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Bali Medical Journal (Bali Med J) 2016, Volume 5, Number 2: 216-220

P-ISSN.2089-1180, E-ISSN.2302-2914

Intra arterial heparin flushing increases Manual

Muscle Test – Medical Research Councils (MMT-MRC)
score in chronic ischemic stroke patient CrossMark

Published by DiscoverSys Terawan Agus Putranto,1,2* Irawan Yusuf,1 Bachtiar Murtala,1 Andi Wijaya1


Background: Muscle strength impairment in stroke patient affect the physicians. The MMT score were taken before and after the IAHF
patient daily life, especially when it occurs on the extremities muscles. procedure is conducted.
Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) is an examination method to measure Results: This study found higher score of MMT-MRC scoring system on
muscle strength using standardized scoring. chronic stroke patient with IAHF procedure (mean MMT-MRC Score =
Objective: To find possible improvement of Manual Muscle Test (MMT) 6,05 point. With p<0,05). Indicating that IAHF procedure is associated
Score after administration of Intra Arterial Heparin Flushing in chronic with better muscle strength improvement shown with higher MMT-
ischemic stroke patient. MRC score on stroke patient, which will have better prognostic
Method: This is an experimental study using pretest-posttest group outcome in their recovery.
design, with randomized controlled clinical trial, conducted among Conclusions: Intra Arterial Heparin Flushing have significant effect on
patients in Cerebrovascular Center Unit in Army Central Hospital Gatot chronic stroke patient with decreased muscle strength, which shows a
Soebroto starting from February 2014. With 75 patients included in significant increase of MMT-MRC score.
this study. The examination of muscle strength was done by trained

Keywords: Intra Arterial Heparin Flushing, Manual Muscle Test, Chronic Ischemic Stroke
Cite This Article: Putranto, T., Yusuf, I., Murtala, B., Wijaya, A. 2016. Intra arterial heparin flushing increases Manual Muscle Test – Medical
Research Councils (MMT-MRC) score in chronic ischemic stroke patient. Bali Medical Journal 5(2): 216-220. DOI:10.15562/bmj.v5i2.200

Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin INTRODUCTION
University, Makassar-Indonesia
Gatot Soebroto, Army Central Updated Definition of Stroke for the 21st Century cerebral function, lasting for more than 24 hours
Hospital, Jakarta-Indonesia is that stroke should be broadly used in all of or leading to death, with no apparent cause other
Jl. Abdul Rahman Saleh No.24, the following: CNS infarction, ischemic stroke, than that of vascular origin.” This term was used
silent CNS infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage, since 1970 until present. Even though we all know
stroke caused by intracerebral hemorrhage, silent that the brain injury can occurred for less than
cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, 24 hours, so this definition of stroke by WHO is
stroke caused by subarachnoid hemorrhage, actually obsolete. Ischemic stroke defined as an
stroke caused by cerebral venous thrombosis, episode of neurological dysfunction caused by
not specified - stroke. Stroke itself characterized focal cerebral, spinal, or retinal infarction.1 The
as a neurologic deficit attributed to an acute focal most common neurological deficits found in stroke
injury of the central nervous system by a vascular patient were paresis, speech, and sensory deficits.
cause.1 Clinical characteristics of stroke may be varied for
The word “stroke” first introduced by William different population groups, but male subjects most
Cole in 1689 in an essay called “A Physico-medical likely experiencing the gait disturbances.2 The most
essay concerning the late frequencies of apoplexies”. common impairments found were limb weakness
Before Cole a very acute non-traumatic brain especially the upper limb, urinary incontinence,
injuries were described as “apoplexy’, a term intro- dysphagia, impaired consciousness, and cognitive
duced by Hippocrates in circa 400 BC. In 1950s, the impairment.3 Dobkin in his study found that acute
physicians need another term to describe a tempo- stroke patients that suffers upper limbs impair-
rary vascular related episodes of brain dysfunction ment, showed a significant (about 95%) recovery
that would not qualify as strokes, and then the term in 9 weeks, and 11 weeks for severe cases.4 In this
“Transient Ischemic Attack” came into use. Even research we investigated the effect of Intra Arterial
Corresponding to: Terawan Agus
Putranto Jl, Abdul Rahman Saleh, then the World Health Organization have its own Heparin Flushing on muscle strength improvement
No.24, Jakarta-Indonesia. term of strokes, which is a “rapidly developing in chronic ischemic stroke patient which measured clinical signs of focal (or global) disturbance of with MMT-MRC scoring system. It was impossible

