1.heart of Algebra

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2. Interpreting linear functions.

2.1 T=0.25q+87,
Manon's statistics professor puts a bonus question on every test, which adds 0.25,
points to a student's overall grade at the end of the term. The above equation gives
Manon's current overall grade, T, after taking into account q extra credit questions
answered correctly. What does the 87 mean in this equation?

a) Manon must get an 87 or above to pass.

b) Manon's average is an 87 before adding the extra credit.
c) After adding in her extra credit, Manon's average is an 87.
d) Manon's professor gave 87 opportunities for extra credit this term.

2.2 5.5B+4R=28
The above equation is true if Amit buys B pounds of blueberries and R pounds of
raspberries at a farm where blueberries cost $5.50 per pound and raspberries
cost $4.00 per pound. According to the equation, how much does Amit spend in total on
both types of berries?
a) $9.50 b) $22.00 c) $28.00 d) $56.00

2.3 S=40,000+500c
Caden started a new job selling dental chairs. He earns a base salary plus a
commission for every chair he sells. The equation above gives Caden's annual salary, S,
in dollars, after selling c dental chairs. Based on the equation above, what is Caden's
base salary?
a) $39,500 b) $40,000 c) $40,500 d) $50,000

2.4 V=2.5(6.4−t)
Salma is filling her water jugs with spring water at the supermarket. The above
equation gives the empty space in her jugs, V, in US gallons, after t minutes at a
constant fill rate. How many minutes will it take to fill the jugs?

2.5 C=290+155h
A team of painters is hired to paint the exterior of a museum. The total cost, C, in
dollars, incurred by the museum for h hours of painting is given by the equation above.
What is the best interpretation of 155 in the equation?
a) The total cost can be at most $155
b) It takes the team 155 hours to paint the exterior.
c) Each additional hour of painting the exterior costs $155.
d) $155 is the base cost regardless of how many hours it takes to paint the exterior.

2.6 N=145y+2,788
The number, N, of homes in a particular city y years after January 1, 2000 is given by
the equation above. What is the best interpretation of 2,788 as shown in the equation
a) The number of homes increases by 2,788 every year.
b) There were2,788 homes in the city on January 1,2000.
c) The number of homes will increase to a maximum of 2,788.
d) There were 2,788 homes in the city when the city was founded.
2.7 B=11.5(132−n)
The monthly electricity bill, B, in dollars, for a museum using n solar panels is given
by the equation above. What is the best interpretation of 132 in the equation above?
a) The museum is currently using 132 solar panels.
b) The monthly electric bill is 132 dollars without solar panels.
c) The electric bill is 0 dollars when the museum uses 132 solar panels.
d) The electric bill decreases by 132 dollars for each additional solar panel.

2.8 E=420−7s
The elevation, E, in meters, of a skydiver s seconds after parachute activation is
given by the equation above. What is the best interpretation of 420 as shown in the
a) The skydiver started diving at an elevation of 420 meters.
b) The skydiver activated the parachute at an elevation of 420 meters.
c) The skydiver took420 seconds after parachute activation to reach the ground.
d) The skydiver's elevation decreased by 420 meters per second after parachute

2.9 E=2.4+0.08m
The amount of energy, E, in kilojoules, held by a rechargeable battery m minutes
after being placed on a charger is given by the equation above. What is the best
interpretation of 0.08 as shown in the equation above?
a) The battery starts with an energy of 0.08 kilojoules.
b) The battery holds a maximum energy of 0.08 kilojoules.
c) The amount of energy increases by 0.08 kilojoules every minute.
d) The amount of energy increases by 1 kilojoules every 0.08 minutes.

2.10 h=16,890−3.4t
The height, h, in feet, of a mountain at a time, t, measured in thousands of years
from the present is given by the equation above. What is the best interpretation
of 16,890 as shown in the equation above?
a) The height of the mountain is presently 16,890 feet.
b) The height of the mountain will reach 16,890 years from now.
c) The height of the mountain increases by 16,890 feet every thousand years.
d) The height of the mountain decreases by 16,890 feet every thousand years.

2.11 n=93d+14,300
The number, n, of total visitors to a website d days after January 1 ,2000 is
approximated by the equation above. What is the best interpretation of 93 as shown in
the equation above?
a) The number of total visitors was 93 on January 1, 2000.
b) The number of total visitors increases by 93 each day.
c) There are 14,300 total visitors 93 days after January 1, 2000.
d) The number of total visitors increases by 14,300 every 93 days.

2.12 r=54w+248
A new movie theater reports that the total revenue, r, in thousands of dollars, from
concessions w weeks after the beginning of the year is given by the equation above.
What is the best interpretation of 248 as shown in the equation above?
a) The total revenue from concessions is currently 248 thousand dollars.
b) The movie theater opened 248 weeks before the beginning of the year.
c) The total revenue from concessions increases by 248 thousand dollars each week.
d) The total revenue from concessions at the beginning of the year was 248 thousand dollars.

2.13 m=0.15(8.6−s)
The amount, m, in moles, of a chemical s seconds after adding it to a reactant is
given by the equation above. What is the best interpretation of 8.6 as shown in the
equation above?
a) The initial amount of chemical was 8.6 moles.
b) The amount of chemical decreases by 8.6 moles every second.
c) The chemical is gone 8.6 seconds after adding it to the reactant.
d) The chemical starts changing 8.6 seconds after adding it to the reactant.

