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This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations from the results of
the study.


Among the important findings of the research are:

1.1 Curricular Program

All the respondents are from 4th year Students Nursing program

1.2 Age

Majority of the student are 19-30 years of age with a frequency of 10 respondents or 67 percentage
distributions followed by students 31-35 years of age with a frequency of 5 respondents or 23
percentage distributions.

1.3 Sex

Majority of the student are female with a frequency of 12 respondents or 20 percentage distribution
followed by male students with a frequency of 3 respondents or 80 percentage distributions.


Presents the frequency and distribution of respondents in terms of the areas that needs improvement
that affect clinical learning experience. As shown in the table the respondents rated “agree” on Clinical
Instructors, “agree” on Area of Affiliation and “agree” on Clinical Staff as to needs improvement that
affect clinical learning experience.


As the research has conducted there are three main factors that affect clinical learning of the student
nurses of DCLC. First is the Clinical Instructor Second is the Area of Affiliation and the Third is the clinical
staff. More research will conduct on how to improve the clinical learning.

Theoretical training
Clinical training is considered as an indispensible and very important part of professional nursing
education. It is recognized as an essential and highly significant component of professional education for
nursing. Since nursing is a discipline based on practiced, the needs to be a curriculum of education that
offers student the opportunity to develop their clinical skills, particularly the patient care skills. Nursing
teachers must be in charge of clinical practice because they are the ones ultimately responsible for
learning in the clinical practice, is in the clinical area that student must relate theory to practice, learn
the necessary technical and interpersonal skills, make clinical judgments, become socialized into the
profession, and begin to appreciate its values and ethics, an integrated form of evaluation seeking to
combine knowledge, understanding, problem solving, technical skills, attitudes, and ethics in evaluation.

Practical Training

Practical clinical skills lie at the heat of nurse’s professional practice: therefore, the mastery of
fundamental clinical skills is an important component of courses leading to registration. The
development of competent practice is a primary goal for nursing education. To demonstrate this
competence, graduates must be able to practice in the real world.


As discussed throughout this research, the challenges facing the health care system and the nursing
profession are complex and numerous. With regard to nursing education, there is a need for greater
numbers, better preparation, and more diversity in the student body and faculty, the mentors and the
researchers. Also needed are new and relevant competencies, lifelong learning, and interprofessional
education. Challenges with regard to nursing leadership include the need for leadership competencies
among nurses, collaborative environments in which nurses can learn and practice, and engagement of
nurses at all levels from students to front – line nurses to nursing executives and researchers in
leadership roles. The purpose of this research is to consider re- conceptualized roles for nurses, ways in
which nursing education system can be designed to educate nurses who can meet evolving health care
demands, the role of nurses in creating innovative solutions for health care delivery, and ways to attract
and retain well- prepared nurses in a variety of settings. To overcome these challenges, the nursing
workforce needs to be well educated, team oriented, adaptable, and able to apply competencies such as
those highlighted throughout this research, especially those relevant to leadership.

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