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Example Letters

Letter of Congratulation

This is a Letter of Congratulation on a Promotion.

12th January 2001.


Mr. Ramachandran,
EWQ, Lalan Bandar Baru,
82/ABC Pontian,


Mr. Johnny Kay,

Regional Manager,
Centurion Enterprises Company,
456, Lalan Bandar Baru,
82000 Pontian,

Dear Mr. Kay,

My wife and I would like to congratulate you on your recent promotion to Regional
manager. This is indeed a coveted position and we are sure you will do a good job.

The last five years when you were Area Sales manger, your company enjoyed a good
turnover of business because of your innovative methods of increasing sales. We believe
you can be even more effective in your new position. We look forward to even better years.

Once again, congratulation and best wishes from all of us here.

With love.

Yours Sincerely,

(Signature of Ramachandran)

Letter apologizing for absence

This is a Letter apologizing for absence.

12th January 2001.


Mr. Johnny Kay,

Centurion Enterprises Company,
456, Lalan Bandar Baru,
82000 Pontian,


Mr. Lee Wing Wan,

Lee Pharmacy,
EWQ, Lalan Bandar Baru,
82/ABC Pontian,

Dear Mr. Lee,

I wish to apologize for not being able to attend your company’s New Year Eve’s Dinner even
though I had said I would come.

Last 31 December, I suddenly received a telephone call at noon from my aunt in New York
saying that my uncle had met with an accident and was seriously injured. So, I had to rush
up to New York to see what I could. I am like a son to them as they are childless. The
following few days saw me rushing back and forth between the hospital and my aunt’s
house doing what I could for them. I am glad to say that my uncle is out of danger now.
But, he has to stay in hospital for at least 3 months for his broken bones to mend.

Anyhow I hope you all had a successful dinner. Perhaps, I can attend the next one.

Thanking You.

Yours Sincerely,

(Signature of Johnny Kay)


Letter expressing moral supports

This is a Letter expressing moral supports.

12th January 2001.


Mr. Lee Wing Wan,

Lee Pharmacy,
456, Lalan Bandar Baru,
82000 Pontian,


Mr. Zing Lue Kee,

29 – Lee Mart,

Dear Lue Kee,

I am sorry to hear that you have been hospitalized. I suppose that this sort of thing can happen to
anyone. However, I am sure the doctors are doing all they can to put you back on the road to

I rang Dr. John and he said that you should be back on your feet in a week or so. We look
forward to your return. Do not worry too much about how much work that has to be done. Get
well first. Then the work can be done.

With love.

Yours Sincerely,

(Signature of Lee Wing Wan)


Letter of Encouragement
This is a Letter of Encouragement.

12th January 2001.


General Manager,
Nita Trading Company,
456, Lalan Bandar Baru,
82000 Pontian,


Mr. Zing Lue Kee,

29 – Lee Mart,

Dear Mr. Zing Lue Kee,

Next year is going to be a very busy year for all of us here at Nita. You are going to find the
market very challenging indeed.

As you know, our sales have increased by 50% last financial year and I must thank you all
in the sales department for doing a fine job. However we can not rest on our laurels. For I
what I have heard through the grapevine, our competitors are going to do their best
competitive edge. With your enthusiasm and good strategy, I am sure you can do even
better next year. Mr. Devadas will soon be informing you of the sales target for the next

The year is ending and I am sure all of you are looking forward to your bonuses. I have
instructed Miss Chong to get them ready and you should have your bonuses before

Thanking You.

Yours Sincerely,

(Signature of Zing Lue Kee)


Letter apologizing for cancelled event

This is a Letter apologizing for cancelled event.

12th Janu. 2001.


Mr. P. Subramanian,
Social Committee,
Drapon International Marketing Firm,
2345- Jalan Angkasa,
2919/QU: Lee Mart,
Kuala Lumpur.


Mr. Nagaraj,
125, Jalan Ah Meng,
251799-Kuala Lumpur.

