one of the earliest consumer service in settlements? What effects did this service have?

10. How were early settlements manufacturing centers?

11. What was the business of early settlements? What were the public services of early settlements?

12. Compare & contrast Ancient Athens and the Roman Empire as far as ancient urban settlements.

13. How did urban life rise in Europe during the 11th century? What was the result?

Percent Urban
14. Urbanization:

15. How do each of the following factors about urban life impact social behavior of the residents?
¨ Large Size:

¨ High Density:

¨ Social Heterogeneity:

** Compare & contrast clustered urban v. rural residents & their lifestyles. Why do these
differences exist? **
AP HuGs Ch 12 p.6
16. Describe the trend of urban population. (Use figure 12-41):

17. What percentages of people live in urban dwellings in MDCs? LDCs? Latin America? South Asia? Sub-
Saharan Africa? WHY do these percentages exist in these various areas?

Size of Urban Settlements

18. List 5 of the most populous cities in the world and where they are located.
¨ ¨ ¨
¨ ¨
19. How many of the fastest growing cities are in:
¨ Africa:
¨ India:
¨ Asia:
¨ Latin America:
¨ Other:

¨ Why do you think this pattern exists?

20. Where were the majority of the world’s largest cities in the 1800s? 1900s? Why?

21. What is causing an influx of population into urban settlements in developing countries?

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