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Year 11 Geography Research 4 (28th November: 4pm)

There are 3 research topics below; each with the same deadline. You are required to research and
complete a short essay to discuss 1 of the 3 options below.

1. Discuss the validity of this statement and support whether or not it is accurate. “Much of
the empirical evidence on the impact of migration in host countries focuses on the national
level, although the impact is most felt locally.” (“International Migration Outlook 2016”
2. HL only –How successful have the European Union been in upholding their founding
principles and objectives with regard to migrant flows?

Essay Guidelines:

o Cover Page (see page 2)

o Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion. (Maximum of 3 pages)
o Citations & References (MLA version 8)
o Bibliography
o At least 1 diagram/map/graph
o Size 12; Black Font; Times New Roman; Fully Justified; 1.5 Spacing.
o Name & Class as a footer.
o Electronic and Paper submissions.
o Consistent use of English – American or British.
o Planning pages may also be included if you need additional help to construct your
arguments or help make your research more efficient.
o Use reliable sources of information. Ask Mrs. Smith for help should you need guidance.

Works Cited

"International Migration Outlook 2016." International Migration Outlook 2016, Paris, OECD

Publishing, 2016, p. 10. OECD, doi:10.1787/1999124x. Accessed 6 Nov. 2016

IBDP Geography – Mr. Simpson 3.207


Candidate name here

Title of Essay

IBDP Geography Research Homework

Peer Assessed Feedback

Teacher Feedback

Personal Reflection

Planning attached Citations Format requirements Deadline met

Word Count:

IBDP Geography – Mr. Simpson 3.207

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