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Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Subject(s): Enhanced Math 1 Grade: 8

Teacher(s): Miss Morgan Haner School: TeWinkle Middle School Date: 2/26/2018
1. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:

G-CO-12: Make formal geometric constructions with a variety of tools and methods (compass and straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper
folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). Copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a segment; bisecting an angle; constructing
perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on
the line.

G-CO-7: Use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to show that two triangles are congruent if and only if corresponding pairs of
sides and corresponding pairs of angles are congruent.

2. State Content Standard Addressed (History/Social Science, Science, Physical Education, Visual and Performing Arts):


3. ELD Standard Addressed: (include Part I, II; Communicative Modes – A. Collaborative, B. Interpretive, C. Productive; and Proficiency Level
addressing – Emerging, Expanding, Bridging)
ELD.PI.8.1 Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and academic topics.
ELD. PI.8.3. Offering and justifying opinions, negotiating with and persuading others in communicative exchanges.
ELD.PII.8.6. Connecting ideas

4. Learning Objective: (What will students know & be able to do as a result of this lesson?) STUDENT-FRIENDLY TRANSLATION
Students will explore the properties of isosceles triangles in terms of reflections. They will also I can prove an isosceles triangle’s
practice constructing reflections and lines of reflections. congruency through constructing a

5. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the real world? Why are STUDENT-FRIENDLY TRANSLATION
these outcomes essential for future learning?)(TPE1.3) I can use what I know to prove facts to
Students will use their knowledge to prove truisms. be true.

6. Essential Questions (TPE1.5):

 What do we need to know to prove something is true?
 How do you know that isosceles triangle’s line segments and angles congruent?
 How can we accurately reflect an object?

Part II – STUDENTS’ INFORMATION (TPE1.1,3.2,4.1,4.2, 4.5 SSP-DAP)

7. Class Information:

a. Total number –


b. English Learners/Standard English Learners –

c. Students with Special Needs –

1 504 and 1 IEP

d. Academic language abilities, content knowledge and skills in content area (TPE5.2) -

Students will know the vocabulary words: reflection, perpendicular bisector, compass, perpendicular, 90 degree angle, and preserve


e. Linguistic background –

English and Spanish. 53% of the class is bilingual.

f. Cultural background (home/family) –

Hispanic culture and background. Low socioeconomic status. Low parent involvement.

g. Health considerations (if any) –


h. Physical development factors that may influence instruction in this academic content area–

Typical Development

i. Social development factors that may influence instruction in this academic content area –

Students need to develop 21st century skills: collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, and cooperation.

j. Emotional development factors that may influence instruction in this academic content area –


k. Interests/Aspirations (relevant to this academic area) –

Students are interested in videogames, Dungeons and Dragons, technology, sports, and pop culture, strategy, and discovering.

8. Anticipated Difficulties (Based on the information above, what difficulties do you think students may have with the content? Please specify
anticipated difficulties for English Learners, Standard English Learners, and/or students with special needs. )):

All Students: This lesson will require partner work. Students may get off track if too much time is given to complete these sections. Students may
also have a difficult time constructing reflections and using the properties of reflections to prove the congruency of isosceles triangles. Students
may also not know the definition of midpoint. The biggest difficulty that I expect my students to endure is learning how to prove something to be
true. Students have never had any experience with proofs. This will be an introductory lesson to proofs. They will not be writing proofs, but will be
introduced to the thought process.

EL: This student may have a difficult time completing all of the written portions of the lesson. This lesson requires a lot of vocabulary words and
encourages students to practice academic language. Speaking is her weakest aspect of English. This student will have a difficult time discussing
questions with their partners.

504: My student has a 504 for handwriting. His handwriting does not inhibit his intellectual ability, but could hinder his grades. His handwriting is
practically illegible. Teachers may request a typed out assignment with given extended time. This lesson has a lot of writing and drawing sections.
Their 504 for handwriting will give him trouble during this lesson. Also, The students will use a compass to construct accurate reflections. My 504
student will have a hard time utilizing this tool.

IEP: This student has a difficult time focusing, having social interactions, being organized, and needs expectations clearly laid out. This lesson
requires social interaction, and he will have a hard time participating in these interactions.

