Session 3 Lesson Plan - Writing

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Intermediate Reading


PSU Student: Mrs. Payne Grade Level: 4

Session #: 3 Content Area: Reading

Lesson Title: Writing and Advertisement


(Complete all strands that apply. The section is worth 3 points. Delete strands that do not apply.)

 BOX SUB HEADING: Production and Distribution of Writing
 STANDARD: W.4.5 With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and
strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.


Objective: (What will students know and/or be able to do as a result of this lesson?) (2 points)
Evaluation: (You must be able to measure the demonstrated objective.) (2 points)
(Ex: The students will correctly label the layers of the earth with at least 80% accuracy.
(Objective) (Evaluation)
Ex: Students will use writing sequence words by writing a paragraph with a minimum of three
sequence words. (Objective) (Evaluation)


The student will enhance 10 sentences, giving them banana split words, with at least 80%

MATERIALS: (1 point)
Banana Split Word Idea List
10 Boring sentences
The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snickett
Colored pencils
Example of advertisement

ANTICIPATORY SET: (2 points) How are you going to get their attention?
Picture of a big banana split in the center of the board

LESSON INTRODUCTION: (2 points) State Objectives (in “kid language”) for today’s lesson.]
“Today we are going to talk some more about our six trait writing. We are going to talk about
word choice and making some improvements to some sentences.”

TEACHER INSTRUCTION: (2 points) Script every word you plan to say.

“Do you remember which one word choice was?”
- “It means to use banana split words.”
“Yes. It means to use banana split words, to use exciting words.”
“I have some sentences here for us to work through.”
Take out sentences
Wait to take out idea list until student gets stuck thinking of a word
Go through and beef up each of the sentences – student making the changes.
“We are going to read a little bit in our book today. We will read one chapter today and during
the chapter we are going to stop sometimes and improve the sentence or identify some banana
split words.”
Read one chapter. (6 pages) stopping 3 times to identify words or improve the sentence.
“Now I would like you to think of an object, any object you want.”
“You are going to make an advertisement for that object you just thought of! This one is mine.”
Show my example of my pen advertisement

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: (2 points) How are you going to make sure the students
understand the skill?
The student will decide how to make the sentence better. I will pick random sentences out of
our book and the student will enhance them if needed.
practice the skill
The student will enhance sentences provided, the student will enhance sentences from the
book we read. The student will create an advertisement for a product of his choice using
banana split words.
CLOSURE: (2 points) [Share Closure (in “kid language”) for today’s lesson.]
Restate the introduction, give a quick summary, tell how the skill will be used in the future.
“Today we talked about word choice in sentences. You have done so well making boring words
into banana split words! I hope you continue to use the banana split words, Mrs. Timms is going
to be so impressed with your word choice!”
Timmy – Does not have full movement of his hands and stutters frequently, allow extra time for
speaking and writing.

Nora – Has a peanut allergy, not needed in this lesson.

PRESENTATION/SAMPLE/DELIVERY: (3 points) What examples/visuals were used?

6 Traits Anchor Chart

One sentence I have enhanced

My example of advertisement

List of words that could be banana split words we use

Practicum Lesson Plan Rubric

(Mrs. Abbott will fill out this part)
PTS. POSSIBLE Name________________________
0123 Lesson Title And Strand (Box Subheading/Standard)
012 Objective (action)
012 Evaluation (measurable)
01 Materials
012 Anticipatory Set
012 Lesson Introduction: (Share Objectives “For today’s lesson...”)
0123 Teacher Instruction
012 Check For Understanding
012 Application/Guided Practice/Independent Practice
012 Closure: (Share Closure “For today’s lesson...)
012 Differentiated Instruction
012 Practicum Presentation/Delivery/Sample_____________________________


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