2.14 v=14.2(12.5−s)
The velocity, v, in meters per second heading west, of an airplane s seconds after
landing is given by the equation above. What is the best interpretation of 14.2 as shown
in the equation above?
a) The plane takes 14.2 seconds to stop.
b) The position of the plane changes 14.2 meters every second.
c) The velocity changes by 14.2 meters per second every second.
d) The velocity of the plane just as it lands is 14.2 meters per second.

2.15 s=14.4−2.4h
The wind speed, s, in miles per hour, measured h hours after noon in a particular
coastal city is given by the equation above. What is the best interpretation of 2.4 as
shown in the equation above?
a) The wind stops after 2.4 hours.
b) The wind speed decreases to 2.4 miles per hour.
c) The wind speed decreases by 2.4 miles per hour each hour.
d) The wind speed decreases by 111 mile per hour every 2.4 hours.

2.16 A=7.6+6.9h
The total surface area, A, in square meters of a cylindrical nitrogen tank with a
height of h meters is given by the equation above. What is the best interpretation
of 7.6 as shown in the equation above?
a) The minimum volume of the tank is 7.6 cubic meters.
b) The maximum surface area of the tank is 7.6 square meters.
c) The surface area of the circular bases of the tank is 7.6 square meters.
d) The surface area of the tank increases by 7.6 square meters for every meter
increase in the height.
3. Linear equation word problems.

3.1 Dimitri is helping to plan the school talent show. Each performer for the talent show has 6
minutes for his or her performance, which includes transition time between performances. If the
introduction for the talent show is 24 minutes long and the entire show, including the introduction,
will last 150 minutes, how many different performances can the talent show accommodate?

A) 21 B) 24 C) 25 D) 29

3.2 The property taxes in a town decrease as the distance from the local elementary school
increases. The greatest property taxes are 4.5% and for every 10 miles from the school, property
taxes decrease by 0.50 percentage points. If a house's property taxes are 3% what is the distance
of that house from the school?

A) 10 miles B) 20 miles C) 30 miles D) 40 miles

3.3 Dalia is installing a tile floor in a rectangular room. Dalia has152 tiles available to tile the room. If
each row requires 9 tiles, and 19 tiles break while Dalia is laying the floor, how many full rows of
unbroken tile can she install before running out of tiles?

A) 12 B) 14 C) 16 D) 18

3.4 Phytoremediation is the use of plant growth to purify pollutants from soil, water, or air. Suppose
that a crop of brake ferns can remove 15 milligrams per square meter of a particular pollutant from
the soil in 20 weeks. After 20 weeks, the ferns are harvested and a new crop is planted.
If c represents the number of crops of brake ferns needed to phytoremediate soil contaminated
with 170 mg per square meter of the pollutant down to healthy levels of 5 mg per square meter,
which equation best models the situation?

A) 170−20c=5 B) 170+20c=5 C) 170-15c=5 D) 170+15c=5

3.5 One of the rules in a public speaking contest requires contestants to speak for as close
to 5minutes (300 seconds) as possible. Contestants lose 3 points for each second they speak
either over or under 5 minutes. Which expression below can be used to determine the number of
points a contestant loses if she speaks for x seconds?

A) 3∣x−300∣ B) 5∣x−300∣ C) 3∣x+300∣ D) 3/5∣x+300∣

3.6 Cara is hanging a poster that is 91 centimeters wide in her room. The center of the wall is
180cm from the right end of the wall. If Cara hangs the poster so that the center of the poster is
located at the center of the wall, how far will the left and right edges of the poster be from the right
end of the wall?

A) 225.5cm and 89 cm respectively

B) 271.5cm and 134.5 cm respectively
C) 225.5 cm and 134.5 cm respectively
D) 271 cm and 89 cm respectively

3.7 Felipe is saving money for a class trip. He already has saved $250 that he will put toward the
trip. To save more money for the trip, Felipe gets a job where each month he can add $350 to his
savings for the trip. Let m be the number of months that Felipe has worked at his new job. If Felipe
needs to save $2700 to go on the trip, which equation best models the situation?

A) 250m−350=2700 B) 250m+350=2700
C) 350m−250=2700 D) 350m+250=2700

3.8 Camille and Hiroki have decided to start walking for exercise. Camille is going to walk 7 miles
the first day and 3 miles each day after that. Hiroki is too busy to walk on the first 2 days, so he
decides to walk 5 miles each day until he has walked the same number of miles as Camille. If
Camille and Hiroki will have walked the same number of miles, how many days will Camille have

A) 2 B) 3 C) 5 D) 7

3.9 At the county fair, the operator of a game guesses a contestant’s weight. For each pound the
operator’s guess differs from the contestant’s weight, the contestant will receive $3. If a contestant
received $15 when the operator guessed 120 pounds, what are the possible values for the weight
of the contestant?