Dear Sir,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I wish to apologize for the cancellation of the
Outdoor Barbecue Dinner last Saturday 5 May.

I know many of you brought your friends and family to the occasion and we had to cancel
the function at the last minute. We had never anticipated that it would rain the whole of the
last Saturday after having fine weather for a couple of weeks. It was our fault for not
arranging to have temporary shelters erected in case of rain. Anyhow we have learned our
lessons and will be more prepared in future.

As for the uneaten food, the GM says that you can have it. The meat and other delicious
items are kept in freezer at the canteen. We can have on “First come first served” basis but
no rushing please.

Thanking You.

(Signature of Subramanian)


Letter of Love
This is a sample Letter of Love.
Mr. Sunil loves Ms. Sonya. He writes a letter expressing his loves towards Ms. Sonya.

18 Baugh Street,

18th April 2004.

Dearest Sonya,

You will feel pestered, I am sure, to receive this letter upon letter every week from a suitor.
The truth is that you have become a part of my being with every breath. I must think of
your grace, charm and heavenly beauty.

I remember our last meeting at the Students Reunion at the Gymkhana Club. You flashed a
row of pearls as you smiled and your grace in that azure-colored semi-transparent dress
was becoming of goddess. Your verbal intelligence, your mischievous repartee in combating
my light-hearted banter really took my heart away. You have a gentle chiding manner When
you do not approve of something and that has the effect of setting right a derailed person
without bruising him.

As you know and I have briefed you, my family is simple traditional one. It needs a woman
who knows how to maintain a house and the family and who can set everything right. I do
not need a make-up doll without virtue who would soon go sick of all of us. My dear Sonya,
you are meant and born for me.

If it is not inconvenient for you, I can approach your parents this Saturday evening and
propose my hand in marriage with you.

I do not and expect a NO from you, Sonya.

With love for marriage.

Ever loving,

Signature of Sunil


Letter of a Wife

Letter of a Wife: A Wife writes to her husband who has been away from Home for a long
8 Baugh Street,

19th March 2001.

Dearest Sheri,

It is almost a year since you are away from us in distant USA. Though you make phone calls
to us every week and we can hear your pleasant voice over the miles of cable, we miss your
physical presence. You know how it is. Even if you were withdrawn and not talking to any
one here in person, your mere presence and movements around the house, seemed to fill it
with a type of reassurance and a sense of security.

I can understand your sacrifice by being away from us to earn handsome income in a
foreign land with an earnest wish to bring good tidings and fortune to every one of us. Your
parcel of chocolates was received last week. Mona and Chandra enjoyed eating those
chocolates of rare flavor.

Can’t you take a month’s break and come here Sheri? That would be a great reunion and
you would go back refreshed.

With love.

Yours only,

Signature of Namita


Writing The Letters of Thanks

Mr.John is in India. His friend, Mr. Bernard who is in Singapore, visited India and stayed
with Mr. John. After returning to Singapore Mr. Bernard is writing a letter to Mr. John
thanking him for his hospitality.
This is a sample Letter of thanks for hospitality on a visit.


Mr. Bernard,
3 Keppel Road,


Mr. John,
21 Anna nager,

18th May 2001.

Dear John,

I thank you very much for the warmth and hospitality you showed me on my visit to your
place last month. Not for a moment did I feel uneasy or unwanted guest.

It is said that a fish and a guest begin to smell after three days. I stayed for two weeks and
not a single murmur of protest from any of you. I can not forget those outings and those
games. The delicacy of the food you served to me is still lingering in my tongue. Your
children are such sweet things.

My wife and children are willing to extend their wishes to all of you. Kindly reciprocate the
visit by coming to our place during vacation.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Bernard


Writing a letter of thanks is making our

relationship strong.
Mr. Brain has given a gift of Collins Dictionary to his friend Mr. Derek. Mr Derek is writing a
letter thanking Mr. Brain.

This is a sample Letter of thanks for a gift.

