001 Classflow Professional Dev

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Part 1: Identification of Learning Problem

General Audience

The primary audience consists of certified teachers and administrators of all ages, experience
levels, and subject areas within the Richmond County School system(RCSS). The primary
audience teaches or provides supportive educational services to students in grades K-12 (ages
of these students vary widely from 5-18 years). Personnel involved in direct instruction will be
among the first to receive the training. The Richmond County Public Schools (RCPS) website
states that 27% of professional staff have four-year Bachelors degrees, 41% have Master’s
degree, 26% have Specialists degrees, and 6% have a Doctorate (Ph.D. or EdD).

Problem Identification

Richmond County School system adopted a Bring Your Own Technology(BYOT) policy in 2013.
Since the adoption, administrators, instructional technology specialists and teachers continually
work towards making sure innovative strategies and software are used to engage students and
increase achievement. “ClassFlow is an instructional delivery system that allows for
personalized learning, as well as interactivity and collaboration, by connecting classroom
displays to student devices. Educators can easily and quickly push out their content, a student’s
content or even assessments for full-classroom engagement. In ClassFlow, existing lessons can
be shared, or new interactive ones created from scratch. Specifically designed content can also
be sent to different students, or groups of students, for differentiated, personalized
learning.”(District Administration)

Instructional Goals

· Users will be able to demonstrate the creation of a ClassFlow Account

· Users will be able to apply knoweldge to set up classes in ClassFlow
∙ Users will be able to create lessons in ClassFlow.
· Users will be able to use ClassFlow resources in Marketplace
· Users will be able to apply knowledge to align with state standards


The targeted audiences of learners are primarily teachers of grades K-12 covering all subjects
within the RCSS. All members of the primary audience hold certifications covering all grade
levels. Richmond County School System and all of its schools are engaged in an ongoing
continuous improvement process. The system serves a diverse population of students with a
wide range of needs. Approximately 78% of students qualify for free and reduced lunches in 57
schools including eight comprehensive high schools, nine middle schools, 34 elementary
schools, four magnets, one charter and one special school. With 2500 plus professionally
certified employees, the Superintendent, her administration, and teachers are committed to
making sure each student receives the highest quality education. Implementing the newest
software and technology to assist in that goal is imperative. “Martha Barwick, Coordinator of
Instructional Technology at HCPS, found that while the existing technology tools in place in
every classroom increased interactivity and feedback, she felt that there was more that could be
done to facilitate higher-level learning. “Technology, in itself, is not a magic fix. We needed a
method to enhance learning and complement teachers’ skills,” (District Administration
Oct2015,Vol. 51 Issue 10, p3-3.1p)

Entry Characteristics:
Prerequisite skill & knowledge:
· Ability to log onto a computer
· Ability to comprehend basic computer functions and navigation within the
computer operating system
· Ability to access the internet
· Knowledge of Georgia curriculum guidelines
· Knowledge of Richmond County Public Schools Teaching strategies.

Prior Experience:
Most of the educators are already accustomed to working with computers on a daily
bases. Email, word processing skills, and limited presentation skills are proficient through the
majority of all faculty. The learning curve is increased with the addition of unfamiliar hardware
and software. Many teachers struggle with the addition of new software and require assistance
throughout the year.

Common errors made by technology-challenged teachers:

· Confusion with log on procedures
· Inability to navigate the site
· Unable to use help features when needed

Potential Misconceptions:
· A Promethean Board is required for use
· Increasing the workload of the educator

Attitudes Towards Content & Academic Motivation

Ensuring the proper use of technology to facilitate higher level learning is a district-wide
initiative. This professional development will benefit all certified staff from the teacher to the

The website will provide ClassFlow lesson plans, tutorials, and communication with other
professionals. It will assist in implementing the software into a teachers curriculum.
Task Analysis

The task analysis was developed using the procedural analysis method which analyzes the task
identifying the steps required to complete the task. This method will help break down the
ClassFlow registration and basic use. Learning the software, I first developed a flowchart to help
identify all the necessary procedures. I have registered and created classes in ClassFlow as
well as utilized the Marketplace while connecting to state standards.