A) 105 and 115 B) 105 and 125 C) 115 and 125 D) 115 and 135

3.10 Vijay is building a new rectangular enclosure in his backyard for his chickens. He has 40 feet
of fencing material and he wants the width of the enclosure to be 8 feet. If l is the length of the
enclosure, and Vijay uses all of the fencing material, which equation best models the situation?
3.11 A pizza delivery worker purchased a used motor scooter that had been driven 12,100. He
drives the motor scooter only on days he is working, during which he drives an average of 50 miles
per day. After d days of pizza delivery, the motor scooter has been driven a total of 25,000. Which of
the following equations best models this situation?

A) 50(12,00 + d) = 25,000 B) 12,000 + d/50 = 25,000

C) 12,000d + 50 = 25,000 D) 12,000 + 50d = 25,000

3.12 A basketball game was scheduled to last 60 minutes, including the breaks between quarters.
Several timeouts were used throughout the game, resulting in the game lasting a total of 72 minutes,
including breaks. If each timeout was 90 seconds, how many total timeouts were used during the
game? (write answer)

3.13 An elite runner's stride rate is currently 168 strides per minute (the number of steps she takes
per minute). She wants to improve her stride rate to 180, and believes that through training, she can
increase her stride rate by 222 strides per minute each day, d .Which equation best models the

A) 168−2d=180 B) 168+2d=180 C) 180−120d=168 D) 180+120d=168

3.14 A company sells precision glass rods that are 100mm in length for $15dollar sign, 15 each. If a
glass rod is not 100 mm in length, the company offers a $0.75 discount for each 1 mm that the rod
is either too long or too short. Which of the following expressions can be used to compute the price
of a rod that is x mm in length?

A) 15+0.75∣x−100∣ B) 15−0.75∣x−100∣
C) 15−0.75∣x+100∣ D) 15+0.75∣x+100∣

3.15 Nikita's tablet has a storage capacity of 3232 gigabytes (GB). Currently, she has used
up 20 GB, Bof this storage capacity. With her remaining storage, she plans to
download xxx television shows. If the television shows last 30 minutes each and each minute of
television downloaded occupies roughly 0.0044 GB of space, which of the following best models
the situation?

Scroll f

4. Linear inequality word problems

4.1 More than 450 students traveled to a state park for a field trip. The school allowed 6 students to
travel by car, and the rest traveled on 11 buses, each of which held the same number of students. If
there were sss students in each bus, which inequality best represents this situation?

A) 11s+6>450 B) 11s+6<450 C) 6s+11>450 D) 6s+11<450

4.2 A barber charges $12 for a haircut. His operating expenses are, on average, $37 per day. He
calculates his profit by subtracting his operating costs from the money he earns from the haircuts he
gives. In a given day, the barber expects to make a profit of at least $86. If the barber gives h
haircuts in a day, which inequality best models this situation?

A) 12h−37≥86 B) 12(h−37)≥86 C) 12h+37≥86 D) 12(h+37)≥86

4.3 A distributor ships DVDs to several stores. The shipping boxes contain several DVDs (in their
cases) plus a layer of padding at each end of the box. The DVD cases and layers of padding can be
arranged neatly inside each box. Each DVD case is 14 mm (millimeters) thick, each layer of
padding is 10 mm thick, and the length of the interior of the box is 132 mm. If d represents the
number of DVDs that the distributor can fit into one box with two layers of padding, which of the
following inequalities best models the situation?

A) 10d+14≤132 B) 14d+20≤132 C) 20d+14≤132 D) 14d+10≤132

4.4 To rent a car for one week, a car rental company charges a $200 base price as well as $0.45
per mile. Jennifer will rent a vehicle at this company, but she has a $275 budget. Which of the
following is a possible number of miles that Jennifer can drive without exceeding her budget?

A) 166 miles B) 167 miles C) 168 miles D) 169 miles

4.5 Woo-Jin would like to bring several books from his favorite series in his backpack. The
backpack can hold up to a depth of 10.5 inches of materials. Woo-Jin's laptop and a notebook fill a
total of 3 inches of that depth. Each book would fill 1.5 inches of the depth of the backpack. Only
one stack of books can fit the height and width of the backpack. If x represents the number of books
that Woo-Jin could carry in his backpack, which of the following inequalities best models the
situation described above?

A) 3+1.5x<10.5 B) 3+1.5x≤10.5 C) 3x+1.5<10.5 D) 3x+1.5≤10.5

4.6 Aria is buying refreshments for a birthday party. She intends to get an ice cream cake for $23
and some cupcakes for $2 each. Aria has a $45 budget but does not have to spend the entire
amount. Which inequality best represents the number of cupcakes, c, that Aria can purchase?

A) c>11 B) c<11 C) c≥11 D) c≤11

4.7 Rob is crocheting scarves for a craft fair. He will give away the first 2 scarves and will sell the
rest for $8 each. His scarves are very popular and people always buy all that he is willing to sell.
Rob's goal is to earn at least $75dollar sign, 75. If n represents the number of scarves which Rob
needs to crochet to meet his goal, which of the following inequalities best models the situation
described above?

A) 8n−2≥75 B) 8n≥75−2 C) 8(n−2)≥75 D) (8−2)n≥75

4.8 In golf, someone who completes a course in fewer strokes beats someone who completes it with more
strokes. Par means the standard number of strokes it takes to complete a specific course. Amateurs generally
require more strokes.

