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Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Jerrica Vanderkarr

Unit: Lesson Title: Grade/Period:

Chapter 3: Statistics Chapter 3 Summary 11th-12th/ 2nd Hour

CCSS or State Standards:

S-CP.1. Describe events as subsets of a
sample space (the set of outcomes) using
characteristics (or categories) of the
outcomes, or as unions, intersections, or
complements of other events (“or,”
“and,” “not”).
S-CP.2.Understand that two events A and
B are independent if the probability of A
and B occurring together is the product
of their probabilities, and use this
characterization to determine if they are
S-CP.3. Understand the conditional
probability of A given B as P (A and B)/ P (
B), and interpret independence of A and
B as saying that the conditional
probability of A given B is the same as
the probability of A, and the conditional
probability of B given A is the same as
the probability of B.
S-CP.4. Construct and interpret two-way
frequency tables of data when two
categories are associated with each
object being classified. Use the two-way
table as a sample space to decide if
events are independent and to
approximate conditional probabilities.
S-CP.5. Recognize and explain the
concepts of conditional probability and
independence in everyday language and
everyday situations. For example,
compare the chance of having lung
cancer if you are a smoker with the
chance of being a smoker if you have
lung cancer. Use the rules of probability
to compute probabilities of compound
events in a uniform probability model.
S-CP.6. Find the conditional probability of
A given B as the fraction of B’s outcomes
that also belong to A, and interpret the
answer in terms of the model.
S-CP.7. Apply the Addition Rule, P (A or
B) = P ( A) + P ( B) – P (A and B), and
interpret the answer in terms of the
S-CP.8. Apply the general Multiplication
Rule in a uniform probability model, P ( A
and B) = P ( A ) P ( B | A) = P ( B ) P ( A |
B), and interpret the answer in terms of
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

the model. 9. Use permutations and

combinations to compute probabilities of
compound events and solve problems.
Resources and Materials:
(can be attached)

Students phones
Vocab Quiz (printed off of quizlet)
Objective: I can:
What students will know and be able to do stated Determine the likelihood of an event occurring when the outcomes
in student friendly language (use Bloom’s and DOK
levels for higher level thinking objectives) are not equally likely to occur.
Determine the possible outcomes of an event occurring.
Identify one event or outcome of an event occurring.
Identify when events are independent or dependent.
Identify the outcomes of an event.
Determine which event occurs first in a sequence.
Identify when events are mutually exclusive or not.
Determine probabilities of “and” and “or” statements.

Essential Question(s): What is statistics?

Over-arching questions of the lesson that will What is probability?
indicate student understanding of concepts/skills
What is it you want the students to learn/know? Why is data collected and analyzed?
Why? How do people use data to influence others?
How can predictions be made based on

Inclusion Activity: Warm up:

Describe an activity that will ensure that all Tell me 3 things you know about pi!!
students and their voices are included at the
beginning of the lesson.
Quizlet live:
Students will be placed in random groupings right on quizlet live.
These students will have to work with their group in order to play
the game. Each of the students phones will display the questions
being asked. However, each phone has a different set of answer
and they will have to communicate with one another to try and get
the answer correct.
- One the projector the “score” or results are posted. Each
group is given an animal name and you see their number of
answers correct in a row compared to the other groups.
- Students must get 12 questions correct in a row first to win.
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

- This is one final review for their vocab quiz which will be
given at the end of the hour.

Sequence of Activities: 0:00 Students are welcomed into the classroom.

Provide an overview of the flow of the lesson.
Should also include estimates of pacing/timing.
0:01 Upon entering the classroom students will find their assigned
seats, and begin working on their warm up that is on the board.
- During this time I will take attendance.
- Warm up for today:
Tell me 3 things you know about pi!

0:06 Once students have completed their warm up, go over it as a

whole group.

0:08 Allow students to ask any questions from the previous night’s

0:10 Inclusion Activity

- Put the code up on the screen for quizlet live.
- Have students get logged in.
- Randomly generate groups using quizlet.
- Students will sit with their groups and play quizlet live.
- One the projector the “score” or results are posted. Each
group is given an animal name and you see their number of
answers correct in a row compared to the other groups.
- Students must get 12 questions correct in a row first to win.
- This is one final review for their vocab quiz which will be
given at the end of the hour.
- As students are working I will walk around the classroom
and formatively assess how they are doing with the
material. This will allow students to ask questions as they
are playing. This will also allow me to identify any at risk

0:30 Wrap up inclusion activity. Students will go back to their

assigned seats.
- Answer any last minute questions.
- Also at this time all cell phones will be put up at the front of
the classroom. All desks will be turned forward.