While creating the procedural analysis, it was important not to assume the learners have any
knowledge of the hardware and software. In other words, even the simplest of tasks such as
logging on to the site may be an issue to the educator. Site navigation is also an important goal.
There is prior knowledge each Educator will be expected to know concerning Georgia
Performance Standards in regards to the subject area they teach, however, this will be
addressed in detail later.

Subject Matter Expert

I (Jason Stark) will serve as the SME for this instructional plan. I received my bachelor’s degree
in Technology Education from Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia. I am
currently pursuing a master’s degree in Instructional Technology with dual certification from
Georgia Southern University. My primary qualification to serve as SME is my 15 years of
teaching experience in the field of technology education. To stay up with the constantly
changing subject, I have on a yearly bases identified new software or internet sites and created
lesson plans or curriculum for students. For the past two years, I have served as Media
Specialist for Cross Creek High School. As Media Specialist, I have continued to look for new
and innovative ways for my teachers to present their curriculum.

Procedural Analysis

1.0 Introduction to ClassFlow

1.1 Activate Accounts

1.2 Navigating ClassFlow

2.0 Resources – Create Assignments

2.1 Create Assignments

2.1.1 Assignment properties

2.1.2 Instructions

2.1.3 Rubrics

2.1.4 Adding Resources to Assignment

3.0 Delivering Assignments

3.1 Properties for assigning students

3.2 Finding Delivered Assignments

4.0 Resources

4.1 New Materials

4.2 Materials from Marketplace

4.3 Connecting online storage

Terminal Objective 1: To Access the ClassFlow Site

Enabling Objectives:
1A. To identify username
1B. To log in to ClassFlow

Terminal Objective 2: To identify the steps elements for creating lessons

2A. Create lesson.
2B. Create and delete a card
2C. Create a quick assessments

Terminal Objective 3: To deliver and send lessons to students and colleagues

3A. Describe the process of sending lessons to students
3B. Demonstrate the process of sharing lessons with teachers
3C. Describe the Marketplace
3D. Create one lesson and share

Terminal Objective 4: To review the purpose of ClassFlow

4A. Describe the purpose of higher level technology learning
4B. Explore the SAMSR Model

Content Performance

Recall Application

Fact 2, 2a, 3a, 4b

Concept 2d, 3a,4, 4a, 4b,


Procedure 1a, 3 1 ,1b, 2b, 2c, 3b

Interpersonal 3c

Instructional Teacher Assessment Performance Standards

1, 1a, 1b TAPS1: Professional Knowledge – The teacher demonstrates an

2, 2a, 2b, 2c,2d understanding of the curriculum, subject content, pedagogical
3, 3a, 3b, 3c knowledge, and the needs of students by providing relevant learning

3, 3a, 3b, 3c TAPS2: Instructional Planning – The teacher plans using state and
local school district curricula and standards, effective strategies,
resources, and data to address the differentiated needs of all students.

2c, 2d TAPS3: Instructional Strategies – The teacher promotes student

learning by using research-based instructional strategies relevant to
the content to engage students in active learning and to facilitate the
student’s acquisition of key knowledge and skills.

2c. 2d TAPS5: Assessment Strategies – The teacher systematically chooses

a variety of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment
strategies and instruments that are valid and appropriate for the
content and student population.

All TAPS9: Professionalism - The teacher exhibits a commitment to

professional ethics and the school’s mission, participates in
professional growth opportunities to support student learning, and
contributes to the profession.