Ayumi averages 1.5 times par strokes per game, but her brother Daiki averages 1.75 times par strokes per
game. To make the game more even, Ayumi adds 18 strokes to her total when she plays against Daiki.

Assuming both Ayumi and Daiki play average games, which inequality best represents the par, p, in a golf
game where Ayumi beats her brother Daiki?

A) p>41 B) p>54 C) p>72 D) p>90

4.9 Arianna and Hannah are conducting an experiment to test the difference threshold for sense of
touch on the forehead. For trial 1, Hannah closes her eyes while Arianna gently touches 2 paperclip
points 3 millimeters (mm) apart on Hannah's forehead. Then Hannah reports whether she could
feel 1 or 2 points. For each of the next trials, Arianna and Hannah repeat this process, each time
with the points 2 more mm apart. Hannah reports feeling 1 point until the points are 15mm apart,
when she begins reporting that she feels 2 points. Which inequality best represents the trial numbers
in which Hannah feels 2 points?
A) t>6 B) t<6 C) t≥7 D) t≤7

4.10 Turkey's government requires at least a 2/3 majority of Parliament members to approve any
constitutional changes. There are 550 seats in the Parliament. Of those,313 of the seats are
occupied by members who have pledged to support a particular constitutional change. Which
inequality represents the number of additional Parliament members, m, who would need to support
the constitutional change to achieve the required majority?
A) m≥53.6 B) m≥158 C) m≥303 D) m≥366.6

4.11 In one state, a minimum of 246,400 valid signatures on a petition is required to get a voter
initiative added to a state-wide ballot. The signature collectors can fit 25 signatures per page. They
estimate that 61,600 of the signatures that they collect will not be valid (because of being duplicates,
incomplete, or unregistered voters). If p represents the number of pages of signatures which the
signature collectors should collect in order to get the voter initiative added to the ballot, which of the
following inequalities best models the situation described above?
A) 25p+61,600≥246,400 B) 25p+61,600≤246,400
C) 25p−61,600≥246,400 D) 25p−61,600≤246,400

4.12 A particular company charges advertisers a one-time cost of $500, in addition to $4.50 for
every one thousand times an advertisement is shown on the company's webpage. An advertiser
wants its ad to appear M thousand times on the webpage, but does not want to spend more than
$5,000 which of the following inequalities best describes the situation?
A) 500+4.50M≥5,000 B) 4.50+500M≤5,000
C) 500+4.50M≤5,000 D) 500+4.50M<5,000

4.13 The payload of an aircraft is the sum of the weight of the people on board, their luggage, and
the cargo carried by the aircraft. A particular commercial aircraft has a maximum payload of 35,000
kilograms (kg) and cargo weighing 7,000 kg. If P represents the number of people on board, and
the weight of each person plus his or her luggage is assumed to be 100 kg, which of the following
inequalities best represents the situation?
A) 7,000+100P≤35,000 B) 7,000−100P≤35,000
C) 7,000+100P≥35,000 D) 100+7,000P≤35,000

4.14 A 300 -acre farm produced 20,000 bushels of corn last year. What is the minimum rate of
production, in bushels per acre, that is needed this year so the farm's two-year production total will
be at least 49,100 bushels of corn? (write answer)

4.15 Water and other materials necessary for biological activity in trees are absorbed by the roots
and transported throughout the stem and branches in thin, hollow tubes in the xylem. Water may
travel as fast as 150 feet per hour. Which of the following inequalities best describes the number
of minutes, m, after being absorbed by the root, that it takes for water to reach a height of 250 feet
above the ground?
A) 150m≥250 B) 150m≤250 C) 2.5m≤250 D) 2.5m≥250

4.16 The Silver Lake Reservoir in California is being drained to make way for an underwater
pipeline. The reservoir holds 400 million gallons of water, and it is estimated that the drainage will
take at least 25 days. If the water is drained at a constant rate, what is the maximum rate of
drainage, in millions of gallons per day? (write answer)

4.17 Morgan opens a savings account that earns simple interest at the rate of 4.5% annually. If she initially
deposits $50 in theaccount, what is the minimum number of years it will take for her savings to be at least
$68, assuming she makes no other deposits or withdrawals?

4.18 Marisa, an art gallery owner, gets 40% of the gallery's total monthly sales, s, in dollars. Her
monthly expenses for running her business are $2,500 , and she hopes to make a profit of at least
$1,000 per month. If profit is defined as the amount earned from sales minus monthly expenses,
which of the following inequalities best describes this situation?
A) 0.40s−2,500≥1,000 B) 0.40s+2,500≥1,000
C) 0.40(s−2,500)≥1,000 D) 0.40(s−2,500)≥1,000

4.19 Laila is buying her friend roses for his birthday. She has $25, and wants to save at least $1.5 for a
card. If roses are $2.00 each, what is the maximum number of roses Laila can purchase and still have
enough money left to buy a card?

