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Modelling and simulation of fluid flow

in porous media inside a channel with
moving and stationary walls subjected
to injection and suction

Submitted by:
Anirudh Gupta
Prof. S. Srinivas
Sidhant Gulati

A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering

in the

School of Mechanical and Building Sciences


In this study, an analysis is performed to study the effects of mass trans-

fer and chemical reaction for laminar flow in porous channel subjected to
various boundary conditions at the wall. The governing equations of fluid
flow through porous medium are reduced to a non-linear ordinary differ-
ential equation (ODE) based on the physics of the flow using similarity
transformation. An analytical approach, namely, the homotopy analy-
sis method (HAM) is employed in order to obtain the solutions of the
non-linear ordinary differential equations. The convergence of the ob-
tained solutions is analysed. The effect of Reynolds(Re), Darcy(Da) and
Schmidt(Sc) numbers on velocity profiles, concentration, pressure drop
and wall shear stress in different cases is investigated. Comparisons of
the HAM solutions with the numerical work (by using 4th order Runge
Kutta scheme with shooting method) are performed and the results are
found to be in excellent agreement. Further, attempt is also made to
model the problem using ANSYS Fluent and the results are in qualitative

Abstract i

List of Figures iii

List of Tables v

List of Symbols vi

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Literature Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Basic Idea of Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Mathematical formulation and solution 7

2.1 Mathematical Modelling and Governing Equations . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Transformation to Ordinary Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 Solution of the problem by HAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.1 Zero-order deformation equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.2 The higher order deformation equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3.3 Convergence of HAM solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3 Results and Discussion 21

3.1 Simulation using ANSYS Fluent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4 Conclusion and Future Work 45

Bibliography 47

List of Figures

2.1 Schematic of a channel filled with porous medium with various bound-
ary conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 h curves on the 20th order approximations for S . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 h curves on the 20th order approximations for S . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4 h curves on the 20th order approximations for φ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5 h curves on the 20th order approximations for φ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1 Velocity distribution: Effect of β when R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0, Da=0.05,
α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2 Velocity distribution: Effect of X when R=5, Da=0.01, α=1, =0.7 . . . 22
3.3 Velocity distribution: Effect of X when R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0, Da=0.05,
α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.4 Velocity distribution: Effect R when X=2, Da=0.1, α=1 . . . . . . . . . 23
3.5 Concentration distribution: Effect of β when R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05, α=1, g=1, m=1, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.6 Concentration distribution: Effect of β when R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05, α=1, g=1, m=1, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.7 Concentration distribution: Effect of g when β=2, R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, m=1, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.8 Concentration distribution: Effect of g when β=-1, R=3, X=3, λ=0,
γ=0, Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, m=1, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.9 Concentration distribution: Effect of m when β=2, R=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.10 Concentration distribution: Effect of m when β=-1, R=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.11 Concentration distribution: Effect of Re when β=2, m=1, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.12 Concentration distribution: Effect of Re when β=-1, m=1, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.13 Concentration distribution: Effect of Sc when β=2, R=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,m=1, α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.14 Concentration distribution: Effect of Sc when β=-1, R=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,m=1, α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


3.15 Concentration distribution: Effect of Re when β=2, R=3, λ=1, γ=0,

Da=0.05,m=1, Sc=0.65 α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.16 Concentration distribution: Effect of Re when β=-1, R=3, λ=0, γ=-1,
Da=0.05,m=1, Sc=0.65 α=-1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.17 Pressure distribution: Effect of Re when β=2, Y=0.5, λ=0, γ=-1, Da=0.05,
α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.18 Pressure distribution: Effect of Re when β=-1, Y=0.5, λ=0, γ=-1, Da=0.05,
α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.19 Pressure distribution: Effect of Da when β=2, Y=0.5, λ=0, γ=-1, Re=3,
α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.20 Pressure distribution: Effect of Da when β=-1, Y=0.5, λ=0, γ=-1, Re=3,
α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.21 Pressure distribution: Effect of β when Da=0.05, Y=0.5, λ=0, γ=0,
Re=3, α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.22 Pressure distribution: Effect of Re when Da=0.05, Y=0.5, λ=1, γ=-1,
β=2, α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.23 Wall shear stress distribution: Effect of β when Da=0.05, Y=0, λ=0,
γ=0, α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.24 Wall shear stress distribution: Effect of β when Da=0.05, Y=1, λ=0,
γ=0, α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.25 Wall shear stress distribution: Effect of Re when Da=0.05, λ=-1, γ=1,
α=1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.26 Wall shear stress distribution: Effect of Re when Da=0.05, Y=0, λ=0,
γ=-1, α=-1, =0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.27 Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions for velocity
distribution: Effect of β when R=3, X=2, λ=0, γ=0, Da=0.5, α=1, =0.7 39
3.28 Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions for velocity
distribution: Effect of β when R=3, X=2, λ=0, γ=0, Da=0.5, α=1, =0.7 39
3.29 Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions for concentra-
tion distribution: Effect of g when λ=0, γ=0, Da=0.05, α=1, =0.7,
K1 = 0.1, Sc=0.65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.30 Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions for concentra-
tion distribution: Effect of Re when β=-1.5, λ=0, γ=-1, Da=0.05, α=-1,
=0.7, K1 = 0.1, Sc=0.65,g=0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.31 Meshed geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.32 Effect of Da on velocity profile when Re = 100,  = 0.7, α = 1,
β = −1, λ = 0, γ = 0, X = 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.33 x-velocity vectors when Da=0.001, Re = 100,  = 0.7, α = 1, β =
−1, λ = 0, γ = 0, X = 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.34 Geometry with different cross sections in CFD post . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.35 Velocity distribution: Effect of X when R=5, Da=0.01, α=1, =0.7 . . . 44
List of Tables