7 Japan Mains,
Kuala Lumpur.

6th April 2006.

Dear Brain,

Thank you very much for your thoughtful gift of a copy of the Collins Cobuild Dictionary.

I find it is a very useful dictionary of contemporary usage. There are words in common
currency discussed in simple language. Their usage is explained through contexts and there
are notations for pronunciation and grammar. Now, there is no need to run after English
teachers to ask for meanings. For a person like me who is in the process of learning the
English language, your gift is of great help and timely one. More over it is befitting your
status as a lettered man. I have already got the dictionary bound.

Thank you very much again.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Derek


Letter of Travelogue

This is a sample Letter of Travelogue describing a journey to London.

Room Number: 182-Hotel Ballista,
Kings Road,

6th July 2001.

Dear Cecil,

At present I am sitting at my hotel suite room watching the eternal drizzle outside. What a
rainy country England is! The sun shines but rarely and then the rain pours down scrubbing
building and roads. The countryside has deep shades of green, so deep that the green
merges with black almost. And the daffodils are over in the parks at Hyde Park.

I went to Shakespeare’s play at the Barbican, London’s largest theatre. The play was good,
but more fascinating was the convertible stage with bedroom changing into forest and then
into a royal hall.

The British around London are generally informal and fun-loving. Most of the tourists are
coming to see the heritage of colonial times, places associated with works of literature-
Dickens’s house, Keat’s house where he wrote the Ode do the Nightingale and the tavern
where Doctor Johnson drank etc.

Last week I had been to Stratford-on-Avon to see Shakespeare’s house. An open air tourist
bus took us around Anne Hathaway’s beautiful thatched cottage. I took a stroll down to 10,
Downing Street to get a glimpse of The Prime Minister, but I was not lucky.

Another interesting place I saw was Madame Tussand’s waxworks.

I have planned to visit all the interesting and the historical places in England. I will be here
for another month. I shall keep in touch with you, by writing letters to you with my
memorable experience in England.

With love.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Robinson


Letter of Motivation

This is a sample of a Letter of motivation to a friend who is depressed.

12 Sophia Road,

9th May 2006.

Dear Mrs. Mayan,

There is this old blue song of movies which means ‘if the gardener changes, the garden
does not become flowerless’. Spring always comes in life and will come again.

I am really shocked to learn from Stella of what you are doing to yourself now a day. To
brood and spend time in self-pity is detrimental to your mental and physical health. It even
clouds the day for those around us. To spread cheers through smiles should be aim of our

We all know that your not having a baby is making your life disgusted and lonely. This is
natural instinct of all women. But there is always hope. Dr. Jacob is visiting our town next
week. He is very successful with cases like yours. If you wish I can fix an appointment with
him for you.

We must learn to take life as it comes. Nobody has got everything in life. I know of women
who curse their lives because they have children who are anti-social elements.

God’s will is always supreme.

Let your future be bright.

With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Mrs. Adela


Letter of Welcome

This is a sample Letter of Welcome to a foreign friend about to visit India.


167 Kalians Colony,
New Delhi.


Mr. Peter,
34/A Saint Thomas Road,
Lincoln Marts,

7th Oct. 2004.

Dear Peter,

I am thrilled to know that you want to visit India and learn about Indian culture.

I would advise you to plan the visit anytime in the winter-December to February. The day
temperature is about 10 degree C to 20 Degree C. Europeans mostly like this season.
Summer is unbearable to you.

I am preparing an itinerary for you based on your interests in the historical places and the
religious centers. Of course, bring your video camera along with you to shoot the beautiful
and colorful sights. Since I shall be with mostly, you need not worry about the problems of
currency exchange, accommodation, transport etc.

Like in other countries foreigners can be fleeced at airport and railway stations. But I will
certainly include the most important places such as New Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, Mumbai in
North India and Bangalore, Cochin, Chennai, Kanyakumari in South India. There are other
exquisite places which you should visit to know the best of India.