Jason Stark
Part V: Development of Assessment
Instructional Goals Objectives UDL Assessment

Lesson 1: Learners will Objective 5: Multiple means Learners will

Review the recognize the To review expression. Some take a quiz about
Purpose of benefits of the purpose learners will receive a the benefits of
ClassFlow the Classflow of ClassFlow more objective quiz ClassFlow and
Learners will software and 5A. with multiple choice and higher level
discuss the it’s Describe the matching, while other learning with
importance of connection to purpose of will complete the open- technology
integrating the higher higher level ended short answer
technology in level learning technology quiz with some
the classroom. with learning matching.
Learners will technology.
watch an 5B. Explore
introductory the SAMSR
video on the Model
SAMSR model. 5C.
Learners will Discuss the
watch a video benefits
classflow Its

Lesson 2: Learners will Objective 1 Multiple means of Learners will

Access the be able to To Access representation. Some answer the
ClassFlow successfully the learners will write out question: What
Site log on to the the steps, while other are the steps tp
Learners will ClassFlow 1A. To will use matching to logging on to
be shown how site.. identify place the steps in the ClassFlow?
to access and username correct order.
log on to the 1B. To
ClassFlow site. navigate to

Lesson 3: Learners will Objective 2: Multiple means of Learners will

Lesson be To identify expression. Some identify the
Creation successfully the steps learners will match via process of
Learners will create a elements for completing open-ended lesson creation
be shown how lesson. creating short answers while in ClassFlow.
to create Learners will lessons other will use a form
lessons in succesfully 2A. Define a with matching of terms
ClassFlow. create a Card with navigation
Learners will quick 2B. Create elements.
recognize assesment. and delete a
steps to card
creating a 2C. Create
quick assessments
assesmet.. 2D. Discuss

Lesson 4: Learners will Objective 3: Multiple means of Learners will

Sharing create a new To deliver representation - create a new
Lessons in a lesson, add and send Multiple means of lesson in
ClassFLow. content and lessons to expression ClassFlow using
Learners will share. Creating a lesson that one of the
watch students and could be used by the classes they
instructional colleagues teachers fosters teach and share
videos for 3A. engagement and the lesson. Upon
sharing a Describe the requires a level of the completion
lesson. process of knowledge that will teachers will use
sending provide different Print-Screen to
lessons to options for capture an
students comprehending the image of their
3B. analysis process, completed
Demonstrate meeting the UDL lesson.
the process principle of multiple
of sharing means of
lessons with representation.
3C. Create
one lesson
and share

Lesson 1: Review the Purpose of ClassFlow

Objective 4: To review the purpose of ClassFlow
4A. Describe the purpose of higher level technology learning
4B. Explore the SAMSR Model
4C. Discuss the benefits

Assessment: Learners will take a quiz about the benefits of ClassFlow and higher level learning
with technology

UDL Principles: Multiple means expression. Some learners will receive a more objective quiz
with multiple choice and matching, while other will complete the open-ended short answer quiz
with some matching.

Lesson 2: Access the Rubicon Atlas Site

Objective 1: To Access the ClassFlow Site
1A. To identify username
1B. To navigate to login

Assessment: Learners will answer the question: What are the steps tp logging on to ClassFlow?

UDL Principles: Multiple means of representation. Some learners will write out the steps, while
other will use matching to place the steps in the correct order.

Lesson 3: Lesson Creation

Objective 2: To identify the steps elements for creating lessons
2A. Define a Card
2B. Create and delete a card
2C. Create assessments
2D. Discuss differentiation

Assessment: Learners will identify the process of lesson creation in ClassFlow

UDL Principles: Multiple means of expression. Some learners will match via completing open-
ended short answers while other will use a form with matching of terms with navigation

Lesson 4: Sharing Lessons in ClassFLow.

Objective 3: To deliver and send lessons to students and colleagues
3A. Describe the process of sending lessons to students
3B. Demonstrate the process of sharing lessons with teachers
3C. Describe the Marketplace
3D. Demonstrate retrieving Marketplace resource.

