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Support Development

Newsletter (2nd issue 2017)

A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression of

humility. It is a foundation for the development of such virtues as
prayer, faith, courage, contentment, happiness, love, and well-being.
Inside this issue:

James E. Faust
News from the Child 1 & 2
Aid-Mothers‟ & Girls‟
Club launch

Community Disaster 3
Risk Reduction Fund
(farmers Club)- Pro-
ject Launch

Pineapple jam training 4

– Women group in

Humana Second Hand 5

Shop– Placencia Shop

Humana People to 6
People Belize Address
Page 1

News about Child Aid Toledo

Girl’s and Mothers’ Clubs- Nutrition and Health project

The Girl‟s and Mothers‟ Clubs- Nutrition and Health project is a program
implemented by Humana People to People Belize sponsored by the Australi-
an High Commission. The project is targeting 4 impoverished communities
in Toledo district- Indian Creek, Santa Teresa, Jordan and Aguacate. The
period of the program is for one year. Through the program, knowledge and
habits of 40 girls and 40 mothers will improve through trainings in reproduc-
tive health, sanitation and nutrition. Each month, the groups will have a
„headline‟ and lessons, a school action or a community action under that
headline, and /or a cooking demonstration. The headlines in the Girl‟s Clubs
(among others) include: our immune system and why health matters for us
all; taking good care of my teenage body; Eating nutritious food to live a
good life; and staying healthy during pregnancy. The headlines in the Moth-
ers‟ Clubs include (among others); the health system in here to be used; tak-
ing good care of my newborn child and my own body; growing nutritious
food is smart; cooking for and feeding my family; staying healthy during
pregnancy; and the first two years of a child‟s life. Activities include: cook-
ing lessons, establishing a common vegetable garden for the club members
including also a covered structure; visits to the clinic; malaria/ dengue
(mosquito) prevention via cleaning campaigns and spraying; awareness- rais-
ing in the community; planting Moringa Trees; chicken production; house-
hold visits; and school/ community actions.
Page 2

The project launch was on April 8th 2017 in Jordan Village, Toledo, which welcomed approximately 300 people
from the 4 targeted communities including school principals, teachers, community health workers, representative
from Ministry of Agriculture and Health, local news reporter, key leaders of the communities, family members and
members of the clubs. In the ceremony, the project was introduced to the community members; a series of enter-
tainments took place (games for children, adults), football competition for the Girl‟s club members and prices
were given out to the participants.

Presently, the Mother‟s clubs are work with the headline “Staying healthy during pregnancy” and the feedbacks
from the mothers are very positive. The mothers are taking home the knowledge and sharing it with their neigh-
bors, daughters and daughters-in-law. Also, the Girls‟ clubs are excited in learning more about “The 10 ground
rules of hygiene” despite that the knowledge imparted at the primary school level and in the homes is limited. Dur-
ing the sessions, club members share their knowledge and experiences with each other based on the topics of
The garden structures are already built in the four communities and the next step is preparing the beds for planting.
Page 3

Community Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (Farmers Club)- Project Launch

Humana People to People Belize has successfully ap-

plied for financing from the Community Disaster Risk
Reduction Fund (CDRRF), managed by the Caribbean
Development Bank (CDB) to implement the project
titled “Building Adaptive Capacity and Resilience to
Climate Change in Toledo, Southern Belize.”
The project will be implemented in Bella Vista,
Bladen, Blue Creek, Golden Stream, Indian Creek, Jor-
dan, Santa Teresa, Trio, Santa Ana, Corazon and San
Benito Poite – all villages in Toledo District. The pro-
ject will be implemented over a period of 24 months
and will directly target 180 farmers while indirectly
benefiting 6,000 persons in these 11 villages.
The project aims to build the resilience of target com-
munities through an approach that comprises improved
physical infrastructure and early warning systems, pub-
lic education and awareness building and the facilita-
tion of improved agricultural farming systems that is
more resilient to climate change impacts.
The agricultural component of the project is based on a
farmer club model which focuses on supporting farm-
ers to make their operations more climate resilient, as
well as build human capital through training, guiding,
demonstrating and encouraging the adoption of agricul-
tural management methods, practices and techniques
which help to develop greater resilience by enhancing
The successful launch of the project took place on May
10th 2017 in Bella Vista Village, Toledo whereby more
than 60 invited quests were present to welcome the
new project in the Toledo district.
Page 4
Pineapple Jam training– Women group in Jalacte Toledo

Empowering girls and women is powerful. Today, we know it is the key to economic growth, political stabil-
ity, and social transformation. Entrepreneurship matters. Its benefits are many, from rewarding problem solving, or-
ganizational, and leadership abilities, to fostering creativity and engendering empowerment. Not the least of its mer-
its is the significant boost it gives to the economy.

Supporting entrepreneurship is undoubtedly a positive and practical choice and that is one of the reasons why Hu-
mana People to People Belize forms women groups which are being provided with lessons on income generating
activities. A pineapple jam training carried out in Jalacte, Toledo– was a success on May 31, 2017, where five hard
working mothers (two of which single mothers) were able to learn the complete process of jam making. Similar
trainings have been carried out in other communities such as Aguacate, Bella Vista, Red Bank, Trio and Santa
Elena. The objective of these kind of trainings is to teach women to make a product for the market in order for them
to become entrepreneurs and provide income for their families.

Humana People to Peo-

ple Belize in partnership
with Ministry of Health
distributing Mosquito
nets in Trio Village, To-
Page 5

Humana Second hand Clothes Shops– opening of a 5th Clothes Shop

Humana Second Hand Clothes Shops project has

successful open the doors of a new shop in Placencia,
Southern Stann Creek on June 30,2017.
The operation of the shop is in a 2 weeks cycle system
with 3 days of normal prices, then the 4th to 6th day
starts with 10% discounts, down to 60% and the last
day is $1.00 a piece of clothes.
The shop has been very well received by the customers
at the peninsula.
Page 6

Humana People to People Belize is a member of a network of 32

organizations engaged in international solidarity, cooperation and
development in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas.
TO PEOPLE The development work of the Humana People to People Movement is
BELIZE rooted in a commitment to fight alongside The Poor in a collective
process that supports people to make changes, solve problems and
improve their lives.

Monkey River Road,

Toledo District,
Belize Central America.
PO BOX 1728, Belize City

Phone: (+501) 678 99 43


Country Director: Susanne Jensen


Project Manager: Clothes and Shoes: Jaime Barrientos


Project Manager: Child Aid Toledo: Pantaleon Escobar


Project Manager: CDRRF/Farmers Club: Elizabeth Muschamp


Grant Management and Content Material: Cindy Rodezno


Partnership & Promotion: Ishelly Williams



Dangriga Town, Commerce Street, Stann Creek District

Santa Cruz, (beside the football field), Stann Creek District
Independence (Mango Creek), Toucan Street, Stann Creek District.
Bella Vista, (in front of A&A Supermarket) Toledo District
Placencia, (Main road, beside Scotia Bank) Stann Creek District

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