3.1 Sherwood distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

List of Symbols

W width of channel
H height of channel
L length of channel
u x-component of velocity
v y-component of velocity
ρ density of fluid
µ viscosity of fluid
 porosity of medium
κ permeability of medium
D coefficient of mass diffusivity
k1 first order chemical reaction rate
ub horizontal velocity at bottom wall
ut horizontal velocity at top wall
vb vertical velocity at bottom wall
vt vertical velocity at top wall
cb concentration at bottom wall
ct concentration at top wall
X, Y non-dimensional spatial co-ordinates
U, V non-dimensional velocities
P non-dimensional pressure
φ non-dimensional concentration


Re Reynold’s number
Da Darcy’s number
α, β injection/suction parameters
λ, γ axial velocity coefficients
g chemical reaction parameter
Sc Schmidt’s number
Sh Sherwood number
m power law index parameter
Chapter 1


1.1 Problem background

In recent and past years, a considerable interest has been drawn to study the flow charac-
terized in channels filled with porous media. The studies we are doing has its application
in fields of engineering such as filtration and purification processes, geological studies,
petroleum industries, rocket propulsion and other membrane separation processes.

The study of mass transfer with a chemical reaction is of great practical importance in
many branches of science and engineering. Possible applications of this type of flow
can be found in many industries and engineering applications such as nuclear reactor
safety, combustion systems, solar collectors, metallurgy and chemical engineering. All
industrial chemical processes are designed to transform cheaper raw materials to high-
value products, usually via a chemical reaction [13].

Today porous and non-porous rectangular ducts remain a central topic in heat trans-
fer and fluid mechanics and has received lot of attention from the researchers. The
majority of these investigations are directed towards laminar flow in parallel and cir-
cular channels subjected to uniform injection and suction at walls. The focus of the
present investigation is to study the chemically reacting flow in a channel with moving

or stationary walls subjected to injection or suction. In our studies we will investigate

the effect of Reynolds(Re) and Darcy(Da) numbers, suction and injection parameters
(α, β) and wall axial coefficients (λ, γ) on different cases of velocity profiles, pressure
drop, concentration and wall shear stress.

The governing equations of fluid flow inside channels filled with porous medium are a
set of non-linear equations, finding the exact solution to which is very complex. But, in
many practical instances it is often required to obtain a reasonable estimate of pressure
drop and velocity profiles. We approach the problem with analytical and numerical
techniques. The analytical solution of the non-linear ODEs is found out by using the
Homotopy Analysis Method, which is a very powerful tool to find exact solutions to
non-linear problems. The results have been validated numerically using Mathematica.
An attempt is also made to model the problem in ANSYS Fluent and the results are in
agreement qualitatively.

The first chapter of the thesis deals with the problem background, the literature survey
and introduction to HAM which is the analytical method used to solve the non-linear
ODEs. In the second chapter complete mathematical formulation of the problem and
solution is included. The set of coupled partial differential equations have also been
transformed to a system of non-linear ODEs which are subsequently solved by HAM.
Results and discussions are presented in chapter three followed conclusion and future
work in chapter four.

1.2 Literature Survey

Characterization of steady fluid motions in the porous channels can be traced back to
1953 when some of the works were done by Berman[2] to investigate the laminar two-
dimensional flow of an incompressible fluid driven by uniform injection inside a rect-
angular channel with porous walls. His motivation was the industrial separation of U235

form U238 by gaseous diffusion. Being unable to solve the resulting equation in gen-
eral form, Berman employed a regular perturbation scheme to produce an asymptotic
formulation for small Re. Many studies followed after that. In 2002, Jankowski et al.
analytically and numerically studied the laminar flow in a porous channel with large
suction along the permeable walls and a weakly oscillatory pressure [7]. In 2005, At-
tia [8] by use of finite difference method studied the unsteady Couette flow and heat
transfer of an incompressible, electrically conducting and viscous fluid inside a porous
channel with Hall current and ion-slip. In 2011, Seyf et al. solved 2D Darcy-Brinkman
equations in porous channels filled with porous media subjected to various boundary
conditions at walls analytically through homotopy perturbation technique [6]. While
the majority of these pioneering studies relied on numerical simulations for validation
purposes, some drew conclusions from experimental observations. In fact, laboratory
experiments on steady channel flow through porous sheets were conducted by Taylor
(1956), Varapaev and Yagodkin (1969), Raithby and Knudsen (1974) and Sviridenkov
and Yagodkin (1976).

In 1992, Liao [12] employed the basic ideas of the homotopy in topology to propose
a general analytic method for non-linear problems, namely homotopy analysis method
(HAM). Based on homotopy of topology, the validity of the HAM is independent of
whether or not there exist a small parameter in the considered equation. Therefore, the
HAM can overcome the foregoing restrictions and limitations of perturbation methods.
Using one interesting property of homotopy, one can transform any non-linear problem
into an infinite number of linear problems.