Assessment: Learners will create a new lesson in ClassFlow using one of the classes they
teach and share the lesson. Upon completion teachers will use share the lesson within
ClassFlow to the instructors email.

UDL Principles: Multiple means of representation - Multiple means of expression

Creating a lesson that could be used by the teachers fosters engagement and requires a level
of the knowledge that will provide different options for comprehending the analysis process,
meeting the UDL principle of multiple means of representation.

Assessment Examples

Objective 1 Assessment
Differentiated Instructions – Students will write out a description of how to log on to ClassFLow

Objective 2 Assessment
Objective 5 Assessment
Objective 3 Assessment

Part VI: Content Sequencing and Instructional Strategies

Sequence Description Objective

1 Review the Purpose of ClassFlow 5

2 Access the ClassFlow Site 1

3 Lesson Creation in ClassFlow 2

4 Sharing Lessons in ClassFLow. 3

The concept related sequencing is used to build this content. In other words, the concepts
necessary to understand the content are taught first. This will allow the teachers to have a
foundation of the purpose of the ClassFlow site and how it will benefit their classroom. Once the
purpose has been explained, hands-on tutorials are provided to give the learner experience
using the new software and creating lesson plans

Lesson 1: Review the Purpose of ClassFlow

Objective 5: To review the purpose of ClassFlow

5A. Describe the purpose of higher level technology learning
5B. Explore the SAMR Model
5C. Discuss the benefits
Motivational Strategy: Using individual devices, teachers will log on as students to my
ClassFLOW lesson and share 5 words which describe your experience of using technology in
the classroom in ClassFlow. Those words will be displayed. Discuss briefly why you chose
those words about your educational experience.

Initial Presentation: Watch the video titled “The Introduction to the SAMR Model” and watch
the video “ClassFlow: The Most Dynamic 45 Minutes of Every Student's Day. Present Richmond
Counties dedication to using technology in the classroom effectively.

General Strategy: Write down at least 2 Technology-based classroom activities you have used
in the past year that was really successful. The activities must be related to your subject area.
Share the list with the other educators. What level on the SAMR model were they? Explain how
ClassFlow could be used to elevate your technology-based lessons.

Lesson 2: Access the ClassFlow Site

Objective 1: To Access the ClassFlow Site

1A. To identify username
1B. To navigate to login

Initial Presentation: Teachers will be given a handout to assist in logging on to ClassFlow.

Teachers will be instructed on all of the variety of ways to access the ClassFlow site.

General Strategy: Teachers will log on to the site. If teacher has already successfully logged on
and changed password before than they will assist those around them.

Lesson 3: Lesson Creation

Objective 2: To identify the steps elements for creating lessons

2A. Define a Card
2B. Create and delete a card
2C. Create assessments

.Initial Presentation: Teachers will watch and follow along as the instructor creates a lesson via

General Strategy: Teacher will sign on to ClassFlow, identify and click on the lesson creation.
Once the option has been selected teachers will Add/Delete Cards, and create an assessment.
Encourage teachers who are tech savvy to help their neighbors move through and identify each
tool and it’s use.

Lesson 4: Sharing Lessons

Objective 3: Sharing Lessons in ClassFLow.
3A. Describe the process of sending lessons to students
3B. Demonstrate the process of sharing lessons with teachers
3C. Create one lesson and share

Initial Presentation: Teachers will watch and follow along as the instructor shares a lesson.

General Strategy: Using the a lesson previously made, teachers will watch the instructor share
the lesson in Classflow. Teachers will then find and load the lesson into their ClassFlow.

Lesson 5: Use the ClassFlow Marketplace

Objective 4: To Access available resources
4A. Explore lessons in Classflow
4B. Describe the Marketplace
4C. Discuss aligning State Standards
4D. Demonstrate retrieving Marketplace resource based on a Standard.

Initial Presentation: Teachers will watch and follow along as the instructor accesses the
Marketplace. There will be a handout to assist.

