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Colton Eisenreich’s

Service Project
Cardinal Wuerl
Service in the Community North Catholic

I participated in a lot of fun but also do service at
service in the community. the same time. Doing
Doing this service I felt service for others is fun
like I was helping out my and makes you happy. It
community a lot. Doing brings out a joy that can
service for others takes only be obtained by doing
the attention away from service for others.
yourself. You get to be
more involved with your This year I also worked
community and contribute the sound for a mission
to it. trip that was held at the
school.. This was a mis-
I completed multiple acts sion trip for older people
of service for this year. I who were questioning
helped out at the Auction their faith. The mission trip
held at the school this was led by The Alpha
year. I have helped out Course. I got to work the helped Me become less
with the auction the year sound for the band that selfless and help others
before but this one was played. I also got to be at more. It made me look at
way better. My job was to the mission trip and see things differently. I now
set up lights the day be- what happened. The peo- look at situations different-
fore and then program the ple there were very nice. ly and I look at how to
lights and run the lights for Doing this service help other people before
he show. I also helped changed my view on the myself. It helped me to put
cook food for a few hours. way I look at things and others first.
made me look at my faith.
The Auction was a lot of
fun. I got to have a lot of Doing all of this service

Other service
I tried to do a lot of service I got asked to run the I also will be
this year. There was a lot lights for one of their plays doing more service after
of service that I did that I and I stuck with them. The our allotted time. I will be
didn't record. Some of this By doing a little bit of ser- helping run the lights for a
service included setting up vice you can meet a lot of play at St. Gregory’s Ele-
and working the lights for people. Sometimes doing mentary school . I enjoyed
an artist showcase with service you just like it so doing all of this service
KSMT a non-profit acade- much you keep doing and I hope to do more in
my for performing arts. more. the future.

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