Holocaust Lies of The New Nazis

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The Sunday Times (London)

July 26, 1992, Sunday

Holocaust lies of the new Nazis diaries, found recently among tons of forgotten Nazi
documents in Moscow, should be published. And not in
BYLINE: James Dalrymple lofty tomes and official reports, after years of
examination by historians. But now. Today. In the pages
SECTION: Features of responsible and widely read newspapers and
magazines across the world.
LENGTH: 3967 words
Why? Because throughout Europe and the United States
there are murmurings of a denial so gross and bizarre that
The diaries of Joseph Goebbels are an important at first, like a dirty joke told in church, they dumbfound
fragment of evidence in the pathology of a sickness that and alarm the senses. But in an age addicted to
drove a great and civilised nation into a period of evil conspiracy theories, whispers of the denial are beginning
madness. They are part of the answers to humanity's to seep into the consciousness of generations not born
greatest mystery. when the crime was being committed, whose only
knowledge comes via horror films, pulp fiction and a folk
Another fragment is contained in the face of an memory that causes a shudder at names such as Dachau,
11-year-old Jewish girl with large, luminous eyes who Belsen and Treblinka.
was photographed exactly 50 years ago as she stood
beside a willow tree in a swampy water meadow in Even in Germany it is more than a whisper. You can see
southern Poland, near the small town of Oswiecim. it in cheaply printed pamphlets, hear it shouted at
meetings of the new far right, and even examine the
Her eyes demand those answers. Because the place in ''scientific'' evidence in the work of supposed historians
which she stands in the picture later became known as and university professors.
Auschwitz, and behind the willow tree there is a large,
two-storey brick building that was designed with great In books and magazines on open sale in the United
skill and thought by a renowned German engineering States and Canada, and on the curiosity-seeking chat
company with the specific purpose of converting shows of radio and television networks, the question has
hundreds of living people in batches into ashes and been discussed, often in quiet, academic tones, by the
smoke in about three hours. plausible frontmen of highly organised, well-funded and
determined agencies throughout the world.
Goebbels is dead. So is the girl. But the often banal
words of the frenzied little man scribbling away in Berlin Did it all really happen, they ask? Were 6m Jews really
and the bewildered face of the child are connected by a murdered? Were there really gas chambers and
clear chain of history. crematoriums? Was the Holocaust a hoax?

That chain is supported by warehouses full of eyewitness IN THE centre of London there is an old building at the
testimony and photographic evidence, showing how it led corner of a tree-lined square. It looks like any other office
directly from the beerhall rantings of a handful of thugs block with only a discreet nameplate on the door. But to
and fantasists to the systematic murder of millions, the enter you have to go through two heavy doors with
vast majority of them Jews, in more than 1,000 death automatically controlled locks after stating your business
camps throughout Germany, Eastern Europe and the vast into a microphone. You have to have a good reason for
plains of Russia. calling.

Nobody denies that the missing sections of Goebbels' There are many security doors even inside the building
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Holocaust lies of the new Nazis The Sunday Times (London) July 26, 1992, Sunday