Part III - LESSON ADAPTATIONS (TPE1.4,3.5,3.6,4.4,4.5,5.7,5.8 SSP-ELD)

9. Modifications/Accommodations (What specific modifications/accommodations are you going to make based on the anticipated difficulties? Ex:)
Please specify modifications/accommodations for English Learners, Standard English Learners, and/or students with special needs. )

All Students: This lesson focuses heavily on connecting prior knowledge to new knowledge. The students will be using their knowledge of
reflections and congruency to prove isosceles triangle’s congruency. The students have never had to prove anything before, so it will be my job to
lead their thinking in that direction. I will have to use my essential questions to help accommodate my students’ thinking and help guide them. My
questions will have to be on target throughout the lesson. I will constantly be assessing to determine what kind of questions I will need to ask in
order to get students to prove isosceles triangles congruency. Using my students’ prior knowledge will help me accommodate my students’
thinking. Also, I will have to continually assess throughout the lesson to ensure every student is on task and participating. Think-Pair-Share will help
me structure my students’ conversations.

EL: This student will benefit from the SDAIE strategy, Think-Pair-Share. This strategy will be utilized throughout the lesson to help structure
students’ conversations and interaction with the worksheet. This will serve as an accommodation for my EL student because it utilizes all four
domains of language. This student will benefit from the writing, reading, and listening portions of the lesson because according to the CELDT, they
are proficient. The student is still not proficient in speaking. The reading, writing, and listening portions will help accommodate the student’s
speaking in the lesson. She is also partnered with a student that is willing and able to support her in her speaking portions. This partnership allows
my EL to tutor the student in content while the other partner can assist her in speaking.

504: Accommodations for my 504 students are also within the Think-Pair-Share. The student will benefit from the speaking, reading, and listening
portions of this strategy. Their handwriting makes the writing portions of the worksheet more frustrating for him than helpful. Providing different
mediums for learning will enable the student to have an equal opportunity for learning as well as an opportunity to demonstrate their learning. The
student also has raised paper available upon request. If the student’s handwriting is illegible, I may ask him to take it home and type out his
answers to give to me the following day. This way, he can receive a grade for his work.

IEP: Accommodations for my student with an IEP will be to specify the learning objective. I will make sure to make my learning objective known.
Another way to help students know my learning objective will be to ask my essential questions. These questions are focused, and will help students
think about the “big idea.” It will greatly help my IEP student. I also will make sure to help this student with his organization throughout the
semester. If I notice that his folder is getting messy, I will help him organize it. Though this is not part of the lesson, it is always important for me to
make sure that my students are able to function properly inside of the classroom. Also, to help this student with social interactions, he is partnered
with a student that is very social, and will help teach him social norms. I will also give this student different opportunities to practice his social
interactions. It is important for him to practice these in order to get better at dealing with them. The student will have other opportunities to
display his understanding through his written responses.
10. 21st Century Skills – Circle all that are applicable

Communication Collaboration Creativity Critical Thinking

Describe how the 21st century skill(s) you have circled will be observed during the lesson (TPE1.5,3.3,4.7):
Communication: Students will be communicating with their table partners and the class. During the Think-Pair-Share, students will be
communicating with their partners about the various questions on the “Isosceles Triangles and Reflections Practice” worksheet. They will
practice effective communication with their partners and the class by choosing appropriate answers. They will also need to justify their
written answers to their partner. This will help them develop their communication skills.
Collaboration: Students will collaborate with their partners to decide on appropriate answers to share with the class during class discussion.
Students will also have to discuss appropriate ways to reflect objects. There are several ways, and students may like different ways.
Therefore, students will most likely discuss which way they believe is the most accurate. The students will talk to their partner about the
whole worksheet, so there is a lot of opportunities for collaboration.
Creativity: Students will have to creatively reflect objects over lines of reflections, or create lines of reflections. The students have reflected
objects over lines of reflections, but have never created liens of reflections. There are various techniques that students can use. They will
have to creatively decide which technique will be best for creating a line of reflection.
Critical Thinking: Because students are creating, students will be critically thinking. This is upper levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Also, students
will be using their prior knowledge to help discover this new content. They will have to critically analyze their previous knowledge and apply
specific terms and ideas correctly.

11. Technology - How will you incorporate technology into your lesson? (TPE3.6,3.7,4.4, 4.8)
The overhead projector will be utilized during this lesson to help project the worksheet with answers from students and myself to give the
students a reference and visual for their own understanding and completion of the worksheet. Instead of just orally explaining it, giving
them a visual of the explanation as well will help reach more students.