Of course the beautiful mausoleum The Taj Mahal will inspire your inspiration to pen a
poem. You will no doubt love the palm-fringed coasts of Kerala.

My daughters Mona and Hamish are longing to see you. Do let me know soon after you buy
your tickets to India.

With love and affection.

Yours affectionately,

Siganture of Malan


Letter to a Friend

This is a sample of a Letter to a Friend who is planning to go aboard.

167 Kalians Colony,

New Delhi.
7th Oct. 2004.

Dear Kailash,

I am glad you have won an Indo-Us Exchange Scholarship to go to New York State
University to study Post Gorbachev US-Russia relationship. You are a scholar of American
Literature and Culture. This will be golden opportunity for you to have a personal account of
more customs and political systems of the world’s largest democracy and the richest

From my experience of the American people which I gained during my stay for two years
there, I can say you will the Americans. They are warm, fun-loving and hard-working.
Remember the earliest Europeans who settled there around 1600 AD had to build their
economy from the scratch. They did the hard way using their own muscle power. America
has do-it-yourself culture. Lazy people have no place there. Intelligent people with
innovative ideas are welcome to contribute and if one stays back one can make a fast buck.

You may not be able to approve of permissive sex and consumer materialism. There is a
dark side of freak cultures and the struggle for supremacy and power, the racial
discrimination etc. But as our Nehru said a long time back, no culture is entirely

Keep me informed of your reaction once you are in the US.

With all the best wishes.

Siganature of Anthony


Social letter

Mr. Shoran is writing a letter to his uncle on his (uncle’s) 70th birthday.
18/23-AB: Sonata Tower,
Bill Mart,
Third Street,
Mall Avenue,
New York.

23rd Dec. 2001.

My Dear Uncle,

I just remembered that it is your birthday on coming Saturday and so I must send you a
birthday letter at once. And I begin with the old greeting: Many more returns of the day!

I hope the day itself will be peaceful and happy for you and that you will be spared in
happiness and health to us all for years yet.We have already seen a kind and generous
uncle to us, and I take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you
have done for us. And I know all your nieces and other nephews feel the same.

I was glad to hear from my father that you are healthy and hearty and that you can take
four mile walk every day and still play a set of tennis.

I am sending a book which I feel you will like. You were always a great reader, and I am
glad that your eyesight remains as good as ever, so father says.

I am getting on well in my business and hope to enlarge it considerably by the end of this

Convey best wishes to both my aunt and your son Mark.

With love and best wishes.

Your loving nephew,

Signature of Shoran


Greetings Letter Sample

This is a Greetings-Letter-sample which will give you few ideas about how to draft such a

Mr. Bhrigu has received an award for his contribution in the field of Popularization of
Science. His friend Mr. Pranav Guha comes to know of this news. Mr. Pranav Guha writes a
letter greeting Mr. Bhrigu on receiving an award.

423 Railway Road,

Sri Nager Colony,
New Delhi.

16th June 2005.

Dear Bhrigu,

I cannot quite express my great joy at your receiving the Kalinga Award for popularization
of science. Your articles on scientific topics like computers, lasers, quantum physics, space-
age and hi-tech communication have become very popular, especially among school going
children. Few of these articles have found their way into text-books. You have rendered a
yeoman service to the cause of sciences. For your insightfulness and valuable contribution,
a science-journal has noted that you are the Isaac Asimov of India.

You have made all your college-mates proud. May you continue to succeed and make a
mark in the international field?

Let the Almighty bless you with more success!

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Pranav Guha


Birthday Letter

Mr. Adele is inviting his friend Ms.Stella to his 25th Birthday celebration.
105- Alcott Mawatha,

6th June 2003.

Dear Stella,

On the 26th of this June I shall have completed yet another year of my life. I shall be 25!
That is a Silver Jubilee, isn’t it? I am holding a little party and get-together for my
colleagues and near and dear ones. How could I possibly leave you out? The party would be
a failure without your playing the electric guitar and regaling us with anecdotes about
college days.