1.3 Basic Idea of Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM)

Most of the engineering problems, specially some heat transfer equations are non-linear,
and in most cases it is difficult to find the analytical solutions. Perturbation method is
one of the well known methods to solve non-linear problems. It is based on the existence

of small/large parameter, the so called perturbation quantity.Many non-linear problems

do not contain such kind of perturbation quantities, and we can use non-perturbation
methods, such as artificial non parameter method, the δ-expansion method. However
both the perturbation and non-perturbation methods cannot provide us with a simple
way to adjust and control the convergence region and rate of given approximate se-
ries. In 1992, Liao employed the basic ideas of the homotopy in topology to propose
a general analytic method for non-linear problems, namely Homotopy Analysis Method.

Let us assume the following non-linear differential equation in the form -

N [u(τ )] = 0 (1.1)

where N is the non-linear operator, τ is an independent variable and u(τ ) is the solution
of the equation. We define the function φ(τ, %) as follows :

lim φ(τ, %)%→0 = u0 (τ ) (1.2)

where % ∈ [0, 1] and u0 (τ ) is the initial guess which satisfies initial or boundary condi-
tions and

lim φ(τ, %)%→1 = u(τ ) (1.3)

and by using the generalised homotopy method, Liao’s so called zero-order deformation
equation is

(1 − %)L[φ(τ, %) − u0 (τ )] = %~H(τ )N [φ(τ, %)] (1.4)

where ~ is the auxiliary parameter, which helps us to increase the convergence results,
H(τ ) is the auxiliary function and L is the linear operator. It should be noted that there
is a great freedom to choose the auxiliary parameter ~, the auxiliary function H(τ ), the

initial guess u0 (τ ) and the auxiliary linear operator L. This freedom plays an important
role in establishing the keystone of validity and flexibility of HAM.
Thus when % increase from 0 to 1 the solution φ(τ, %) changes between the initial guess
u0 (τ ) and the solution u(τ ). The Taylor series expansion of φ(τ, %) with respect to % is

φ(τ, %) = u0 (τ ) + um (τ )%m (1.5)

∂ φ(τ, %)
u0 (τ ) =
∂%m %=0

where u0 for briefly is called the mth order deformation derivation, which leads

1 ∂ m φ(τ, %)

um (τ ) = =
m! m! ∂%m %=0

It is clear that if the auxiliary parameter ~ = −1 and auxiliary function H(τ ) = 1 then
the equation will become:

(1 − %)L[φ(τ, %) − u0 (τ )] + %N [φ(τ, %)] = 0 (1.8)

This statement is commonly used in HPM procedure. In deed, in HPM we solve the
non-linear differential equation by separating any Taylor expansion terms. Now we
define the vector of

u→ →
− → − → − → − −

m = { u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 , ............, un } (1.9)

According to the definition in Eq.1.7, the governing equation and corresponding initial
conditions of um (τ ) be deduced from zero-order deformation equation Eq.1.1. Differ-
entiating equation Eq.1.1 m times with respect to the embedding parameter % and setting
% = 0 and finally dividing it by m!, we will have the so called mth - order deformation

equation in the form :

L[um (τ ) − χm um−1 (τ )] = ~H(τ )R(→

u m−1 ) (1.10)


∂ m−1 N [φ(τ, %)]

− 1
R( u m−1 ) = (1.11)
(m − 1)! ∂%m−1


χm =0; m ≤ 1 (1.12)

1; m > 1

So by applying inverse order operator to both sides of the linear equation, Eq. 1.1,
we can easily solve the equation and compute the generation constant by applying the
initial or boundary condition.
Chapter 2

Mathematical formulation and solution

2.1 Mathematical Modelling and Governing Equations

Consider the laminar and incompressible steady flow in a rectangular domain bounded
by two permeable surfaces. The physical model and geometric configuration of the rect-
angular porous channel with various boundary conditions at walls are shown in Figure
2.1. The channel is filled with porous medium with height H, axial length of L and
width of W . In the present study we assume that the width of channel is much greater
than its height, i.e., W  H, therefore, two dimensional model is valid. The presented
model is based on following assumptions:

1. The fluid flow is laminar, incompressible and in steady state condition.

2. Compressibility, rarefaction, and slip-on-wall effects are negligible.

3. The properties of fluid are assumed to be constant.

4. Body forces like gravity, centrifugal, coriolis and magnetic field are neglected.

5. Injection and suction at walls are constant and uniform.

6. The axial velocities of walls are linear. i.e., uw,t = ut ( Hx ) , uw,b = ub ( Hx ).


We use the continuity equation and momentum equation in both x and y directions
where x-axis is direction of flow and y-axis is perpendicular to the horizontal walls of
channel. The momentum equations are modified to govern the fluid flow in a channel
with moving/stationary walls which is subjected to different combinations of uniform
and constant injection and suction at top or bottom walls. We use the classical Darcy-
Brinkman together with continuity equations as used by Seyf et al.[6]

F IGURE 2.1: Schematic of a channel filled with porous medium with various boundary

∂u ∂v
+ =0 (2.1)
∂x ∂y
∂p µ ∂ 2 u ∂ 2 u
ρ ∂u ∂u µ
u +v =− + 2
+ 2 − u (2.2)
 ∂x ∂y ∂x  ∂x ∂y K
   2 2

