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MetroCluster with EMC SRDF Version

A.00.04 Release Notes

Manufacturing Part Number: B6264-90006

January 1999

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MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes

1 MetroCluster/SRDF Version
A.00.04 Release Notes

MetroCluster with EMC SRDF (hereafter called MetroCluster/SRDF) is
a new addition to Hewlett-Packard’s array of High Availability products
for customers requiring integrated disaster recovery solutions.
MetroCluster/SRDF provides automated reconfiguration of EMC
Symmetrix arrays using SRDF in a campus or metro MC/ServiceGuard
cluster. This product is being released with the following product

• B6264BA license and media

MetroCluster/SRDF (B6264BA) is a toolkit that provides automated
failover of MC/ServiceGuard packages on local and remote EMC
Symmetrix arrays that use SRDF.
MetroCluster/SRDF provides the means for configuring an
MC/ServiceGuard cluster that can be distributed over a range of up to
100 km and provides automated failover in the event of node failure.
Integrating MetroCluster/SRDF with MC/ServiceGuard allows
application packages to failover:

• among local nodes that are attached to the same Symmetrix unit.
• between one system that is attached locally to its Symmetrix and
another remote node that is attached locally to the other Symmetrix.
MetroCluster/SRDF contains the following:
README A file containing installation and configuration
instructions. This file has been updated with revised
documentation for version A.00.04.
srdfpkg.cntl The MetroCluster/SRDF control script template for
starting and shutting down an application package in a
Campus Cluster. This template must be customized for

Chapter 1 3
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes

the specific EMC Symmetrix and HP 9000 system

configuration. Copies of this template must be
customized for each MC/ServiceGuard package.
Comments in this file have been updated for version
/Samples A directory containing sample shell scripts that must
be edited before using. These shell scripts may help
automate some configuration tasks. These scripts are
contributed, and not supported:

• pre.cmquery splits SRDF links prior to using

cmapplyconf to complete the MC/ServiceGuard
• post.cmapply restores logical SRDF links after the
MC/ServiceGuard configuration has been completed
with cmapplyconf.
• ftpit automates transfer of MC/ServiceGuard
configuration files to other nodes in the cluster.
• mk2imports automates importing VGs (volume
groups) to other nodes in the cluster.
• mk3symgrps.nodename automates the creation of
EMC Symmetrix device groups for each package in
the cluster. Sample scripts have the node names
ftsys1, 2, 1a, and 2a; you will want to change it to
match the cluster node names.
• mk4gatekpr.nodename automates the creation of
gatekeepers for all MC/ServiceGuard packages in a
cluster. Sample scripts have the node names
ftsys1, 2, 1a, and 2a; you will want to change it to
match the cluster node names

4 Chapter 1
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes
What's In this Version

What's In this Version

MetroCluster now supports shared tape configurations created with
Advanced Tape Services, a part of MC/ServiceGuard version A.11.05.
The maximum supported range of the FDDI looop length has been
increased to 100 km. The 100 km is the total maximum loop length
among all three data centers. Each host adapter supports a maximum
distance between stations of 2 km. Repeaters must be used to extend
beyond 2 km.
The content of the README file and the comments in the srdfpkg.cntl
file have been updated extensively.
The following combinations of systems and data centers are now
supported with MetroCluster A.00.05 and MC/ServiceGuard A.11.05:
Table 1-1 Supported System and Data Center Combinations

Data Center A Data Center B Data Center C


1 1 1

2 2 1

2 2 2*

3 3 1

3 3 2*

4 4 1

4 4 2*

5 5 1

5 5 2*

6 6 1

6 6 2*

7 7 1

Chapter 1 5
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes
What's In this Version

Table 1-1 Supported System and Data Center Combinations

Data Center A Data Center B Data Center C


7 7 2*

* Configurations with two arbitrators are preferred because they provide

a greater degree of availability, especially in cases when a node is down
due to a failure or planned maintenance.
It is highly recommended that two arbitrators be configured in Data
Center C to allow for planned downtime in Data Centers A and B.

6 Chapter 1
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes
Known Problems and Workarounds

Known Problems and Workarounds

GSY1604839: Volume Group Activation Problem

What is the problem? During failover, the following error message is
vgchange: Failed to get volume group ownership - Unknown error
ERROR: Function activate_volume_group
ERROR: Failed to activate vgxx

where vgxx refers to a specific volume group. The cause of the problem is
that the volume group remains activated on another node.
What is the workaround? The problem described by this SR has been
fixed in MC/ServiceGuard release A.11.03. As a workaround, the
following code can be inserted into the existing MetroCluster control
script. These changes are the same as those implemented in the A.11.03
version of MC/ServiceGuard. Near the beginning of the control script,
near where other shell variables are set, add the following code;
# Specify the number of unmount attempts for each filesystem
# package shutdown. The default is set to 1.