Do come Stella for old time’s sake. Your presence is awaited by all the members in my
family.Don’t embarrass me by bringing gift.

With best wishes.

Yours truly,

Signature of Adele


Dinner letter

Mr. Ralf is inviting his friend Mr. John to a dinner party.This is a sample Dinner letter.
6- Hong Kong Avenue,

7th July 2001.

Dear John,

I’m giving a small cocktail on 16th July to our ex-colleagues and the foreign guests who
have arrived. I am expecting most of the old staff of the college alumni to turn up. You are
welcome. I invite you to this dinner party. If you are there, you will be able to sip your
favorite gin and revive memories of days gone by.

Mr. Parthasarathy (remembers the first principal of St. Columbus College) is coming too
with his two beautiful wives. So, you can keep them company with your quips. Do not forget
to bring Kelvin along.

Yours truly,

Signature of Ralf


Graduation Letter

This is a Graduation Letter. Mr. Mahesh has completed his MBA graduation at HARVARD
UNIVERSITY.His friend Mr. Anil is writing a letter to Mr. Mahesh congratulating him for the
successful graduation.

328 Railway Road,

Anil Market,
Sri Lanka.
2nd Oct. 2001.

Dear Mahesh,

Please accept my heartiest congratulation on your successful graduation of MBA at

HARVARD UNIVERSITY. I also heard that you are one of the top three best students
selected by the University. This news doubled my happiness. On top of it, I also heard that
you have joined Microsoft Corporation as its Country Manager for Sri Lanka.

I think that your dreams are materializing one by one. That means you will be nearby for
me to come and gossip with you and play tennis. Nothing succeeds like success, it is said.

This new responsibilities will give you tremendous power as you will have a country-wide
network under you. Since you are the country manager, you are a virtual king. But do not
let the power go to the head. As you are a student of history, you need not be reminded
that Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Now, you are safe in your new position. And I feel that this is the right time to take care
your parents. Let them be with you so that they will get the best of attention and your

With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Anil


Advising Letter

This is a an Advising Letter.Ms. Clara loves Mr. Thomson. Ms. Clara seeks the advice of her
family-friend Mrs. Matura. Now, Mrs. Matura is writing a letter to Ms. Clara about Ms. Clara’s love
with Mr. Thomson.

11 Sophia Road,

6th July 2005.

Dear Clara,

How nice of you to confide in me! Do I really deserve to be your confidante? Anyway, you
have asked me to advise you. I can only suggest things to you as a friend.
You say you and Thomson love each other deeply and that the friendship is just one month
old. I think you should court each other for a six month period before you decide you are
made for each other. This duration would bring out your relative merits and demerits, the
stability of your love and Thomson’s capacity to tolerate your shortcomings. Notice his
tendencies and hesitations.

Remember! Love is blind and lovers can not see the follies they commit. So, wisdom is
required to decide on such a crucial matter. No use regretting later on.

Do keep me informed of your progress. I assure you I would be happy to learn that you two
have passed in each other’s estimate.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Matura


Advice Letter

This is an Advice Letter.Mr. Arleen is a final-year student of under graduation in Engineering. He

has planned to take GMAT in order to take GMAT to seek admission in a Business School. He
sought the advice of his Professor Mr. Frazil on what should be done to score high marks in

Mr. Frazil is writing a letter to Mr. Arleen advising him to improve his English knowledge.

12 Station Road,

6th December, 2005.

Dear Arleen,

I received your letter and am happy to know that you wish to compete for MBA admission
by taking GMAT. Your thinking seems to be in right direction. You have asked me for my
advice on how to develop your communication skills in English for scoring high marks in

I know that you are well versed in Mathematics. So, this will make it easy for you to score
the highest marks in the Quantitative Section of GMAT.

As far as the Verbal Section of GMAT is concerned, you have to improve your English
knowledge to great extend to score high marks in that section.