ρ ∂v ∂v ∂p µ ∂ v ∂ v µ
u +v =− + 2
+ 2 − v (2.3)
 ∂x ∂y ∂y  ∂x ∂y K
 2 2

∂c ∂c ∂ c ∂ c
u +v =D + − k1 c (2.4)
∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂y 2

Here u, v and p are velocity components in x and y directions and pressure of fluid,
respectively. ρ denotes the density and µ is the viscosity of fluid.  and K are porosity
and permeability of porous medium, respectively.Equations 2.1-2.3 can be reduced to
the Navier Stokes equation when  = 1 and K equal to infinity. c is the concentration
of the fluid, D is the coefficient of mass diffusivity and k1 is the first order chemical
reaction rate(k1 > 0 for destructive reaction, k1 = 0 for no reaction and k1 < 0 for
generative reaction)
The boundary conditions for above equations are:

u(x, 0) = ub (2.5)
u(x, H) = ut (2.6)
v(x, 0) = vb (2.7)

v(x, H) = vt (2.8)

c(x, 0) = cb (2.9)

c(x, H) = ct (2.10)

vt and vb are normal velocities at walls where the subscript t stands for top and b shows
the bottom wall. In general, vb and vt are different; thus various types of flows arise in
permuting the magnitude of vb and vt and their positive and negative direction. Where

vb > 0 and vt < 0 correspond to pure injection, vb < 0 and vt > 0 demonstrate pure
suction and vb > 0 and vt = 0 corresponds to only injection from bottom wall and etc.
Now, let us define the following dimensionless variables.

X= (2.11)
Y = (2.12)
U= (2.13)
V = (2.14)
P = 2 (2.15)
c − ct
φ= (2.16)
cb − ct

In terms of the above dimensionless variables, Equations 2.1-2.4 take the following

∂U ∂V
+ =0 (2.17)
∂X ∂Y  2
∂ 2U
1 ∂U ∂U ∂P 1 ∂ U U
U +V =− + 2
+ 2
− (2.18)
 ∂X ∂Y ∂X Re ∂X ∂Y Re.Da
   2 2

1 ∂V ∂V ∂P 1 ∂ V ∂ V V
U +V =− + + − (2.19)
 ∂X ∂Y ∂Y Re ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 Re.Da
 2 2

vb ∂φ vb ∂φ D ∂ φ ∂ φ ct
U +V = 2 2
+ 2
−φ− (2.20)
H ∂X H ∂Y H ∂X ∂Y ct − cb


ρvb H
Re = (2.21)
Da = 2 (2.22)

So, the new boundary conditions for Equations 2.17-2.20 are:

U (X, 0) = λX (2.23)

U (X, 1) = γX (2.24)

V (X, 0) = α (2.25)

V (X, 1) = β (2.26)

φ(0) = 1 (2.27)

φ(1) = 0 (2.28)

where β and α are suction/injection parameters for top and bottom walls, respectively.
λ and γ are wall axial velocity coefficients for bottom and top walls of channel, respec-

α=1 injection (2.29)

α = −1 suction (2.30)
β= (2.31)
λ= (2.32)
γ= (2.33)

2.2 Transformation to Ordinary Differential Equations

The governing equations can be transformed to a system of non-linear ODEs by using

appropriate change of variables based on the physics of fluid flow. The conservation
of mass in an arbitrary control volume in the channel for different combinations of

injection or suction is written as :

ρ (±vt ± vb ) x = W u(x, y)dy (2.34)

where W is the width of the channel. Assuming u(x, y) = h(x)s (y) and substituting in
Eq.2.34, we get -

RH 0
ρ (±vt ± vb ) x = W 0
h(x)s (y)dy = W c1 h(x)

where c1 is an arbitrary constant. h(x) can be easily obtained from the above equation in
the form of h(x) = c2 x where c2 is an arbitrary constant. Thus, the velocity component
in the x-direction can be assumed to be in the form of :

u(x, y) = xs (y)

By using the continuity equation the velocity component in the y direction is obtained
as :

v(x, y) = −s(y)

In the dimensionless form, they can be written as follows -

U (X, Y ) = XS (Y ) (2.35)

V (X, Y ) = −S(Y ) (2.36)

Substitution of the velocity components in dimensionless Eq.2.18 and Eq.2.19 gives the
following equations:
∂P 1 000 1 00 02 1 0
=X S + (S S − S ) − S (2.37)
∂X Re  Re.Da
∂P 1 00 1 0 1
= − S − SS + S (2.38)
∂Y Re.  Re.Da

Differentiating Eq. 2.37 and Eq.2.38 with respect to Y and X respectively and eliminat-
ing the pressure term gives:

0000 000 00  00
S + Re(S S − S S 0 ) − S =0 (2.39)

Eq.2.39 is a fourth order non linear differential equation which needs four boundary
conditions to be solved. The associated transformed boundary conditions are :

S (0) = λ (2.40)
S (1) = γ (2.41)

S(0) = −α (2.42)

S(1) = −β (2.43)

The concentration of the fluid flow in the channel is approximated as :

 x m
c = cb + A φ(Y ) (2.44)

On substituting Eq.2.35, Eq.2.36 and Eq.2.44 in Eq.2.20 we get the following equation

