Effect of Central Voltage Controllers On Operations of Active Distribution Networks

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Effect of Central Voltage Controllers on Operations of Active Distribution


Nokhum Markushevich
The high penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in distribution networks will
change some of the network responses to voltage regulations at the buses feeding distribution
circuits. When there are several distribution feeders fed from one bus with a common voltage-
regulating device, the voltage at this bus must satisfy the voltage requirements of all connected
feeders. At the same time, the contribution of DERs may be significantly different for different
feeders. Hence, the reaction of the operating conditions of different feeders to the voltage change
at the common bus will be also different.

In this article, we will illustrate the dependencies of currents in segments of a distribution feeder
with a high penetration of DERs, including an advance microgrid. We will also illustrate the
dependencies of the power factors (PF) at the head of the feeder on the bus voltage.

The sample circuit for these illustrations is based on a significantly modified IEEE 13-bus model

In this sample (Figure 1), the stand-alone DERs are connected to the secondary buses of the
distribution transformers and are sized (by kW) at 20% of the transformer’s rated kVAs. The
DERs in the advanced microgrid are sized at 70% of the installed transformer kVAs. The rated
power factor of the DERs is 0.9. The reactive powers of the DERs are autonomously controlled
based on a volt-var curve with a dead zone within 96 to 98 percent of the nominal voltage. The
curve for one of the DERs is presented in Figure 2. There are three capacitors connected to the
medium voltage circuits. They can be switched ON and OFF. The distribution circuit is
connected to a transmission-to-distribution substation with a transformer with an under-load tap
changer (LTC) that has a ±10% regulation range. The substation is connected to a transmission
circuit with a Static Var Controller (SVC) that responses to voltage changes at the transmission

Figure 1. Example circuit


Reactive power, pu


0.935 0.940 0.945 0.950 0.955 0.960 0.965 0.970 0.975 0.980 0.985 0.990


Voltage at DER's terminals. pu

Figure 2. Example of DER’s volt/var control curve

The presence of autonomously controlled DERs changes the reaction of distribution operating
conditions to the changes of the voltage at the feeding substation in several ways. Some of the
differences are listed below.

 In active distribution systems, the effect of the substation’s LTC on the voltages at the
terminals along the feeder may be significantly smaller than in the “passive” distribution

Table 1 illustrates such difference for the sample circuit. The case with the DER power factor
equal one is similar to the “passive” distribution system in the sense of reactive power control.
Table 1. Ratio of voltage change at different circuit terminals over the substation LTC boost

PF=1 PF=0.9
Substation bus 0.93 0.77
Node 1205 0.84 0.56
Node 1209 0.83 0.53

 Currents in the segments of the circuits of the active distribution system react
significantly different to the bus voltage changes than they react in the “passive” systems.
Figure 3 illustrates the changes of Amps in segment 1201-1205 of the sample circuit
when the DER PF=1. As seen in the figure, when the load-to-voltage factors (LTV) are
small, lowering the bus voltage results in an increase of the Amps. However, when the
DERs actively participate in volt/var control (DER PF=0.9), reduction of bus voltage
does not increase the Amps, even when the LTV factors are small (Figure 4). The current
changes in these cases are more significant than in the cases of “passive” circuits due to
the changes of injections of the reactive power by the volt/var controlling DERs. As seen
in Figure 3, the maximum increase in Amps is about 1.5%, while in Figure 4 it is about
7%. This factor should be taken into account, especially, when there is a need in
increasing the bus voltage and the currents in some segments are close to the limits.

The much greater percentage changes of the Amps in sunny days are due to the grater kW
injections by the DERs and, therefore, smaller net currents.



Change of distribution current, % of base current




0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 1.02 1.04


Bus Voltage, pu of 1.05Vnom

Cap OFF, LTV=1, DER PF - 1, clouds Cap ON, LTV =1, DER PF =1, clouds
Cap ON, LTV-0.5, DER PF =1, Clouds Cap-OFF, LTV=0.5, DER PF= 1, clouds

Figure 3. Current dependency on bus voltage. DER PF = 1. Cloudy day


Change of distribution current, % of base current




0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04






Bus Voltage, pu of 1.05Vnom

DER PF=0.9, LTV=1, Cap=ON, clouds DER PF=0.9, LTV=1, Cap=OFF, clouds
DER PF=0.9, LTV=1, Cap=ON, Sunny DER PF=0.9, LTV=1, Cap=OFF, Sunny
Load PF-0.9. LTV=0.5. Cap=ON, clouds

Figure 4. Current dependency on bus voltage. Rated DER PF = 0.9

 The changes of the power factors at the buses of active distribution networks due to bus
voltage changes may significantly differ from the conventional values. Figure 5 illustrates
the changes of the power factor at the feeding substation bus for different operating
conditions of the sample circuit. As seen in the figure, when the DERs actively
participate in the volt/var control (DER PF=1), the increase in bus voltage results in
significantly lower power factors due to the reduced injections of the reactive power by
the DERs. The unusually low values of the power factor in sunny days are due to the
significantly smaller net kW flow from the substation bus.


Power Factor of distribution net load, pu





0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05
Bus Voltage, pu of 1.05Vnom

"Cap = ON, clouds Cap = OFF, Sunny cap= ON, Sunny

Cap = OFF, Clouds "Cap=ON, clouds, DER PF=1"

Figure 5. Power factor at the T and D demarcation bus

Dependencies of other operational parameters of the active distribution network on the voltage of
the feeding bus are addressed in earlier publications [2]-[4].


1. This article addresses the effects of central voltage regulators, such as substations LTC,
on the voltages, currents, and power factors in active distribution networks.
2. In active distribution networks, the performances of these operational parameters may
significantly differ from the ones in conventional distribution systems.
3. The reactions of the operational parameters to the bus voltage changes are different under
different operating and ambient conditions.

4. These differences may impose additional constraints on the control of the distribution
system, especially in cases of mixed active and passive feeders fed from one bus.
5. Taking into account the diversity and the complexity of the operating conditions of active
distribution networks, near real-time information exchanges between the involved actors,
as well as a timely processing of this information should be provided [5]-[6].


1. Radial Distribution Test Feeders, Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee Report.

Available: https://ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/dsacom/testfeeders/testfeeders.pdf

2. Nokhum Markushevich, Uncertainty of Voltage Control in Active Distribution Networks.

Available: https://www.scribd.com/document/376554187/Uncertainty-of-Voltage-
3. Nokhum Markushevich, Voltage Reduction Effect in Active Distribution Networks.
Available: https://www.scribd.com/document/376755241/Voltage-Reduction-Effect-in-
4. Nokhum Markushevich, Operations of Smart Inverters in Active Distribution Networks.
Available: https://www.scribd.com/document/376627135/Operations-of-Smart-Inverters-
5. Nokhum Markushevich, Information Support of Operations of Power Systems with
Active Distribution Networks. Available: http://www.energycentral.com/c/iu/information-
6. Information Exchange between Advanced Microgrids and Electric Power Systems.
Available: https://www.scribd.com/document/376567099/Information-Exchange-

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