Modify the function umount_fs by changing the existing code to the

following code:
integer UM_CNT=${LV_UMOUNT_COUNT:-1}

if [[ $UM_CNT < 1 ]]

for I in $(print ${LV[@]} | awk ‘{ for(i=NF; i>0; i--) print $i


Chapter 1 7
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes
Known Problems and Workarounds

mount | grep -e $I” “ > /dev/null 2>&1
if (( $? == 0 ))
print “$(date ‘+%b %e %X’) - Node \”$(hostname)\”:
Unmounting filesystem on $I”
print “\tWARNING: Running fuser to remove anyone using
the file system directly.”
while (( $UM_COUNT > 0 ))
fuser -ku $I
umount $I
if (( $? == 0 ))
(( UM_COUNT = 0 ))
if (( $UM_COUNT == 1 ))
let 0
test_return 13
(( UM_COUNT = $UM_COUNT - 1 ))
sleep 1
if (( $UM_COUNT > 0 ))
print “\t$(date ‘+%b %e %X’) - Unmount failed, trying

8 Chapter 1
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes
Compatibility Information and Installation Requirements

Compatibility Information and Installation

MetroCluster/SRDF has to be installed on all nodes that:

• will run a package in the MC/ServiceGuard cluster, and

• whose data are on an EMC Symmetrix ICDA, and
• the data are replicated to a second EMC Symmetrix ICDA using the
Symmetrix Remote Data Facility (SRDF).
Installation and configuration of MetroCluster/SRDF must be done on all
the cluster nodes as is done for any other MC/ServiceGuard package.
To use MetroCluster/SRDF, the following hardware and software must
be installed and configured on each HP 9000 node that might execute the
application package that has been configured for MetroCluster/SRDF.

Hardware Requirements
Because MetroCluster/SRDF is intended to work with EMC Symmetrix
arrays, there are both HP hardware and EMC Symmetrix hardware

HP Hardware Requirements

• HP 9000 server
• F/W SCSI and/or Fibre Channel Mass Storage host adapters as
appropriate and as supported by HP (HP-PB, HSC, or PCI)

EMC Symmetrix Hardware Requirements

• The following Symmetrix models are supported with


— Symmetrix “3”

— 3130 or 5130
— 3230 or 5230
— 3500 or 5500

Chapter 1 9
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes
Compatibility Information and Installation Requirements

— Symmetrix “4”

— 3330 or 5330
— 3430 or 5430
— 3700 or 5700
The two Symmetrix ICDAs connected by SRDF may be different
• Symmetrix microcode level must be 5x64.32.30 or later.
• SRDF firmware must be configured, and hardware installed on both
Symmetrix units.

OS Platform and version compatibility

HP-UX version 10.20 or later is required, running on an HP 9000 server.

Software Requirements
Because MetroCluster/SRDF is intended to work with EMC Symmetrix
arrays, there are both HP software and EMC Symmetrix software

HP Software Requirements
HP 9000 server specific requirements are:

• MC/ServiceGuard version A.10.10 or later

• Pass-through SCSI driver subsystem (included with HP-UX)
Patch requirements are:

• The LVM patch for BCVs must be installed if BCVs are being used.

— PHCO_13711 for HP-UX 10.20

— PHCO_14124 for HP-UX 11.0
• The F/W SCSI Pass-Through driver for HP-PB host adapters is
available for HP-UX 10.20 in patches PHKL_11938 and

EMC Symmetrix Software Requirements

The EMC product SymCLI (Symmetrix Command Line Interface) host

10 Chapter 1
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes
Compatibility Information and Installation Requirements

software for HP 9000 version T3.0-x or later must be installed on all

nodes running packages that use this customization. SymCLI is
available from Hewlett-Packard as HP product number S7534A.

Installing MetroCluster/SRDF
MetroCluster/SRDF can be installed while the system is running in
multi-user mode.

1. Run swinstall(1m) to install MetroCluster/SRDF product from a SD

depot. (Skip this step if the software has been preinstalled.) The
software will reside in the directory
2. When swinstall(1m) has completed, create a directory for the
sample scripts:
mkdir /etc/cmcluster/SRDF/Sample
3. Sample node names ftsys1, 2, 1a, and 2a are provided; you will
want to change it to match the cluster node names
4. Install the SymCLI software (HP product number S7534A) on each
node that has data residing on the EMC Symmetrix arrays.

Compatibility Issues
MetroCluster/SRDF is currently not supported with MC/LockManager.
This toolkit does not support the HP OmniBack Integration with
Symmetrix. The OmniBack Integration with Symmetrix may create
certain states that will cause this package to halt if a failover occurs
while the backup is in progress.

Additional Reading
See the following manuals for more information:

• Designing Disaster Tolerant MC/ServiceGuard Clusters (HP part

number B6264-90002)
• Managing MC/ServiceGuard (HP part number B3936-90024)
• SymCLI Product Guide (EMC # 200-999-624)
• SymCLI Advanced Functions (EMC # 200-999-625)

Chapter 1 11
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes
Compatibility Information and Installation Requirements

• High Availability Environment Product Guide Rev C (EMC #

• Business Continuance Environment Guide (EMC # 200-999-623)
The August 1998 HPWorld presentation “Disaster-Tolerant Campus
Architectures Using MC/ServiceGuard” and other documentation on
MetroCluster/SRDF is available from

12 Chapter 1
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes
Patches and Fixes in this Version

Patches and Fixes in this Version

There are no patches or fixes for the A.00.04 version of

Chapter 1 13
MetroCluster/SRDF Version A.00.04 Release Notes
Software Availability in Native Languages

Software Availability in Native Languages

MetroCluster/SRDF is not available in native language versions.

14 Chapter 1

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