φ00 − Re.Sc.m.S 0 .φ + Re.Sc.φ0 S − g.Sc.φ − K1 .Sc = 0 (2.45)

with boundary conditions φ(0) = 1 and φ(1) = 0. where Sc = is the Schmidt
k1 H 2 k1 ct H 2
number, g = is chemical reaction parameter and K1 = .
ν ν(cb − ct )

2.3 Solution of the problem by HAM

For the HAM solution of Eq.2.39 and Eq.2.45, the initial approximations S0 and φ0 and
auxiliary linear operators L1 and L2 are -

S0 (Y ) = −α + λY + (−3β + 3α − 2λ − γ) Y 2 + (2β − 2α + λ + γ) Y 3 (2.46)

φ0 (Y ) = 1 − Y (2.47)
L1 (S) = (2.48)
dη 4
d2 φ
L2 (φ) = 2 (2.49)

where -

L 1 c1 η 3 + c2 η 2 + c3 η + c4 = 0


L2 (c5 η + c6 ) = 0 (2.51)

and ci (i = 1 − 6) are constants.

2.3.1 Zero-order deformation equations

Let p ∈ [0, 1] be an embedding parameter and h be the auxiliary non-zero parameter.

The deformation equations at zero-order can be written as follows:

h i
(1 − p) L1 Ŝ(Y ; p) − S0 (Y ) = phN1 [Ŝ(Y ; p)] (2.52)

Ŝ(0; p) = −α, Ŝ(1; p) = −β, Ŝ 0 (0; p) = λ, Ŝ 0 (1; p) = γ (2.53)

h i
(1 − p) L2 φ̂(Y ; p) − S0 (φ) = phN2 [φ̂(η; p)Ŝ(Y ; p)] (2.54)

φ̂(0; p) = 1, φ̂(1; p) = 0 (2.55)



∂ 4 Ŝ(Y ; p) ∂ 2 Ŝ(Y ; p) ∂ Ŝ(Y ; q) ∂ 2 Ŝ(Y ; p)  ∂ 2 Ŝ(Y ; p)

N1 [Ŝ(Y ; p)] = +Re Ŝ(Y ; p) −Re −
∂Y 4 ∂Y 2 ∂Y ∂Y 2 Re ∂Y 2

∂ 2 φ̂(Y ; p) ∂ Ŝ(Y ; p) ∂ φ̂(Y ; p)

N2 [φ̂(Y ; p)Ŝ(Y ; p)] = 2
− Re.m.Sc φ̂(Y ; p) + Re.Sc.Ŝ(Y ; p)
∂Y ∂Y ∂Y
−g.Scφ̂(Y ; p) − K1 Sc(1 − χm )

For p = 0 and p = 1, we have -

Ŝ(Y ; 0) = S0 (Y ), Ŝ(Y ; 1) = S(Y ) (2.58)

φ̂(Y ; 0) = φ0 (Y ), φ̂(Y ; 1) = φ(Y ) (2.59)

Further by Taylor’s series expansion we obtain :

S(Y ) = S0 (Y ) + Sm (Y )pm (2.60)


1 ∂ m S(Yˆ; p)
Sm (Y ) = (2.61)

m! ∂p m



φ(Y ) = φ0 (Y ) + φm (Y )pm (2.62)


1 ∂ m φ̂(Y ; p)
φm (Y ) = (2.63)

m! ∂p m


We choose proper h in such a way that these series are convergent at p = 1, therefore
we have the solution expressions from equations Eq.2.60 and Eq.2.62 as follows:

S(Y ) = S0 (Y ) + Sm (Y ) (2.64)
φ(Y ) = φ0 (Y ) + φm (Y ) (2.65)

2.3.2 The higher order deformation equations

Differentiating the zero-order equations Eq.2.52 and Eq.2.54 m times with respect to
p, then ividing by m! and finally setting p = 0, we obtain the following mth order
deformation equations:

L1 [Sm (Y ) − χm Sm−1 (Y )] = hR1,m (Y ) (2.66)

L1 [φm (Y ) − χm φm−1 (Y )] = hR2,m (Y ) (2.67)

together with the conditions -

0 0
Sm (0) = Sm (1) = Sm (1) = Sm (0) = 0 (2.68)

φm (1) = φm (0) = 0 (2.69)

χm = 1 f or m ≤ 1; 0 f or m > 0 (2.70)


m−1 m−1
X X  00
R1,m = 4
Sm−1 + Re Sm−1−k Sk000 − Re 0
Sm−1−k Sk00 − S
k=0 k=0
Da m−1
X m−1
R2,m = φ00m−1 − Re.m.Sc 0
Sm−1−k φk + Re.Sc Sm−1−k φ0k − g.Sc.φm−1
k=0 k=0


For each m, to solve Eq.2.66 and Eq.2.67 with conditions Eq.2.68 and Eq.2.69 we
follow [11] and [12].

2.3.3 Convergence of HAM solution

As pointed out by [12], the convergence of the series depends upon h which determines
the convergence region for HAM. If h is properly chosen, the homotopy series solution
may converge fast. For this purpose h-curves are plotted in Figures 2.2-2.5 for 20th
order approximation. From Figures 2.2-2.5 the region of convergence for admissible
values of h is −0.4 ≤ h ≤ 1.

