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Caleb Renfrow

Julia Intawiwat

ENGL 2116

Feb 16, 2018

Exercise 3

The most glaring similarity between the two articles is that they deal on the topic of
hand-sanitation. Both use the same “Improving Health” section as it gives important
pieces of data on the positive effects of hand-washing. The other section names are
also similar. The format of both are alike where in which the title is on top and images
are shown on the left. They both also include an italicized statistic and a link for more
information at the bottom of the page.

Since each article is geared towards a specific audience some of the information and
images shown are different. The information used in the “Saving Time and Money” and
“Helping Families (and Workforces) Thrive” sections include information relevant to the
intended audience, for example the family article talks about less time away from work
or school, whereas the employer article emphasizes that sick employees are not as
productive. The family article has more family related images, while the employer one
shows professionally dressed people.

The two figures seem alright, the only thing I would like to change though is making the
images smaller so that more information can be presented. Also I believe the italicized
statistic at the bottom is supposed to invoke a feeling of disgust, so why not pair that
alongside a picture of a diseased or sneezing person to add to the effect.

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