and most of the windows have steel bars. It is the Feldhernhall,'' he writes. ''Around midnight. Very jovial
headquarters of the British Jewish Board of Deputies and and atmospheric. The Fuhrer speaks to the men. Straight
it has learned, through bitter experience, that even in from the heart. I see the sky blood red ... the synagogues
Britain it has enemies who are capable of using more than are burning ... shock troops doing dreadful work ... The
insults. Fuhrer has ordered 20,000-30,000 Jews arrested
immediately ...'' Next day he records ''100 dead ... I report
In an upper-floor office, Mike Whine, executive director to the Fuhrer ... he is in accord with everything ...the Jews
of the defence department of the board, makes it his daily are really very stupid ... and they will pay dearly for their
business to study a centuries-old sickness, as mysterious own mistakes.''
as it is sometimes murderous, that has haunted the great
extended family of Jews across the world. This entry, coupled with Hitler's own stated and explicit
purpose concerning the Jews, repeated endlessly for more
To all Jews, anti-semitism is always a reality and than a decade and enshrined in Mein Kampf, leave
violence a possibility. Older than colour hatred and more nobody in any doubt about where the driving force of the
unfathomable than religious intolerence, it seems to lie Holocaust lay and what the plan was.
deep sometimes tiny and dormant, sometimes huge and
flaring in every country in the world except one. Not a single major decision from any part of the
immense bureaucratic structure built around him for the
In the second half of the 20th century, the Jewish 12 years of his rule especially those decisions concerning
response has been to challenge it wherever it appears. Jews passed without Hitler's knowledge and approval.
Last week, Whine made no secret of his feelings on The
Sunday Times's decision to use the services of David Irving, who perhaps has uncovered more documentary
Irving as the only possible conduit to publish the recently evidence than any other historian about Hitler, knows this
discovered diaries in Moscow. He despises Irving and he well, despite his public stance. Hitler's ability to absorb
feels he has reason, pointing out that the historian stands huge amounts of detail, day after day, before and during
at the heart of the so-called ''revisionist'' movement the war, make it an absurdity that he knew nothing of the
among the growing European and American neo-fascist plans and schemes and murderous intent of Heinrich
groups. Himmler's immense killing machine that was sweeping
across Europe.
''If we had one moment's doubt, if we even remotely
thought that The Sunday Times was an anti-semitic Why Irving persists in claiming that Hitler did not know
newspaper, you wouldn't be sitting there talking to me is his affair, and perhaps part of a private agenda in his
now,'' he said. ''We don't like Irving being used for any now burgeoning political life, as he moves from the role
purpose and we were deeply angered when it happened. of historian to fully fledged activist of the far right. In 50
But the publication of these diaries in this country has years of study, not
done something that we have been trying to do for a long
time it has opened the eyes of Jews in this country, not a single historian from AJPTaylor to Alan Bullock has
only to the threat of neo-fascism but to the growing doubted for one moment who the master planner was.
industry of lies concerning the Holocaust.''
The fresh Goebbels diaries, and the controversy
Nobody doubts the authenticity of the diaries (which is a surrounding them, have undoubtedly raised new issues.
change from the Hitler diaries fiasco almost a decade Dr Niall Ferguson, a lecturer in modern history at
ago), despite Irving's role in their discovery, though the Peterhouse, Cambridge, described The Sunday Times
new material contains little evidence concerning the publication as opening up whole new fields, especially
Holocaust. But they contain no comfort for the revisionist the 1938 and 1939 sections.
school, either.
''There is no doubt that these diaries are a discovery of
Goebbels' gloating account of the events of November 9 great importance to all historians,'' he said. ''The material
and 10, 1938 the infamous Night of Glass (Kristallnacht) on Kristallnacht underlines Hitler's personal
puts Adolf Hitler squarely at the centre of the process that responsibility for the anti-Jewish policy which hardly
grew into years of slaughter. ''SS oath-taking at the helps the revisionist case.''
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Holocaust lies of the new Nazis The Sunday Times (London) July 26, 1992, Sunday

To historians such as Ferguson and Bullock, author of In Austria, the Freedom party of Jorg Haider recently
some of the most authoritative and deeply researched trebled its vote in local elections in Vienna, where its
work on the second world war, the evidence that the skinheaded young activists openly taunt immigrant
Holocaust took place is beyond reproach. workers in the streets. In Belgium, with an estimated
immigrant population of more than 150,000 North
Bullock, like others working in the field, has received the Africans and Turks, crude and pornographic cartoons
books and pamphlets claiming that the Holocaust never issued by the country's opposition Liberal party (the
happened, that not a single Jew was gassed and that it PRL) received massive support from ordinary people.
was all a plot by influential Zionists who faked and
distorted the evidence. ''I fumed and threw the damn In Italy, groups of far-right activists, known as the
things away,'' he said. But like all realistic historians, he Leagues, have developed from masked thugs beating up
understands the dangers of telling a huge lie often Moroccan and Tunisian workers into a fully fledged
enough, a technique Goebbels perfected. He has studied political unit that recently polled up to 30% in local
in great detail this technique and its effect on an entire elections. In Spain, where many highly placed officials
nation. ''I am not an expert on the Holocaust,'' he said, from the Franco era still enjoy considerable political
''but I have attended conferences and I have studied the power, old-style Falangists have joined forces with
evidence. If anything, I believe that the widely accepted shaven-headed youths who combine football violence
figure of 6m might soon have to be updated to 7m. with electioneering thuggery.