4.20 Ivan had saved $500 from his summer job. He will need $75 per month when he returns to
school in the fall, but wants to keep at least $50 in reserve. Which of the following inequalities best
describes the number of months, m, Ivan can use his funds, assuming there are no other additions
to or withdrawals from his savings?
A) 500−75m<50 B) 500+75m<50 C) 500−75m≥50 D) 500+75m≥50
5. Graphing Linear Equations.

5.1 The equation y=3/2(x−8) is graphed in the xy-plane. Which of the following equations will have
a graph that is parallel to the graph of the above equation and have an x-intercept on the negative x-

A) y=3/2(x+8) B) y=2/3x−8 C) y=−2/3(x+8) D)


5.2 The equation y=x+a is graphed in the xy-plane, where a is a positive constant. A second
equation, y=x−a, is graphed in the same xy-plane. How do the slope and y-intercept of the graph of
the first equation compare with the slope and y-intercept of the graph of the second equation?

A) The slopes are the same; the y-intercept of the first equation's graph is the point (0,a) , and the y-
intercept of the second equation's graph is the point (0,−a).
B) The slopes are the same; the y-intercept of the first equation's graph is the point (0,−a) , and
the y-intercept of the second equation's graph is the point (0,a).
C) The y-intercepts are the same; the slope of the first equation's graph is a, and the slope of the
second equation's graph is −a.
D) The y-intercepts are the same; the slope of the first equation's graph is –a , and the slope of the
second equation's graph is a.

5.3 Which of the following is an equation of the line A graphed in the xy-plane that passes through
the point (−1,3.5) and is perpendicular to the line B whose equation is x+4.5=0?

A) x=−1 B) x=3.5 C) y=3.5 D) y=4.5

5.4 A line is graphed in the xy-plane as shown at left. Which of the following is an equation of the
A) y=2/5x+2 B) y=2/5x−2 C) y=−2/5x+2 D) y=−2/5x−2

5.5 Which of the following equations represents the line graphed at left in the xy-plane?

A) x=−4 B) y=−4 C) y=x−4 D) x=y−4

5.6 A line is graphed in the xy -plane shown at left. Which of the following is an equation of the line?
A) y+4/3x=7 B) y−4/3x=7 C) y+4/3x=−7 D) y−4/3x=−7

5.7 A line is graphed in the xy -plane shown at left. Which of the following is an equation of the line?

A) 2y−5x=−6 B) 2y−5x=6 C) 2y+5x=6 D) 2y+5x=−6

5.8 A line is graphed in the xy -plane shown at left. Which of the following is an equation of the line?
A) y=−6/7x−4 B) y=−6/7x+4 C) y=6/7x−4 D) y=6/7x+4

5.9 A line is graphed in the xy-plane shown at left. Which of the following is an equation of the line?

A) x+y−1=0 B) x+y+1=0 C) x−y+1=0 D) x−y−1=0

5.10 A line is graphed in the xy-plane shown at left. Which of the following is an equation of the line?
A) y=3/2x B) y=2/3x C) y=−3/2x D) y=−2/3x

5.11 A line is graphed in the xy -plane shown at left. Which of the following is an equation of the line?

A) 3.5y=0 B) 3.5x=0 C) y−3.5=0 D) x−3.5=0

5.12 2y+4=x+y+6
Which of the following is the graph of the equation above in the xy-plane?

A) B)

C) D)

5.13 4y=2/3x−8
Which of the following is the graph of the equation above in the xy-plane?

A) B)

C) D)

5.14 During a major snowstorm, snow fell at the rate of approximately 1.8 inches per hour for 5 hours. Which
of the following graphs represents the relationship between total snowfall during the storm, s, in inches, and
time, t, in hours?

A) B)

C) D)

5.15 The force needed to restore a flexible spring stretched (or displaced) 2 centimeters to its original length
is 0.5 newtons. For every additional centimeter of displacement, the restoring force increases by 0.25
newtons. Which of the following graphs represents the relationship between displacement, x, in centimeters,
and the restoring force, F, in newtons?

A) B)

C) D)

5.16 Air potatoes (Dioscorea bulbifera) are invasive plants that wrap around trees and shrubs and
sometimes smother native plants. They can grow up to 888 inches a day, and reach lengths of up
to 70 feet. Which of the following graphs represents the relationship between length, h, in feet, and
days, d, for an air potato plant that is initially 4 feet long and growing at a rate of 8 inches per day?

A) B)

C) D)

5.17 The equation 2x−y=8 is graphed in the xy -plane. Which of the following is a true statement about the
A) The graph's x-intercept is 4 and its y-intercept is −8.
B) The graph's x-intercept is 4 and its y-intercept is 8.
C) The graph has a slope of −2.
D) The graph has a slope of 1/2.

5.18 The equation 6−2y=x is graphed in the xy-plane. Which of the following is a true statement
about the graph?
A) The graph's x-intercept is 6 and its y-intercept is −2.
B) The graph's x-intercept is 6 and its y-intercept is 2.
C) The graph has a slope of −2.
D) The graph has a slope of −1/2 .

5.19 The equation 5x+4y=1 is graphed in the xy -plane. Which of the following is a true statement
about the graph?

A) The graph's y-intercept is 1/5

B) The graph's x-intercept is -1/4
C) The graph has a slope of -5/4
D) The graph has a slope of -4/5

5.20 The equation −x−2y=0 is graphed in the xy -plane. Which of the following is a true statement about the

A) The graph goes through the point (−1,2)

B) The graph has a slope of 2.
C) The graph goes through the point (0,0).
D) The graph has a slope of 1/2 .