The first thing is to expose yourself to fine examination of spoken English as you hear it on
radio and television. There are plenty of programmes going on in good English. The BBC has
a lot of them on radio plays, games, quizzes, talks etc. You get good English on Television
programmes too, like Focus Discussion of current issues by experts in the field. The World
this week and NDTV news are full of ideas expressed in the correct diction and words. In
fact, you even get to know how to present information as your opinion and give an analysis
of an event or issue precisely.
This kind of exposure will improve your ability to face the interview board and come out of it

Remember you may not understand all the words in the first few days. It is because your
vocabulary is not developed or that you are out of touch with issues. Tune your ears and
carry on listening. Take the focused approach to GMAT. And browse few websites which give
you the GMAT success tips.

The next point is improving your word-power. This you could do by reading a lot of books.
Let reading become your habit. That will accustom you to the word of ideas and
perceptions. This will help you to have your own perception in the field of your preference.

OK. I need not go very deep into the issues now. That will scare you.

Please, do not hesitate to write letters to me periodically. I treat it as my honor to help you
now and then.


Wish you all the best in all your endeavors.

Yours truly,

Signature of Frazil


Letter requesting donation

This is a sample of a Letter requesting donation.

Peter kin School,


4th April 2000.

Dear Sir,

As you are aware, a terrible train and bus accident has killed 64 children of Peter kin School
of Milano, Manila. As you might be aware from the news in the papers and T.V., the bus
carrying five teachers and 79 children was on its way from school to drop the children at
their homes. The bus crossed an unmanned railway-crossing with no signal or barrier and
the train rammed into the bus. All the children and teachers, except 20, were killed on the
spot. The survivors are in critical condition in hospital.

We request you to kindly donate generously so that we may be able to help the families of
the teachers, the driver and the conductor who expired in the terrible accident.

Your cheques and cash donations will be gratefully acknowledged in our school journal.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of the Principal



Mr. Ramesh Babu,

Chairman cum Managing Director,
Alliance Industries Company Limited,

Letter of Complaints

This is a sample of Letter of Complaints about fleecing of tourists.

13 Juju Vilas,

6th April 2001.


The Director,
Maharashtra Tourism,
Dear Sir,

Tourists from abroad bring valuable foreign exchange to our state. Special care should be
taken to ensure a safe and pleasant visit for them.

Unfortunately, many cases of fleecing and fraud have come to light. A friend of mine, Mr.
Calliope arrived from Rome a fortnight ago. When he landed at our house in Juju from
Sahar Air Port, we learned that he had overpaid the taxi by Rs. 500. Not being conversant
with our currency, he had been duped. After a week’s visits to various tourist spots in
Mumbai, he complained of other such unpleasant experiences. He was once taken on a ride
through a city section which covered 10 kms when short-cut was hardly only 2 kms.

Naturally, there are many other foreign tourists like my friend who go back home with an
unpleasant impression. This way we are wounding our valuable guests.

If this tendency is not checked immediately, our tourists’ traffic will dwindle

With an unflinching hope that you will exercise all your power to see that our tourist guests
enjoy a pleasant and happy stay in our country, I write this letter to you, Sir.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Malick


Letter to a Club

This is a sample of Letter to a Club for membership of the club.

132 Cavalla Ham Apartments,

Sri Lanka.

19th Feb. 2006.


The Secretary,
DDA Club,
Sri Lanka.

Dear Sir,
I am a resident of Colombo and own my own house. I learned that being a member of your
esteemed club is giving a golden opportunity to develop social contacts in this beautiful city
Colombo. Since, I was in USA for the last ten years; I could not become your member.

This is the opportune time for me to become a member of your club. I wish to enroll myself
as a member in your club.

Kindly let me know of the position, the fee and the facilities provided by this club of dignity.

As soon as I get your reply, I meet you in person for completing the formalities.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Aakaash


This is a sample of Letter to a Club for membership of the club.

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