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Terms of Reference

Regular Media Roundtable Session “ENERGI”

(Gathering on Energy Topics: Brainstorm and Discussion with Experts)

March – July 2018

in collaboration with

The Library of the Ministry of Education and Culture


PT. Inovasi Dinamika Pratama

Terms of Reference

Regular Media Roundtable Session “ENERGI”


(Gathering on Energy Topics: Brainstorm and Discussion with Experts)

March – July 2018


Regular Media Roundtable gathering is a regular media roundtable session initiated by

Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP) funded by
European Union and Australian Government which was managed by the Asian Development
Bank in partnership with the Bappenas, Ministry of Education of Culture and the Ministry of
Religious Affairs. The Regular Media Roundtable gathering was initiated in 2015 and ended
in 2017 at the end of the project, having held 35 sessions and discussed topics and issues
related to the education sector.

Starting in 2018, there is a discussion to duplicate the platform as a means to jumpstart the
Rural Electrification Development Program (REDP). This program is planned to be
implemented by the Coordinating Ministry of Economy Affairs and supported by the
Ministry of Rural Development. It is mainly conducted by REDP that facilitates discussion
between energy stakeholders including experts, civil society, media and any observers or
advocates in the energy sector.

In the past, the gathering has become the gateway to disseminate information and educate
the public, therefore, in the new format it will discuss key issues in the rural electrification
development sector. As the press has strategic role to set in information flow, including
talking through national press to foster common perception, it is one of the most effective
approaches to promote appropriate policies.
The Energy Gathering, will be the starting point for conducting the REDP, especially to gain
feed back from various stakeholders and to enrich the program itself with ideas from
participants of the Energy Gathering. Moreover, the Energy Gathering shares best practices
for information dissemination, public involvement, escalation of key issues and creation of
common pressure as part of policy dialogue and policy making process in the field of rural
electrification, renewable energy, solar home systems, etc.

The Energy Gathering is seen as an effective way to involve the public in monitoring
government’s administration and performance. Advocacy through Energy Gathering is also
expected to help form appropriate policies and programmes towards the improvement of
national energy performance.

In regards to the above impacts, as well as the high demands for this regular media round
table session, we hope that in a possible collaboration with Jakarta Intercultural School,
Jakarta International Christian Fellowship Faith in Action and supported by REDP, the Energy
Gathering can be implemented with the following list of proposed topics.
Benefit for the funding institutions

For the Energy Gathering to be financed, there are two finance source institutions which can
be approached. They are Jakarta International School (JIS) and Jakarta International
Christian Fellowship “Faith in Action” (JICF FIA).

The benefit for the JIS that it will enrich the Indonesian Studies that will discuss the rural
electrification issue. There are more than 74,000 villages in Indonesia and 2,500 of them are
still in need of electrification. It is true that rural electrification ratio has reached 95%,
however, areas that are still lacking electricity require appropriate concept and approach to
raise the electrification ratio, especially, if it is related to the utilization of the renewable
energy as the source of electricity. After the energy media gathering event, there will be a
chance for JIS student to visit the project in East Nusa Tenggara province, where there is a
school which has been electrified by the solar photovoltaic (solar home system) as the
sample on how the renewable energy become an effective solution for a source of

There are 70% of schools in Sumba Island that don’t receive electricity from the national
utility grid. To address this issue, a consortium called Sumba Iconic Island has established
Renewable Energy Service Corporation, which started supplying electricity to 25 schools on
the island. An example of such school is located in the village Laikarengan, Kodi Utara sub
district, Sumba Barat Daya, East Nusa Tenggara. On 1 March 2017, 6 solar photovoltaics
with a capacity of 1.5 kilowatt per hour have been installed to provide electricity for lighting,
computers and laptop in that area. Another solar photovoltaic with 400 watt per hour
capacity was installed to recharge portable lights. It cost Rp 1,500 for one time recharge.
Usually the villagers recharge their portable lights twice a week. As for the portable lights,
student may pay a down payment of Rp 50,000. After 300 recharges, the portable light
becomes theirs. By having these portable lights, students can study in the evening.