''I also feel that these so-called revisionist theories, In Central and Eastern Europe, countries such as Poland,
crackpot though they may be, must be answered fully Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania are
whenever they appear. And it should not just be left to seeing the appearance of hard-right political groupings.
Jews to answer them. Everybody must be involved.''
In Germany, the most dangerous cocktail of all is
WHO, and what, are the sources of the so-called forming in the wake of reunification. A whole generation
revisionist movement? Those who say that the Holocaust in East Germany was born, grew up and had children
was a lie and that Hitler was a misunderstood messiah? without ever having to acknowledge its own history. The
How are they funded and where do they operate from? schools of the former communist republic never
The answer is that they exist in a dozen countries, under mentioned the Holocaust or the defeats of world war two,
countless names, and they are nurtured and funded by but the germ of modern fascism has found a fertile
several wealthy and powerful agencies. They are also breeding ground. Practically every week huge mobs of
closely linked across frontiers and oceans and, despite the neo-Nazi youths parade with banners and symbols of the
lunatic behaviour of their foot soldiers, they have clear far-right parties through the streets of towns and cities.
and defined objectives.
Their language is the old one of Germany for the
In Europe alone in the past 10 years the rise of the Germans, and their tactics range from the murder and
neo-fascist, movement, in all its guises, has been beating of the country's huge number of immigrant
extraordinary. From Spain to the Balkans, from Scotland workers to beerhall-type rallies and attending the funerals
to Italy, the neo-fascists have established bases, political of former Nazis.
machinery, small publishing houses and armies of
recruiters who scour the streets looking for converts, West German police and the British Special Branch, who
usually among the young, the disaffected, the feckless routinely scan neo-Nazi activities, revealed earlier this
and the violent. year that there were now open links between fascist
parties in Germany and Britain, with steady movements
In France, the movement has almost reached full of their leaders between countries.
flowering. Jean-Marie Le Pen, a former paratrooper and
founder of the neo-fascist National Front, leads a party And always in the background are the shadowy old
that now boasts a membership of 100,000, a ballot box survivors of Hitler's former army and party, many of
support of 15% of the population, and rising popular them highly placed in industry and commerce and a few
support that opinion polls show now standing at an who simply make themselves available for advice,
astonishing 32%. information and counsel. Such a man is the former SS
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Holocaust lies of the new Nazis The Sunday Times (London) July 26, 1992, Sunday

general Wilhelm Mohnke, Hitler's personal bodyguard called the Institute of Historical Review, founded in 1979
and a man responsible for at least three massacres in the by an American millionaire, Willis ACarto, and his wife,
second world war. He is wanted by the British, Canadian Elisabeth. Carto also runs the virulently anti-semitic
and American governments on murder charges. He now Liberty Lobby and a series of publishing houses.
lives quietly in a suburban street and laughs at all
attempts to deport him. He also funds fascist groups around the globe and, until a
recent falling out, one of his lieutenants was David
Throughout Europe and America these disparate groups McCalden, founder of the British National party and the
share one common theme and one common problem. The leading neo-fascist in Britain.
theme is anti-semitism and the problem is the Holocaust.
Three books form the centrepiece of the Holocaust
The clear evidence that upwards of 6m Jews were denial movement, and they have become the bibles of the
slaughtered by the Nazis stands like a monolithic barrier revisionists. The first and most vicious is The Rumour of
to the ambitions of young neo-Nazis and the ambitious of Auschwitz, the work of Dr Robert Faurisson, a professor
the older men who control them. Since the mid-1970s of literature at France's University of Lyon, who found a
they have attempted to construct a web of lies around it, worldwide stage for his theories several years ago during
using a mixture of spurious documentary research and a criminal trial of a neo-fascist in Canada. Amazingly, the
psuedo-scientific experiments. Canadian press published his trial testimony without
challenge, allowing him to provide ''expert'' testimony
''Their Holocaust denial is central and crucial to their that not a single gassing took place in Auschwitz and that
aims,'' said Mike Whine. ''Unless they can get round it the Diary of Anne Frank was a publishing hoax.
they are lost and their efforts are getting more and more
intense. It is both frightening and grotesque.'' The next is a densely argued work by an American
engineer, Arthur Butz, entitled The Hoax of the
The problem that the Jewish community had was Twentieth Century, in which he begins by mourning the
whether to challenge such spurious rubbish at all. For unlawful hanging of certain German generals after the
many years their attitude was to ignore it and wait for it Nuremburg trials and ends up by claiming that several
to disappear. Instead it found a momentum that took it hundred tons of Zyklon B gas were used simply for
into the mass media and hence into the minds of millions. fumigation purposes.

