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Monday, October 30, 2017

Custom Code Changes



To make changes to the custom aspects of the site please follow the directions below.

*** Trust badges on page footer ***

1. Search 'Trust' in the search bar to the right in the custom code editor

2. You will see ‘Trust-Badges-Snippet’

3. There you will see instructions on the URL for each image and before the first
image you can add a <p> </p> for a paragraph and input your custom text there.

PS: This controls the badges for the Quick view, and product page as well.

*** Trust badges on cart footer ***

1. Search 'Trust' in the search bar to the right in the custom code editor

2. You will see ‘Trust-Badge-cart’

3. There you will see instructions on the URL for each image and before the first
image you can add a <p> </p> for a paragraph and input your custom text there,

*** Product Bottom with Related Products***

1. Search ‘Product-bottom‘ in the search bar to the right in the custom code editor

2. You will see ‘product-bottom’

3. There you will see instructions on how to change the options for each.

PS: Ensure that the code line reads {%- include ‘product-bottom-number`-%}

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