12. Visual and Performing Arts – How will you provide the students with opportunities to access the curriculum by incorporating the visual and
performing arts? (TPE1.7)



a. Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be
met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lesson’s outcomes look like?)

b. Formative:
 Observational: I will be walking around the room, listening o students conversations and looking at their written work. This will help me
assess if students are done, if they understand the material, how complete and accurate their answers are, and the students’ engagement.
This will help me formulate my probing and guiding questions. I will be able to use this information to determine what questions to ask, and
what conversations to have in order to guide them to the learning objective.
 In-Class Discussion: The in-class discussion will inform me on how well my students are understanding the concept. I will be looking for
certain vocabulary words such as, preserve congruency, reflection, perpendicular bisector, 90 degrees, congruent line segments, and
congruent angles. These words will indicate to me how well the students are applying their previous knowledge to this new content.
c. Summative (if applicable):

d. Attach rubric here ( and copy and paste your objective above your rubric):

“Isosceles Triangles and Reflection

Rubric 3 2 1

Student was fully involved. They Student was partially involved. They Student was not engaged at all.
collaborated and engaged with their partially collaborated with their Student did not collaborate or
partner, and participated in class partner, and participated in class discuss with their partner and their
Participation discussion. Student was actively discussion adequately. Student was participation in class discussion was
listening. listening. minimal. Student was not listening.

Students worked together with their Student had worked with their Students’ participation was minimal,
partner to finish the in-class work. If partner adequately to finish in class therefore their classwork was below
it was not completed with a partner, assignment. There was discussion, satisfactory.
Completion they asked questions and but moments of silence.
participated in class to finish it.
Student responded well to the Student showed an adequate Student showed minimal
inquiry-based lesson. Their understanding of the material. understanding of concept. They
participation led to their They were able to answer questions, were unable to discuss or answer
Grasp of Concept understanding of the concepts. They but unable to explain reasoning. questions. Because they let their
accurately answered questions and partner do the talking in the
were able to explain their reasoning collaboration.
to me.

e. How do you plan to involve all students in self-assessment and reflection on their learning goals and progress? (TPE5.3)
The students’ conversations will help them assess themselves. Their conversations in Think-Pair-Share will help them reflect upon their own
answer, and determine if it aligns with their partner’s answer, or the rest of their peers’. Another form of self-assessment for my students will be
the questions that I ask. One of the most important questions to ask my students in math is the question, “How do you know that isosceles
triangle’s line segments and angles congruent?” Another question that will help the students assess their own thinking is, “What do we need to
know to prove something is true?” Making them explain it to their partner, the class, or me, will help them see where they went wrong or where
they went right. I will be assessing their reasoning as I walk around and I hear their response to my questions. Their reasoning is key to this
assignment. They will be discovering and critically thinking about isosceles triangle congruency. Since this is an inquiry lesson, which involves
discovery, I need to know their reasoning behind their thinking. My essential questions are designed to help me assess my students, and to also
involve them in their own assessment. These questions require more than a “yes” or “no” answer, and will require critical thinking and analysis of
their own work.


13. Instructional Method: Circle one – Direct Instruction Inquiry Cooperative Learning

14. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?)

Isosceles Triangles and Reflections Practice Worksheet

Overhead Projector

15. Procedure (Include estimated times. Please write a detailed procedure, including questions that you are planning to ask.):
 Greet students and instruct them to get out their homework and discuss it with their partner.
 Walk around and check the students homework (out of 5)
 Discuss homework and ask for questions.
 Instruct students to turn to page 18
We do/They do:
 Tell students to reflect triangle ABC over the line segment AB. Ask students what AB will be if we are reflecting. Students should say line of
reflection. Get them to also say perpendicular bisector (we talked about it last week).
 Ask students to think about what we know about reflecting. Ask them the different ways we have reflected objects before.
 Once students are done reflecting, ask them what type of triangle this is and how they know. Then ask them what they notice about the
shape that they just drew compared to the original (Look for the answer: Congruent).
 Have students identify all of the congruent parts. Have students individually find them, and then compare their answers to their partner.
 Have the students then share their answers with you. Then have them discuss with their partner how they know that these parts are
congruent? Then discuss as a class
 Explain that we can use reflections to prove isosceles triangles are congruent.
 Remind the students what type of triangle this is and ask them if al isosceles triangles will have a line of reflection.
They do:
 Have students complete questions 2-5.
We do:
 Then, discuss as a class. (These questions were already answered, they just needed to put them in their own words)
They do/We do:
 Have students do 6-9 on their own. Then, after about 5 minutes let them share their answers with their partners. Once everyone looks
done, discuss as a class.
 Important: discuss the idea of midpoint. Have students discuss it’s word parts.
 Have students complete page 19 with their partner. Give them about 5 minutes. They ask students to come up and show their answers.
 Repeat step above for page 20. Then tell the students to come up with an equation for the line of reflection for all of the questions.
 Students will do page 21 with their partner as well, and will show their answers to the class.
 To summarize learning, ask the students to answer the question, “How do you know that isosceles triangle’s line segments and angles
 Assign students their homework.
 Wish them a good rest of the day.

