B1 Complete Grammar Practice Key

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er Grammar activity answers Introduction 3 2a 3b 4c Sc 6a Th Bc a 10a la 12b 13a L4b 15a 1c I7ajc 18b 19b 20a Introduction 5 3'velived 4wife’sname’s Emilia 5 We don't haveany chikiren 6 7 weidliketo have 8¥ 9¥ 10Emilisisatranslacor 11 work very hard 12don'thave todo 13 they look after the house LA much freetime IS¥ 16/17 [don'thave enough time I8Twantto ger 197 20 Loften make mistakes 21¥ 22todo 1A present simple and continuous a 2imdoing 3doyoucome 4do youhave Sitdepends 6Doyouknow 7 Doyoumean Si'mgettingready are youliving 10T'mstaying A doyoudo 12want b 2'mbuying Sdon’tlike 4depends 5 gets 6do Fsounds BDo(youjhavero have Wdoesn'twork 11 meet 12.Do (you) want 13need I isstaying 1B future forms 2 're getting ("re going to get’ also possible butless common) 4'm having |'m goingrohave 5'mgoingtobe/‘lbe 6’sgoingto fall /Ulfall 7won'ttell 8'lcheck 9’sgoing to pase /‘Il 10 re gning ("re going ro ga ckiing’ alen possible butless common) 11 ShallIturn 12won't take 13 'm introducing j'm going to introduce 14m going (°m going to go shopping’ also possible butless common) 15 llinish ['re going to finish ‘2m gaing to look for 2A present perfect and past simple a 2f'vebeen 3didyougo finished ST'vebeen Gdidyougo 7 went Bh 12had Adidyoumect was Swent 6 'velnown got Swereyou 9’vejustmet 21 Have youtaught 2taught 3 have justcome Ahaveyoubeen Swar 6 started T haven't finished 2B present perfect + for / since, present perfect continuous 2'sbeen playing 3 hasn't been feeling / hasn't been 4 vobeon looking S have you been doing 6 'sbeen reading b 2A have you been working B We heen working: for 3.A have you been going out B ‘ve heen going out; since 4A hae Ponny be B ‘Sheen single; since SA haveyou had B ve had; for 6 A has Pete been trying B ’sbeen trying: since 7 A has your sister wanted B ‘wanted: since 8A have you known B ‘ve known; for 3A comparatives and superlatives: adjectives and adverbs Siess_ 4 more comfortable than S younger than 64 74 Smore modernthan 9 much better 10% 11 the most beautiful beach I've ever been 12theworstactor 13% 14 the best in the world ISnicer 16% 17hotter 18 the same school as 19asmuchfoodas 207 ‘3B articles: a / an, the, no article 3the 4- 5- Othe 7~ 8The 9- 10an M- Ian 13- 14-/- 15the/- 162/- W7-/- Wanjthe 19aja/the/the 20-/— 4A can, could, be able to Zboth possible Sbeableto 4 both possible Snotbeingableto Gbeableto 7 both possible Bheableto Yboth possible 10 both possible 11 beingablero 12 borh possible 2couldnt 3beableto 4can Sheenableto Gcouldn't 7heingableto Scant 9Beingableto Wheableto ULbeableto 12cant 4B must, have to, should Zmustn't Sdonthaveto both possible should Gdoesn'thaveto 7 mustn't Smustn’t 9 should 2mustn’t 3don'thaveto 4 must/ have to Sdon'thaveto 6 must /haveto 7 mustn't 8 must /haveto SA past tenses Swasstillfeeling 4 didn'thave 5 didn’ematter Gknew Thadalwayswanted Scalled 9told 1Owasshining tt wasdriving 12 were chatting 13saw I4hadfown 1Stried 16 wasbuzzing T7 disappeared 18 felt 19 had stung 2Owasdriving 21 crashed SB usually and used to 2works Sdovilive used wdrean tocat G(usually)cook Tusedtolive 8 (usually) stay 9didneuseto play 10 doesn’t ride 12uscdtobe 13 (asually) stay in 5 didu’t use 11 (usually) wear L4.used to have GA the passive be + past participle 2arestolen 3disappear 4issent Sisbitten Gfights 7 falls Sweremade Phave been bought 2willbeaccepted 3bewashed 4wasbeing followed 5 Has the thief) been caught 6 Have (you ever) beentold 7 has been robbed Shad already been made is being painted 1Owasn'toffered Abe returned 12 had been stolen 6B modals of deduction: might / may, can't, must Amight 3must 4cant Scant 6may Vcan't; must 2.can't; might; might; might 3.can’t; must J might / may; might /may 4 can't; must 7A first conditional and future time clauses 2get 3'llsend 4 finishes 5 Come Gcan 7dontphone Bger Mre 1are Hwon'tbeableto 12pass 13see 14 don'tstudy 15 won't have 7B first and second conditionals 2Ubuy;won 3 painted: would be 4 would do; had S wouldn't be; didn't spend 6 shared; could / would geton 7 would be able ro /could;had- Swould move; found 9 didn’thave to; would be able to / could 10 went; wouldn't be 2would buy Bgoes Areduce S would take Gyets 7 weren't/wasn't 8 found 9'ilnever finish 10 will be 8A reported speech: sentences and questions 2was Shadbeen Ahadw'eall ben Shad started Ghadenjoyed 7hadloved 8had been ableto Qwasgoingtobe 10depended 11 would be 1hadeo 2 iffthere was to0 much violence in films 3 who the most difficult actor he had ever worked swith was /swho was the most difficule actor he had ever worked with 4 what a young person who wanted to go into acting should da 'S when he was going to retire 8B gerunds and infinitives 2ealling 3tospeak 4nottobuy Sgoing Grolookafter 7using 8 Waiting 9toconsider 1Odrawing 1 towork 12togo 13doing L4tohear 1Sstudying 16tothink 17 cooking 1Srolike 19Earing;feel 20t0 give 9A third conditivriel 2 have missed the film if you'd been here on time. 3 Woffered you the job, would you have taken it? 4 have finished the race it she hadn't fallen over. 5 told me you were taking a photo, I'd have smiled 6 have eaten that if you'd known what was init 2 known; d have taken 3 Whave enjoyed; id gone 4 would have rung; hadn't left 5 wouldn't have deleted; 1 realized 6 Would you have married; 'd asked 9B quantifiers 2toomuch enough 4no Syerylittle GHow many 7 Veryfew Salotof 9enoughtime 1Wany plenty I2veryfew 13 few L4verylittle 15t00 16toomuch 17 enough 18n0 LOA relative clauses which 3which 4which Swhich 6 who Twhich Bwhose Owho 1Owhich 1 where 12which 2,3,4,5,7,9, 10,12 2,3,4,5,10 2 whose best known painting is Guernica 3 which is the capital of Australia 4 where Tused to work 5 who was born in Rosario in Argentina 6 which was the worst for over 10B question tags 2doyou Iwerentwe 4wasit Sishe 6dothey Tarentwe 8doyou Ywon'tshe 1Wisn'it Iisntit 12wasn'tit 13areyou 14 have you 15 wouldn't you rr

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