''Now we know that we must confront it wherever it Third, there is The Leuchter Report, an even more
appears,'' said Whine. ''We do so. Every time. And as absurd work concerning the night-time visit to the ruined
part of that effort we are trying very hard to get the gas chambers at Birkenau, Auschwitz's sister camp, by a
history of the Holocaust taught in British schools, so that strange little man called Fred Leuchter, his wife and three
children are given the facts before coming into contact colleagues. There, he claimed, he took samples of the
with the denial material.'' brickwork and later proved that no gassings had ever
taken place. He also alleged that Auschwitz had its own
The neo-Nazi right gives its rewriting of history a solid, swimming pool, plus diving board, and says that he
studious name: revisionism. Its purpose is no less than to managed to get down into the basements of several
prove the Holocaust to be a hoax, foisted on the public by buildings. But the staff of Auschwitz, now a museum,
Zionists and enabling thousands of Jews to soak the West simply laughed when asked if this was possible and
German government for billions of marks in replied that there were no basements to get into. They
compensation for the loss of relatives. were packed with rubble. And without comment they
produced the chemical analysis of seven tons of female
Much of the flood of material is crude and sneering,
human hair kept at Auschwitz that showed clear traces of
spiced with ugly cartoons, drawings and jokes.
cyanide gas.
Sometimes it is in the form of half-baked mathematical
extrapolations showing it would not be possible to kill Despite the exposure of their cheap fakery, the
that many people in the given time frame. revisionist claims only become more obscene and they
now adopt a taunting attitude to the Holocaust. A
At the very heart of this conspiracy lies an organisation
popular allegation is now routinely made that
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Holocaust lies of the new Nazis The Sunday Times (London) July 26, 1992, Sunday

