English Unlocked - Book III 2016

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UNIT & Around the world! LANGUAGE B Sentence completion a Complete the sentences with wil and a verb from below. In some The future with will cases, more than one answer may be possible. ed Ded ar tL be, go, drive, be, go, finish, like, have Pilwalk. Twon't walk. [Will |walk? |. |_____to the shops tomorrow. You'll walk. Youwon't walk. [Will you walk? | 2 | nol) pizza for breakfast on Friday. zi z = 3% We the work next Wednesday. He'll walk. He won't walk |Willhewalk? | ¥ He {not} the idea [She'll walk. She won't walk. [Will she walk? | | §- They there at about spn. , - 6. He {rot} swimming in the sea. tell walk. Itwon't walk. | Will it walk? 7. We (not) to Florida — we'll take the train. Weil walk, We won't walk |Willwe walk? | 8 t fun! You should come with us! They'll walk. |Theywor'twalk. [Will they walk? | E\ E-mail analysis Read over the email. Then, complet the tbl. Time expressions next week, next month, next year, in two hours, very i soon, tomorrow, in 2020, in May, at 4pm, tonight, later, e_‘tier7@gmal.com tomorrow afternoon, this weekend, at the weekend ‘Subject: this weekend We often use contractions with will. For example: Hi Eric, he will; she'll = she will; they will. The negative £11 =L will: you'll = you will: he’ it'l = it will, we'll = we will; they'll form is: won't = will not. We can use will to make personal predictions (not based on any evidence). For example, “I think itl snow tomorrow.” We can also use will to talk about probable plans or ideas for the future. For example, “I probably won't go to her wedding.” We can also use will for spontaneous / quick / unplanned decisions made at the moment of speaking. For example: ‘Ak: Which one do you want? B: I'll have the red one. We can use question words (who, when, what, why, where, when, etc.) with will. For example, “What do you think you'll have for dinner tonight?” We can also use will with the First Conditional. For example, “Ifyou help me, I'll finish it more quickly.” Gap fill ‘Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. 1. [think Ill____to the party later. 2. I dor’t think Fil time to finish it 3. Lthink I'll the film when it comes out on DVD. 4. It'll probably quicker if we go by train . Idon’t think they're going tothe match, cho How are you? 'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend ‘We'll have a great time. For dinner on Friday welll probably go to CCharmichae', which is one of my favourite restaurants. After that, well take ata into the centre and met up with some friends of mine. On Saturday morning, I'l take you around the «ity centre and show you the main sites, an inthe afternoon, wel go shopping. On Sunday morning, Il take you to the harbour area for breakfast, and we can goto the madern art museum there. Then in the afterioon, well goto the parkifthe weather is nice. Ifnot, we can go to the cinema. Is there anything in particular you want to do? Speak soon! laura C7 Friday Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Sunday morning ‘Sunday afternoon ENGLISH UNLOCKED [1 PRE-INTERMEDIATE Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2016 wavwlearnhotenglish.com 3

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