F IGURE 2.2: h curves on the 20th order approximations for S


F IGURE 2.3: h curves on the 20th order approximations for S

F IGURE 2.4: h curves on the 20th order approximations for φ


F IGURE 2.5: h curves on the 20th order approximations for φ

The pressure can be easily obtained by integrating Eq.2.37 along the length of the chan-
nel from X = 0 to an arbitrary location in the channel which gives :

1 0000 1 1
P (X, Y ) − P (0, Y ) = S + (SS 00 − S 02 ) − S0 (2.73)
Re  Re.Da 2

The shear stress can be obtained from Newton’s law of viscosity -

∂v ∂u ∂u
τ̂ = µ + =µ (2.74)
∂x ∂y ∂y

Introducing dimensionless shear stress τ = , Eq 2.74 becomes

τ = XR−1 S 00 (Y ) (2.75)

At the channel walls the dimensionless shear stress is

τ = XR−1 S 00 (Y ) Y =0,1


The mass transfer rate in terms of Sherwood number is defined as

hm H
Sh = (2.77)

where hm is the mass transfer coefficient defined as

hm (cb − ct ) = −D (2.78)

Hence the dimensionless Sherwood number at the walls is defined as

Sh = |−φ0 (Y )|Y =0,1 (2.79)

Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

In order to get the physical insight of the problem, dimensionless velocity, concentra-
tion, pressure drop and shear stress have been discussed by assigning numerical values
to various parameters that have emerged in the mathematical formulation and the results
are shown graphically in Figures 3.1-3.26 for the proper value of h = −0.62.

In order to illustrate the influence of β, X and Re on the dimensionless velocity Figures

3.1 - 3.3 are plotted. Figure 3.1 depicts the effect of injection/suction of the fluid from
top wall (i.e. the effect of β) on the dimensionless velocity for the case of stationary
walls. It is observed that the velocity along the channel increases with an increase in
β. From the same figure it is clear for the case when β < 0, the maximum of velocity
profile tends to lower wall which leads to an increase in the shear stress on the wall,
while the minimum tends to upper wall for the case of β > 0. A similar effect can be
seen from the Figure 3.3 with varying X for stationary and moving walls. The effect
of Reynolds number Re on dimensionless velocity is shown in Figure 3.4 with upper
and lower walls moving in negative and positive directions. From the Figure 3.3 it is
clear that increasing Re leads to increase of the fluid velocity profile maxima due to the
acceleration of the fluid in the channel and also the maximum tends to the walls.


F IGURE 3.1: Velocity distribution: Effect of β when R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0, Da=0.05,
α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.2: Velocity distribution: Effect of X when R=5, Da=0.01, α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.3: Velocity distribution: Effect of X when R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0, Da=0.05,
α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.4: Velocity distribution: Effect R when X=2, Da=0.1, α=1


Figures 3.5-3.16 illustrate the effects of β, the chemical reaction parameter g, the power-
law index parameter m, the Reynolds number Re and Schmidt number Sc on the dimen-
sionless concentration distribution φ respectively. Figures 3.5-3.6 elucidate the effect
of β on φ for the case of stationary walls. The dimensionless concentration distribution
increases for a given increase in suction from the top wall, while it decreases with the
increase of injection from the same wall. Figures 3.7-3.8 demonstrates the effect of the
chemical reaction parameter g which is positive for destructive reaction and negative
for generative reaction, on the dimensionless concentration distribution φ for the case
of stationary walls. It is observed that for the case of destructive chemical reaction pa-
rameter (g > 0), for a given increase in g, there is a decrease in the fluid concentration
for both cases injection/suction of the fluid from the top wall. This behaviour is reversed
for the cases of generative chemical reaction (g < 0).

Figures 3.9-3.10 show the effect of power-law index parameter m on the dimensionless
concentration distribution φ. One can observe that for the case of β > 0, increasing
m leads to higher fluid concentration, while it leads to lower fluid concentration for the
case of β < 0. Similar conclusion can be drawn when m is replaced by Re and Sc re-
spectively (see Figures 3.11-3.14 respectively). From Figures 3.11-3.12 the appropriate
values of Schmidt number for the species diffusing are Sc = 0.22 (Hydrogen), Sc = 0.3
(Helium), Sc = 0.65 (water vapour), Sc = 0.78 (Ammonia at 25o C), Sc = 1 (CO2 at
25o C) and Sc = 1.2828 (Chlorine in air at 1 atm and 297 K). Sc represents the ratio of
the momentum diffusivity to species diffusivity. For Sc < 1, the momentum diffusivity
is lesser than the species diffusivity and for Sc > 1, momentum exceeds the species
diffusivity. For Sc = 1, both the momentum and species will be diffused at the same
rate. It is noticed that φ decreases for a given increase in Sc (i.e. with the decreasing of
mass diffusivity) for the case β < 0, while increases for the case β > 0.

Figures 3.15-3.16 show the effect of Re on the dimensionless concentration distribution

φ at β = 2 and β = 1 for both suction and injection at bottom wall. It is noticed from

the figure that increasing Re leads to increase in the fluid concentration for the case
β = 2, α = 1 and the maximum is shifted to upper wall(see Figure 3.15). For the case
β = −1, α = −1 , increasing Re leads to increase the fluid concentration in the channel
and the maximum is shifted to lower wall(see Figure 3.16).