Auschwitz-Birkenau by far the largest death camp was This was one hut out of more than 300 in the complex,
secretly rebuilt and altered over a 10-year period after the and when Birkenau reached its peak of turnover in 1944
war by the Polish government for political and there could be up to 1,500 in each. Inmates had a
propaganda reasons. It put up phoney buildings with fake lifespan, estimated by Himmler's logistics men, from zero
ovens, and then the Poles turned it into a tourist trap, the (the old, the sick and the cripples who were gassed
revisionists sneer. immediately after selection on arrival) to six weeks. As
they died, from typhoid, cholera and a hundred other
THERE are many answers to this lunatic school of diseases, or simply being worked to death in the factories
thought. But the most complete and most eloquent of IGFarben, they were replaced by others. The
answer lies 240 miles south of Warsaw, across endless mathematics are so staggering they become meaningless.
flat plains and hidden away in the swampy fields around
the towns of Oswiecim and Brzeznica.It is made of stone It was growing dark suddenly, and as we approached the
and rusted metal, and its marshy soil contains the ashes of remains of Crematoria II and III, Victor casually pointed
uncountable men, women, children and babies, most of to a shallow pool of fetid water. ''Ashes below,'' he said.
them Jews from every occupied corner of Europe. ''Seven, eight feet deep.'' In the ruins of what were large
buildings there were five large hollows, the remains of
Auschwitz-Birkenau remains, exactly as it was when the the furnaces with pieces of the rail along which the
German army fled in chaos in 1945. There are no tourist corpses were pushed.
trappings. There is no charge for entry, except the
courage to walk through the gates. Leuchter, in his report, claimed he had got down into the
basement of the ruins, but he would have needed a
Shortly after 9pm last Monday, as the huge ball of the bulldozer to shift the tons of rubble. By now Leuchter's
sun sank to the west and bathed the bleak landscape in a nonsense was a distasteful memory an insult to the reality
soft red glow, the silent blockhouses and wooden huts of that lay all around. In the gloaming, we walked back
the gigantic Birkenau complex seemed to stretch to the along the track, passing the loading bays where the
horizon. It was totally silent, with only a hot wind thousands were pulled from sealed trucks and ''selected''
moving the weeds and willow trees planted in 1942 to at the whim of camp staff. To the left meant the long trek
hide it. down to the phoney shower-rooms with the holes in the
roof, then along the conveyor belts, up the lifts or down
Birkenau was closed for the day, but an elderly man the chutes, and into the ovens. To the right meant a few
called Victor, who spoke little English but recognised one weeks of painful life.
who had travelled far, agreed to open the grill door under
the massive stone gate and walk with me along the Next day it was Auschwitz central camp, almost two
railway track that runs like an arrow for 114 miles. miles away and almost hidden behind houses and small
factories. The most infamous signpost in history, a
That track, which ends with the rails twisted high in the cynical final lie in itself, saying Arbeit Macht Frei work
air like twin daggers, leads to the great, dynamited ruins will make you free stands in an arc over the gate.
that form Europe's true heart of darkness.
In daylight it looks like an old army barracks, perfectly
Far away down the line you can see the piles of rubble, preserved and covering the area of about five large city
the blown-up remains of the four gas chambers and blocks. No attempt has been made to manicure the grass
crematoria complexes. Victor smiled as I immediately or signpost the route. It is as it was, exactly, almost
headed towards them. ''Not now. Soon,'' he said. ''First normal, mundane. But the small sign tells you are
see the huts and look around.'' They are long and low, entering ''an area of exceptional horror'', and inside the
with wooden sleeping shelves, dank after 50 years. But blocks it is all there.
they were built by good craftsmen and the plasterwork
remains. Written on every wall, on every inch of space, Human hair, tons of it, in a huge vat. Eye-glasses in piles
carved in the wood of the shelves, scored into the many feet deep, silent eyes in gaunt faces in thousands of
exposed bricks, are the names. Thousands and thousands tiny black-and-white photographs that stare out in the
of them. Impossible to count. gloom from the walls of endless corridors. The hideous
little operating theatre where Josef Mengele soaked his
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Holocaust lies of the new Nazis The Sunday Times (London) July 26, 1992, Sunday

hands in the blood of children, especially twins, to try to It was the same tree that had stood by the child, half a
win himself a Nobel prize for genetics. century on. The door was still there. The tree had lived
and grown. But the girl with the burning eyes was gone,
In Block 11 where the first experimental gassings using her body, her name and her beauty turned into ashes,
Zyklon B, the industrial fumigant gas, took place, almost smoke and wind.
killing the guards alongside the 600 Soviet army
prisoners who perished somebody had placed a single red This article will be available to schools throughout
rose in a cell at the end of a dark passage where a wire Britain via the Campus 2000 system.
garotting machine stood on a miniature gallows.
In what is now known as the children's block, there is JUDAISM (89%); HISTORY (89%); HUMANITIES &
perhaps the worst evidence of all. Tiny vests and pants, SOCIAL
woollen baby boots, dolls with smashed faces, childish SCIENCE (89%); EYEWITNESSES (78%); CONSPIRACY (78%); TEST
letters home with kisses on the end that were never FILMS (72%); MURDER (72%); BOOK
delivered. And the hugely enlarged photographs taken by REVIEWS (70%); ENGINEERING (69%); JOSEPH
an SS man who seemed to enjoy photographing the new GOEBBELS (74%); DAVID IRVING (61%); MIKE
arrivals. WHINE (56%);

The girl with the large gleaming eyes, standing by the COUNTRY: UNITED
willo tree, broke some people; there were tears from the STATES (92%); EUROPE (88%); GERMANY (87%); NORTH
women tourists. The same picture was in one of the AMERICA (79%); RUSSIA (78%); POLAND (77%); CANADA (73%); E
guidebooks. The next day, when I felt compelled to go EUROPE (57%); CENTRAL EUROPE (57%);
back to Birkenau to see it in daylight, I showed it to
Victor. LOAD-DATE: July 29, 1992
He led me back down the awful railway track, back to
the ruins. He jabbed at the photograph, pointed to the
broken doorway, then swung his hand round towards a GRAPHIC: European Fascist movement
willow tree standing nearly 40ft high.

Copyright 1992 Times Newspapers Limited

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