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Due Diligence

You have identified a potential partner company to enable you

to take your business forward, perhaps venturing into new mar-
kets. How much do you know about the assets and practices
of this organization? Who are the directors and what is their
record of accomplishment? Will they enhance your corporate
reputation and brand image, or could they destroy in no time
what you have spent years nurturing?
Complete Policing, Defence and Medical Solutions Ltd, in con-
junction with our many associates are able to provide reassur-
ance and help to save you from the hidden pitfalls and snares
that may lie ahead when deciding on a future partner.

Complete Policing,
Defence and Medical
Solutions Ltd

Complete Policing, Defence and Medical

Solutions Ltd
Port of Spain
Trinidad & Tobago
West Indies

Phone: Phone: +1 (868) 360 1341

E-mail: admin@c-pdms.comEmail:
Financial Crime

Mission Statement New technologies open up many possibilities for

criminals to carry out traditional financial crimes
Complete Policing, Defence and Medical Solutions Ltd in new ways. One notable example is „phishing‟, whereby a crimi-
(C.P.D.M.S. Ltd) are committed to offering unparalleled law nal attempts to acquire through e-mail or instant messaging sensi-
enforcement, military and national health solutions and prod- tive information such as passwords or credit card details by pre-
ucts to both the public and the private sector, to enhance the tending to be a legitimate business representative. With this infor-
quality of life in the Caribbean Community through our confi- mation, the criminal can commit fraud and even money launder-
dential services to public and private office, the protection of ing.
persons and property, and impartial enforcement of the law
through the use of modern policing and security techniques C.P.D.M.S. Ltd is working with stakeholders such as Govern-
backed up by scientific analysis. ments, National Agencies, Internet service providers, software
companies, central banks, and other relevant bodies to devise
solutions and investigate criminals in all aspects of digital and fi-
nancial crime.

We are also actively involved

with Governments and Central
Banks in the fields of financial
We provide a comprehensive series of pre-trial and past compliance. We can assess
case reviews, analytical services, training courses and your organization, train your
seminars for professionals and those entities in the pri- staff and carry out investiga-
vate sector requiring training, at the same time providing
the infrastructure and equipment to carry out those tasks, tions with and on behalf of your
all within the auspice of the National or corporate securi- internal security department(s)
ty and health programs. and external partners such as the Police.
C.P.D.M.S. Ltd carries out major investigations into fraud and fi-
nancial matters in conjunction with Bond Associates Ltd.

Bond Associates are a leading firm of accountants, based in Lon-

don, involved in litigation support, financial investigations and reg-
ulatory compliance in the financial services sector.

Based in Canary Wharf, the heart of London‟s financial sector and

just minutes away from the UK Financial Services Authority, they
specialize with over 30 years of accountancy expertise in dis-
putes, claims, litigation and potential litigation.
High Tech / Computer & Network Crime Investigative Services.
Financial and high-tech crimes often occur together and as such
our investigations division is able to carry out fully integrated in- Anti-Terrorist Investigations
vestigations into currency counterfeiting, money laundering, intel- Using our unique blend of Nationalities within C.P.D.M.S. Ltd we
lectual property crime, payment card fraud, computer virus at- are able to call upon some of the most distinguished anti-terror
tacks and cyber-terrorism, (amongst others) and these can affect organizations in the world to assist with your investigations. Our
all levels of society. own investigators have worked within this field for many years and
have a proven track record.
Currency counterfeiting and money laundering have the potential
Special Investigations
to destabilise national economies and threaten global security, as
these activities are sometimes used by terrorists and other dan- Using specialist Investigators we are able to conduct enquiries into
gerous criminals to finance their activities or conceal their profits. any specialist subject requested from us. Our Humane investiga-
tors have travelled the world working on the investigation of animal
welfare and mistreatment cases. Humane cases usually also lead
to or are involve gambling and other underworld crimes.

Our operatives are trained in all specialist techniques to conduct

covert / overt investigations, undercover operations including the
use of test purchasers in drugs investigations and all types of spe-
cialist discipline.
Intellectual property crime is a serious financial concern for luxu-
ry goods makers, media firms and drug companies. Most alarm-
ingly, counterfeiting endangers public health, especially in devel- Sexual Investigations
oping countries, where the World Health Organization estimates
more than 60 per cent of pharmaceuticals are fake. Sexual predators are a threat to the economy as well as the citi-
zens of a country. Multiple cases featuring sexual crimes within
„Spam‟ is becoming more than just a nuisance for Internet users, the international press can create a negative image of a country.
as criminals are using it in increasingly sophisticated ways to Positive identification through sound investigations will create a
defraud consumers, cripple computer systems and release vi- sound reliance on the judicial authorities leading to confidence in
ruses. In 2000, the so-called „Love Bug‟ virus, which affected the International community. Many sexual investigations also in-
millions of computers around the world within hours, exposed the volve people trafficking and our seasoned investigators are able to
vulnerability of corporate and government networks to such at- display their sound knowledge and understanding of these crimes
tacks. Other similar attacks can include the “Lottery Win” and the while carrying out the investigations and protecting witnesses.
“Nigerian Scam”, which have been seen in the Caribbean in re-
cent years.
Shoe Print & Tire Tread Impression Evidence