5.21 The equation 6y−3x=5 is graphed in the xy-plane. Which of the following is a true statement
about the graph?

A) The graph's x-intercept is 5/6 and its y-intercept is −5/3 .

B) The graph's x-intercept is −5/3 and its y-intercept is 5/6 .
C) The graph has a slope of 2.
D) The graph has a slope of −1/2 .
6. Linear function word problems

6.1 Imani's grandmother's house is 5 miles west of her own house down Main Street. While at her
grandmother's, Imani decides to ride her bike farther west down Main Street at 10 miles per hour.
Which equation best describes the distance, d, in miles, Imani is from home after t hours?
A) d=5+10t B) d=5−10t C) d=5t+10 D) d=5t−10

6.2 Hiroto spends $68 on e-books and paperback books combined. Each e-book he buys costs
$5 and each paperback book he buys costs $12 . If Hiroto buys x e-books and y paperback books,
which of the following equations best models the situation?
A) 5x+12y=68 B) 12x+5y=68 C) 17(x+y)=68 D) 17xy=68

6.3 A construction company's fees include a flat daily charge to come to a work site, in addition to a
constant hourly rate. Any fractional hours are charged at that fraction of the hourly rate. Additionally,
if a job takes less than 10 hours to complete, it is completed in one day. According to these rules,
a 3.5 hour job would cost $250 and an 8 hour job would cost $475. If the construction company
completes a job in one day, which of the following functions best models the cost, c, in dollars, for
an h hour job?
A) c(h)=50h B) c(h)=60h C) c(h)=50h+75 D) c(h)=60h+10

6.4 From 2005 to 2013, the population of Belize has been increasing by approximately 7,5007,
people per year. The population of Belize in 2010 was 308,595. If t stands for years since 2005,
which of the following functions best models the population, p, of Belize during this time period?
A) p(t)=271,095+7,500t B) p(t)=308,595+7,500t
C) p(t)=346,095+7,500t D) p(t)=−14,728,905+7,500t

6.5 A utility service company has a fleet of cars and trucks. The gas tank of each car has a volume
of 16, and the gas tank of each truck has a volume of 30. If it takes 2,000 of gas to fill the empty gas
tanks of the entire fleet, which equation shows the possible number of cars, c, and number of
trucks, t, in the fleet?
A) 16t+30c=2,000 B) 30t+16c=2,000
C) t+30c=2,000 D) t+16c=2,000

6.6 When Lúcia plays golf at the Rolling Hills golf course, she loses about 12 balls on average.
When she plays golf at the Meandering Meadows golf course, she loses about 8 balls on average. If
Lúcia lost approximately 100 balls after playing at Rolling Hills r times and Meandering
Meadows m times, which of the following equations best represents the relationship between r
and m?
A) 8r+12m=100 B) 12r+8m=100 C) 12r−8m=100 D) 8r−12m=100

6.7 For safety, each climber has 8 hooks when climbing the mountain. A large group of climbers
climbs up a mountain and puts all their supplies in a heap in a cabin. One of the climbers wishes to
know the number of climbers in the group, so he counts the number of hooks in the supply heap. If
the climber counts h hooks, which of the following functions can be used to find the number of
climbers, c(h), in the group?
A) c(h)=h/64 B) c(h)=h/8 C) c(h)=8h D) c(h)=64h

6.8 A farmer earns on average $5,000 per acre of raspberries grown and $11,000 per acre of
strawberries grown. Which of the following equations shows the relationship between the number of
acres of raspberries, r, and the number of acres of strawberries, s, that the farmer can harvest to
earn a total of $50,000 from these two crops?
A) 5,000r+11,000s=50,000 B) 11,000r+5,000s=50,000
C) 5,000r-11,000s=50,0000 D) 11,000r-5,000s=50,000

6.9 A farmer's rectangular plot with a length of l meters and a width of w meters is shown in the
figure at left. The perimeter, or distance around the plot, is 700 meters. Which of the following
equations shows the perimeter of the plot in terms of length and width?

A) 2l+2w=700 B) 2l+2w=350 C) l+w=700 D) lw=700

6.10 Video games create a sense of motion by displaying still images, called frames, in rapid
succession. A popular video game displays 60 frames per second. Which of the following equations
shows the total number of frames, f, that the video game will display in s seconds?
A) f=s+60 B) f=s/60 C) f=60/s D) f=60s

6.11 A clothier who only makes shirts and pants can make a shirt in 4 hours and a pair of pants
in 6 hours. Which of the following equations shows the number of shirts, s, and the number of
pants,p, that the clothier can make in a 40 hour work week?
A) 6s+4p=40 B) 4s+6p=40 C) s/4+p/6=40 D) s/6+p/4=40

