World War II 1939 Guided Notes

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World War II 1939-1942

World War II was a two _______________________ war with fighting talking place in Europe & in the

When World War II began, Germany used a _________________________________________ strategy

called blitzkrieg that relied on fast, strong attacks using air raids, artillery, & tanks.

 By 1940, Germany __________________________ Poland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands,

Belgium, & France

When ____________________________ fell to the Nazis, Britain was the only nation at war with

In 1940, Germany began a massive bombing campaign using its air force called the _______________

 The British air force fought German planes aided by ______________________ & the ability to
crack German codes
 Prime Minister _____________________________________________ vowed that the British
would “never surrender”
 After ____________ months, Hitler called off the attacks & focused on Eastern Europe.

The United States vowed to remain __________________________ when World War II began

 After the fall of France & attack on Britain, the U.S. began _____________________ war
supplies to the Allied Powers

In 1940, Italian & German troops moved to take ________________________ of North Africa

 Meanwhile, Hitler took control of the Balkans

o In 1941, Hitler broke the Nazi-Soviet Pact & invaded the Soviet Union

By 1942, the ___________________________________________________ controlled most of Europe &

North Africa but were unable to defeat Britain & the USSR.

 Meanwhile, the Japanese were expanding in throughout the Pacific

 From 1939 to 1941, Japan conquered European colonies in _____________________ including
French Indochina
 Japan threatened to take the ____________________________________________ of Guam &
the Philippines

In 1941, the United States cut off sales of _______________________________________ with the

 Japan interpreted the _______________________________ as interfering with their right to

 On December 7thl , 1941 Japan attacked U.S. Naval Base ______________________, Hawaii

After Pearl Harbor, the Japanese took the Philippines & threatened to take ________________ and

 By 1942, _________________________ controlled a large empire in the Pacific, “Asia for the

From 1939 to 1942, the ____________________________________ (Germany, Italy, Japan) dominated

Europe, North Africa, & Asia

 But, 1942 was a turning point year for the ____________________ who were able to win the war
by 1945

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