216 Open access: and


to obtain a full muscle strength recovery in such Unfortunately, not many patients could have the
short periods, but a mild muscle strength improve- thrombolytic treatment after stroke attack. In Gatot
ment after IAHF treatment will provide a good Soebroto Army Central Hospital, 57,33% stroke
prognostic outcome in motor recovery for patients patients came in at chronic phase (> 30 days). Thus,
with chronic ischemic stroke. new therapeutic strategies with a wider window
The most common conservative therapy for time will be very useful to reduce ischemic morbid-
patients diagnosed with stroke were antiplatelet ity in chronic phase.13-16
drugs such as clopidrogel and aspirin, but this Intra Arterial Heparin Flushing (IAHF) modi-
therapy have major systemic bleeding side effect. fied Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) in
Despite the risk, this line of therapy is still being Gatot Soebroto Army Central Hospital showed a
used as conservative therapy, and it seems the clinical improvement in chronic stroke patients
combination of antiplatelet such as aspirin and empirically. Heparin usually used as flushing solu-
clopidrogel proved more effective than a single tion for catheterization.11 Heparin have a role not
aspirin therapy itself.5 only as an anticoagulant but also as a fibrinolytic.
To measure muscle strength, there are some Heparin increases plasminogen conversion into
quantitative methods such as dynamometers and plasmin by stimulating tissue plasminogen acti-
qualitative methods which is Manual Muscle vator.17-20 Heparin also has potential in increasing
Strength (MMT). The usage of dynamometer is not thrombolysis by inhibit TAFI (thrombin activatable
suitable for weak muscles and movement measure- fibrinolysis inhibitor) formation.21-24 Thus, hepa-
ments with resistance. rin commonly used to treat both arterial and vein
The MMT measurements method first devel- thrombosis because of its safety proven reason.7,8,12
oped by Lovett and described by Wright in 1912 Intravascular studies showed that heparin therapy
and had been revised, advanced and promoted to can reduce the clot size, suggested its potency in
be a wide range of methods. One of the revised brain reperfusion after ischemic.18
method which was most widely accepted and used
in this study, was proposed by Medical Research
Council (MRC). The original MRC scales were MATERIALS AND METHODS
described as follows: 0 = no muscle contrac- Design and Samples
tion detected; 1 = flicker or trace contraction This is an experimental study using pretest-
were detected; 2 = active movement detected but posttest group design, with randomized controlled
the ability against gravity were eliminated; 3 = clinical trial that was approved by Hasanuddin
active movement and the ability against gravity University Ethical Committee with register number
were detected; 4 = active movement with ability UH14110582, with 75 chronic ischemic stroke
against gravity and resistance were detected; 5  = patients in Cerebrovascular Center Gatot Soebroto
normal muscle strength detected.6 Indonesian Army Central Hospital started from
Motor disability can be caused by an ischemic February 2015.
lesion in motor cortex, premotor cortex, motor
tract, or any associated pathway in cerebral or
cerebellum organ.7 The motor cortex coordinate Inclusion
movement through corticospinal neuron directly The inclusion criteria including:
or through projection against different nucleus a Patient diagnosed with chronic ischemic stroke
in brain stem that elongated through spine.8,9 (by radiology and neurology examination)
Thrombosis play an important role in ischemic b Age 30 – 70 years old, and
stroke pathogenesis.7 Various thrombolytic ther- c Agreed to follow the IAHF procedure and
apy regimen is used to obtain higher cerebral signed the informed consent form.
perfusion after ischemia. So far only serine prote-
ase tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) was Exclusion
approved by FDA as a thrombolytic for treating The exclusion criteria including:
stroke. a Any allergic to contrast and heparin,
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) data from b Blood clotting abnormality.
European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study (ECASS) c Subjects with high risk or contraindication
III and the Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in according to cardiology, pulmonology, internal
Stroke - International Stroke Treatment Registry medicine, and anesthesiology procedures.
(SITS-ISTR) showed that intravenous rtPA is d Not able to undergo MRI examination.
an effective therapy to improve the outcome of e Cannot understand or not able to follow study
patients with ischemic stroke if given within 3 until instructions.
4,5 hours after stroke onset.10-14 f Motoric dysfunction caused by another disease.

Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2016; 5 (2): 216-220 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v5i2.200 217

g Subjects diagnosed with brain stem stroke for Table 2  M

 MT Score mean difference before
more than 6 hours or less than 2 weeks (involu- and after IAHF treatment
tion state).
Variable Mean ± SD Median p

Manual Muscle Test Measurement AMMT 6,05 ±3,49 6(0-15) 0,000

The Manual Muscle Test (MMT) – Medical Research
Council (MRC) scale method measurements used We found that MMT score mean value increased
in this study with 6 scales, including: 0 = stands for 30,21 (CI 95% SD 10,47) before IAHF treatment
no movement detected; 1 = only a weak contrac- become 36,27 (CI 95% SD 11,59) after IAHF treat-
tion that can visualized or sensed at muscle; 2 = the ment. There is a significant difference between pre
muscle can be moved horizontally but unable to and post IAHF treatment in Chronic Ischemic
move against gravity; 3 = muscle strength declined Patient (p<0,05). To find the efficacy of the IAHF
and muscle contraction can moved the joints against procedure on chronic ischemic stroke patients, we
gravity if there is no resistance added; 4 = muscle counted the Delta value between MMT score before
strength declined but muscle contraction can move and after IAHF treatment as shown in table 2.
joints against resistance; 5 = normal muscle contrac-
tion against full resistance. This measurement will be DISCUSSIONS
performed by a trained physicians and neurologist.
Motoric function assessments were used as one of
IAHF Procedure diagnostic methods for diagnosing a prognostic
After the patients and instruments preparation, 5000 outcome in Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, or patients
IU heparin diluted with 500 cc NS Otsu. Topical in Intensive Care Unit (ICU).25-27 As a prognostic
anesthesia EMLA was applied on femoral artery assessment method for stroke patients, MMT with
area, continued with povidone iodine 7,5% and lower score show a bad prognostic outcome.28
alcohol 70%. Local anesthesia lidocain was injected Another method to assess muscle strength is a
intracutaneous and subcutaneous. Femoral artery quantitative methods using instrument such as
was punctured with abocath 18 G, and short guide- Dynamometry.29 In this study we measured the
wire was inserted. Fluoroscopy was performed to see subject’s motoric strength using MMT-MRC scor-
the anatomical imaging. Diluted heparin was flushed ing system. This method has been proved to be
intra-arterial in both right and left carotid arteries effective to determine muscle strength degree in
and vertebral arteries. After completing the flushing stroke patients.30 This method was also the only
process, femoral artery bleeding was stopped using method to asses’ muscle strength and the level of
either conventional technique or angio-seal. paresis in patients with peripheral nerve lesion.6
The motoric function of our body is managed by
Statistical analysis motor cortex in our brain. In stroke patients with
Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 15.0 paresis, the neuron output impulse was decreased
for Windows Evaluation Version. Kolmogorov – because of the decrease of motor neurons pool
Smirnoff test was performed to find the data distri- ability to move targeted motoric unit. In anatomi-
bution model. The differences in MMT-MRC score cal perspective, there are two main components in
before and after treatment were tested using paired motor cortex that play important roles for motoric
T Test or Wilcoxon test alternatively with P value of function, including primary motor cortex (M1) and
0.001 were considered significant. secondary motor cortex which was divided into
Posterior Parietal Cortex (PPC), Premotor Cortex,
and Supplementary Motor Area (SMA). M1 triggers
RESULT the neural impulses that control the final execution
75 chronic ischemic stroke patients were partic- of motoric unit, then the PPC change the incoming
ipated in our study. MMT values before and after visual information into a motoric command, and
IAHF treatment were analyzed using paired T-Test, the Premotor Cortex roles as a sensory guidance of a
as shown in Table 1. movement which coordinates the body orientation
against the movement itself, and the last one is SMA,
responsible to coordinate and plan the complex
Table 1  The Difference of MMT Pre and Post IAHF treatment motor movements and coordinate our both hands
Median movements. The pathway of neuron impulse itself to
IAHF Mean ± SD (Min-Max) p stimulate a muscle contraction starts from primary
Pre 30,21 ± 10,47 30(4-50)
motor cortex then conducted through corticospinal
0,000 tract out from the spinal nerve through the cervical
Post 36,27 ± 11,59 37(11-55)
column cavity then the peripheral motor neuron

218 Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2016; 5 (2): 216-220 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v5i2.200

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220 Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2016; 5 (2): 216-220 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v5i2.200

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