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Language Arts 8th Grade

J.O. Combs Middle School

Mrs. Hali Rebecca Beal-Sharp

Course Description
The purpose of this course focuses on preparing students to succeed in areas or written and oral communication
as well as improve reading skills. Reading, writing and communicating are essential skills that are investments
for all type of learning.

Required Texts, Materials, or Equipment

 Pearson textbook- provided by school, student’s responsibility to keep organized and complete. Lost
textbooks will need to be replaced at a charge by student.
 Google Classroom
 Google Docs

Course Grading

In-class work and homework assignments 50%
Final papers, tests, and projects 35%
Participation 5%
Exam 10%

90% A
80% B
70% C
Checking out books from the class library
I have an extensive classroom library full of books that I encourage students to utilize. My books range in
reading level as well as content to accommodate a wide variety of students. If a parent has any issues with the
subject matter of any books checked out from the classroom library, they may prohibit their child from reading
the book. Students are responsible for acquiring permission from their guardian when checking out books with
sensitive subject matter.
Remind Text/Email Alerts

Want to receive text message or email alerts about due dates, tests, and other important information regarding
ELA? Follow the steps below to sign up for this service. This service is optional and not a requirement for this
class but it is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED.

Visit this website and follow the on-screen instructions:

OR you can visit my teacher website and click on the red link provided on the 8th ELA Resources page.

Note: I am not able to see your phone number or email address. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to
sign up.
General Procedures
Classroom Procedures:
Start of Day: I will begin each day by standing outside the classroom and greeting the students as they come in. I
expect students to be seated and quiet once I enter the room and begin class.
Once students are seated I will take roll immediately while students work on their warm up.
Students who are absent will have an email sent to their parents with what they missed for the day and
what will be expected when they return
To call the class to order, I will have a bell that I ring. (So I am not having to yell over their chatter.)
Students will begin their warm up assignments as soon as I have taken attendance

Communication with Parents: I will provide for the parents not only my email, but my “remind 101 phone
number.” Remind 101 allows parents and teachers to communicate with an app without having to give out
personal phone numbers or emails.

Student work: I will require students keep a 3-ring binder with a notebook for writing work in my classroom.
Here students will write their warm ups and place all completed and graded homework in order of the day it was
completed. I will have periodic binder checks to make sure they are up to date with assignments and organized.
Students will receive a grade for this check.
I will have a file box of some sort that students will turn in their homework and class work. It will be organized
and labeled by period times. (I.e. 1st Period) There will be a “no name” bin located next to the homework bins,
and students will be required to show me another assignment to prove that it is in fact, theirs with no name.

Late work: Students will be a lot to turn late work in up to one week past the original due date. However, points
will be deducted for non-excused absences. After one week, the student will no longer able to make up and turn
in the assignment.

Basic Classroom rules:

Raise your hand to be called on
Wait your turn to speak
Keep quiet while teacher or classmates is talking
Sign out for bathroom, drinking fountain use. Take and return the bathroom pass
No food or drinks in the classroom
No gum!
Use your inside voice during group work

Stay on task
Ask questions!
3 strikes and you’re out! (students will receive detention after being talked to 3 times)
Have fun!

End Of Day: Students will NOT begin to pack up until I give them the OK to do so
Students will return all materials to their proper places
Students will look around their area for any trash and place in waste basket
Students will return their work binders and notebooks to the cubby

Discipline Strategies/Rules and Consequences: Students will be offered the “3 strikes” rule. Students will be
given 3 chances to correct their behavior, if failed to do so they will be given a yellow card or detention.
In that time, student may be asked to move seats ( if what is causing the distraction is near them.)
Should a student fail to correct behavior after the 3 strikes, I will make a phone call home after school with the
student so we can discuss together with his parents what needs to be done to correct behavior.
Students will only be sent out of the classroom under extreme behavioral circumstances


The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this information throughout the semester.

Please sign below to indicate that you (parent and student) have read and understood the 8th Grade English
Language Arts syllabus.

Student Name: ___________________________

Student Signature: _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name(s): ________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature(s): __________________________________________________________________

Best PHONE NUMBER(S) to reach the parent/guardian at between the hours of 7:15 and 4:00.
If more room is needed please write additional info below the boxes.

Name (of who the # belongs to) Relationship to student Phone Number (include area code)

Best EMAIL ADDRESS(S) to reach the parent/guardian. Please write clearly
If more room is needed please write additional info below the boxes.

Name (of who the email Relationship to student Email address

belongs to)

Does your child have regular computer access at home? Yes No Other: ______________________

Does your child have regular internet access at home? Yes No Other: ______________________

Check here:
The student has signed up on Mrs. Beal-Sharp’s Remind account, either texting or emails
The parent(s) has signed up on Mrs. Beal- Sharp’s Remind account, either texting or emails
We do not have access or do not want to sign up for Remind texts or emails at this time

Please include any other notes or information below that you feel I should know to best help your child be


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