JICF FIA also has the opportunity to gain benefit from this session, particularly for its 5 for 5
student scholarship program. The students receiving the scholarship program mostly come
from remote areas, such as Bengkulu, Nias island and Titi Bosi in South Sumatera province,
Yahukimo district in Papua province and Mamasa district in South Sulawesi. Especially in
Papua and South Sulawesi, there are still many villages which need rural electrification. By
sponsoring the Energy Gathering, JICF FIA will gain a broader understanding and knowledge
of the rural areas from where their students come from. This in turn will give an idea of how
JICF FIA could be involved early on to develop these areas by installing solar home systems,
particularly in villages with no electricity. There is also a possibility to visit schools in East
Nusa Tenggara and seek ways on how to replicate the means of renewable source of
electricity in their region.
Program Objectives

1. Continue to create a public discourse – through the media – around energy sector issues,
according to the priorities and policies of the Coordinating Ministry of Economy Affairs,
Ministry of Rural Development and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
2. Share updates from different aspects of national energy profile and performance, based
on policy studies done by the REDP, while promoting recommendations and policy
3. Build a sustainable mutual relationship with energy stakeholders, primarily and seek the
possibility to follow up program such as to conduct field visit.
4. Obtain feedback and input from the energy stakeholders and the national press on
various policies and initiatives done by the Coordinating Ministry of Economy Affairs, the
Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, for a
better national energy governance.
5. Establish the regular session as a platform to educate the press on issues in energy sector
and at the same time to build their capacity. This session will be one of REDP’s
sustainable legacies.

Expected Outputs

1. Research paper on the rural electrification development program in terms of concept,

institutional and relevant program that include the solar photovoltaic technology, especially
in rural areas in general.

2. Rural Electrification Development Program stakeholder education event showcasing the

challenge, success stories, policy development and others relevant information that needs
to be disseminated.

3. A two-hour lively talk show program that is targeted to the expert, researchers, media,
policy and decision makers in government, private sectors and international development
4. Improved media knowledge, mutual relationship and public trust (through media),
reflected in the increasing demand for access and use of REDP studies as well as recognition
on strategic issues in the energy sector.

Expected of outcomes

1. Adoption of policy reforms that result in implementation of Rural Electrification

Development Program within the Coordinating Ministry of Economy Affairs and its
Committee for Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Delivery.

2. At least 5 media mentions for research findings including TV and print media.

3. At least 10 policy and decision makers in attendance in the field of rural electrification
development program in government, private sectors and donors agencies.

4. Planning and implementation to conduct field visit study in Sumba island to visit schools
that have solar photovoltaic installation and the possibility to replicate it in other regions.

Program Summary

Program title : Energy Gathering

“Knowledge Sharing and Discussion”
(Gathering on Energy Topics: Brainstorm and Discussion with

Program format : Informal, interactive discussion

Program frequency : Monthly

Program duration : 150 minutes (09.00 – 11.30 a.m)

Program location : Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC)
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta 10270
(Library Area, Mini Theatre, or other MoEC Function

Resource persons :
- Officials from the Coordinating Ministry of Economy Affairs
- Officials from the Ministry of Rural Development
- Officials from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
- Officials from the National Development Planning Agency
- Actors in energy (private sector, bank, multilateral
institution, bilateral institution, finance institution, PLN,
Villagers, Electricity institutions, students, owner of energy
- Academics
- Researchers
- Civil society organisation and community
- Key opinion leader and observer
- Association of profession
- Alumny of Green Finance Specialist

Participants : (Approximately 45 participants)

- Experts
- Journalist/Media
- Civil society, organization and community
- Observers or advocates in energy

Other activities can be done in the session:

- Review on book/journal/report/study
- Tips on how to read data and draw analysis for popular
- Video/film showing related to the topic

Proposed Topic of Energy Gathering (subject to change according to

No Date Topic
#1 2 March 2018 Introduction rural electrification utilizing Solar Photovoltaic
and the utilization of LED lightings in rural areas
#2 20 April 2018 Financing rural development including electricity
#3 25 May 2018 Problem and solution in developing rural electrification
#4 29 June 2018 The role of government and private sector in rural
electrification development program
#5 27 July 2018 Scale up the rural electrification development program

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