6.12 A professional baseball team sells regular tickets and premium tickets to all of its home
games. At a recent game, the average price for a regular ticket was $52.46, and the average price
for a premium ticket was $175.85. Which of the following equations shows a relationship where the
number of regular tickets, r, and the number of premium tickets, p, that the team sells generates
$5,000,000 in ticket sales?
A) p/52.46+r/175.85=5,000,000 B) r/52.46+p/175.85=5,000,000
C) 52.46p+175.85r=5,000,000 D) 52.46r+175.85p=5,000,000

6.13 The toll rates for passing through a tunnel are $9.75 for a car and $60.00 for a truck. Which
of the following equations shows a relationship where the number of cars, c, and the number of
trucks, t, that pass through the tunnel over a certain one-week period generate $2,500,000 in toll
A) c/9.75+t/60.00=2,500,000 B) c/9.75+t/60.00=2,500,000/7
C) 9.75c+60.00t=2,500,000 D) 9.75c+60.00t=2,500,000/7

6.14 A researcher studying the environmental benefits of green roofs receives a grant of
$250,000. The researcher estimates that the study will cost on average $15,000 per month. Which
of the following equations shows the amount of grant funds, g, that the researcher will have left
after m months of conducting the study?
A) g=(250,000/15,000)(m−1) B) g=[250,000/15,000]m
C) g=250,000−15,000(m−1) D) g=250,000−15,000m

6.15 A commercial airliner takes off from a runway with an elevation of 150 feet above sea level.
The airliner's altitude above sea level increases at a linear rate of 3,000 feet each minute, m, after
its takeoff time until it reaches its cruising altitude of 39,000 feet. Which of the following functions
best models the altitude, a, of the airliner before it reaches its cruising altitude?
A) a(m)=150+[39,000/3,000]m B) a(m)=39,150−3,000m
C) a(m)=150+3,000m D) a(m)=3,000+150m

6.16 A manufacturer of pickles has a fixed monthly cost of $10,000. Additionally, each jar of
pickles that the manufacturer produces costs $0.75. If these are the only monthly costs incurred by
the manufacturer, which of the following functions best models the manufacturer's total monthly
cost,C, when it produces p jars of pickles?
A) C(p)=10,000+0.75p B) C(p)=0.75+10,000p
C) C(p)=10,000⋅0.75⋅p D) C(p)=0.75(10,000+p)

6.17 A cellular phone salesperson earns an annual base salary of $25,000. Additionally, the
salesperson earns a 10% commission on her total sales. Which of the following functions best
models the salesperson's total annual earnings, E, when she bills s dollars in total sales?
A) E(s)=0.10⋅25,000⋅s B) E(s)=25,000+0.10s
C) E(s)=0.10+25,000s D) E(s)=[ 25,000/0.10]s

6.18 In a political science class, test scores were determined to be 20 times the number of
hours, h, the student studied plus 3. Which of the following functions best describes a student’s test
score depending on the number of hours, h, that the student studied?
A) f(h)=3h+20 B) f(h)=20h C) f(h)=60h D) f(h)=20h+3

6.19 A 300-room hotel collects $75 per occupied room and does not collect any money for vacant
rooms. Which of the following functions best represents how many dollars, d, the hotel generates if
there are v vacant rooms in the hotel?
A) d=75(300−v) B) d=75(300+v) C) d=300(75−v) D) d=300(75+v)

6.20 Vendors at a craft fair pay $45 to rent a table for the day. Benjamin rents a table at the craft
fair and sells 8 ounce jars of jam for $7.95 per jar. If it costs Benjamin $2.75 to make each container
of jam, which of the following equations best models his profit, p, from one day at the craft fair if he
sells n jars of jam?
A) p=5.20n B) p=7.95n C) p=5.20n−45 D) p=7.95n−45
7. System Of Linear Inequalities Word Problems.

7.1 Anouk is an engineer planning sound and lighting for a free concert in the park. The concert
was advertised with a promise to use no more than 108 (kW) of power. It was determined that the
main contributors to power usage, speakers and floodlights, use 1.8 kW and 2.2 kW, respectively.
Anouk also must keep within her budget of $3,300. The rental company is charging $75 for each
speaker and $42 for each floodlight. Which of the following combinations meets Anouk's
A) 40 speakers and 30 floodlights B) 12 speakers and 54 floodlights
C) 26 speakers and 13 floodlights D) 38 speakers and 22 floodlights

7.2 In order to keep a malfunctioning satellite from falling into the earth, space agency officials
decide to use a powerful rocket. At the time the rocket is attached, the satellite will be traveling with
an initial velocity, v0, , and for every second that the rocket fires, it will add approximately 180 meters
per second m/s to this velocity. In order to ensure safety on earth, the velocity must be increased to
at least 3,800 m/ s . Also, the rocket can fire for no more than 4 seconds. For the initial velocity of
the satellite, v0, , which of the following systems of inequalities best models this situation, where t is
time, in seconds, after the rocket is first fired?
A) v0+180t≥3,800

B) v0+180t≥3,800

C) v0+3,800≤180t

D) v0+3,800≤180t

7.3 Vijay needs to take a taxi, which costs a flat fee of 3 dollars, plus an additional 4 dollars per
mile. If Vijay has a dollars with him, which inequality shows the number of miles, m, he can afford to
travel in the taxi?
A) 0≤m≤4a−3 B) 0≤m≤a/4−3/4 C) 4a−3≤m D) a/4−3/4≤m

