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Why do we have so many new countries after WWII?

- 1922 Egypt
- 1932 Iraq
- 1945 Indonesia
- 1944-1946 Syria and Jordan
- 1927 India/Pakistan
- Partition
- Separation
- 1950 French-Indochina
- Vietnam
- Cambodia
- Laos
- 1956-1958
- Libya
- Tunisia
- Gahna
- Morocco
- Guinea
- 1960
- French colonies
- Cameroon
- Tofo
- Mali
- senegal
- British colonies
- Somalia
- Sierra leone
- Tanzania
- Belgian countries
- Democratic republic of the congo
- rwanda

PostColonial Crises and Asian Economic Expansion

Revolutions, Dearesions, and Democratic Reform in Latin America

- Success in the Cuban revolution
- Energized latin america (left)
- US doesn’t like it
- Organized political and military allies in LA
- Fights communism; castro
- Brazil
- Coup 1964
- Military govt. Combo of dictatorship, use of death squads, and use of taxes and
tariffs to encourage industrialism [BRAZILIAN SOLUTION]
- Because of all this, brazilian solution applied also by Chilean government
- Augusto Pino Chez
- 1973 Chile has election: socialist president!
- Allende
- Despite reversals of chile and argentina
- Revolutionary
- Nicaragua
- Movement to overthrow somoza government (socialist government)
- US not like
- Defeated in free elections 1990
- El Salvador
- FMLN guerrilla movement
- Military dictatorship in 1983-1990
- Brazil
- Chile
- Argentina
- People want constitution
- 2000 US gained more influence in LA
- Seen in use of military to intervene into grenada and panama

Islamic Revolutions in Iran and Afghanistan

- Threaten to involve superpowers
- US reacted with restraint
- Soviet Union has desateras course
- Iran
- Americans back corrupt and inefficient Shah (leader)
- 1979 street demonstrations take down shah
- Shite bring in Iatola (priest) Khomeini
- Anti-American
- 1980 Saddam hussein
- Iraq
- Invades iran/attacks
- US first supports Iran, then 1986 shifts to Iraq
- 1978 SU sends forces to Afghanistan
- Guerillas movement
- Caused domestic discontentment
- 1989 guerillas back out, fight for control
- Taliban

Asian Transformation
- Japanese grew at faster rate than any other industrialized country 1970s-1980s
- 1990’s outstripped american average income
- Economic growth associated with industrial economy
- Keiretsu: alliances of firms
- South korea
- Hong Kong and Singapore south korea taiwan
- Developed modern industrial
- Characteristics
- Disciplined and hard working work force
- high rates of personal savings
- Government strategies
- Government sponsorships and protection
- Bad loans
- Weak banks
- Effects of international currency speculation
- Efforts in international monetary fund

30 days until APWH test

China Rejoins the World Economy
- After 1979 Xiaoping had success in economic reforms
- That success allowed private enterprise and foreign investment
- Exists next to inefficient state-owned enterprises
- 2009 china became 3rd large economy
- Being part of the global economy means
- When world crisis began 2008, china exports fell dramatically
- At same time, command economy remained in place in china and resisted
political reform
- When state determines economy; not capitalism
- Tiananmen square 1989

End of the Bipolar World

Crisis in the Soviet Union

- Ronald Reagan
- Create space based missile system
- SU also using obsolete industrial plants
- Declining standard of living
- Inefficient planned economy
- Afghanistan war unpopular with soviets
- Fueled underground protests
- Mikhail Gorbachev
- Takes control of SU 1985, tries to solve problems
- Glasnost; political openness
- Perestroika; economic reform
- Going through openness and reform

Collapse of the Socialist Block

- Eastern europeans v important enforcing change
- Activities of solidarity labor union in Poland
- Emerging alliances between nationalist and religious opponents of communist
- Weakness of central government and rise of nationalism
- 1981 SU done
- Ethnic and religious divisions break yugoslavia apart
- Slovenia and croatia catholics (roman catholic) then became independent 1992
- Bosnia mixed independent 1992
- ethnic cleansing happens in that area by orthodox serbs
- US 1995 intervenes and ends fighting
- New fighting 1999

Progress and Conflict in Africa

- Democracy had mixed results in africa
- Though s africa enjoyed progress and So democracy is coming in

Persian Gulf War

Asian Transformation

China Rejoins the World Economy

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