All impression evidence, including shoe and tire impressions will

be properly documented, and collected by C.P.D.M.S. Ltd
through casting, chemical processing or lifting, for subsequent
examination and analysis. conduct comparisons of shoe print
Vulnerable Witness Investigations and tire tread evidence for identification purposes, or to eliminate
the shoe or tire as the source of the collected impression.
Our investigators have training in the interview techniques that This evidence is also utilized in the reconstruction of a crime
need to be employed when carrying out the interviews of vulnerable scene and impression evidence may also include pattern injuries
adults and children who are either witnesses to an investigation or and wounds, together with questionable marks or defects left at
may be suspected of a crime. It is very important that these mem- a crime scene.
bers of society are treated fairly especially while being questioned
by the authorities to ensure they contribute to safe convictions and
deliver reliable evidence

Internal / Complaint Investigations

Forensic Photography
Once an act has taken place it is important that the organization or
agency is seen to be transparent while carrying out any and all in- C.P.D.M.S. Ltd can carry out macro and general photographic docu-
vestigations. Should an internal investigation not be seen to be im- mentation with digital cameras of crime scenes and all involved
partial and transparent it can lead to reduced public confidence and physical evidence. This includes latent evidence developed through
undermine the professional nature of the work being carried out by chemical and physical processing methods, or visualized with alter-
the organization. nate light sources. Validation of digital photography is also carried
out by the experts at C.P.D.M.S. Ltd who will examine and report on
aspects such as data manipulation and “photo shopping”.
Cold Case Reviews

Fire / Arson Investigations

C.P.D.M.S. Ltd offer a bespoke cold case review solution for seri-
ous unsolved cases. We can use the latest technologies to exam-
ine retained evidence such as the latest DNA techniques which Working together with Fire Brigade Investigators and Police Crime
can be used to develop DNA profiles where this has previously Scene Officers our experts are able to give opinions on fire and ar-
not been possible. Other options include the use of improved son cases, including propellants used and the examination of sus-
methods of fingerprint enhancement and recovery to generate pects clothing and vehicle(s) for trace evidence.
fingerprints on retained items.
Forensic Investigations
Utilizing the latest scientific forensic testing methods C.P.D.M.S.
Ltd can carry out and review all types of forensic investigation

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

C.P.D.M.S. Ltd is equipped to conduct presumptive testing and

specimen collection for later analysis and latent bloodstain detection
procedures. Scene examinations and reconstructions are conduct- General Evidence Collection & Processing
ed with emphasis on bloodstain pattern analysis utilizing information
Our specialist Evidence Technicians are able to attend your
documented in investigative and laboratory service reports, autopsy
scenes of crime, where they will collect, document and process
findings, scene photographs, witness statements and physical evi-
all types of physical and latent evidence, while maintaining strict
dence bearing possible bloodstain evidence
custodial records. Once collected, specimens will be packaged
appropriately to preserve the evidential value before being
transported to the appropriate testing facility.
Latent Print Development & Identification
Laboratory Services in the Caribbean, UK, and USA

C.P.D.M.S. Ltd is at the forefront of new techniques to recover la- In today's criminal justice and economic environments it is be-
tent fingerprints from evidence. Working with our partners we are coming more likely that the Prosecution may not have always
currently involved with the development of techniques to recover undertaken a complete series of tests. It may be that certain
fingermarks from fired ammunition cases. This research is typical of items have not been examined or that you may want alterna-
our approach to forensic evidence in that every aspect of forensic tive tests completing on behalf of your client.
science can always be improved on.
Complete Policing, Defence and Medical Solutions Ltd is able
C.P.D.M.S. Ltd are equipped to develop latent prints utilizing a wide
variety of techniques in the correct sequence to achieve the great- to provide the most advanced testing services together with the
est results. Utilizing non destructive followed by destructive tech- analytical capability to examine most types of evidence includ-
niques, latent print examinations are conducted on all types of ing DNA.
physical evidence and any resulting areas of ridge detail can be Our partner laboratories can also assist with the prosecution
used to identify or eliminate a specific person as the source of that case where agencies may not have the ability or resources to
print. carry out the analysis themselves.

C.P.D.M.S. Ltd is lucky enough to be able to call on the services of All of this work is undertaken in accredited laboratories situated
one of the leading latent print recovery experts in the Caribbean throughout the Caribbean, the UK and the USA, to guarantee
region who can asses all types of evidence prior to submission. you the most reliable service available.

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