0:35 Vocab quiz

- Students will take their Chapter 3 vocab quiz.
- This is a summative assessment of the vocabulary.
- Once their quizzes have been turned in students will grab
pie to enjoy for the rest of the hour. (Happy Pi Day!)
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

0:56 Regroup to whole class. This will allow for students to ask any
further clarifying questions prior to class dismissal. Remind students
that tomorrow (Thursday) is a review day for their Chapter 3 Test
on Friday.

0:60 Dismissal.

Instructional Strategies: Whole group discussion is an effective way to focuses on

Research-based strategies to help students think interactions. Students are allowed to express their knowledge,
critically about the concept/skill
understandings, and opinions on a topic. Discussion promotes
active learning for students and also increases student
accountability. Student-centered strategy.

Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small

teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety
of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject.

Small group instruction is an effective way to differentiate

instruction and meet the needs of our students. With responds to
informal and formal data collected from various sources, I can
construct a comprehensive profile on students’ interests, abilities
and challenges. Small groups also enables students to develop
relationships with their classmates.

Formative assessment is any assessment task designed to promote

students' learning. These tasks give both teachers and students
feedback, so that teaching and learning activities can be altered
according to the results. This allows me to begin targeted
interventions/modifications based on determined student learning
levels. Identified possible “at-risk” population for further

Summative assessment is used to evaluate student learning, skill

acquisition, and academic achievement at the conclusion of a
defined instructional period.

Lesson closure ends a lesson and creates a lasting impression,

allows students to ask any remaining questions, and also allows me
to check for understanding regarding today’s lesson.

Assessment: Formative:
List both formative and summative assessments During whole group instruction when answering homework
that you will use to assess student understanding.
Formative assessments are given during questions from the night before I can formatively assess students
instruction (check for understanding), summative on their understanding of the material covered in last night's
are after completion of instruction (how will you
grade – quiz, test, project, paper, presentation, homework.
demonstration, etc.).
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

During the inclusion activity I will walk around the classroom and
assess how students are doing with the material. Answer any
questions that students may have at this time.

Ch. 3 Vocabulary Quiz today (3/14)
Ch. 3 Test Friday

Differentiation: Allowing students to “opt out” of playing quizlet live and review on
Describe who will need additional or different their own if desired.
support during this lesson, and how you will
support them. Differentiated instruction could
include testing accommodations, preferential Providing students with the quizlet at the beginning of Chapter 3.
seating, segmented assignments, a copy of the
teacher’s notes, assignment notebook, peer tutors, Printing a copy of the quizlet for students who need this
etc. accommodation.

Summary, Integration and Regrouping the class after whole group discussion and the inclusion
Reflection: activity allows for all students to ask questions prior to taking the
List the way that you will bring students together material home for homework. This also allows students to ask
to integrate and reflect on their learning from this
lesson questions prior to studying for the test Friday.

Initial plans could also contain the following:

Accessing Prior Knowledge: What data do you have about what the students already know? What do they
need to know before they can learn this new information? What do the students know about this topic prior
to instruction? How will you engage the students, given what they already know about the subject?
The inclusion activity is a way to check understanding. We are wrapping up Chapter 3 which has been all about
statistics. Within this chapter, and the chapter prior to this one, there have been a lot of vocabulary terms.
Understanding the vocabulary in this chapter is half the battle. Therefore, before their quiz today they are
given one final opportunity to review and check their understanding.

Anticipatory Set: What will you do to grab the student’s attention at the start of the lesson?
Welcoming students into the classroom. Letting students know that I am excited that they are present and
ready to learn. This starts the class period and the lesson off on a good note.

Questions to Anticipate: What questions will students be asking you during the lesson? How will you answer
As we are wrapping up this chapter we have used these vocabulary words countless times. Students have had
access to the quizlet for the entire duration of the chapter. I have also been able to see how well students are
doing with the vocab terms on quizlet, and have been able to re-teach these key terms.

Wrap-up Activity and Closure: How will you bring your lesson to an end and tie it to previously learned
material? This is the summary at the end of the lesson. What did they learn?
Before beginning the lesson and before concluding the lesson allow plenty of time for questions, both new
and older material. Students will have time in class to begin their homework assignment and ask for further
clarification if needed.
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Homework/ Independent Practice: Based on what they learned in class, what could they do on their own to
practice the skill they learned today? Examples include practice problems, an investigation, a game, or any
other activity to apply what they just learned.

No additional homework for the day. Students will be completing an in class review activity tomorrow,
Thursday, in preparation for their test on Friday.

Adaptations: List alternative plans you will make during your lesson as you consider student strengths,
challenges, and possible misunderstandings.

See lesson.

Remediation: What else can you do/have prepared to do with the students who did not understand the
information you presented?

See lesson.

Enrichment: What else can you do/ have prepared for the student who totally understood what you taught
and needs to take it a step further and extend the information taught?

See lesson.

Changes to Future Lessons: Use your imagination- what do you think might be places in this lesson you might
want to change/ improve/ expand on in the future?

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