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Colton Eisenreich

Mr. Bayardi

Honors Religion IV


The 8 Truths learned from Genesis and CCC Paragraph 339

In class we talked about the 8 truths that we have learned through Genesis. One of

these truths really stuck out to me. That was the second truth: "Each creature possesses its

own particular goodness and perfection." This truth stuck out to me because it is

something that I believe in and have been taught throughout my life. I have been taught

this throughout my life. I've been taught that I should treat everything equally because

each created thing has its particular goodness and perfection. God created every creature

like this so that each creature in itself has its own perfection and goodness. Therefore,

other creatures have the same goodness as I do and I should treat the same way id treat


This truth also ties into the CCC (Catechism of the Catholic Church) paragraph

339.This paragraph explains the second truth. It states: "Each of the various creatures,

willed in its own being, reflects in its own way a ray of God's infinite wisdom and

goodness. Man must therefore respect the particular goodness of every creature, to avoid

any disordered use of things which would be in contempt of the Creator and would bring
disastrous consequences for human beings and their environment."(CCC 339.) Each

creature is willed into its own being by God. They don’t need to exist. God doesn’t need

them but God wants them. Because God willed us into being we owe him out faith and

love. When we live out our faithful lives we will one day be in heaven with him. We

hope to share in that eternal greatness with him. We also must respect the goodness of

each creature because we have the same goodness as they do.

This also ties into our Morality. Our morality helps us to understand if we are

doing the right thing or not. Morality is the standards by which we judge actions to be

good or evil. It is how we judge anything. We all have a different view on morality and

what we view as good and bad. Moral law is the standards of human behavior established

by God. This is how God expects us to act and what he deems good and evil. We must

follow these laws because they come from God. Moral law is then taught by the church

so that we may all follow it and life to those standards. When arguing over moral issues

each side believe that moral values exist but each side has their own moral values. Each

side has their own views and opinions on the subject. Moral theology is the study of

principles and actions that have been revealed to us by Christ. This is taught by the

church so that we may have a deeper understanding of it all. Moral theology also includes

the study of natural law and how these relate. The church teaches us this so that it will

help lead us to eternal life and to help understand basic principles of Christian morality.

Subjective truth is true for the persons making the judgment. Objective truth is true for all

people involved in the situation. Moral relativism is bad. Moral relativism claims moral
standards are determined by personal dispositions and circumstances and not by natural

law. Each determine what is right and wrong. This is wrong because morals are standard

and are true for everyone and everything. Objective truth is true for all people all cultures

even if they don’t know it they know it's true. Objective morality are standards of

conduct are universal rather than conditioned by culture or personal preference.

These truths are very important for us to know and understand. They protect us

from disordered use. Disordered use can lead to even worse things. It is a large sin and

come mainly from misinformation. Disordered use is the mal-use of any creature or

resource. We want to stay away from this disordered use so that we have a better chance

of getting into heaven and being With God.

Works Cited

• The Catechism of the Catholic Church

• Mr. Bayardi's PowerPoint slides

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