Part VI – REFLECTION (TPE3.4,6.1)

1. Please include your rubric data here. Include 5 student work samples – low, medium, high, EL, & Student with Special Needs. On student
work samples, please include scores according to rubric categories.(TPE5.4)
2. Were the students successful at achieving the lesson objective?
a) If so, explain which areas in which students were successful, according to your data analysis.

The students were successful in achieving the lesson objective. The lesson objective was, students will explore the properties of isosceles triangles
in terms of reflections. They will also practice constructing reflections and lines of reflections. In this lesson, students constructed a half of a
triangle over a line of reflection to create an isosceles triangle. The students used their prior knowledge of reflections and a perpendicular bisector
to conclude that all isosceles triangles will have a line of reflection. The students discussed and proved that isosceles triangles are comprised of two
reflected right triangles because each side of an isosceles triangle has at least two equal sides. Reflections preserve congruency, so the two
reflected right triangles side by side will have equal line segments, shape, and angle measurement. Therefore, when they are put side by side, they
will create a perfect isosceles triangle. The students then constructed a line of reflection. For this construction, students used their knowledge of
perpendicular bisector. The students could use different methods to construct this line. They could use an index card, a ruler, or a compass.
Students used various ways, but the majority of them used a ruler. Based on students work, students successfully answered questions that
highlighted these various properties of reflections and they successfully reflected triangles to create isosceles triangles using various methods.

b) If not, explain which areas in which students were not successful, according to your data analysis. Why do you think they were not able
to achieve the lesson objective in these areas?

3. What instructional strategies did you use to help students achieve the lesson objective? Which subject-specific pedagogical skills did you
employ to help students be successful? (Reference TPE Part 2: Subject-Specific Pedagogy) (TPE SSP1-7)
The most effective strategy that I used to help my students achieve the lesson objective was to include the students in an inquiry-based lesson. The
students were to discover with their partner that we can use the properties of reflections to prove isosceles triangles. The students participated in
a think-pair-share in order to help divide the information up in to palatable portions. Before the students were introduced to the questions,
students were to reflect the image over the line of reflection and then discuss with their partner or with the class different questions. Questions to
help this inquiry lesson be affective were, “Identify all of the congruent parts, including line segments and angles; How do we know that these
aspects are congruent; What type of triangle is this; Since this is an isosceles triangle, do you think all isosceles triangles would have a line of
reflection and why.” The students’ conversations were full of vocabulary words, discovery, and understanding. For example, when students were
asked what type of triangle this was, some of them believed that it was an equilateral triangle as well. They explained that an equilateral triangle
has three equal sides, and the triangle that we reflected looked like it had three equal sides. This gave us an opportunity to debate what type of
triangle this was based on triangle properties. I then asked my students how we could prove if this triangle is an equilateral or not. The students
agreed that we could measure the length of each side. The students then tested their hypothesis with their compass to determine of all sides were
actually equal. The students concluded that not all sides were equal, and it was an isosceles triangle. Students learned the importance of testing a
hypothesis. The students answers on the worksheet showed that their understanding was solidified. They answered the questions correctly, and
used important vocabulary words and concepts. Therefore, the students benefited most from the in class discussions and inquiry-based learning.
4. What would you change about the lesson and why (according to your data analysis)?
The aspect that I would change for my next lesson is that I would have paid more attention to my student with an IEP. Looking at his work, I noticed
that even though he had information written down for every question, the information was not accurate. He is a very bright student, but often gets
distracted or loses sight of the learning target. For next time, I would make sure to reiterate my learning objective throughout the lesson. My
questions may be sufficient for the majority of my students, but some students need the learning objective spelled out for them. This student truly
needs to know what the learning objective is in order to help him focus. For next time I will make sure to continue to point to the learning
objective. I will also make sure to read his answers during my observational assessments. If I notice that his questions are not accurate, I will discuss
the questions with him right then. Giving him that one-on-one interaction will help him focus, rather than get lost. I will make sure to make these
different accommodations for him in my next lessons.

Classroom Lessons ONLY: After presenting your lesson in your BST classroom, please review and reflect on student work related to this lesson.
Make copies of student work for levels of high, middle, low, EL, and Student with Special Needs, and write your comments on the copies.

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