F IGURE 3.5: Concentration distribution: Effect of β when R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05, α=1, g=1, m=1, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.6: Concentration distribution: Effect of β when R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05, α=1, g=1, m=1, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.7: Concentration distribution: Effect of g when β=2, R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, m=1, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.8: Concentration distribution: Effect of g when β=-1, R=3, X=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, m=1, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.9: Concentration distribution: Effect of m when β=2, R=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.10: Concentration distribution: Effect of m when β=-1, R=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.11: Concentration distribution: Effect of Re when β=2, m=1, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.12: Concentration distribution: Effect of Re when β=-1, m=1, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,Sc=0.65 α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.13: Concentration distribution: Effect of Sc when β=2, R=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,m=1, α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.14: Concentration distribution: Effect of Sc when β=-1, R=3, λ=0, γ=0,
Da=0.05,m=1, α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.15: Concentration distribution: Effect of Re when β=2, R=3, λ=1, γ=0,
Da=0.05,m=1, Sc=0.65 α=1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.16: Concentration distribution: Effect of Re when β=-1, R=3, λ=0, γ=-1,
Da=0.05,m=1, Sc=0.65 α=-1, g=0.5, K1 =0.1, =0.7

The effects of Re, Da and β on the dimensionless pressure distribution P along the
channel are shown in Figures 3.17-3.22. Figure 3.17-3.18 demonstrate the effect of Re
on P . One can observe that for every level of suction or injection of the fluid from the
top wall, the absolute pressure |P | decreases for a given increase in Re. Same behaviour
can be found when Re is replaced by Da (see Figures 3.19-3.20). Figure 3.21 elucidates
the effect of β on P . As expected, the absolute pressure distribution increases with the
increase of injection or suction from the top wall. Figure 3.22 shows the effect of Re on
P with upper and lower walls moving in negative and positive directions respectively.
It is noticed that P decreases for a given increase in Re.

F IGURE 3.17: Pressure distribution: Effect of Re when β=2, Y=0.5, λ=0, γ=-1,
Da=0.05, α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.18: Pressure distribution: Effect of Re when β=-1, Y=0.5, λ=0, γ=-1,
Da=0.05, α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.19: Pressure distribution: Effect of Da when β=2, Y=0.5, λ=0, γ=-1, Re=3,
α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.20: Pressure distribution: Effect of Da when β=-1, Y=0.5, λ=0, γ=-1,
Re=3, α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.21: Pressure distribution: Effect of β when Da=0.05, Y=0.5, λ=0, γ=0,
Re=3, α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.22: Pressure distribution: Effect of Re when Da=0.05, Y=0.5, λ=1, γ=-1,
β=2, α=1, =0.7

Figures 3.23-3.26 are plotted to see the effect of β and Re on the dimensionless wall
shear stress distribution τ respectively along the channel at the walls Y = 0 and Y = 1.
From Figures 3.23-3.24 it is clear that the absolute shear stress |τ | increases with in-
creasing injection/or suction from the top wall at the walls Y = 0 and Y = 1. This
increase is more pronounced at the wall Y = 1. Figure 3.25 shows the effect of Re
on dimensionless wall shear stress distribution τ with upper and lower walls moving
in negative and positive directions respectively. It is observed that |τ | decreases with
an increase of Re at both the walls. Similar conclusion can be drawn for the case of
λ = 0, γ = −1 i.e. the bottom wall is stationary and the wall moving in negative direc-
tion (see Figure 3.26)

F IGURE 3.23: Wall shear stress distribution: Effect of β when Da=0.05, Y=0, λ=0,
γ=0, α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.24: Wall shear stress distribution: Effect of β when Da=0.05, Y=1, λ=0,
γ=0, α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.25: Wall shear stress distribution: Effect of Re when Da=0.05, λ=-1, γ=1,
α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.26: Wall shear stress distribution: Effect of Re when Da=0.05, Y=0, λ=0,
γ=-1, α=-1, =0.7

Table 3.1 has been made to show the numerical values of mass transfer rate in terms of
Sherwood number at both the walls for various values of β, g, m and Sc. It is observed
that Sh increases at the wall Y = 0 for a given increase in injection form the top wall,
while it decreases at the wall. We can find the reverse behaviour when increasing the
suction form the top wall. From the same table, it is observed that the mass transfer rate
decreases at the wall Y = 0 with an increase in generative chemical reaction, while it
increases at the wall Y = 1. The opposite effect can be seen for destructive chemical
reaction. Further, Sh increases at the wall Y = 0 for a given increase in m, Sc, while
decreases at the wall Y = 1.

β g m Sc Sh0 Sh1
-1.5 0.5 1 0.65 1.56312 0.203704
-2 0.5 1 0.65 1.75562 0.119935
-2.5 0.5 1 0.65 1.93915 0.0685845
1.5 0.5 1 0.65 0.171279 3.22555
2 0.5 1 0.65 -0.123467 4.8553
2.5 -3 1 0.65 -0.456597 7.2628
-1 -2 1 0.65 0.921961 0.448038
-1 0 1 0.65 1.05362 0.412507
-1 2 1 0.65 1.3018 0.351473
-1 3 1 0.65 1.53274 0.301285
-1 0.5 0 0.65 1.64269 0.279508
-1 0.5 1 0.65 0.767047 0.613287
-1 0.5 2 0.65 1.63104 0.338011
-1 0.5 3 0.65 1.77425 0.203713
-1 0.5 1 0.65 2.09263 0.133231
-1 0.5 1 0.22 1.21875 0.670752
-1 0.5 1 0.65 1.36104 0.338011
-1 0.5 1 0.78 1.36911 0.278309

TABLE 3.1: Sherwood distribution

The plots in Figures 3.27-3.30 compare analytical and numerical solutions for different
cases in both moving and stationary walls for velocity and concentration distributions.
The numerical technique to solve the non-linear ODE is 4th order Runge-Kutta with
shooting method. The results obtained from HAM are in excellent agreement with
numerical solutions.

