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Tourism, Entertainment & Recreation

Why the buildings of the future will be shaped
by ... you, Marc Kushner
Answer key
Students’ own answers

1 zooms
2 feedback
3 sweeping
4 visceral emotions
5 disconnected
6 the design process
7 zoning
8 alienate

1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T 7T 8T 9F 10 F

Students’ own answers

1 relationship 6 proposed
2 general 7 community
3 increased 8 personal
4 emotional 9 pushing the envelope
5 consume 10 sublime

1 their personal narrative 6 proposed
2 a part of the community 7 relationship
3 pushing the envelope 8 consume
4 an emotional reaction 9 sublime
5 the general public 10 increased

7 and 8
1c 2g 3f 4a 5d 6e 7b

9 and 10
Students’ own ideas

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