General Strategy: Using the Marketplace in ClassFlow, each teacher will practice selecting pre-
made lessons that are related to their subject matter.

Jason Stark
Part VII: Design of Instruction
Instructional Goals Objectives UDL Assessment

Lesson 1: Learners will Objective 4: Multiple Learners will

Review the recognize the To review the means take a quiz
Purpose of benefits of the purpose of expression. about the
ClassFlow Classflow ClassFlow Some benefits of
software and it’s 4A. Describe learners will ClassFlow and
Learners will connection to the the purpose of receive a higher level
discuss the higher level higher level more learning with
importance of learning with technology objective quiz technology
integrating technology. learning with multiple
technology in the 4B. Explore choice and
classroom. the SAMR matching,
Model while other
Learners will will complete
watch an the open-
introductory video ended short
on the SAMSR answer quiz
model. with some
Learners will
watch a video
classflow Its basic

Lesson 2: Learners will be Objective 1 Multiple Learners will

Access the able to To Access the means of answer the
ClassFlow Site successfully log ClassFlow Site representatio question:
1A. To identify
Learners will be on to the n. Some What are the
shown how to ClassFlow site.. 1B. To Login to learners will steps tp
access and log ClassFLow write out the logging on to
on to the steps, while ClassFlow?
ClassFlow site. other will use
matching to
place the
steps in the
correct order.

Lesson 3: Learners will be Objective 2: Multiple Learners will

Lesson Creation successfully To identify the means of identify the
Learners will be create a lesson. steps elements expression. process of
shown how to Learners will for creating Some lesson
create lessons in succesfully create lessons learners will creation in
ClassFlow. an assesment. 2A. Define a match via ClassFlow.
Learners will Card completing
recognize steps 2B. Create and open-ended
to creating delete a card short answers
2C. Create while other
assessments will use a
2D. Discuss form with
differentiation matching of
terms with

Lesson 4: Learners will Objective 3: Multiple Learners will

Sharing create a new a To deliver and means of create a new
Lessons in lesson, add send lessons representatio lesson in
ClassFLow. content and share. to students and n - Multiple ClassFlow
Learners will colleagues means of using one of
watch 3A. Describe expression the classes
instructional the process of Creating a they teach and
videos for sharing sending lesson that share the
a lesson. lessons to could be used lesson. Upon
students by the completion
Learners will 3B. teachers teachers will
watch an Demonstrate fosters use Print-
instructional video the process of engagement Screen to
entitles “The sharing and requires capture an
Marketplace and lessons with a level of the image of their
You” teachers knowledge completed
Learners will 3C. Create that will lesson.
practice utilizing one lesson and provide
the Marketplace share different
resources. options for
Learners will ng the
share a lesson. analysis
meeting the
UDL principle
of multiple
means of

Part VIII: Formative Evaluation Plan

For the formative evaluation of this course I will have the teachers complete an online Google
Forms survey. These surveys will be anonymous so that the participants will feel free to answer
honestly. The Instructional Technology Specialist for my school, Cross Creek High School, will
serve as the subject matter expert. She has been a Intructional Technology Specialist for over
two years and has been responsible for instructing teachers on new RCBOE software and
technology. She will therefore be able to give constructive feedback.

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

The subject matter was relevant

and useful.

Instructor’s knowledge of
content was apparent.

The course increased my ability

to create ClassFLow lessons

The course enabled me to begin

using ClassFlow.

Videos and presentations were

relevant to the course.

Instructional expectations were


I will be more likely to utilize

ClassFLow in the classroom in
the future.

Give one example of new information you learned during this instruction?

What suggestions do you have for improving this course?

The evaluations will be collected and analyzed by the Instructional Technology Specialist and
myself. We will then discuss any modifications that may be made to improve the course. This
will be accomplished by breaking down the data into subcategories of learner benefits and
instructional execution. This will assist in determining which parts of the course need the most

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