Firefighting Mla Example

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Times New Reman Graham 1 \2 Font Siz Doulle -spacech Vinech margins Aubrey Graham Ms.V ENGL IICP, Period 6 we 10 April 2018 wor e ae « History of Firefighting x c oO The term "First Water" dates back to the 1800's, when Fire Departments competed with & a of & oo one another, If two departments were in the same area, the town would often pay the first fire department on scene. In other areas it was a matter of pride (Jeckson 14), The first department to put water on the fire would claim “First Water” and get credit for fighting that fire (“Smoke and Water”). Some departments hired young kids to race to a fire on foot and throw a Le single bucket of water on the flames. This did very little or nothing to fight the fire but earned x £ that department the right to claim “First Water" (Jackson 29), Last Name '@ PA2% Weg ‘The Dalmatian has been the firedog since the fire department used horses, and they were ® 2” ox bred for endurance and stamina (Toscana 101), “They are not fast dogs but are able to run for oe long periods of time without rest” (Hashagan). Dalmatians were trained to escort the horse drawn engine to the fire scene and prevent stray dogs from interfering. The spotted Dalmatians ‘were easy for the horses to distinguish from other dogs. Once at the fire scene, Dalmatians ‘would continue to protect the horses from other animals (“Dalmations” 48), A\e ovdlar Graham 2 paberical Works Cited —~D (elude HHe- “Dalmations,” Encyclopedia Britannic, Pearson, 2001, p. 48. Hashagan, Paul. “Firefighting in Colonial America.” Firefighter Central, Fire Creek aoe Photography and Design Studio, 1997-2007, firefighting+in+colonial+americagcoq= wd Po v firefighting+in+colonial+america&aqs—chrome..69157j0.4039j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie | .& oe wa ° =UTF-8&tsafe-activesessuiton. Accessed 10 Mar. 2017. xe oh ow Jackson, Mitch. History of American Firefighters, McGraw-Hill, 1985, pp. 14-29. ANY ee “Smoke and Water.” San Francisco Fire Stations. Fire Station Central, 20 May 2003, http://sf- Greorg/. Accessed 2 Feb. 2017. —> inclual@ URL ancl date of i actess Foy all owline Toscana, Trudy. Dalmations: A Breed above the Rest. Lucent Books, 1997, pp. 101-102, gouv CaS works Citeol Page showlel have the same Form ast- aS size, ete.) your parc C Fowrs

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