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 Present Simple: be >>>koha e tashme

Affirmative Questions Negative

Full forms Contractions
I am I’am Am I? I am not
You are You ‘re Are you? You are not
He / she /it is He/she/it’s Is he/she/it? He/she/it is not
We are We’re Are we? We are not
You are You’re Are you? You are not
They are They’re Are they? They are not

 In questions with the verb be , the verb comes before the subject:

Are you English?

Where is Pedro from?

 We make the negative by adding not.

 We use the full form in affirmative short answers and the contraction in
negative short answers:
Yes, she is. No , she isn’t.

 Present Simple :

Affirmative Negative
Full forms Contractions
I like I do not like I don’t like
You like You do not like You don’t like
He /she /it likes He /she/it does like He /she /it doesn’t like
We like We do not like we don’t like
You like You do not like You don’t like
They like They do not like They don’t like

Questions Short answers

Do you like…? Yes, I do . No, I don’t
Yes, we do. No , we don’t
Does he/she/it like…? Yes he /she/it does. No , he/she/it doesn’t.
Do they like…? Yes, they do. No , they don’t.

 We use the present simple to describe states, routines, timetables and

regular actions:
Ne e perdorim kohen e tashme per te pershkruar shtetet, rutinat, oraret
dhe veprime te rregullta.

I go to the movies on Saturdays.

She loves pigeons.
Anna speak Italian.
Do you really speak Chinese?
I don’t play on my computer.
She doesn’t speak Chinese.

 We use the present simple to talk about what people do in their jobs and
Ne perdorim kohen e tashme per te treguar se cfare njerezit bejne ne
punet dhe profesionet e tyre.

What do you do ? = What is your job?

I’am a TV producer.
I make sure that the film is good.

 The verb does not change in the present simple affirmative except after he,
she, it :
Foljet qe nuk ndryshojne ne kohen e tashme pohimin pervec pas he, she, it.

He lives She lives It lives

 Present simple negative: subject+do/does not+verb:

He doesn’t play on his computer.

 Present simple questions: do / does + subject + verb

In does questions, the main verb does not end in s:
Does she likes computers?

 Present Continuous → Koha e tashme e vazhduar

 We use the present continous to talk about temporary events and what is
happening now:
Ne perdorim kohen e tashme te vazhduar per te folur rreth eventeve te
perkohshme dhe cfare eshte duke ndodhur tani.

You are standing on my foot.

He is wearing a dress.
They are holding hands.
What are they doing?
Is he helping her?
He isn’t helping her.
They aren’t holding hands.

 We can also use the present continous to talk about future arrangements,
and we often say the time and/or place:
Ne gjithashtu perdorim kohen e tashme te vazhduar per te folur rreth
marreveshjeve te ardhshme dhe ne gjithashtu themi kohen ose vendin.

Greg is taking people to the Science Museum.

We’re returning to the hotel at 5:30 pm.
They aren’t having lunch at the hotel.
What time are they having lunch?
Who is taking them to the Science Museum?
How long are they spending at the museum?


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