Audience Questionaire

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- Female or male?

- Male ( )
- Female ( )

- Did you begin to get bored

- Yes ( )
- No ( )

If yes, Specify why?




- Which aspects of the film did you the most?

- Camera work ( )
- Sound ( )
- The story ( )
- Editing ( )
- Other ( ) ……………………………………………………...

- What was your reaction to the film overall?

- Excellent ( )
- Good ( )
- Average ( )
- Poor ( )

- Would show this to anyone else?

- Definitely ( )
- Maybe ( )
- Maybe not ( )
- Definitely not ( )
- Rate the film out of ten, your liking towards it.
- 1-2 ( )
- 3-4 ( )
- 5-6 ( )
- 7-8 ( )
- 9-10 ( )

- How would you describe the film to your friends, not whether you
liked it or not



- Can you understand the dialogue of the artist

- Yes ( )
- No ( )

- Did the Music match the film?

- Yes ( )
- No ( )

What genre of film would you recognise this poster as?

If you saw this poster in public, would you be interested to go watch the film?
- Yes ( )
- No ( )

How effective is the poster in portraying that the film is a documentary?

- Very effective ( )
- Effective ( )
- Okay ( )
- Not at all effective ( )

Does the film poster look professional?

- Very effective ( )
- Effective ( )
- Okay ( )
- Not at all effective ( )

Is the main image effective in portraying that the subject is about an artist?
- Very effective ( )
- Effective ( )
- Okay ( )
- Not at all effective ( )

Do you think the fonts look professional?

- Yes ( )
- No ( )

What do you most like the most about the poster?

Magazine and Poster

What type of film does the poster look like?

From the poster and magazine, what can you tell from the film to be about?

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