F IGURE 3.27: Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions for velocity
distribution: Effect of β when R=3, X=2, λ=0, γ=0, Da=0.5, α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.28: Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions for velocity
distribution: Effect of β when R=3, X=2, λ=0, γ=0, Da=0.5, α=1, =0.7

F IGURE 3.29: Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions for concentra-
tion distribution: Effect of g when λ=0, γ=0, Da=0.05, α=1, =0.7, K1 = 0.1, Sc=0.65

F IGURE 3.30: Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions for concen-
tration distribution: Effect of Re when β=-1.5, λ=0, γ=-1, Da=0.05, α=-1, =0.7,
K1 = 0.1, Sc=0.65,g=0.5

3.1 Simulation using ANSYS Fluent

To simulate the environment with stationary walls subjected to suction and injection we
model our problem in ANSYS and solve it using Fluent. A porous plenum or chamber
can be modelled as a channel with a rectangular cross section. Both side walls are as-
sumed to have equal permeability.
To model the problem width and height of the channel were taken to be 0.125 m and
0.025 m respectively. This can be changed as all the results are displayed in non-
dimensional forms. The geometry meshed with uniform quadrilateral mapped mesh
in ANSYS fluent solver. The element size was 2.94e − 02 mm and the total number of
nodes and elements came out to be 690 and 612 respectively. The meshed geometry can
be seen in the Figure 3.31.

F IGURE 3.31: Meshed geometry

The effect of injection or suction at the top and bottom walls was simulated by giving
a vertical component of velocity at the walls. The right end of the domain was given
the outflow boundary condition to capture the physics of the flow. The porous medium
is modelled by giving some value to viscous resistance and domain porosity in the cell
zone conditions.
To illustrate the effect of Darcy’s number on the velocity we run the simulation by
varying the Darcy number from 0.0001 to 1 and keeping the other parameters constant.
For Re = 100 , vb = 4.01e − 03 from Eq.2.21. The velocity at the top wall vt is
calculated from Eq.2.31.

F IGURE 3.32: Effect of Da on velocity profile when Re = 100,  = 0.7, α = 1,

β = −1, λ = 0, γ = 0, X = 4

Figure 3.32 exemplify the effect of Darcy on the dimensionless velocity profile. As seen
when Da → 0 the velocity profiles become more flat due to higher fluid resistance in
facing with lower permeability of porous material which prevents penetrating the fluid

F IGURE 3.33: x-velocity vectors when Da=0.001, Re = 100,  = 0.7, α = 1,

β = −1, λ = 0, γ = 0, X = 4

To elucidate the effect of X on the velocity distribution, the CFD post processor was
used to generate the velocity profiles at different cross sections of the geometry as can
be Figure 3.34.

F IGURE 3.34: Geometry with different cross sections in CFD post

The velocity distribution was plotted for stationary walls subjected to injection and
suction (see Figure 3.35 )

F IGURE 3.35: Velocity distribution: Effect of X when R=5, Da=0.01, α=1, =0.7

We can infer from Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.35 that both the solutions are in qualitative
Chapter 4

Conclusion and Future Work

The present report deals with the analysis of mass transfer and chemical reaction on
viscous flow in a porous channel with various boundary conditions at the walls. Using
suitable similarity transformations, the governing equations are reduced to a system of
coupled non-linear differential equations and the resulting equations are solved by em-
ploying HAM. The convergence of obtained series solutions is analysed. The results
obtained by HAM show that the models are in good agreements with numerical solu-
tions and qualitatively with the findings of Seyf et al. [6]. The influence of various
pertinent parameters on dimensionless velocity, concentration, pressure drop and shear
stress has been discussed. The main findings are summarized as follows:

1. The velocity along the channel increases with an increase in β and X

2. Increasing Re leads to increase the fluid velocity with upper and lower walls
moving in negative and positive directions.

3. For the case of destructive chemical reaction, the dimensionless concentration

distribution decreases as g increases, while it increases for the case of generative
chemical reaction.


4. Increasing m, Sc and Re leads to higher concentration for the case β > 0, while
leads lower for the case of β < 0.

5. For every level of suction or injection of the fluid from the top wall, the absolute
pressure |P | decreases for a given increase in Re and Da.

6. Absolute wall shear stress |τ | decreases with an increase of Re at both the walls.

7. Sh increases at the wall Y = 0 for a given increase in m and Sc, while decreases
at the wall Y = 1.

The models are applicable to study hydrodynamics characteristics of fluid flow in micro
channels and evaporator section of flat plate, heat pipes as wells flow over a stretch-
ing sheet. When the walls of the channel/pipe are oscillating (or vibrating similar to
peristalsis but not peristalsis), the flow nature will become more complex. There is a
wider scope to extend the proposed model to hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic flow of
rheological fluids in a contracting or expanding channel (or tube) that accounts heat and
mass transfer effects. The governing equations for such fluid flows are complicated and
more non-linear than the Navier-Stokes equations and present interesting challenges to
physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians and modellers.

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