Pip Install Django

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Stuff to install:

 python 2.7(suggested)
 pip
 django web development framework

Guide to install python and pip:

 https://github.com/BurntSushi/nfldb/wiki/Python-&-pip-Windows-installation
 if python is already installed, just skip to pip installation

Guide to install django:

 for simple installation:
◦ open command prompt
◦ execute the following command
◦ pip install django
 if you want to create a virtual environment and then do it:
◦ refer this guide:
◦ https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/howto/windows/

Get the project from my github:

 get the project from my repo:
 just download the zip file (fork it please ;P)
 https://github.com/RshmanGit/osProject

after downloading the project:

 go to the directory, where the manage.py file exists in command prompt:
 type in:
 python manage.py migrate
 python manage.py makemigrations
◦ or
 python manage.py makemigration
 (whichever works)
 and after all
 python manage.py runserver

after everything, goto :

and voila..it should probably work

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