7.4 The change machine at an arcade gives change in the form of 25-cent coins (quarters) and
one-dollar bills. The manager of the arcade would like at least $50 worth of quarters and $100
worth of one-dollar bills in the machine at all times. Also, the manager does not allow more
than $500 in the machine at any time. What is the maximum number of quarters the manager would
allow in the change machine?
A) 200 B) 400 C) 1,600 D) 2,000

7.5 In order to bring his business to the next level, Christov wants to gain at least 2,000 followers
on a popular social media platform. From his own personal account, he knows that each original
post gains him approximately 3 new followers and every 5 reposts gains about 1. Which of the
following inequalities represents the numbers of posts, P, and reposts, R, Christov needs to reach
his goal of gaining at least 2,000 followers?
A) 3P+0.2R≥2,000 B) 3P+5R≤2,000 C) 1P+5R≥2,000 D) 0.2P+5R≤2,000

7.6 Paper Scraper, Inc, a mobile paper shredding and recycling company, receives $0.39 for each
pound of paper they shred, but it costs them approximately $1.38 per mile to operate their truck. Any
job that requires less than 200 miles of travel, and also nets at least $500 profit, qualifies for free
delivery. Of the following, which combination of size in pounds and distance in miles would qualify
for free delivery?
A) Paul has 1,100 pounds of paper that requires 3 miles of travel.
B) Li Min has 1,500 pounds of paper that requires 107 miles of travel.
C) Amira has 1,800 pounds of paper that requires 94 miles of travel.
D) Jarles has 3,500 pounds of paper that requires 225 miles of travel.

7.7 When Suraj goes to Roycefield golf course, he loses 20% of the (golf) balls he uses. When he
goes to Hunterdon golf course, he loses 30% of the balls he uses. It costs Suraj $1.20 to buy a ball.
This weekend, Suraj is planning to use 25 balls at Roycefield and 30 balls at Hunterdon. If he only
has $20 to spend on balls, how many balls can he buy in order to guarantee that he will be able to
replace the balls he loses this weekend?
A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20

7.8 A technology store sells tablets and computers. In January they sell over 300 items, and more of
those sales are tablets than computers. In February they sell exactly 100 tablets and 20 computers.
The graph at left shows two equations related to this problem, where t is the total tablet sales (in
January and February combined), and c is the total computer sales. Which of the following
combinations could be the technology store's total sales?

A) 240 tablets and 100 computers B) 360 tablets and 180 computers
C) 240 tablets and 260 computers D) 120 tablets and 180 computers

7.9 Elena is designing a paint can with thickness t millimeters and height h centimeters. She
calculates that the thickness of the can in milimeters must be at least 0.1 times the height of the can
in centimeters in order to withstand pressure. Due to cost constraints, the cost of material
used, (0.2+t+0.5h) cents, must be at most 12.2 cents. Which of the following systems of inequalities
best models the relationship between height and thickness described above?

7.10 Anna is considering three insurance options for her business, shown in the table below.

She wants the total cost, c+d , to be at most $2,000 . She also wants the benefit, which is 90 of
(10c−d) , to be at least $12,400 . Which of the following option selections would fit Anna's plan?
A) Options 1 and 2 work B) Only option 22 works
C) Only option 3 works D) None of the above

7.11 Aaron is purchasing party hats and fake mustaches for an end of the school year party. He can
spend at most $30 . Fake mustaches cost $3 each, and party hats cost $2 each. If he must
purchase a combination of at least 15 mustaches and party hats, which of the following systems of
inequalities best models the relationship between the number of mustaches, m, and party hats, p,
described above?
7.12 A company manufactures cellular phones and laptop computers. The company's daily production
of cellular phones, ccc, must be more than 500,000, and its daily production of laptop computers, l,
must be more than 300,000 . If the maximum capacity of the company's manufacturing center is no
more than 950,000 cellular phones and laptop computers, which of the following systems of
inequalities best models the situation described above?

7.13 Arturo goes to his neighborhood store to purchase almonds and walnuts for an old family recipe.
One pound of almonds costs $2, and one pound of walnuts costs $4. Arturo can spend at most $18 on
almonds and walnuts. The graph at left, in the wa-plane, relates the number of pounds, w, of walnuts
to the number of pounds, a, of almonds which Arturo can purchase and have enough for his recipe.
Which of the following amounts of walnuts and almonds can he purchase?
A) 2 pounds of walnuts and 1 pound of almonds
B) 3 pounds of walnuts and 7 pounds of almonds
C) 4 pounds of walnuts and 2 pound of almonds
D) 2 pounds of walnuts and 4 pounds of almonds

7.14 q≤4,000−5p
q ≥0
In a standard economic supply and demand graph, consumer surplus is defined as the area greater
than or equal to the equilibrium price of a good and less than or equal to the demand line. The
system of linear inequalities written and graphed at left, where p represents price and q represents
the quantity of units that consumers will demand, shows the consumer surplus area for a tablet
computer that recently entered the U.S. marketplace. What is the maximum quantity of the tablet
that consumers will demand and still have it remain in the consumer surplus area of the graph?
A) 200 B) 800 C) 2,800 D) 3,000

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